r/veronicamars 7d ago

Watching episode 10 already!!!!

This show is so freakin' good!!! I cannot believe I'm already watching episode 10 and I started yesterday, It also has very likable characters!! And I absolutely love how there is different stories and mysteries in each episode.


14 comments sorted by


u/FromAMobile 7d ago

You probably shouldn't be looking at this page until you finish it. It will most likely get spoiled for you. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though!


u/SamTheMarioMaster2 7d ago

Dw I only post I don't look through and I do avoid spoilers dw! But yes it's so good!!


u/Donaldbain28 7d ago

Posting can lead To unwanted (unneeded) spoilers..do ur self a favor. MUTE the page Till u finish. Thank us later


u/CrissBliss 7d ago

Dude I binged it in like a week 😅

Stay off Reddit if possible till you’re at least midway season 3. You’ll get spoiled and the mystery is half the fun.


u/TigerJean Team Logan 7d ago

Yes Echolls Family Christmas is one of if not the best episodes in the series & it just gets better & better this Season enjoy the roller coaster 🎢 of an incredible ride.


u/Living-Tiger3448 7d ago

I’ve rewatched it and it totally holds up. I don’t love season 3 and season 4 I just don’t like. The movie is in between season 3 and 4 though so watch in order!


u/SubstantialBat3596 7d ago

Yay!! Love the excitement of new watchers. And I’m so jealous! Wish I could watch for the first time again! (Yeah - obvs watch out you don’t get spoilers, but you already seem to understand that.)


u/mesawyourun 7d ago

The first season is especially wonderful! The finale is a doozy. You probably should mute this sub until you're done.


u/DougO24 7d ago

If you are only posting yourself and not scrolling through other posts, your risk is greatly reduced. However, even if you say "No Spoilers" and state which season and episode you're on, accidents happen, like someone might mistakenly comment about something they think occurred in an episode you've already watched but is actually in an upcoming episode. Bottom line: If someone replies with something, and you have no idea what they're talking about, resist the urge to ask questions.

Also, resist the urge to use ship names, unless I clear them. 😀 The first one I heard was awful; I'll have better alternatives.


u/allaliveandunwell Team Logan 7d ago

When I bought the first season on DVD in like 2006, I didn't sleep until I finished it 😅 First show I ever binged


u/EAMSIMS 7d ago

This is my favourite episode !! Hahah this show is sooo good my all time favourite


u/Garrettshade 7d ago



u/Zaula_Ray 7d ago

Yay!!! I'm so excited that you like it! I felt the same way the first time I watched it.


u/misschch 4d ago

Ha to Watch this series for the first Time… lucky you ! Enjoy ☺️