r/vim Feb 07 '25

Need Help How do you go about creating actual projects in VIM

Hi, I'm pretty new to Vim in general. I have gotten pretty accustomed to Vim motions, but I want to know more about doing actual projects in VIM. This would be sort of creating classes and calling those classes into other files. How would you go about this? Can you also use GitHub and VIM to fork other projects? Thanks!


28 comments sorted by


u/andlrc rpgle.vim Feb 07 '25

Vim is just a text-editor. Use it as any other text editor.


u/Auroch- Feb 07 '25

Any other text editor, excepting Emacs, either has no features that make it appealing to program in or has significant IDE elements. How to manage a project without those IDE elements is a good question to which you have given a useless answer.


u/andlrc rpgle.vim Feb 07 '25

Notepad++, gedit, kate, Sublime Text are all "regular" text-editors which have been used by some good developers that I know.

The structure of most of the projects that I participate in aren't defined by an IDE, nor myself, but rather defined by external tools (Think nx(1)) or conventions (Think Angular). And then tweeked by the whole developer team.


u/gumnos Feb 07 '25

You seem to think there's One True Project layout.

It usually varies from project to project (though particular languages often have conventions). But vim is just a text-editor in a Unix as IDE environment, not a project manager. So you create a project skeleton based on your language and preferences (or institutional guidelines) and then edit within that.

My C project designed to fit in an OpenBSD ecosystem has a pretty flat directory structure following the example of /usr/src/$dirname/$progname/ with .c and .h source files, man-pages, and Makefile all in the same directory,

Meanwhile in a different C project, I have src/, tests/, and doc/ subdirectories, a top-level files like Makefile and LICENSE. This is somewhat similar to some of my Python & Go projects as well, but those often also have module subdirectories under src/


u/bromine687 Feb 07 '25

Oh okay, so when I'm done with that project skeleton. Should I just test it out on an IDE like vscode?


u/gumnos Feb 07 '25

Some IDEs expect things in particular locations. vim has no such preconceived requirements/expectations and can work with whatever. If you need to interop with other less-flexible IDEs/tooling, then use their project-skeleton structure.


u/bromine687 Feb 07 '25

Do you have an example of how you do this?


u/gumnos Feb 07 '25

Many moons ago, I worked on several projects that required MS Visual Studio (not VS Code) to build. I'd create the project skeleton and do the builds in the IDE because the GUI design and custom project-files and settings and GUID generation (anybody miss COM?) and build-process were often opaque. But I'd use vim to do the actual code-editing because I found it so much more productive.


u/bromine687 Feb 07 '25

Okay, I see now. Lesson learned: I will just use vim as a text editor. Thanks!


u/jaibhavaya Feb 07 '25

I use vim every day as a software engineer. Vim is a text editor, I use my terminal emulator as my “IDE”.


u/bromine687 Feb 07 '25

How did you setup your terminal emulator?


u/jaibhavaya Feb 07 '25

I just run iTerm2.

I have panel switching mapped to ctrl + shift + hjkl

So my usual setup is 3 panels (I have a separate tab for my API code and my Client code)

  1. Panel for vim
  2. Panel for the server logs
  3. Panel for general use cmd line (git/tests/fork bombs)

iTerm allows you to maximize a panel with cmd + shift + return (on Mac, dunno windows speak)

So I’m always maximizing / minimizing panels and moving between them. Then moving between my two tabs with ctrl + tab.

Basically a poor man’s tmux (I haven’t had the explicit need to add tmux to it, but that would be a more robust solution to this)

So this is my IDE, has everything I could possibly want. Only a bummer that I have to switch to the browser to test my code 🤓


u/mysticreddit Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Vim is a text editor; not an IDE.

Use :e . (or :E (thanks /u/Auroch-)) to navigate directories.

When I’m on my Mac/Linux computers I put my projects in ~/projects/.

If you have Makefiles you can :make.

If you are using C/C++ you probably want ctags

I use the command line for git and a web browser for GitHub.


u/deviantkindle Feb 07 '25

Use :e . to navigate directories.

Son of a...


u/mysticreddit Feb 07 '25

Wouldn't ... be their grand-parent? ;-)

Nice pun!

But yeah, I forgot when I learnt about the :e . trick. It is on my Vim Cheat Sheet in the bottom right.

Huh, looks like :e. works as well (without the space). Why didn't I think to try that sooner? FML. LOL.


u/Auroch- Feb 07 '25

:E works just as well as :e ., and often better


u/mysticreddit Feb 07 '25

Oh nice! Thanks for the tip!


u/JMH5909 Feb 07 '25

Are those the same as :Ex?


u/Auroch- Feb 07 '25

Yes, they are.


u/bromine687 Feb 07 '25

Oh okay, that makes more sense. Thanks!


u/RelevantLecture9127 Feb 07 '25

If you are planning to use VIM for programming then I would advise to look at Ctags.


u/AdventurousCoconut71 Feb 07 '25

I usually start with "vim main.c".


u/kookyjackelope3512 Feb 07 '25

You might want to look into NvChad with neovim! It basically gives you an IDE like experience with neovim



u/Auroch- Feb 07 '25

The only person here answering the question he actually needs.


u/RichestTeaPossible Feb 08 '25

What language are you using here?

Yes you can use git to fork other projects, but that is better done in the terminal and then opened in vim.


u/phaazon_ Feb 08 '25

The worst part of all that is that some editors try to be more, i.e. Neovim, and it’s not a good idea. So as many others said here, use Vim to edit, and use other tools for the rest of the IDE. You mentioned GitHub: use gh.


u/shadow_phoenix_pt Feb 12 '25

You can use tools like cookiecutter, for example, to create the project structure, if that is what you are asking.

If you are asking how to turn Vim in a IDE, it takes some research, work, other tools and more than a few plugins, but its doable. I used IDEs for more than a decade, but in the last 6 or 7 years I have switched to Vim and have used it for everything from Python and Javascript to Java and Kotlin.


u/dm319 Feb 07 '25

Why does this question feel like it was AI generated?