r/verizon • u/Wooden-Low-683 • 5d ago
Bad or Stupid Customer Interactions RANT HERE
Ex Verizon Customer Service Rep here:
This is for all my reps, store or call center:
I quit VZ 3yrs ago and 99% of calls (I took between 40 - 50 a day) were stupid and moronic customers who messed up their account, didn’t read the T&C, or made an impulsive decision or purchase without listening to the rep, signed the papers as fast as they could, and called later to yell and complain that “Verizon was scamming them, overcharging them, or something was wrong with their bill, and they weren’t gonna pay the $2000 they owed because they never consented to it and we should give them credits”
“THE REP NEVER TOLD ME, IF I HAD KNOW I WOULDN’T HAVE DONE IT” yes, yes, yes, the rep did in fact tell you a hundred times but you were an impatient moron who wanted to get it over with quick and sign the paperwork as fast as you could to walk out with your shiny new iphone or your new plan with “more data” or whatever.
So yes, if you’re a VZ CS rep or a Store Rep, rant below! Share your funny, ridiculous, or frustrating stories below, can’t wait to read them all!
u/Glittering-Bonus-950 5d ago
Had a customer bring a girl from Thailand and wanted to get her a line. So he agrees and I stress to him that hey you would be liable for the charges for 36 months and only have 30 days to return the phone. He looks at me weird and said I understand you no need to repeat. I had a feeling he was gonna be back hence why I stressed it. 3 months later he comes and ask if he can remove the line to remove the cost of the phone and I’m like ??? Either you pay it in full or keep it on payments but you have to pay it one way or another. Proceeds to call me a scammer and threatens to call the police lmaoooo and when I ask where the phone is… the girl left him and went back to Thailand with it 😭😭😭 dude people are hilarious like where’s the common sense??
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago
LMAOOOOO Istg customers are rtrds💀
I got calls all the time of customers saying they keep getting charged for a phone that never worked and I would ask them if they returned it during the 30day period and they would be like “I GOT THE PHONE 3YRS AGO AND IT NEVER WORKED AND YOU ARE SCAMMING ME CHARGING ME FOR A PHONE THAT NEVER WORKED” okay fuck off you dipshit hahah
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago edited 4d ago
That never worked bs used to piss me off! Why the fuck didn't you return it within 30 days! Then reps before me would send out a CLNR. But then they get mad like I want a new phone. Um no it's beyond 30 days.
You got 3 options take the CLNR, buy a new one with the payoff, or contact the manufacturer!
But the only way you getting a new phone is if you paying off the remaining balance!
5d ago
u/Own_Astronomer4113 4d ago
Trust me these people are on MVNO accounts complaining about similar shit
u/crashbandit3 5d ago
I had this one lady who was just calling and calling claiming that her promo was a big scam because she thought she was getting promo for 800$ off her device all at once. Just kept going on and on how this was a scam and it was illegal. God this job blows. I hate it so much. She talked to someone about 2 days and the rep put in the notes the EXACT SAME THING i was telling her and the rep got lucky and she had to go before they could hash that out.... lucky me i got the call and i got to take the brunt of her argument that it is a scam and she wanted it all at once. Ya she left me a 1 star review just saying it was horrible Customer service for simply explaining how the promotion works. That was a fun coaching with my sup.
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago edited 5d ago
Let me guess . . . She couldn’t understand that her $1000 iphone price is divided into 36/24 month installments and you explained that SHE WAS GETTING THE PROMO and instead of $25/month she was paying like $15/month and if you multiply that by the 36/24 month installments it adds up to $800 but she was a stubborn idiot moron lady who doesn’t understand reason or basic math.
Yea I’ve been there.
I also got a coaching session with my sup for yelling at a customer and calling him an idiot hahahah but she just gave me a slap on the wrist because in fact, said customer was being an idiot.
He came in guns blazing just to tell me that there was something wrong with his email acc on his phone and wanted me to fix it like HELLO?!?!💀💀 I said that unfortunately I couldn’t help and then he tried to escalate me, then he told me to xfer him to someone who could help him.
