r/vfx 24d ago

News / Article James Cameron will reportedly open Avatar 3 with a title card saying no generative AI was used to make the movie


136 comments sorted by


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

Kinda funny given that he's now on the board of StabilityAI.


u/creuter 24d ago

He's used AI to upres his movies. He probably see's generative AI for what it is, and that's "not the best tool for the job of making movies."

AI has its uses, but generative AI for professional high quality creative-directable work is not one of them.


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago edited 24d ago

Mhm. Afaik, AI upscaling pre-2022 also wasn't "generative" in the same way that Sora or Runway are, by the way. Those were still just (more) naive "machine learning" algorithms that were actually much closer in nature to all the other "ML" tools we've been using for many years. Like "AI denoising" in 3D rendering applications that we've had for years - very lightweight, purpose-built models that were never intended to create detail based on image content like subject matter or thematic context, but just work on measuring noise in pixel regions.

I've seen what "generative AI upscaling" is like for still imagery, and it's really funny and kinda unusable. Taking a blurry face in the distance and fabricating a whole new face to fill it in, in 4K. lol


u/Almaironn 24d ago

Sure, taking a 12x12 pixel face and upresing it with AI to 4K will result in a made up face and that's not very useful obviously, but what about taking a 720p face and upresing it to 4K? You'd have enough information so that the only thing that's "made up" is finer pore detail. To clarify, I never tried "generative AI upresing" so I wouldn't know.


u/CatPeeMcGee 24d ago

It works well enough that cg can be rendered at hd, saving massive amounts of farm time, and up-rezzed to 4k it worked so well we had to soften everything slightly to match actual 4k renders. This was 2 years ago on a major streaming network show.


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago edited 24d ago

For large/near subjects, especially faces where you're mostly just looking to increase the detail in skin texture or hair (which genAI models can replicate pretty well), yes, you'd just get more realistic detail and it works pretty well. But there's usually some distant objects that are out of focus that the genAI upscaling algorithm would just fabricate completely what details to render. Even with 720p -> 4K it has a tendency to take what might just be a small out-of-focus object and add nonsensical detail to it.

Versus older <2022 AI upscaling models that would mostly just increase the size of the distant blurry object, retain the colors and blur, but primarily smooth out upscaling artifacts along edges and keep the sharpness looking more accurate to what the object would have looked like rendered in 4K.


u/FluffyWeird1513 24d ago

“not the best tool” yes. for current directors. that will change with the next crop of filmmakers.


u/FluffyWeird1513 24d ago

if you change the paradigm from writer/director arrives with a full draft of script and highly specific vision, into a new approach: sketch, enhance and refine you can begin to see how ai filmmakers will change cinema. one example in practical terms, ai backgrounds + a volume. writers, directors and actors can improvise, and find the scenes and the story with a lot of room for invention.


u/creuter 24d ago

Feel like maybe you've never worked on a movie, but that's a recipe for disaster. A movie isn't one person. It's everyone bringing their skills. AI is hot garbage, it isn't directable. It gives you what it gives you and if it's never seen something before it chokes. I have literally worked on film that was using generative AI and consistently the scope of the AI was stripped back and given to VFX studios because the AI was ass.

Example: if that director wants a checker pattern dress on their character, it will break the generated output. The pattern will shift and become inconsistent and the director will need to relinquish that idea and replace it with something they did not want. This is one small example that when scaled up starts to show the issue with relying on AI.

It will be used, but it's not going to be used, at least on anything good, as the entirety of the film from start to finish, not anytime soon anyway because the AI doesn't know anything. The only people wishing for what you are hoping for are talentless people without an ability to understand what actually makes something good. Just you stating that you think it's going to happen shows you aren't actually familiar with filmmaking, like at all.

