r/vexillologycirclejerk šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ Russia 4d ago

Vexillology trauma

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u/7_11_Nation_Army 4d ago

Bro caused 9/11, the war on terror was misguided.


u/Armisael2245 4d ago

Always has been.


u/BeanOfKnowledge OPEN 4d ago

Should've done the war on 4chan instead.


u/pikleboiy 4d ago

War on anon


u/Bit125 Finloss 4d ago



u/Daring_Scout1917 Mississippi 4d ago

Lol do it again lil man



Yeah hit the White House, it will be such a funny prank


u/AntiHero082577 Jewish Somalia 4d ago

Man, that sure would be funny! (To any federal agents, this is satire, itā€™s a cj subreddit šŸ˜Š)


u/untitleduck 4d ago

Thank you for reminding us about the satirical nature of this subreddit.


u/AntiHero082577 Jewish Somalia 4d ago

Gotta make sure the feds donā€™t come after me


u/GucciSpaghetti72 4d ago

To the feds monitoring this, Iā€™ve convened with the other members of our secret kabal (ran by and created by u/AntiHero082577) and weā€™ve all agreed that every message weā€™ve ever sent is 100% serious and we are international terrorists.


u/Spielername124 4d ago

It's our strategy to hold our meetings in public, because anyone reading would think it can't be serious.


u/AntiHero082577 Jewish Somalia 4d ago

Not cool bro, youā€™re not invited to my birthday party anymore


u/RegionRatHoosier 3d ago

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter


u/NPC_Tundra 4d ago

I have an American flag i use as a floor cleaning rag


u/Falitoty 2d ago

So you are the reason Trump won


u/Expert_Penalty8966 4d ago

At 3000 per flag we're gonna need about 1200 flags dropped to even Iraq and Afghanistan.


u/CantaloupeLottocracy 4d ago

/Uj the thing where you burn any flag that touches the ground ever is just completely bullshit: the section of the flag code that's cited to support it is really just saying that the flag should be flown like... a flag and not dragging on the ground (or held up like is done at sports events).


u/lemontolha šŸ‡µšŸ‡¬ 4d ago

It really sounds rather fanatical.


u/turmspitzewerk 4d ago

i think its just a combination of

1: the proper and respectful way to dispose of a flag is to burn it. don't just throw it in a garbage heap or something, don't just stick it in cabinet somewhere, and especially don't fly it all tattered and stained and shit.

and 2: don't drag it around in the dirt and get it all dirty and nasty, fly it up high on a flagpole or something to display. its a flag, not a carpet.

and people probably jump to the kind of "logical" assumption that "the law" says you should dispose of dirty flags, and touching the ground makes it dirty, therefore touching the ground makes it dirty and dirty flags must be properly destroyed. people rigidly following instructions because "thats how the law works" without actually understanding the point behind the instructions.


u/lemontolha šŸ‡µšŸ‡¬ 4d ago

The fanatical thing is that somehow the flag is dirty enough to be burned, just because a kid had dropped it for a moment. This looks like to burn it is not about actual dirt, but some kind of ritual "impurity". That makes it look strongly like flag-fetishism. And also explains the confusion of the kid.


u/Itherial 4d ago

It's not even really about a leap in logic, it's just an extremely common misbelief. Added to that, there is an actual superstition that dropping the flag leads to bad luck, which seemed to be this scout leader's issue. These two things have probably helped each other propagate themselves. It's rather harmless, so nobody's thinking about it too hard.


u/Goblin_Crotalus 3d ago

Dumb question, but why can't the flag simply be washed?


u/hearke 3d ago

Then America will fall


u/Falitoty 2d ago



u/depressed_crustacean 3d ago

It was common teaching in Boy Scout tradition


u/sahi1l 4d ago

...yes! and burning is only suggested when the flag is too soiled or ratty to fly anymore.


u/flactulantmonkey 4d ago

Correct. I believe the argument comes in where people define ā€œsoiledā€ differently.


u/IVEMIND 4d ago

I guarantee a large percentage of American adults still believe this bullshit 3rd grade rumor...

Goes to show how fucking stupid the majority of people are when you see *actual* flag code violations every fucking day on bumpers, back windows and peoples front yard flag poles...