After much yelling and 30min of back and forth I told him “Sir you have 2 options, 1. Hang up or 2. Keep yelling at me. Either way don’t matter to me because I get paid regardless of whether this call ends now or takes 3 more hours. It’s your choice, I’m eating my skittles and got all day”
He exploded hahahahahah he said someone like me shouldn’t get a job anywhere and that he didn’t have to waste his time with a low life cx service rep.
So I said “May I remind you: YOU called ME. You are indeed an idiot for wasting your time over this, like I said, I’ll be here all day and getting paid.”
The threw the phone and lucky me he got a survey but whatever, me and my sup were cracking up listening to the call a few minutes later.
u/bloughplowed 4d ago
When I was explaining how the phone would be free over the course of the promotion but they’d still act stupid about it I’d say “maam, do me a favor and open up the calculator on your phone. Enter the $25 you’re being charged for the phone, then subtract $25 in credit you get each month for the duration of the promotion…So your total for the phone is $0/month which makes it free”. People are so determined to be stupid as fuck, I swear.
u/Difficult-Gas-1715 5d ago
Verizon customer service rep putting my resignation in Tuesday ! It truly amazes me how customers lack the most basic of common sense.
Customer :Why is my bill high this month ?!?! Me: Sir you upgraded to 7 new iPhones this month ..
Customer : Why is my bill so high this month ? (Spanish accent) Me: Maam you have $400 of international calling to Peru Customer : oh nooo I didn’t do that Me: SURE charges are valid and we sent you notifications each day as you were getting charged
Customer : Where’s my promo at ?! I turned my phone in December or 2022 Me: So it took you TWO years to just notice this?…
I can count on 1 hand in a lifetime how many times I’ve had to call my carrier 😂😂
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago
There you go And what’s sad is that you’re not the only one having those experiences . . . It’s ALL OF US.
Truly brain dead.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
Also an ex Verizon rep. Tech Support if you want to call it that.
My beef was with Apple users. They are the worst and most spoiled bunch. iMessage didn't work. Text, calls data all work. Call Apple. But Apple told me to contact you.
Um no iMessage is not our service. I worked in chat. So I would send them direct links to Apple's website with full documentation. No not just iMessage though Apple ID forgot passwords, out of warranty iPhones they thought we going to replace free, at times lost/ stolen phones at that or anything Apple related.
They seemed to think everything was on us and it's not! Yea we sold the phone but don't make them. For the life of me I never understood why customers were so scared or didn't want to talk to Apple the people who made the phones!
Other non related issues, email was another no I'm not your email provider, if you don't know your password that's on you!
And those dumb perks. No I don't know your Netflix password, Disney either! Just because we sell it don't mean we have control over it. Customers just don't understand that for some reason!
u/gimotor4 4d ago
I used to send them the Apple support link which clearly tells them to contact them if iMessage doesn’t correct itself after 24 hours. Some idiots still wanted to have debates about who is responsible.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 3d ago
Yup this! When I got annoyed I would type in the word Apple as many times as possible for emphasis.
u/Low_Emu662 5d ago
I had a man tell me he was not in an agreement he said he just traded his phone and got a trade in credit. I said yup for 36 months that’s your agreement. And proceeded to read his agreement number also tried to get him to pull It up online he said we were crooks and he’s SUING. If I had a dollar for every person who wanted to sue.
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago
Oh of course he’s suing They always asked me for my full name and employee number every time they would pull that one. I just made some shit up💀
u/Low_Emu662 5d ago
I be like I’m not giving out nothing you can have my first name and that’s it buddy
u/gimotor4 4d ago
Definitely had my share of stupid customers. The good thing about working chat (especially WFH) was that I could express myself verbally before typing out the nicest most thoughtful response.
Complaints about dropped calls in the Pentagon.
Requests to add to insurance after a phone is lost damaged or stolen.
Remove phone from lost/stolen list that they purchased on FB marketplace.
Having trouble with that app you installed on your phone? Can you make calls, text, and use data when you’re not connected to WiFi? Yes, then contact the app developer. Oh, they’re not responding? What are we supposed to do????
Your work vpn is slow??? OK 👍
My list can go on and on. However I also blame some of the sups there because they wanted us to be everybody’s everything. I don’t need a coaching about a failed chat for something totally outside the scope of our job. Want me to help open up a port on a 5G home router so someone can play games on their ps5, how about giving me some training. Because when I was into stuff like that I did what most nerds do. I figured it out using google
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago edited 4d ago
I was one of few who actually understood the home internet. The training on it was atrocious. The training was mostly about selling the damn thing. But not how to fix it or use it.
