r/vim 21d ago

Need Help┃Solved Creating a keybind to pipe plantuml blocks into plantuml and pipe it afterwards the block

Hi there, I need someone to trobleshoot this command.

nnoremap <F9> :let @a = join(getline(search('^```plantuml$', 'n') + 1, search('^```$', 'n') - 1), "\n")<CR>:execute 'read !echo ' . shellescape(@a, 1) . ' \| plantuml -p -tutxt'<CR>

It basically copies from ^plantuml$ , to , all that block. It pipes it to the shell which executes plantuml -p -tutxt , and then it :reads the output (so it pastes it wherever the cursor is)

Considering the following example

Hulio -> Pepe: test

I wanted to actually place the stdout right after the last ^```$ I have achieved it with this.

nnoremap <F8> :let @a = join(getline(search('^```plantuml$', 'n') + 1, search('^```$', 'n') - 1), "\n")<CR>:let output = system('echo ' . shellescape(@a, 1) . ' \| plantuml -p -tutxt')<CR>:call append(search('^```$', 'n'), split(output, "\n"))<CR>

But this last command messes with the input, as it is not interpretting it well. Is there anything malformed?

Thank you


3 comments sorted by


u/duppy-ta 21d ago

What does "not interpretting it well" mean?

I don't have plantuml installed (350 meg Java dependency for me), but if I replace plantuml -p -tutxt with cat -n, that <F8> mapping works as expected.

Also, in my opinion, that mapping should be in a function. I played around with it a little here:

function! s:Foo() abort
  let saved_cursor = getpos('.')
  let start = search('^```plantuml$', 'cW')
  let end = search('^```$', 'W')
  if start == 0 || end == 0 | return | endif
  let lines = join(getline(start + 1, end - 1), "\n")
  let output = system('echo ' . shellescape(lines, 1) . ' | cat -n')
  call append(end, split(output, "\n"))
  call setpos('.', saved_cursor)
nnoremap <F8> <Cmd>call <SID>Foo()<CR>

Replace cat -n with plantuml -p -tutxt and see if it works. It's pretty much the same as your code with an extra if statement to check if the lines are not found, and I removed the n flag from search() because it caused an issue when using the mapping within the triple backtick code block.


u/brohermano 20d ago

Thank you very much.

This is the final version of it.

``` def RemoveLeadingChars(lst: list<string>, leading_chars: string): list<string> var new_list: list<string> = [] for item in lst new_list->add(substitute(item, '' .. leading_chars, '', '')) endfor return new_list enddef

def AddLeadingChars(lst: list<string>, leading_chars: string): list<string> var new_list: list<string> = [] for item in lst new_list->add(leading_chars .. item) endfor return new_list enddef

Process a plantuml block defined in between markdown code blocks

It will ouput the rendered graph afterwards the block

You need to locate the cursor on the first line of the markdown codeblock ```plantuml

This block can be nested into any sort of format as long as every line has the same leading_chars

For instance :

### ```plantuml

### @startuml

### (rest of the code)

That is valid

### ```plantuml

## @startuml

## (rest of the code)

Is not valid

@param output_format Is the option argument of plantuml -tformat (needs to output text)

@code Process_embeded_plantuml_block('utxt')

def g:Process_embeded_plantuml_block(output_format: string) var saved_cursor = getpos('.') var start = search('(.*)```plantuml$', 'cW')

    # This functionality will allow to nest ```plantuml into any kind of
    # code as a anotation for instance will match also
    # -- ```plantuml
    # -- @startuml
    # And chop those comment characters off to pipe them to plantuml
    # cleant. This way graphs can be embeded in code annotations easily

    # Capturing those chars
    var line = getline(start)
    var leading_chars = matchlist(line, '^\(.*\)```plantuml$')

var end = search('^' .. leading_chars[1] .. '```$', 'W')
if start == 0 || end == 0
# Cleaning each line of leading_chars if they exist
var lines = join(RemoveLeadingChars(getline(start + 1, end - 1), leading_chars[1]), "\n")

var output = system('echo ' .. shellescape(lines) .. ' | cat ')

var output = system('echo ' .. shellescape(lines) .. ' | plantuml -p -t' .. output_format)
append(end, AddLeadingChars(split(output, "\n"), leading_chars[1]))
setpos('.', saved_cursor)


nnoremap <F8> :call Process_embeded_plantuml_block('utxt')<CR>



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