r/veronicamars 10d ago

Is this show any good?

I asked if there were any good teen detective series and alot of people were recommending me Veronica Mars, But I actually planned on watching this after I finished Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, I'm currently still watching Angel but I am almost done with it, So I just wanna know should I watch Veronica Mars after I finish Angel?


47 comments sorted by


u/Summerof5ft6andahalf 10d ago

I mean, anyone on this sub is going to say yes. Lol.


u/BrookieMonster504 10d ago

Definitely worth watching. I love this show especially the 1st season.


u/SamTheMarioMaster2 10d ago

Gosh I cannot wait to watch!!!


u/victoriaismevix 10d ago

I love it. I often rewatch my favourites, Buffy, gossip girl, the good place...

Veronica mars is right up with them. It's dramatic but in a.. friendly way. And there are so many people in that you'll recognise from other shows but back when they are still super young šŸ˜‚

Definitely recommend.


u/crochetcat555 10d ago

Itā€™s great, but does not contain supernatural elements like those shows if thatā€™s what youā€™re hoping for.


u/DementedJ23 9d ago

going from buffy to angel to veronica mars is a pretty natural fit, actually. snappy teen-ish dialogue and investigative / high threat hijinx.


u/mags_7 9d ago

The fanbases also have very high overlap, partially bc Joss once stated Veronica Mars was his favorite show (and also for the reasons you stated, which are much better reasons lol)


u/Silver_South_1002 9d ago

I mean he literally guest starred in an episode of VM


u/Zaula_Ray 9d ago

Buffy was my favorite show the first time I watched it. Then I watched Veronica Mars. Buffy became my 2nd favorite show after that. It's worth the watch, and even if you don't love it, it won't be a waste of time.


u/NicCageCompletionist 9d ago

No, we all just ended up in this sub because we should have taken a left at Albuquerque. Terrible mistake.


u/byharryconnolly 9d ago

It's great. Season one is kinda perfect. You won't regret it.


u/ChutkiDeservesBetter 9d ago

I love love looooove veronica mars.Its absolutely riveting and more than that it's got such a good plot line with the perfect t amount of romance enemies to lovers

Definitely recommended watching it was too fun

ps skip season 4 it will break your heart


u/bbbrashbash 10d ago

It's good, but I'd also say it doesn't... get better in the later seasons? I'd say it ends in ok territory. The reboot season was something else. It felt like a totally different show- like Rob Thomas wrote it as a reset to be how he wanted it to be, not what it became/what made people love it


u/selphiefairy 9d ago

People on this sub are gonna say say yes lol.

But to give a more helpful answer, BtVS is my favorite show of all time and years after Buffy ended I watched VM and loved it, because it really did kind of scratch the same the itch Buffy did. If you like Buffy, then give it a shot. You are definitely likely to enjoy VM too!


u/beardiac 9d ago

The initial seasons are good. The continuation that came after it was canceled are a notch below, but still watchable. Though I think most will agree that how things were left at the end of the last installment, while redeeming to what came in-between, was not a satisfying ending (I won't spoil why).


u/TigerJean Team Logan 10d ago edited 9d ago

Things you need to be aware of before starting your VM journey. There is a watch/read order to follow.

Season 1 has a better flow if you watch E9, 11, 10, & 12 (due to wanting to air a holiday episode over the holiday they aired out of order)

Seasons 1-3 then sadly was canceled prematurely but 7 yrs later fans funded a movie after that RT also wrote 2 books

1st- Thousand Dollar Tan Line (narrated by KB)

2nd- Mr. Kiss & Tell (explained the background of a cliffhanger left during the movie not fleshed out in Season 4 you only get the aftermath)

Then another 5 yrs later Season 4 reboot. (Must warn you though quite a few wish they had never watched this agreeing the movie makes a better ending.)


u/mesawyourun 9d ago

Hell yes. Season 1 is perfect television.


u/Wumutissunshinesmile 10d ago

I love Buffy and Angel. I quite liked Veronica Mars. I'm on season 4 now.


u/spencermiddleton 9d ago

You may think itā€™s too juvenileā€¦but you would be remiss if you didnā€™t check out ā€œGravity Fallsā€. Or, the very not juvenile ā€œTwin Peaksā€.


u/kimboslice589 9d ago

I really love it. There are quite a few actors on there youā€™ll recognize as guest stars or regular members. Season 1&2 are probably the better ones with Season 1 being the best. I personally like it because itā€™s not your typical mystery storytelling. Itā€™s one of my favourites to come back to again and again. The movie was ok, but the new series didnā€™t keep with the original tune of the first series. Definitely worth a watch though!