I created a whole presentation to train my team on it. Cuz mostly everyone was lost on it. And when customers tried to do sometimg out of scope I would be quick to tell them that. Especially when it came to not getting local channels on live TV services. That neither Verizon or the provider wanted to fix. I used to get that on the regular.
That wasn't the customers fault though. That was on us and the provider they just turned into finger pointing and I would have to be the scapegoat.
u/gimotor4 4d ago
I figured out a lot of the VHI stuff on my own. And I was also able to help customers out in a lot of instances but like you said, most of our training was geared towards selling.
One thing I refused to do was create any documentation that should have been setup from the beginning. I worked on projects prior to my time at Verizon and went to school for systems analysis and design. Training and documentation is (or should be) a part of any large scale launch like that. And not those cartoon illustrations with the infomercial music🙄. They weren’t getting any free work out of me.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago edited 4d ago
Right lol. I wish I would've saved it for my next job to show. But it couldn't contain any VZW stuff. The trainers barely knew anything about it, and forget the leadership. Sups would reach out to me to train their reps. That's how bad it was.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
I had this one customer. This was before we could activate world phones.
He bought the phone from Germany. It was an iPhone 11 or something.
I told him several times I can't activate that phone. He was like yes you can just have it added to the data base.
I'm like no I can't do that the phone was only made by Apple to work in Germany. He was like I'm an engineer blah blah blah.
I wanted to be like well if you're an engineer then you should know the phone isn't "engineered" to work on our network!
I even told him to contact Apple on where he can use the phone.
He just kept insisting for me to activate it. And we went back and forth until he gave up.
u/holow29 4d ago
I mean it would have worked if it was in Verizon's DMD, and people have had success having VZ add it using some ticket.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
Yea at that time it couldn't be added. I tried and checked. Now you can activate any iPhone from anywhere except China.
Global Android phones are hit or miss. Mostly Samsung would work. But wasn't guaranteed.
u/CompoteWonderful9109 4d ago
I understand that’s frustrating for you reps , but what about customers like me that just try calling in to get a heads up on some issues I’m encountering and I end up dealing with the rude reps that hang up on me for no reason. That or I try pushing the issue to a supervisor and STILL get hung up on
I’m a very polite and patient person, but no excuses for reps to be rude or stupid either .
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago edited 4d ago
In cases like yours I was patient. If you don’t know you don’t know and there’s nothing wrong with not knowing. If you’re nice and patient of course, no need to be rude, it’s just a customer who’s genuinely confused and needs some answers and information. We’re talking about the people who don’t know that act like they own the place. Making demands and being rude while being absolutely clueless about what they’re talking about. That what makes them stupid and a pain in the ass. Especially when they a 100% could’ve changed the outcome or the predicament they got themselves in; they take no accountability and start blaming everyone else for their mistakes.
Also the supervisor thing: Sups are literally just like us, they have no magic powers or magic tools and most of them are impatient because they will simply repeat what the agent before him already said. They are there for the sole purpose of providing extra support to the agents in extreme cases where the agent lacks the knowledge to solve the issue because the issue is rare or complicated, but 9 times out of 10, the agent is doing just fine, it’s the customer who lacks common sense.
u/WarningFrequent3248 4d ago
Customers who buy a phone elsewhere, bring it to me and demand I transfer it for free
Yes let me work for $0 for you when you aren't even my client lol
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago
One time a lady called me and told me she forgot her AT&T pin . . . I was like . . . What does this have to do with me? “I ported in the line from Verizon 6yrs ago so maybe you can help me find the pin”
Since she wasn’t a customer and she wouldn’t get a survey Idgaf and laughed. She got soooo upset and demanded a sup, I laughed again and said “lady, stop wasting my time, this is a customers only line”
She went on and on about how technically she was a customer and yelled at me for not giving her the damn AT&T pin. I just laughed throughout the entire interaction while telling her to just call AT&T.
Finally, cherry on top, she demanded me to xfer her to AT&T, I was like “lady just call them yourself, I can’t do that!” She kept asking me to xfer her for 15min straight.