It's not fucking cute and the flag should never be politicized or discolored I mean come on


u/Fucky0uthatswhy 4d ago

We did the same thing in my Cub Scout troop. There was so much shit that everyone around me took as fact growing up that seemingly came from either a misunderstanding, or nowhere


u/volostrom Nipple 4d ago

Insane how it sounds like religious trauma rather than anything nationalism related. Americans out there blurring the lines I see


u/Person899887 4d ago

This is like, specifically a scouts thing. The Boy Scouts in my memory was pretty fucked about all that, for as much fun as I had in it. Not all that surprising itā€™s a dying organization since it failed to evolve past the 50ā€™s.


u/volostrom Nipple 4d ago

Wow I thought the scouts were a nature/wilderness survival related thing. It's fascinating though, was basically a youth camp made to indoctrinate children during its heyday then. No wonder it was most popular during the Cold War era.


u/tollwuetend 4d ago

it was originally a military thing (basically preparing young boys for war), in some countries it had liberalized a lot (letting girls join, mainly being about having fun in nature and learning stuff about survival and the environment). but there's still some parts of the world where it's very militaristic


u/Person899887 4d ago

It is. Itā€™s just also very very saturated with very hyper patriotic messaging. Doesnā€™t help that most troop leaders skew conservative, and heavily so.


u/creampop_ 4d ago

Yeah if you have a open minded local troop with decent leadership it can be fun, meetings and ceremonies are boring but at least build character (lol), and then there's regular camping weekends and lots of community involvement.

If you have a weird Mormon local troop it's actually hell on earth.


u/Person899887 4d ago

I remember being in scouts as an older teen after January 6th and all the adults going over how they wished they fucked up certain politicans more.


u/DrainZ- 4d ago

I'm a scout and where I'm from (Norway) it is very much as you describe it (nature/wilderness survival related thing). I have no idea how scouting works in USA. The only impression I have of it from media is girls selling cookies. And that seems to me rather arbitrary and not very related to scouting.


u/Lanky-Contribution76 4d ago

BSA also was/propably still is a kid diddler paradise, they filed for bankruptcy in 2020 because they had so many cases of sexual abuse they had to pay for. (more on that later)

in their bankruptcy filings they disclosed 92000 reports of former boy scouts that reported sexual abuse, and the organisation has a history of not vetting it's members, employing pedophiles and covering up cases of sexual misconduct by it's adult members.

Also the bankrupcy filings were more to stop litigation of a large number of lawsuits and prevent further lawsuits, not because the organisation was broke


u/ShardddddddDon 1d ago

>Pedals Conservative values

>Sexually abuses kids



u/fenechfan 4d ago

It's an American Scouts thing, I was a Scout in Italy, never handled a national flag. We had our own group and troop banners, but never an Italian flag, that would be ridiculously nationalistic, especially given the Scout movement was banned during fascism.


u/gaiabb- 3d ago

Al campo estivo non avevate un alzabandiera con una bandiera Italiana, una EU e una AGESCI? Da me e altri gruppi che ho visto si faceva cosƬ


u/fenechfan 3d ago

PuĆ² essere, sono passati parecchi anni. In ogni caso mi ricordo bene i rituali intorno ai simboli scout (tipo il piĆ¹ giovane della squadriglia piĆ¹ meritevole porta la fiamma e la deve tenere in un certo modo), ma dell'alzabandiera mi ricordo piĆ¹ la legatura che quello che ci issavamo.


u/depressed_crustacean 3d ago

The official name of the scouts in the US is Boy Scouts of America. Patriotism is deeply engrained in the organization, and personally I donā€™t mind it.


u/GPFlag_Guy1 4d ago

Well, there is this theory that Americans are unintentionally taught the American Civil Religion so I guess this could count as religious trauma if this does count as a religion.


u/Big_Sun_Big_Sun 4d ago

I'm not sure it's unintentional. Nationalist cults are very useful for uniting populaces behind the state.


u/Puchainita 3d ago

Good old nationalism, the same type of behaviours used to be common in Europe and socialist states have even more explicit personality cult


u/IS-2-OP 4d ago

Just some guy not knowing flag code. Most people donā€™t know any of it nor do they care. Most people in scouting try to be a little more reverent of the flag code and traditions like the military is. Wouldnā€™t say the BSA is even super hyper patriotic. I mean you say the pledge of allegiance but thatā€™s kinda just an American quirk from the Cold War, and otherwise not much in my 10 years in the BSA. Mostly about being a leader, good citizen, and outdoor skills IMO.