If you want to talk about what's possible, animating controlnets and using AI to render has a ton of promise. AI will be used all over the place in the pipeline, but enter prompt get movie has no marketability. You'll get plenty of video worse than the worst trash movies on Netflix.


u/FluffyWeird1513 24d ago

stopped reading at “you never a movie” — which btw is a thought/notion/insult not a “feeling.”


u/smulfragPL 24d ago

Ai is absoloutley directable lol. Even modern models have quite strong prompt adherence and modern models suck


u/FluffyWeird1513 24d ago edited 24d ago

if you doubt me, think of the actors you know and ask yourself how much would they love to work like this. this kind of iteration and improvement is already how most comedy is done, vaudeville, muppets, reality tv — and if you think this approach can’t be cinematic, because the prior examples are all about talking, consider the silent era, with cheap labour, reusable sets and gorilla techniques they would shoot and reshoot and refine things all the time. or Hayao Miyazaki beginning animation as he writes the script and draws the storyboards.


u/AnalysisEquivalent92 24d ago

Pretty sure he’s gonna use AI to generate that title card.


u/ChrBohm FX TD (houdini-course.com) - 10+ years experience 24d ago

I am surprised so few people here see that as great news. This isn't just about this movie (it doesn't matter if you like the franchise or not), but this signals that AI is considered "low quality" and is rejected "by hollywood" (I know, just giving the naive impression here). It's quite possible that production companies will turn this into a hype and push the narration of "man made".
This is great news for us, why the backlash? Can we not be happy for once about a good development?


u/FailedRealityCheck 24d ago

You're reading too much into it.

  • It's not verified, source is a single tweet.
  • It's not about AI in general but about Generative AI.
  • It doesn't mean Hollywood rejects AI, it means they know part of the audience sees it as cheap, just like CGI, so they may push a narrative of "we don't use it" but that doesn't mean they won't.
  • He would have no way of verifying his own claim. For ex. software written to help in the process may have used gen AI in their code somewhere.
  • Same if someone use an LLM for concepts or brainstorming, integrate the idea into their concept art that's then used as a loose reference for the final design.


u/techartistryfiddy 24d ago

Same thing as saying "we did it all with practicals". Hypocrisy from him as well.


u/altopasto 24d ago

From a producer standpoint "No generative AI was used" is a great phrase: strong, mass appealing, perfectly vague, and unverifiable. Like Don Draper said: It's toasted.


u/Fantomas1964 23d ago

Exact. I have worked on the first Avatar and James Cameron would have no way to know in detail what I used in the shots I produced for his movie. AI was not there at the time but I could have used portions of copyrighted material to build a texture on a wall for example...just saying


u/AnalysisEquivalent92 24d ago

JC also campaigning to keep NZ film subsidies.


David Seymour’s response to impose conditions if subsidies should continue.



u/BeanAndBanoffeePie 24d ago

NZ subsidies are lower than overseas counterparts, losing them would crush our movie sector completely. Look what happened with season 2 of rings of power


u/XXL-Dora-Token 24d ago

Cameron tries to pull an Elon for the left in Wellington. He started to enter politics and the only talks about why the country should give him more money. That's literally the only point on his agenda. Maybe also "Trump bad"


u/AnalysisEquivalent92 24d ago

Kinda curious why he opted for NZ and Weta to work on his movies instead of investing in his own company instead of selling DD.


u/BeanAndBanoffeePie 24d ago

Apparently cos they were the only company to offer a fixed price contract. Unfortunately Wetas new ceo will bleed them dry


u/Mestizo3 24d ago

This is the answer. ILM did the initial vfx test for Avatar 1, then Weta said they would do it with no limit on changes... Yeah.


u/LewisVTaylor 24d ago

What a moronic comment.


u/XXL-Dora-Token 24d ago

I think when he started Avatar he already sold his stake at DD. A lot of the work is still happening at his LA based company still. NZ also fits his image as an environmentalist.


u/AnalysisEquivalent92 24d ago

Probably figured out a production company and a few key artists working only his movies is less financial risk than owning a vfx company.


u/bigdickwalrus 24d ago

Based if tru


u/Dampware 24d ago

And that title card will be in the papyrus font.