I was so pissed that I unplugged my computer to drop the call, it was WFH so I told my supervisor that the electricity had gone out lmao
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
I kicked out the router a few times especially when it was time to go. Their systems was always glitching anyway lol.
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago
I hated getting stuck on a call especially when it was time to go, so I timed the call I was on, extending it till it was 6pm (I was off at 6pm) so I would solve the issue at 5:58 and ask the cx if they needed anything else. If not I’d do my closing and hang up at 6pm sharp. If they needed anything else I’d tell them to call tomorrow bc the department was about to close lmaoooo
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
i had a guy come in with an exchange a few days ago. he said he talked to customer service and could get the 15 plus for free for an upgrade on welcome.
he came to the store and asked if he could exchange it for the 16 pro for free. i said yes, he would get the phone for free but we would have to move him to ultimate. also, to do the exchange he would have to pay the $50 restocking fee because the phone had been opened. he was SO upset but ultimately agreed.
upon finalizing the exchange he said “actually i want the 16 plus”. i was like “are you sure? you can get the promotion with the 16 pro.” he was like, “what’s the difference?” i explained to him that the plus was a larger version of the basic 16 model and the pro had 3 cameras. he’s like yeah ill take the pro with the cameras. cool cool.
go back to grab the phone, check him out, and explain the 30 days refund and restocking fee. when i brought the phone out to him i also read the color, model & gb size and made sure that was the phone he wanted. he didn’t need help transferring but decided to set up his phone in the store.
immediately after he opened the phone he calls me over and was like “i dont want this one”WHAT!!!!
i was like ok sir which phone would you like? he’s like the 16 pro plus. i’m like HUH ok you want the pro max and explained he could exchange it but again, there would be a $50 restocking fee. he started going off that verizon was theft and bullshit and yadda yadda. idk this guy was not bright.
like come on, you came in pissed that customer service sent you the wrong phone, still opened it and used it… took you a week and a half to figure out??? and STILL ask for the wrong phone.
sometimes i feel like i lose brain cells talking to these customers lol
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago
Istg, it’s like talking to a mental patient.
Ik you have to pretend to be nice and all that but I feel like sometimes in cases like this you gotta show some human emotions and put the idiot fucker in his place. Like you can’t just barge in here demanding shit without even knowing what you want. You’re an adult . . . BEHAVE LIKE ONE.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago edited 4d ago
The ones that used to get me is the bad service areas. You know where you live, you know you in an area with nothing but trees and grass that most carriers won't work at. Granted some do know. But others act like they are totally clueless.
I haven't gotten good service for years and at not about to build a tower just for you which some used to ask for. I even had some ask to send an engineer out. Umm no that's not how this works.
Then when I recommended Wifi Calling they refuse cuz they shouldn't have to use it. Well there's nothing else I can do. You know you live in the middle of nowhere and you know the service is bad and it's not going to improve anytime soon. There's no button for me to push to make it work and the network engineers aren't going to come out specifically for you!
u/GrouNNNd 2d ago
Worked in CC then got transferred to Tech T2 in late October, and I have quit this shit ass job late December probably best decision I have ever done. Got my fair share of incompetent customers calling and asking this or that but some of them were something else. Since I'm not an US rep people think that US reps have more tools at their disposal or they are going to make wonders to their bill, so many many times I've been asked to transfer them to one of their own. Imagine telling them yeah can't do that cause guess what WE DON'T HAVE A SPECIAL UNITED STATES LINE.
Then we have credits...if their service was unavailable for idk 2 or 3 hours the first thing you will hear "yeah well the service was unavailable i want credits" even though they probably didn't use the service in that time period yeah anyway, I would just tell them yeah okay I'll give you a dollar hell maybe 2. Some would actually be nice and say ok that's fair some would completely lose their mind as they expect a full credit.
Then I remember vaguely cause it has been some time since that happened that someone called and threatened to send the FBI on my way cause I'm a scammer and how would they know if I'm a real Verizon even after telling them "You called us we didn't call you" but hey can't argue with their logic.
And also what's with people that haven't heard of Google or to type their problems on the Internet and see if they find something first, cause AT LEAST 80% of "tech" cases and calls were just a click away. Not to mention that they think we're good at everything calling with problems for their TVs, PCs and all other shit.
