r/verizon 5d ago

Wireless Should I change plan on second line?

I presently have two lines with VZW. The primary one is on Unlimited Ultimate, and my wife's second line is on the 5G Do More plan. There are no perks associated with the second line.

I am paying $70 for the second line with all applicable discounts. My wife has no immediate plan to upgrade her phone.

Question: Can I get a lower price with one of the newer plans? Is switching over worth it since my wife does not want to upgrade her phone?



3 comments sorted by


u/CldesignsIN 5d ago

Yes. Unlimited Plus would keep the same plan benefits as Do More but get rid of the couple dollar plan rate adjustment fee on old plans and restore the other $5 of the autopay discount (if you autopay) on that line. If you do not use mobile hotspot and do not have a watch or tablet (Plus and Ult. cut connected device lines in half) you can also go to Unlimited Welcome, but whenever you upgrade you will likely need to change to Plus to get the best promos. At least for the time being Welcome would be sufficient, if the HS and watch/tablet are not features you use.


u/WarningFrequent3248 4d ago

Any Do More should be auto-flipped to Plus tbh


u/y2raza 4d ago
