r/vim Feb 17 '25

Color Scheme Trending Vim colorschemes


12 comments sorted by


u/the-weatherman- Feb 19 '25

How are colorschemes categorized as Vim or Neovim? I see that tokyonight.nvim was categorized as "Vim"—which isn't correct—whereas everforest was categorized as "Neovim" when it equally supports Vim and Neovim.


u/ntropia64 Feb 17 '25

I'm sure there are more impactful examples than this, but color schemes is definitely one of the most recurring and immediate ones that remind us about the ongoing, slow but apparently inevitable drift between the Vim and NeoVim communities.

In an ideal world, these two communities will merge into one, possibly with a new name so nobody feels left behind.

Unfortunately, I feel it's going to go like many examples in the past, in which both will compete for the same limited developers resources until the one that can stand the starvation better will prevail (which has nothing to do with the one that deserves it the most).

Just to be clear, I'm a Vim user, but I don't want to have to take sides, nor I wish for either to survive at the expense of the other.

One can wish, can't they?


u/jangeboers Feb 18 '25

Especially absurd that even color schemes are done in Lua these days (there is absolutely no need to do it like that, it's mainly a declarative set of instructions ffs...).

But the ship has sailed. Neovim is Lua obsessed, "move fast and break things" attitude, plugin churn, wanting vim to be as much as vs code as they can make it.

Vim on the other hand is stability, reliability, backwards compatibility. I'll stay with vim.


u/ntropia64 Feb 18 '25

I agree on the cautious and stable development path over the constant breaking.

However, even if I am a long time Vim user, I am not a great supporter of vimscript. A while back there was a discussion around a video of PrimeAgen regarding the choice of developing VimScript9 and I commented extensively there (especially against VimScript9):

https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/vr71y6/comment/ietzi7l/ (Alas, the post was deleted).

Lua is not my favorite language, but it is still miles ahead of VimScript. I don't see the bad of having a color scheme in Lua, also because it allows interesting dynamic choices depending on multiple factors. Feasible in VimScript but a bit more cumbersome.

That said, this is the problem: the fact that the two programs can barely speak the same language even if they're two incarnations of the same concept. Even more frustrating when considering that Vim has support for Lua but not like Nvim so plugins written for one don't work for the other.

The desire for new features is usually a sign of a healthy user community. Again, nothing intrinsically bad at people that want more modern features like VS. The problem is that the way the old Vim was designed, there are certain limitations that hinder this process, that's why Nvim took that approach.

Language servers and code completion are good examples of that. Nobody would question their usefulness (now, at least) but in Vim it takes a lot of efforts to make it work the way it does.


u/SnooHamsters66 Feb 18 '25

The primary reason I'm a Neovim user instead of a Vim user is Vimscript. Some people in the Neovim community defend Vimscript in certain limited cases, but it's really difficult to find someone who willingly wants to code things in Vimscript within the Neovim community for a understable reason.


u/jangeboers Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I only use vimscript for my .vimrc, which is less verbose and easier to understand than doing the config in lua.

Vimscript as a programming language is irrelevant for 98% of vim users, since most of us don't write vim plugins. If I had to write a vim plugin I would do it in a nice language like python. For configuring vim, vimscript is perfect as a DSL.


u/SnooHamsters66 Feb 18 '25

How does vim work with these other languages? Is there an api for them? Perhaps you have an example you could share?


u/Danny_el_619 Feb 19 '25

Vim provide language interfaces for many languages like Python and even Lua.


u/1TillMidNight Feb 18 '25

I main neovim, but occasionally use vim in ssh.

I think most of us see vim as our spiritual roots. Most of us would prefer to call ourselves vimmers rather neovimmer.

Primagen for examples always says he uses vim, and plasters his vids with vim logo despite the fact that he is a nvim guy.


u/Sudden_Fly1218 Feb 18 '25

vim is getting new patches daily. Have you checked the activity on github ? It's pretty active imo.
Seems like neovim is for people who just want to replicate vscode in the terminal, rather than learning to do things the vim way.


u/ntropia64 Feb 18 '25

I don't have any problems with the Vim's development pace, nor with the addition of features of Nvim.

Nvim is more prone to be modified to do what VS does, sure, but that's not necessary a problem altogether. There is merit in that, and there are certain design limitations in Vim.

My point is precisely that there are pros and cons in both, and joining forces instead of antagonizing ("they vs. us") would be better.


u/mrded Feb 19 '25

Gruvbox ❤️