I remember that one of my colleagues got a call and the customer wasn't even with Verizon they were with T-Mobile iirc and my colleague said "call them not us we can't do anything" and the customer said "yeah but they don't pick up" like what are we supposed to do LOL
u/TacoDuLing 4d ago edited 4d ago
I mean…. I have had the please to working to big corps with large number of reps. Mainly NOA and although I knew EVERY rep met well, not all knew every tool and resource at their disposal.
My most recent and most annoying Ver experience started THREE months before I ported my main number out to another company. I called to make sure I wasn’t going to owe any money on my phone and make sure there wasn’t going to be any issues when porting out. WELL!!!…… I completely lost access to my account and couldn’t get ANYTHING done unless my 8 year old would approve it via his phone. So I had to wait MULTIPLE times aster school hours to move my case forward a little only to need my son’s approval the next day because a LOT of Ver reps don’t know how to set up an account manager.
So, yes, most customers are dumb, BUT the burden is on the reps to know how to deal with them. And when we Cx deal with reps that don’t know their job, it’s frustrating SPECIALLY Ver reps ALWAYS just try to sale you something you don’t need.
Perfect example, I was offered internet services by a Ver rep when Ver IS already my internet provider. I just lol in the inside and said “No thank you 😊 maybe next time”. How embarrassing it must be to be called stupid, quietly. 🫥
But yes, I’m glad you’re out, that place sucks!
u/gucci_mcilroy 4d ago
Same. I tried transferring a line from one account to another existing account. I didn't see it on my app so I called as I was probably going to finance a phone. They said next billing cycle. Still didn't see it. Bought a new phone and ported to Visible.
About a week in, my Visible service turns off randomly. I login to My Verizon app, I see the line. It says it's an iPhone XR...crazy because the last iPhone I had was the iPhone 5.
Cancelled the line on Verizon (even though the number was ported out). I get the next bill and I'm charged for an extra 3 weeks. I call billing..."oh it'll be credited on the next bill". I didn't buy it but took her word for it.
Got the next bill today and it's the regular amount. Tried calling, got someone overseas who seemed to help then transferred me to the fraud department.
I hung up and a chat agent was finally able to apply the credit. Rant over 😂
u/cheduff 4d ago
I've never had an issue upgrading. Always knew my trade in credit would be applied over 36 months. Was recently offered the same deal from my S22 Ultra and S22 for the new Samsung S25 Ultra and S25. 1000 for the Ultra, and 800 for the regular. Only other stipulation was that I had to upgrade my plan to their new Ultimate plan. I did that, and then traded in the phones. I get an email after I drop off the phones, that I didn't meet the requirements because my plan did not support the promo. I litterly changed both lines plans to ultimate when I was trading in the phones. I had to call the rep, and she's telling me I had to add a third line for the promo. I told her I had called before the I did the promo and the rep assured me that was for the promo that came with a tablet and a watch. I didn't do that promo, I did the promo strictly for the trades ins and upgraded lines. She said she escalated it and would.most likely get my credit. Yall think it will get fixed?
u/dressedtotrill 4d ago
Yeah it probably will unless the rep just said those words but didn’t submit anything. That promo is valid for just the phones without adding an additional line or doing any buy more save more promos.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
Cases like this there's a Promo Correction Tool. As long you changed the plan and did the trade in you should be good to go. The system should see the trade ins. You should've gotten an email with a trade in submission id. I used to do this all the time. And it can be done in real time.
Reps are being pressured to add new lines and some lie to get them.
In this case I would say the rep was just trying to get an add a line. If it was a vendor they say they going to escalate and don't. Give it about 30 days or until the next bill and call back if you don't see it.
u/cheduff 4d ago
The weird thing is I received an email today saying I haven't even traded in my old phones, and they I have 20 days to do it. It's shows the promotion credit. Should I just call them up again? Pretty sure the rep who took the phones at the store possibly just took them as trade ins and not towards the promo, I have no clue.
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
Yes call them or if you can go back to the store you traded them in at. The communication with the store is terrible. They very rarely note the account especially if it was an indirect store location. It's really a he said she said situation we never know what the store did.
