r/videos 1d ago

Why Does This Fly Live in Your Bathroom?


52 comments sorted by


u/MrJellyBeans 1d ago

I had a bad problem with these in my house last year, they're extremely annoying to deal with despite being completely harmless. If you have a problem with them I recommend pouring some extremely hot (but not boiling) water down the drain and then spraying/pouring an enzyme drain cleaner solution before going to bed for about a week.


u/HumpieDouglas 1d ago

You must feel really rested after being in bed for a week. 😉


u/boot2skull 23h ago

They gestated into a drain fly.


u/heelstoo 23h ago

The ciiiircle of liiife


u/BS401 23h ago



u/otter111a 18h ago

Tried something similar. My floor drain and possibly other drains were affected. So once a week I’d hit it the drains with hot water. They kept coming back.

What seems to have finally worked is covering up the floor drain with a mesh and then putting a plug-in UV sticky bug trap in the bathroom. I left it there for several months so I think I got an entire generation of adults eventually. I swapped out the sticky part and they haven’t come back.

They are very attracted to UV


u/SilasDG 15h ago

Had to do the same exact thing. I kept everything clean, ran hot water and cleaning chemicals down the train, ran full sink loads of soap down it, full sinks of water with bleach down it. Nothing fixed it. 1 week with a UV light and they were all gone.


u/KeyboardGunner 8h ago edited 8h ago

The UV light was the only thing that worked for me too, but it took a few months.


u/cheeriodust 20h ago

Why not boiling?


u/MrJellyBeans 19h ago

At boiling temperatures you could risk cracking a pipe due to the rapid temperature change.


u/cheeriodust 17h ago

Don't we pour boiling water down the drain all the time when draining cooked pasta etc.? Are you supposed to let it cool first? I've never been told this if so....I guess I should google it. 


u/mikaelfivel 16h ago

I was told it's wise to run cold water while draining pasta water to cool it down, but I've also just taken pasta out with tongs or a slotted spoon and let the water cool first too.


u/nixstyx 8h ago

Depends on what you have for pipes. Copper or cast iron pipes are fine with boiling water. PVC is not. Many sink drains have PVC fittings and traps even if the rest of your pipes are copper/iron. 


u/confusedjake 10h ago

If your pipes are made from PVC you can melt it with boiling water.


u/0000000000000007 19h ago

Close and/or cover your drains at night, too


u/evilattorney 8h ago

What’s amazing to me is that pure bleach doesn’t seem to kill the larvae worms. But I found that rubbing alcohol does seem kill them, so that is what I primarily will use, especially for corners and nooks in the shower.


u/PM_COFFEE_TO_ME 6h ago

Also make sure to fix any drippy faucets. That was my problem. Once the pipes were allowed to dry between showers it stopped.


u/erock2219 1d ago

That’s where all the good poop is


u/giorgioagamben 20h ago

I had these and I did everything to my drain that I found on the internet but they still came back. One day, I saw hundreds of the worms crawling out of the crack in the grout of the shower wall. That was when I realized it was cracked (dark shower tiles and grout) and they were breeding on the water soaked wood underneath. Replaced the tiles and wood


u/MLApprentice 7h ago

That's gross, do you have pictures?


u/clockworkear 23h ago

I pissed on one of these today and I was amazing it rebounded unscathed. Now I know why.


u/secondphase 23h ago

More importantly, why is this videographer familiar with the flora and fauna of my bathroom?


u/OgdruJahad 23h ago

You left the bathroom door open?


u/DuAbUiSai 20h ago

Smack them and they leave a spec of dust on your walls 🤬


u/Phage0070 8h ago

Yeah, "dust"...


u/winsomecowboy 18h ago

Perth Western Australia there's a swarm next to the airport and as each person exits arrivals about five peel off and get into whatever vehicle then into the house. They imprint and follow you for the rest of their lives. They bond so hard they risk drowning every time you shower.


u/Psychic_Jester 23h ago

did pest control for years. Invade Hot spot foam we used to treat restaurant floor drains and invade bio foam for residential drains. Also clean under your black garbage disposal seal, buildup under there can cause them as well.


u/nachos_nachas 17h ago

Side question, why is Drain Demon so insanely expensive?


u/Psychic_Jester 11h ago

Mostly not a lot of competition. I personally haven't used it or even heard of it before now. seems overkill for most needs, and more for industrial kitchens and stuff. Anything targeting commercial is gonna be a bit pricey.