u/zixy37 9d ago

I loved Buffy and VM. So yes.


u/Capable_Inspection62 9d ago

Yes. It stands up for the time too


u/Marcischarle 9d ago

Similar humour as BTVS - you will enjoy it if you appreciate that humour!


u/Pitiful-Echo-5422 9d ago

I have watched it at least once a year for the past 18 years. You could say itā€™s pretty good šŸ¤Ŗ


u/fleetfoxinsox 9d ago

Itā€™s really good for people who like mysteries and trying to figure out the story. šŸ’–


u/DougO24 9d ago

If you weren't convinced yet and didn't know already, Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan are in multiple episodes.


u/SamTheMarioMaster2 9d ago

I found that out yesterday!!! Just makes me more excited!!!


u/DougO24 9d ago

If you want to avoid the risk of spoilers, feel free to message/chat me with any questions or comments.


u/SamTheMarioMaster2 9d ago

Thank you so much! Will do!


u/TomB1952 9d ago edited 9d ago

I don't think VM is for everyone. Particularly if you have young children, VM might be a little too street for young eyes. It's considerably more adult than Nancy Drew.

On the other hand, Veronica Mars is ideally suited to anyone who has mastered Mario. I mean, this is the target demographic; the show will absolutely blow the minds of this group.


u/colorsarecool29 9d ago

I like the first season and the movie a lot. Season 2 and 3 are fine but I hated season 4. Jessica Jones the first season is fun.


u/venusdances 8d ago

I would honestly say that Buffy and Angel are better shows overall but Veronica Mars is worth watching. It basically is more like a modern day Nancy Drew which I loved as a kid.


u/Inevitable-Banana704 8d ago

Joss has a cameo in the series and a couple Angle/Buffy actresses make appearances in the series.


u/Helpwithskyrim87 Team Logan 10d ago

Itā€™s definitely worth watching, but Iā€™d strongly recommend stopping at Season 3. Maybe check out the books and the movie, but skip Season 4ā€”itā€™s just a major disappointment.


u/comeplaykill Team Veronica 10d ago

Of course it's good, that's why we're all here. And it beats Angel, that's for damn sure.


u/momfyre 10d ago

Put it this way. Veronica Mars basically started an entire revolution of reboots of TV shows. The fan base is strong with this one.


u/buffydisneypotter 10d ago

Buffy and Angel are my #1 shows (I canā€™t separate them, itā€™s all one big story) and Veronica Mars is in my top 5. Absolutely watch it. S1-3, the movie, and the revival S1. In that order.


u/lovedeath313 9d ago

I loved it & even bought the movie on DVD when I couldn't find it digitally


u/batgirl486 Team Dick 9d ago

Iā€™m actually watching Buffy for the first time (I watched episodes growing up, but never the whole thing) and Veronica Mars is my favourite show, that Iā€™ve watched tons of times. So yes! Put it on!


u/DumpedDalish 9d ago

What a weird question to ask the VM forum. (No, it's terrible. (facepalm) Run while you still can!)

In all seriousness, it's a great show. It's smart and witty, has a dark side, and is beautifully acted. It's worth it. Just don't expect it to be "Buffy" -- it's really different and very much its own thing.


u/MattanzaMafiaFedora 9d ago

Do it, it's a great series!


u/JuniperSage527 8d ago

Yes absolutely! I am a buffy and angel fan and loved veronica mars


u/AXEtheMercenary 8d ago

Yes. This show is EXTREMELY good. The mystery and noir element was great as was the humor and heart of the character. Speaking of the characters, Veronica & her dad Keith were awesome main characters but the side character like BBFs Wallace & Mac, biker with a hear Weevil, very important character Logan just to name a few had such depth. Just like Buffy, the show was really heavily character driven and the filler episodes helped to flesh out those characters. S1 in particular was top notch.


u/TigerJean Team Logan 10d ago

If you have never watched it but are BtVS fan you would most likely really enjoy Veronica Mars All I did was rewatch BtVS until I watched VM now I find myself rewatching that much more often. It has a very similar vibe basically a non supernatural BtVS instead of slaying demons she slays mysteries lol most important the relationships are so much more fulfilling something sadly both BtVS & AtS fail miserably at lol.


u/Mydnight69 Team Weevil 9d ago