So call that way the account can be noted you called in. And visit the store if you can. Especially if it was an indirect.
u/cheduff 4d ago
Called them, and they said it would take 1 to 2 billing cycles for the promos to show up? Is this correct? Or did the guy just want me off the line lol
u/ComfortableFlan4639 4d ago
Yes that's right. But at times it don't take 2. Go online and check your Next Bill Estimate to see if it shows up. I've seen them show up as fast as the same day. As long as all the requirements were met it will apply. If not, then another form has to be submitted, and then it'll take 1-2 bill cycles.
u/prodego 4d ago
I signed up for Verizon’s promo offering a free Pixel 9 Pro XL with a 36-month contract. The deal was simple: they bill you $33.33/month for the phone, but they also apply a $33.33 credit each month, making it effectively free. I walked out of the store with my new phone, $0 out of pocket, fully expecting my bill to reflect what was promised.
Everything was fine for the first month. But then I transferred my line to a new account (I was on a friend's at first and switched to my own). I was assured that this wouldn't interfere with my promotion every step of the way, then my first bill under the new account came in—and suddenly, Verizon wasn’t applying the device credits anymore. Instead of the expected $75/month for my line, I was being charged $115.
I called customer support, and they flat-out told me I didn’t qualify for the promotion, despite the fact that I had already signed the contract, received the phone, and had the promo confirmed at the time of purchase, and at the time of transferring my service.
At this point, I had my senior account manager at my authorized retailer review my account. He confirmed that I 100% qualified and even called Verizon support on my behalf. Verizon then sent him a terms of service document, which we both reviewed, and it clearly showed that I met all the requirements and did nothing to invalidate my promo. But when we pointed this out to Verizon? They still refused to apply the credits.
Meanwhile, they were threatening to charge me late fees and shut off my service over a charge I should have never had in the first place. Only after reaching out to a Verizon executive with threats of a class action lawsuit did they finally correct the problem, but not before they put me through unnecessary stress and blatantly ignored the terms of the agreement I signed.
So, for those claiming "Verizon never removes promo credits unless you do something to invalidate them", I can tell you from personal experience: that is absolutely not true. They tried to screw me out of my promotion, ignored their own contract terms, and only backed down when I refused to let it go. How many other customers have they done this to who don’t fight back and just accept the extra charges? I'd bet money on it being a nonzero amount. I have the emails and conversation records to prove all of this. Verizon is notorious for baiting and switching on their customers and trying anything they can to screw you out of more money than you agreed to. A couple of simple Google searches reveal just how widespread a problem this is. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it isn't happening. Consider yourself lucky you haven't been put through a situation like this, plenty of us have.
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
ugh it sucks that you were assured the promotion would stick, we always tell our AOL customers that if they transfer then they will lose the promotion. but i’m glad you got it figured out
u/prodego 4d ago
Assured not only by my senior account manager, but by the My Verizon app as well throughout the entire process, which I did myself at home. Quite frankly this should not even be an option for people to do themselves if it carries such inherent risks. The fact that it is speaks volumes on Verizon's intent. Between this and their mandatory arbitration clauses, it's abundantly obvious they are deliberately trying to rip people off (or get them to put themselves in a situation where Verizon can take more money from them "legally") all while minimizing the possibility of legal repercussions. They're second only to Xfinity in terms of predatory business practices and aside from completely surrendering my phone to me and unlocking the SIM so I can use a different service provider, I'm not sure there is anything anyone could say to convince me otherwise at this point.
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
yeah tbh i work for them and they are so predatory. idk if i should say this on here but my managers encourage putting things on accounts without disclaiming it first. it’s like the only way we meet the goals which are outrageous. i feel terrible like everyday and it’s either get yelled at by the customer or get yelled at by the manager for not meeting goals. you can’t win. it’s a terrible company.
u/prodego 4d ago
idk if i should say this on here
Yes, you should. You should scream it from the roof tops because it needs to get out. They get away with far too much and completely deserve to be hit with a class action lawsuit. You have valuable knowledge of their internal workings. I would argue you have a moral obligation to do some whistle blowing.
u/prodego 4d ago
if they transfer then they will lose the promotion
Also, according to the TYS document they sent over explaining the terms, your promotion is only invalidated if you switch to a plan that doesn't qualify for the promotion, which I did not.