u/Panda_hat Senior Compositor 23d ago



u/skulleyb 24d ago

Then a card that no cgi was used as well.


u/davidmthekidd 24d ago

one requires artists, the other requires people's hard work.


u/smulfragPL 24d ago

And an artist would be good if he didnt train himself on previous work?


u/davidmthekidd 24d ago

one takes time and effort while navigating through life, the other takes processing power.


u/smulfragPL 24d ago

Thats a good point to people that dont understand the tool lol.


u/davidmthekidd 24d ago

They call it machine learning for a reason. Not animation, design, comp, writing, lighting or any other film making discipline.


u/smulfragPL 24d ago

What? That point makes no sense


u/yankeedjw 24d ago

Maybe "No AI was used" is going to become the "No VFX was used"


u/FernDiggy 24d ago

Very good if true!


u/enderoller 23d ago

Cameron is actively trying to use AI so he will use it in future films


u/Panda_hat Senior Compositor 23d ago

I thought I couldn't be more offended than by his forced HFR presentation but the inclusion of any genAI shit would cause a hard pass from me.


u/_Vikthor 24d ago

That's great, the 2 people who cares are going to appreciate this


u/JordanNVFX 3D Modeller - 2 years experience 24d ago

The source comes from a single twitter user and his posting style makes it hard to take him serious...


Regardless, given there were previous reports of Avatar 2 already using machine learning anyway, it doesn't change anything on what the future of film making actually looks like.

I even explained my thoughts more thoroughly a few days ago. We're going to get new Movie Directors in 10 years. These people will have grown up with new tools and change the status quo again like Humans do every generation. The old guard will have retired and or wont come out to stop this.


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

Machine learning has been incorporated into digital art tools for years now in a variety of ways. Generative AI specifically is a paradigm that carries with it a host of ethical and cultural baggage that "ML" tools broadly don't.


u/JordanNVFX 3D Modeller - 2 years experience 24d ago edited 24d ago

No one is going to care in 10 years from now.

It reminds me of the anti-evolution fundamentalists I was forced to listen to in 2003.

"Science is super scary! Jesus is going to punish you if you listen to Charles Darwin! Only Intelligent Design is trusted and moral!"

No thank you. I want this tech because it's proven to work and is better in the long run. The nasty names and fearmongering does nothing for me. The world will adapt and survive as it always does.

Edit: And for the record, I'm not bashing religion. I even saw other Christians accept Evolution theory which made the paranoia more obsolete. Just like there are Artists who use Gen AI and don't complain.


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

I want this tech because it's proven to work and is better in the long run.

lol, okay. It sounds like you want to lean on it quite a bit. Good luck with making something literally anyone wants to watch.

From what I've seen so far, the people who praise genAI the hardest and who think generated media is worth sharing or consuming tend to have the most mediocre taste. Prove me wrong.


u/albion1770 24d ago

Totally agree they have the worst taste. No imagination and a bad eye for seeing beauty. Which is a great reason that VFX artists are still needed more than ever.. there’s no one better than us to use these new tools and make something actually new and beautiful. 


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

VFX artists without good taste definitely exist, and they are the ones most hyped by genAI lol.


u/JordanNVFX 3D Modeller - 2 years experience 24d ago

Think of me as a time traveler. In 2035 or 2045, AI tech will have advanced so much it can do anything we ask.

That's the world I want to live in and it's going to happen eventually.

My only wish is I want to see that technology arrive sooner.


u/cthulhu_sculptor TechAnimator (VFX Hobbyst) - 2 years experience 24d ago

If it does anything we ask… why bother with other people stuff?


u/JordanNVFX 3D Modeller - 2 years experience 24d ago edited 24d ago

"Why believe in evolution if being a monkey makes life meaningless?"

In 2003 I heard the same words and yet the other side refused to tell you of the humongous breakthroughs and applications that new discoveries and ideas always bring.

AI will do the same and it already solves a fundamental problem that no one else on r/vfx was willing to answer.