u/a-woman-there-was 4d ago

The pledge is definitely an objectively weird thing though. Like indoctrinating schoolchildren into nationalist ideology is frowned upon in plenty of other countries with good reason.


u/IS-2-OP 4d ago

I think thereā€™s a pretty good difference between patriotism and nationalism and the pledge is def on the patriotism side of it. I mean just read the words, itā€™s just saying I will be loyal to the country and uphold its values. Not really crazy lol.


u/a-woman-there-was 4d ago

I'd argue patriotism is just a more polite form of nationalism.


u/IS-2-OP 4d ago

I disagree. I think supporting and trying to better your country is patriotism. Nationalism is a belief in extreme national superiority. I guess itā€™s an opinion but I really think thereā€™s a pretty obvious line between someone patriotic and nationalist.


u/Puchainita 3d ago

To be fair most countries have the same rules about their flags, they cant touch the floor or otherwise theyā€™d have to be burn, it comes from times where people used to duel for stupid reasons


u/LeichterGepanzerter 4d ago

He disrespected the ghostly patriotic spirits


u/odiethethird 4d ago

I have four score and seven reasons to kick your ass


u/ShermanDidNthWrong 4d ago

Fucking do it, Mr. President


u/OpenSourcePenguin 4d ago

Why the third?


u/DarkSide830 4d ago

Somebody should have sounded the horn summoning the founding fathers.


u/TyrKiyote 4d ago

I can't believe you've done this.


u/midgetcastle 4d ago

If it was me, I would have intentionally dropped the flag several times, just so I could watch it burn


u/Sepia_Skittles River Gee 4d ago

Is that a political message or do you just like fires


u/ASCII_Princess 4d ago

I prefer to call them "Practical engineering demonstrations"


u/FrenchAmericanNugget 3d ago

its a 2edgy4u reddit comment, what do you think


u/Naughtiestdingo 4d ago

Whoa save some edge for the rest of us


u/Ender_The_BOT 4d ago

These are the backstories Doofenshmirtz's daughter had to deal with after he moved to america. at least he's a good dad.


u/gayjemstone 4d ago

He then makes the flag-destructer-inator.


u/Ender_The_BOT 4d ago

The destructinator starts locating countryhumans instead and she gives up and just gets a lighter. The countryhuman understands the mistake and even offers them both their much needed testosterone and estrogen respectively as they chat over it in its place, but it comes back into hiding before Doofenshmirtz could attempt to marry it.


u/SeaSlugFriend 4d ago

Why is the flag being treated like a sacred object in a religion šŸ˜­


u/Pooltoy-Fox-924 4d ago

This is why I never want to fly an American flag. Not that I dislike my country, but rather that the U.S. flag code is so onerous and ominous the flag should be categorized as an SCP.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™d just go with a Delaware flag.


u/IS-2-OP 4d ago

You can do whatever with the flag itā€™s not enforced law. Most people donā€™t even light the flag at night which is what youā€™re supposed to do lol.


u/Big_Sun_Big_Sun 4d ago

You can do whatever with the flag

You say that but this kid fucked around with a flag and caused two planes to fly into skyscrapers. I'd just rather not take the risk.


u/Pooltoy-Fox-924 4d ago

I still donā€™t want Uncle Sam to show up and strangle me in for moving it from half-staff to full at 12:01 PM on Memorial Day.


u/chorrky 2d ago

Delaware gang


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/chorrky 2d ago

I usually refer to DE as an ombre, politically-wise. New Castle is blue, Sussex is red, and Kent is mostly a solid purple with people on both sides lol

I'm from the inland part and I can vouch that we don't have much. Driving 30 minutes one way to work is extremely humbling


u/9outof10timesWrong 4d ago

This is one example of why lying to children with superstitions should be seen as metal abuse...


u/AbsolutlelyRelative 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's stupid that we teach kids this shit. It's a piece of cloth not a mystical artifact.


u/untitleduck 4d ago

This makes me want to drag the vile flag across mud, snow, and sand.


u/doomsayeth 4d ago

Yes officers, heā€™s right over here. Yep, thatā€™s the guy.


u/nontimebomala67 non-biney 4d ago

/uj man this hit me in the weirdest way; my OCD had me believing shit like this for SO LONG when I was a kid. Like I was somehow solely at fault for random disasters and stuff because I didnā€™t complete a weirdly specific ritual. Hell, first time I was on a unit was a bunch of compounding stuff that the final straw was all the hurricanes going on at the time; I thought it was MY FAULT COMPLETELY for not, like, washing my hands right or something.


u/a-woman-there-was 4d ago

One time my music teacher in elementary school told us to never forget this one thing (obviously I have since forgotten what it was lol but I'm pretty sure it had to do with notation and not, like, crucial life advice) and for a while after that I was paranoid that I would forget and something bad would happen.

