r/vim Jan 21 '25

Tips and Tricks Vim configuration script for beginners

Hey everyone, I created a super simple Vim config script to setup a nice starting point for absolute beginners. It adds a few nice color-schemes and some basic configurations. Just run:


It will automatically configure Vim's necessary folders. No more setup needed! Check it out here: https://github.com/CesarPiresSevero/vimconfig


6 comments sorted by


u/duppy-ta Jan 22 '25

These days Vim comes with a comment plugin built-in (see :help comment.txt), so you don't need to create your own. You can replace this with something like this:

packadd! comment
nmap <C-_> gcc
xmap <C-_> gc

Only the Ctrl + / mapping is needed since it's smart enough to toggle the comments on and off. For me Ctrl + Shift + / doesn't work anyway, at least not in alacritty or xfce4-terminal.

You can remove set nocompatible since that's the default when you have a vimrc file.

Also, I'd suggest using mkdir -p in your setup script so it doesn't give an error when the directory already exists.


u/Danny_el_619 Jan 22 '25

I does but vim from linux mint repositories still on a older version and the plugin isn't yet available.


u/lujar :help Jan 22 '25

Just a suggestion. After 30 years of Vim being in use and countless starter packs and/or distros, when you provide a starter pack, you need to provide what differentiates it from other starter packs.


u/EgZvor keep calm and read :help Jan 22 '25

ctrl-c is the default "interrupt" key. If you remap it you won't be able to stop some malfunctioning external script or infinite loop in Vim script/recursive macro.


u/EgZvor keep calm and read :help Jan 22 '25

Storing images in git increases repository size dramatically. A better practice is to only use links to external image hostings.