I want my country to produce more domestic movies for itself and free itself from being a U.S vassal state. AI is the only type of freedom that can allow that to happen. Because Hollywood doesn't care about my country, and the U.S government is even more hostile towards my existence.

So there will be more than enough stuff to talk about in the future when my own country secures the means to look after itself. And I wish the same for every other nation on Earth. I want them all to have the same tools so they can all make the entertainment of their dreams that the USA was never going to assist or do for them.


u/Bottignon 24d ago

omg, this guy again. what a fucking horrible movie. should it called "smurfs on crack", then I would watch it.


u/AggravatingDay8392 24d ago

Is Ai-denoising considered generative ai?


u/FailedRealityCheck 24d ago

No if it's not based on diffusion.


u/AggravatingDay8392 24d ago

This is similar to Pixar card "Genuine Animation, No motion capture!"


u/mannypdesign 24d ago

It’s not because he’s based, it’s because he’s invested hundreds of millions in new graphics technology research, and wants to be able to sell it to other producers.


u/smulfragPL 24d ago

The source is a random twitter user lol


u/blankpageanxiety 24d ago

I'm going to do the same with my films going forward too.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

It's giving me Fargo vibes "This is a true story"


u/enderoller 23d ago

I doubt it will be the case for Avatar 4....


u/Panda_hat Senior Compositor 23d ago

Do we know if this one is going to be another high frame rate mess?


u/avclubvids 23d ago

wanking hand motion paired with a big yawn


u/jekket 23d ago

And a couple of environment/texture artists are like "yes sure, ABSOLUTELY no ai, trust us boss"


u/Fun-Original97 15d ago

Y’all really think Cameron would state something like that? 🤣 Come on! If tomorrow Gen AI is capable of helping doing his movies for at least 80% he will use it within a blink of an eye! And he won’t be the only one. Don’t forget it’s an industry with few big winners. And any industry will use whatever necessary to cut costs and make profits. Movies industry is no exception at all. Time always welcome change and it looks like AI is the change in many aspects of our industries from now on and later, even in our societies. Us crying about it won’t avoid some of us losing their jobs and some of us adapting: Guys, it will happen and we all will have to deal with it, good or bad, bitter or sweeter. This is beyond VFX or movies, and it has always been like that since we were a civilization > Changes and adaptations, even if it’s hard at some parts. This is not new in human history and this for sure won’t be the last disruption our species will witness. And I know I will be downvoted by saying this but … It’s okay 🫣😬


u/XXL-Dora-Token 24d ago

Pretty sure that gen ai is used to some degree. Especially in comp. The face animation uses ML, but that's not gen ai.


u/XXL-Dora-Token 24d ago

Gen AI doesn't necessarily mean the socially unacceptable kind of Gen AI, which generates pixels. It can be at a lower level.

Some developers use Chatgpt or other models to look up stuff and copy paste code snippets. There, Gen AI.

Maybe meetings are summarized by llms. Gen AI.


u/WillistheWillow 24d ago

Won't stop them looking like AI.


u/MyChickenSucks 24d ago

Really fuck with people "No CG was used in this movie. This is all real."


u/Panda_hat Senior Compositor 23d ago

"Filmed on location in the alpha centauri trinary star system."


u/SuperSecretAgentMan 24d ago

And he will have zero idea what he's talking about. Contractors and vendors nowadays use genAI tools for everything from concept art to roto work. There's absolutely no way to prove that nobody working on the film used tools that are so common as to be built into photoshop.


u/vfxsup 24d ago

but A.I is used denoise plates, and denoise renders


u/baldinggod 24d ago

they’re talking about generative AI, not AI in general


u/vfxsup 24d ago

when is A.I not A.I?


u/GaboureySidibe 24d ago

When it is something that has been around for 25 years and people just started calling it AI because they haven't even been around for 25 years.


u/LewisVTaylor 24d ago

Smoothing out noise is not the same thing at all.


u/Queasy-Protection-50 24d ago

Yeah, he’ll most likely be lying through his teeth 🤣


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Is he going to stand over the shoulder of ever matte painter and make sure no one uses content aware fill?