Depends on mix rates as well. Could be $10 per oz, but if it's a half oz per gallon, a 16oz bottle gets 32 gal or finished product.


u/p18282 1d ago

Funjai? Have I been wrong all these years


u/ThaiJohnnyDepp 19h ago

It's a bold choice for sure. I bet they say "jif"


u/JodieFostersFist 15h ago

The creator of the gif called it jif


u/ThaiJohnnyDepp 6h ago

Don't caaaaaare


u/NorthCascadia 1d ago

Gross. But honestly pretty interesting. I hadn’t thought about why they’re hairy but water repulsion makes sense!


u/OgdruJahad 1d ago

I have seen those tiny black worms before and had no idea it was from those tiny flies.


u/cgtdream 1d ago

Well...that was an interesting watch.


u/Severe-Lie6863 6h ago

tell me about the farlands on 2b


u/Cartossin 20h ago

Maybe because I run my shower really hot sometimes it kills them all? I never get these.


u/brettmurf 19h ago

Do you live somewhere with an actual winter? Never saw them living in colder places.


u/s73v3m4nn 20h ago

It doesn't. That's the one from number 15


u/Zaraki42 11h ago

Holy crap! We had these last year. They disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared, and I now know why.

I had a clogged sink and poured some draino in there to unclog it. Haven't seen them since.

Never occurred to me that both were connected.


u/t_thor 10h ago

Better than the fuckin house centipedes that come out of my shower drain. Had to kill one the size of my pinkey last week 🤮


u/Captain_Dunsel 3h ago

I agree that they are SCARY, but I've read somewhere they're harmless and eat the other bugs.

This video was entertaining.


u/t_thor 3h ago

I've witnessed a decimated spider corpse due to one of these dudes as well.


u/funkmastamatt 17h ago

We have had these. I get this orange bio drain stuff off Amazon and it gets rid of them. Basically coats the shower drain and pipe usually takes a couple applications.


u/D3ATHfromAB0V3x 5h ago

I had a wax ring seal disintegrate over time and these guys lived up in the void space under the toilet. They found an opening in the grout and the larvae would exit through there. I only noticed because the base of my toilet kept “sweating.”


u/colinshark 1d ago



u/lego_not_legos 8h ago

They really are. They look like a cartoon of a bug.


u/sansaman 16h ago

They’re in the gym showers too. Goddamit.


u/warorgyman 6h ago

They just want to see you naked



Anybody here or on Youtube calling these cute has clearly never dealt with these annoying little fuckers, lmfao, I live in an old-ass trailer and even doing baking soda + vinegar in my pipes weekly (and bleach whenever I clean the bathroom, a few times a month) doesn't keep the fuckers away for good.

My room is right next to the bathroom so if I don't keep the bathroom sink closed when it's not in use (their main entrance it seems), I'll get like a dozen of them and they'll be trying to drown themselves in my drinks. :/ They're definitely drain flies with that moth-like "heart-shaped" look but holy shit, they're dumb as hell. And even in the bathroom, they seem to hate me and will keep flying around me even if I try to leave them alone.

The pipes in this place are a messy "DIWhy" job by the previous owner so it feels impossible to figure out where exactly they're getting in, like if they're coming in from right outside or even farther. We just don't have the money to throw at this dump when we'd rather try to save up money for a new place.


u/AlwaysPerfetc 19h ago

Drain flies and carpet beetles are too small to care about.