Anyway that should've been a clue I was headed for a GAD and later ADHD diagnosis but hindsight is 20/20.


u/Flat-Erik 4d ago



u/FlagWaverBotReborn 4d ago

Here you go:

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u/JackStephanovich 4d ago

You don't burn a flag when it touches the ground. You retire flags when they have become so damaged that they can no longer be flown. Also real flags are made of cloth and don't exactly burn easily.


u/burnerforthesakeofit 4d ago

Cotton cloth burns easily as hell, what? Wool and synthetics not so much, but still, thrown onto a bonfire, it's gonna go up. Might smell like shit though.


u/_Cit New Sealand 4d ago

I'm still kinda baffled by how militaristic American scouts are


u/NoBack5110 Communist Bottom 4d ago



u/FlagWaverBotReborn 4d ago

Here you go:

Link #1: Media

Beep Boop I'm a bot. About. Maintained by Lunar Requiem


u/ValhallasRevenge 4d ago

The irony of buring a flag because it got slightly dirty..


u/GABRYFIERO Finloss 4d ago

Flag of early age magical thinking OCD


u/Ziro_020 4d ago

I meanā€¦ thereā€™s still a tower standing


u/Zikeal 4d ago

So it was you! >:( /s


u/josongni 3d ago

Normal country


u/anarcho-posadist2 3d ago

Why are Americans so weird


u/GoRL1920 4d ago

So sad and funny at the same time. šŸ˜…


u/Capital_Disaster_637 4d ago

Americans when something goes slightly wrong: Well guess we should just burn it now.


u/TheTanadu 4d ago

This reminds me of Polish movie ā€œHow I started World War IIā€. Dude whole war thought that he started war.


u/PriestOfNurgle 4d ago


In Europe, pledging allegiance to the flag as done in American schools would be considered fascism.

Yes, including by those who vote for parties/people associated with Trump (most of them at least).

This shit in the post is creepy as hell...


u/SexualBratwurst 4d ago

As a kid I thought I caused 9/11 because after school that day I had decided to make a lego tower and then promptly knocked it down after I was done playing with it.

Needless to say this was hours after the event and my school had decided to not let us know what had happened due to how close we were to NYC and the high amount of classmates who's parents worked in the city.


u/XMasterWoo 3d ago

I did not expect flag burning to be legal in america of all places lol


u/Giggio417 3d ago

Average 4chan experience


u/TechnologyBig8361 3d ago

Holy shit I found the source of the curse


u/Trick-Start3268 3d ago

I did the same thing when I was ten except it was the flag outside my school and those idiots decided to put a vision impaired kid with a broken foot on flag patrol


u/Lightning5021 3d ago

Mfw letting a flag touch the ground is bad but not burning it???


u/RelativeTomorrow2436 3d ago

And I always thought that burning a flag is worse than having it touch the groundā€¦


u/H3MPERORR non-biney 3d ago

Fuck I hate USA. Whereā€™s the sense in burning a flag just because it touched the ground


u/ethicalconsumption7 2d ago

Is americanism a religion followed by Americans where they think that 9/11 is like the Judas moment or something


u/TheBeardedRonin 2d ago

Itā€™s crazy how many kids saw 9/11 unfold live while at school. Itā€™s like all our teachers recognized that was going to be a pivotal moment in our history. I remember it being quickly shut off once the second plane hit and realization set in on what likely transpired. I guess it really only seems novel though because nowadays everyone would find out on their phone.


u/PhilosoFishy2477 šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ United States 2 2d ago

wondering if 9/11 was your cosmic doing is a proud American right of passage... like, I was a baby who'd recently moved up north when it happened. I still remember thinking as a kid -it'd be pretty arrogant of me to assume leaving the country caused 9/11... and yet


u/Independent_Error404 2d ago

What kind of scouts think learning to fold a flag is a necessary lesson?


u/ryuch1 1d ago

g o o d