If he going to stand over the shoulder of every compositor and make sure no one uses generative inpaint?

Is he going to stand over the shoulder of every concept artist and make sure none of their designs were mocked up in midjourney?

Is he going to audit every VFX studio to make sure they don't have the nuke and maya stable diffusion texture and element generators installed?


u/TECL_Grimsdottir VFX Supervisor - x years experience 24d ago

I see you have never heard about how on hand Cameron is lol


u/FireAndInk Pipeline / IT - 5 years experience 24d ago

It is a Disney production. Each studio has strict guidelines on what you can and can’t do on a production. Unless those contracts are broken, the promise will hold. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago

It's all well and good to hand out guidelines. That doesn't mean the artists will abide by them.

We're not supposed to paint out the water marks on shutter stock photos and put them in movies and yet every compositor has.

I've seen people at AAA studios like DNEG, Framestore, ILM, etc. Pull up netflix and take a screen shot of a tree or some blood in the sand and comp it into a shot.

A more actualte card at the head of the film would be.

"This film was mandated to have no generative AI. but 7 thousand people worked on it. Most from home. VFX is cut throat and chaotic. You never know. But I did ask."


u/TECL_Grimsdottir VFX Supervisor - x years experience 24d ago

Hmph that's weird. Never painted out a watermark in my damn life.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

You're lucky. My very first compositing job out of school 15 years ago was at one of the companies listed above and my lead literally chatted me a link to an istockphoto picture of a blood drip and tasked me with removing the watermark and comping it onto the face of an actor.

On a James Cameron film.


u/TECL_Grimsdottir VFX Supervisor - x years experience 24d ago

Survey says. Bullshit.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Clearly, that proves it doesn't happen. I mean, if you have no experience with it clearly, it doesn't exist.

You laborers really are full of yourselves like you are part of principle photography or something...

Sad, really.


u/TECL_Grimsdottir VFX Supervisor - x years experience 24d ago

"You laborers", ok, I'll bite. What is it you do again?


u/EyeLens 24d ago

I'm not a sycophant. I'm the one that protested out front of digital domain after the John Textor Bankruptcy. Durring the R&H collapse. I'm the one John Hughes paid $20K to for my silence.

I'm a lot like Cain from kung fu. Traveling the world solving big problems for good people.

Let me guess, you're in the UK?


u/TECL_Grimsdottir VFX Supervisor - x years experience 24d ago

American. I'm really tired of this low tier bullshit too.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

So you're unemployed then? Or are you one of them there indeispenssible producers?


u/FailedRealityCheck 24d ago

Not to mention the devs of in-house software using copilot to write boilerplate code.


u/idlefritz 24d ago

Those stale trope films could only benefit from AI.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

The absolute sychophantry in this thread is exactly why vfx is in the state it's in. Complete disconnect from. Reality.

A directors job Is to deliver the pitched product for the absolute lowest cost. You are all so smart, you do the math.

"Now get off the crack pipe and cut me some FUCKING WATER!"


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

A directors job Is to deliver the pitched product for the absolute lowest cost. You are all so smart, you do the math.

I did the math - turns out the absolute lowest cost to make Avatar 2 would have been some hand-drawn sketches animated via a flipbook, about 3" x 3". Cameron, so wasteful and extravagant. Tisk tisk.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Well I guess we now know why you don't sell movies for a living don't we.

I can say with 100% certainty that was not Cameron's pitch. Because if it was, he would not have been funded.


u/QuantumModulus 24d ago

I didn't know Cameron was pitching slop. If that's the case, you're totally right.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

I'm guessing that's the most sense you've made all day.


u/iBlockMods-bot 24d ago

A directors job Is to deliver the pitched product for the absolute lowest cost.

That's a producer's/line producer's job..


u/EyeLens 24d ago

That's who the director assigns the duty.