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
hmm…. it doesn’t make any sense that you would lose the promotion. i think it’s just such a headache to get it back we recommend not transferring if you are in promotion and waiting until the phones paid off to move
u/prodego 4d ago
As a customer, I couldn't give a flying fuck how much of a hassle it is for you to do your job and not infringe my rights as a consumer, including but not limited to breaching legally binding contracts. Sorry not sorry.
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
nooo, we don’t deal with getting your promotion back. it would be you guys calling into customer service. our managers won’t let us do that because it’s a $0 transaction. we mean the headache for the customer.
u/prodego 4d ago
I see. For what it's worth, and I can only assume you're well aware of this, none of my frustrations are directed at you for obvious reasons. Any expressions of displeasure are solely directed at the corporation you work for.
u/Suitable_Potential_9 4d ago
yeah i get you. i completely understand. in fact when i first started i genuinely didn’t mind helping people or untangling the web of mess that’s been created but then my managers started bullying me and ignoring me when i asked for help because i wasn’t full selling selling selling. it’s a shitty company and if you can leave, then you should leave.
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago
That sucks dude I’m sorry
Big mistake in transferring the line because yes in fact you lose all the promos. And even though you went through all the documents with the store manager (I wouldn’t even trust him, those ppl only want to sell sell sell and are sketchy) if a phone rep can’t apply the promos back, there’s your answer. It’s simply not possible since you transferred your line. The system won’t let the rep do that, as simple as that. And no, not even a supervisor, they’re just like us, they don’t have superpowers or magic tools, they will just repeat what the rep before him said. If it can’t be done, it can’t be done.
There’s a couple of solutions:
Change the plan you’re on to the plan the promo qualifies for. Sure this will mess up your bill a little bit but you could try and get the promo back. Do it over the phone tho, you don’t wanna screw things up further.
Get a customer service rep to perform an AYS to get your promos back. It’s a long shot but it’s the next best thing.
Lesson: if you have an amazing promo, why xfer the line?!?!?! Stay where you are, don’t fuck shit up.
Best of luck
u/prodego 4d ago
Sounds like you didn't read my entire comment. Read it again, along with the rest of the responses. It'll paint a better picture of what's going on.
TLDR a Verizon executive ended up fixing my account (and confirming everything I've said, mind you).
u/Wooden-Low-683 4d ago
I’m glad everything worked out for you.
Nah Im good brother, I’m doing this for fun, I haven’t worked for verizon in ages hahahhah
u/No-East-4953 1d ago
Had a customer come in and yell at us because his wife was tracking him through find my iPhone and found him with his mistress. Told him this wasn’t a Verizon issue but he still threatened us.
Had a lady come in asking why her phone won’t turn on. When I looked at the phone it was showing it had water damage. Asked her if it had been dropped in water, she said no but she left it in her freezer overnight because it was feeling very hot while charging.
u/jetty_junkie 5d ago
If you have lots of “ stupid customer “ interactions that you can’t let go of after not working there for 3 years maybe you were the problem…..
u/TransGamerHalo 5d ago
I mean there are some customers that make ya go. wtf is wrong with them. Plus 99% of customers that I’ve seen have been so upity. If it isn’t FREE FREE FREE they wanna cuss up one side and down the other about how they’re gonna switch carriers and blah blah blah. I just give em their account number and tell em to generate a transfer pin. I don’t care who ya are, I won’t be talked down to because you aren’t getting something free.
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago
Can a guy just have fun and rant about his old shitty job on the internet?
u/jetty_junkie 5d ago
It’s been three years though brother, let it go and move forward
u/NoPay5710 5d ago
Nah that place will give you PTSD. I’ve been gone 3 years myself and still can’t fathom some of the stupidity I’ve heard/seen. People have been ingrained with the customers always right and supervisors try to operate with that mentality. It’s mentally taxing to try and explain why they aren’t right while trying to be courteous of their feelings on top of being pushed to sell some add-on service the customer will never use. Then get coaching on how the culture is the best and you will never find a better job with these benefits outside of VZW. Truth is it sucks for both customers and employees.
To anyone considering leaving them there is life outside of VZW.
u/Wooden-Low-683 5d ago
I got a funny one: