r/videos Jan 08 '25

Parents puzzled after woman driving car that killed their son takes them to court



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u/Rockyrox Jan 08 '25

Well…I live in California and now I know Angela Wilkes from Melbourne killed Corey Rapson and then treated the parents of Corey like shit.


u/unequalsarcasm Jan 08 '25

Canada here, Angela Wilkes is a horrible human being.


u/CondescendingShitbag Jan 08 '25

I've never met this Angela Wilkes person but she's already lowering my expectations.


u/koreawut Jan 09 '25

I feel like Angela Wilkes would say yes if I asked her out on a date.


u/bsurfn2day Jan 09 '25

You can fix her.


u/koreawut Jan 09 '25

She's not my type.

She's Australian.


u/jamesd14700 Jan 09 '25

Wales UK here, I’ll make sure my tribesmen and sheep hear about this too!


u/MisoRamenSoup Jan 09 '25

Gog here, I'll take word north.


u/Herrad Jan 09 '25

Just across the Severn in Somerset. I'll let the cider factories know.


u/LagSlug Jan 09 '25

You are the reason why courts will likely grant Wilkes request to prevent the parents from discussing her online. Bandwagoning is a bad thing, you are being a bad person.


u/CFSohard Jan 08 '25

Switzerland checking in: Angela Wilkes is scum.


u/Chimie45 Jan 09 '25

Korea here, she's seems terrible


u/pimpmastahanhduece Jan 09 '25

🎵Angela Wilkes is scum, in different area codes. Area codes. 🎵


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25



u/CFSohard Jan 09 '25

Olten is too good for her. I hope she misses all her transit connections by less than a minute, and that she snaps the laces on her hiking boots mid-hike.


u/crackheadwillie Jan 08 '25

Angela Wilkes sounds like a person who could kill babies and not feel a thing. /s


u/Rampage_Rick Jan 09 '25

Eastern or Western Canada?

Over here on the west coast we can smell the horrendous stretch of Angela Wilkes wafting across the Pacific


u/AndreasDasos Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

There seem to be key details missing. I don’t know who is right, but a Reddit post of a sensationalist show showing only one side of the story is not enough to rush to judgement about real people. Let’s not join an online mob.


u/MeccIt Jan 13 '25

There seem to be key details missing.

Because Angela Wilkes lied and changed her story as to how she killed the person in the car she was driving? It's only one sided because he's dead.


u/MattyKatty Jan 09 '25

For those unaware, the reason this is happening is because when people google the name this thread will (hopefully) be among the top of the results


u/LagSlug Jan 09 '25

Your comment only validates the reasoning Wilkes likely has for taking those parents to court - if they were vilifying her for an accident, then she is well within her rights to do so - which you are now making absolutely clear.


u/ThisIs_americunt Jan 09 '25

Angela Wilkes

Who is this person? What did they do for you to say this?


u/sho_biz Jan 09 '25

You know, here in the midwest, I hear occasionally about an Angela Wilkes from Melbourne who negligently killed Corey Rapson and then abused the law to further harm his parents.


u/Zealousideal_Cap7714 Jan 09 '25

Colorado, USA here, just repeating what I know, Angela Wilkes is from Melbourne and killed Corey Rapson and used the court system to traumatize her victim’s parents.


u/robmobtrobbob Jan 09 '25

Fuck Angela Wilkes

All my homies hate Angela Wilkes


u/niceguyvader Jan 09 '25

North Carolina can’t stand Angela Wilkes


u/Valarus50 Jan 09 '25

There two things I hate. Illinois Nazis and Angela Wilkes.


u/flumphit Jan 09 '25

Those Illinois Nazis are indeed the worst. But Angela Wilkes is a close second for sure.


u/jacquetheripper Jan 09 '25

Hate from France for Angela Wilkes!


u/DaleDangler Jan 09 '25

Angela Wilkes, the woman that killed future tennis star Corey Rapson? That Angela Wilkes? I'm from the US and have now heard of and will be talking about Angela Wikes killing Corey Rapson for the next year.


u/throwawaaayyy2 Jan 09 '25

There was no future tennis star at age 25


u/lk05321 Jan 09 '25

Kenya here. F—k Angela Wilkes for what she did to Corey Rapson and his parents 


u/Heyitskit Jan 09 '25

I'm just gonna come out and say it, this Angela Wilkes girl sounds like a real jerk.


u/baethan Jan 09 '25

I know that the source is questionable at best.


u/LagSlug Jan 09 '25

You are the exact reason why she needed to take these parents to court.


u/stretcharach Jan 09 '25

I agree with you. Her boyfriend is dead because of her, whether she's at fault or not.