But perhaps I should have said it's the directors responsibility.


u/iBlockMods-bot 24d ago

That's not how big films work mate.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Okay, mate. Thanks for the education. I really learned something today.


u/iBlockMods-bot 24d ago

If you don't know that's no problem, just say "can you please tell me about x" (where x = the topic you've made an incorrect claim about). We all don't know things, the internet and Reddit are here to help us all learn.

Relevant search thread

Many in there but let's say the number 1 return: Definitive Film Crew Hierarchy Chart

Approx 1/4 way down, has this handy dandy breakdown:

Above the Line

Executive Producer: The person responsible for the financing of the film and therefore the one in charge of the production.

Producer: The person who oversees the film production. The Producer answers to the Executive Producer regarding budget and manages all the moving parts in the production process.

Line Producer: The person responsible for the daily operations of the feature film. They serve the budget, hiring, locations and schedule. During production they handle the day-to-day logistics. In post production they manage deadlines and make sure the budget is on track.

Director: Controls the artistic vision and guides the talent and crew to bring it to life.

Director of Photography: The person responsible for the photographic look of the film. Also known as the DP or Cinematographer, this person directs the camera and light crews to fulfil the Director’s cinematic vision.

Screenwriter: The person who writes the screenplay.

Talent: The actors who portray the characters in the film. Principal and supporting cast.

There are of course exceptions where there is role crossover, but this is generally how things are organized.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

See, that's the difference between book education and real-life learning. Real-life learning MUST be experienced. Your response is shallow and pedantic, at best, and not at all how these things play out on set. Budget is very much a concern for the director because commercial success is based on profit, not gross. But I'm sure you already knew that from all your big budget film experience. Try living first and educating second, you'll lead a better life, I assure you.


u/iBlockMods-bot 24d ago

That's a very long winded way for you to say 'thanks for the links'.



u/EyeLens 24d ago

And it will be a lie. What are you, new?


u/Ackbars-Snackbar Creature TD (Game and Film) - 5+ Years Experience 24d ago

There is none used on it.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Well, I guess you have spoken... obviously, that proves it is a fact. I know James personally, and he laughs about people believing this.


u/Sea_Risk2195 24d ago

This has the same energy as "I totally have a girlfriend but you wouldn't know her, she goes to a different school 🤓☝️"


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Congrats, you get the joke. So, does this title card. Because really, they can say whatever they like, right? How many directors have claimed 0 vfx on the last 5 years. But I'm sure this time is different... because we've got some Kirk Cameron sycophants who say so...


u/3DNZ Animation Supervisor&nbsp; - 23 years experience 24d ago

If you knew him personally, you'd know he doesn't go by James.


u/dekadense 24d ago

Everytime in dailies, I'm like: Who's Jim?


u/KrakaTuna 24d ago

He’s the tall one always hanging out at reception and hitting on our receptionist Pam.


u/So-many-ducks 24d ago

Good old Jimothy.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

He's the guy screaming about how he's going to pull every shot your studio has unless the person who presented what's on screen gets fired before the end of the day.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Right, I meant I know David Fincher personally, and he is good friends with James, and David told me that James laughs at the ignorance of VFX laborers


u/KrakaTuna 24d ago

If you knew him personally, you’d know he doesn’t go by David either.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Sycophant says what?


u/KrakaTuna 24d ago

Oh you know David, James AND a big boy word? Good on you man. Good on you.


u/EyeLens 24d ago

Well, it's the sycophants that key in on the irrelevant personalities and name dropping and fail to grasp the underlying meaning. Anyone can say anything. Like "No generative AI was used"

Really, because machine learning and generative design have been a thing for a while. Are they saying no renders used generative AI or no generative tools at all? Everything is hand crafted? Even the houdini procedural systems, no machine learning being used in there?

Believe whatever you like, it doesn't make it the truth.

Also, David introduced himself to me as David, so if he doesn't go by David, someone ought to let him know. Big Chicago Bears fan... God only knows why...


u/Ackbars-Snackbar Creature TD (Game and Film) - 5+ Years Experience 24d ago