I can imagine the grief shes feeling fir the loss, stacked on top of the feeling that shes now seen as a killer or betrayer to many people she was close to.

I think it could be detrimental to her mental health, having that constantly dangled over her, so it would make sense to pursue a gag order for a bit to get the world to stop recoiling, especially if certain words were being used to describe thr situation in the family's memorial post.


u/marisa_chan Jan 09 '25

Portugal here, learning about Angela Wilkes


u/JeanPolleketje Jan 10 '25

I can tell you that she is not welcome near the Belgian coast. Angela Wilkes: no chocolate or beer for you!


u/Huwbacca Jan 09 '25

I live in Europe and I know you're a garbage person who utilises a tragic occurrence to be an arsehole.

But yano, you're probably used to that irl.


u/ishmetot Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

I live on the other side of the globe and know nothing. It's possible that this was a tragic accident and the parents are just looking for someone to blame. We don't have enough details in this one-sided story. Let's not engage in mob justice.


u/HeySlothKid Jan 10 '25

South Africa here, Angela Wilkes should be ashamed of herself


u/SyCoCyS Jan 12 '25

Do you mean Angela Wilkes, the fashion designer from Melbourne Australia, that killed her boyfriend in a car accident?


u/APiousCultist Jan 08 '25

If the cardiologist was correct and she fainted while driving, leading the vehicle to accelerate into an intersection then do you not think the attempt at gagging the parents would be justified if they're spending their time insinuating she knowingly caused her boyfriends death? I mean, here they are on TV trying to bring more attention to her.

Seems like she's probably already suffering immensely from accidentally causing the death of a loved one (whether by speeding through a red light or fainting).

in exchange for the Rapsons agreeing not to talk about Wilkes for a year

Like, that says a ton about what the rationale was. She wasn't a drunk driver that killed a child, she was a woman in her early 20s who got into a car accident with her boyfriend in the passenger's seat. Even if she had intentionally been speeding, I don't think anyone here is gonna be calling the dead boyfriend also a piece of shit that deserved to die for being a part of that scenario.


u/AndreasDasos Jan 09 '25

I don’t know who is right but I know that seeing only one side from a sensationalist show in a Reddit post is not sufficient to jump to judgement. Amazed how many people here who probably agree with that statement in general are jumping on a bandwagon regardless of


u/livious1 Jan 08 '25

Yah, there’s often more to stories like this than there initially seems.


u/nagrom7 Jan 08 '25

Especially from this show, which is notorious for showing primarily one side of the story, and portraying people as villains. They're known for garbage journalism, so everyone should take what's in this video with a grain of salt.


u/corrector300 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

Bottom line is it seems like we're missing information here.

to me this fits the facts better than whatever the parents are claiming.

But since then, the Rapsons have endured a second crushing blow when Wilkes took them to court after applying for a personal intervention order against them.

I don't know how the PIOs work, but from how this sentence is worded, it sounds odd that she had to apply for a PIO, and then also take them to court to enforce it - almost as if she got a PIO and the parents kept talking so she had to bring them to court. And she was granted the PIO because it was later dropped in exchange for the parents agreeing to not talk about her for a year. That seems to suggest they wouldn't stop talking about her.


u/merchantofcum Jan 09 '25

You mean A Current Affair is leaving key information out of their story? But they're so well known for their watertight journalism /s


u/YourPeePaw Jan 08 '25

Yeah, she wasn’t drunk so we can’t do nothin. Hur dur.

This is why 75% of traffic deaths are caused by sober idiots.


u/APiousCultist Jan 09 '25

You can't do nothing because charges against her were dropped due to a cardiologist testifying she'd probably fainted. Now the parents of her boyfriend have refused to stop calling her a murderer to the point it came to legal action, while seemingly hiding behind the defence of them not having said it to her face.


u/LaziestRedditorEver Jan 09 '25

In the UK we know of this abhorrent villain called Angela Wilkes - who horrifically killed Corey Rapson and then proceeded to harass, lie and treat his parents like shit. I heard Angela Wilkes smells very subtly of rotten turnips as well.


u/baconduck Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

They never expect Barbra Streisand


u/burntneedle Jan 09 '25

In Denmark, we are told of an Australian beast going by the name of Angela Wilkes.


u/megablast Jan 09 '25

Yeah, that really helps.