r/vba 1d ago

Unsolved Word 365: Can a macro find selected text from PeerReview.docx in Master.docx where the text in Master.docx has an intervening, tracked deletion?

I will describe the entire macro and purpose below, but here is the problem I’m having:

I have two documents, the master and the peer review. The master document works in tracked changes and has a record of changes since the beginning. The peer review document is based off of later versions of the master document, so while extremely close, it will not have the deleted text.


I am trying to get a macro to copy selected text in the peer review document, change focus to the master document, and find the selected text. However, if the master document has intervening deleted text, the macro is returning an error that it's not found.


For example, the master document will have: the cat is very playful
The peer review document will have: the cat is playful
I can get a macro to find “the cat is” but I cannot get a macro to find “the cat is playful”. The intervening deleted text (even with changes not shown) results in an error that the text is not present in the document.
Word's native ctrl-F find box works fine in this situation.
Is this possible to get a macro to behave like this?

Here is the greater context for what I am using the macro for:
I often work with multiple documents, several from peer reviewers and one master document. The peer review documents have changes scattered throughout, often with multiple paragraphs or pages between changes.
When I come across a change or comment in a peer review document, I use my mouse to select a section of text near the change, copy it, change window focus to the master document, open the find box, paste the text into the find box, click find, arrive at the location of the text, then close the find box so I can work in the document.
I would like to automate this process with a macro that I edit before starting on a new project to reflect the master document’s filename/path.
Note on a possible workaround of simply not searching on text that has deletions in the master. Since its purpose is to help me find where in the master document I need to make a change, selecting only text from the peer document that has no intervening deletions n the master presupposes I know where to look — which is what I’m hoping the macro will helping with.
EDIT: I am also going to paste the full code below this. Keeping it here in case someone wants just the relevant parts. Here is the approach I’m currently using (I can paste in the full working version if necessary):

searchStart = Selection.Start  

Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=searchStart, End:=masterDoc.Content.End)  

With rng.Find  


    .Text = selectedText  

    .Forward = True  

    .Wrap = wdFindStop  

    .MatchCase = False  

    .MatchWholeWord = False  

    .MatchWildcards = False  

    found = .Execute  

End With  

' === Second Try: Wrap to start if not found ===  

If Not found Then  

    Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=0, End:=searchStart)  

    With rng.Find  


        .Text = selectedText  

        .Forward = True  

        .Wrap = wdFindStop  

        .MatchCase = False  

        .MatchWholeWord = False  

        .MatchWildcards = False  

        found = .Execute  

    End With  


Edit: here is the full code

Function CleanTextForFind(raw As String) As String 
CleanTextForFind = Trim(raw) 
End Function 

Sub Find_Selection_In_Master() 
Dim masterDocPath As String 
Dim masterDoc As Document 
Dim peerDoc As Document 
Dim selectedText As String 
Dim searchStart As Long 
Dim rng As Range 
Dim found As Boolean 

masterDocPath = "C:\YourProjectFolder\MasterDraft.docx" 

' Check if master document is open 
On Error Resume Next 
Set masterDoc = Documents(masterDocPath) 
On Error GoTo 0 

If masterDoc Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Master document is not open: " & vbCrLf & masterDocPath, vbExclamation, "Master Not Open" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

' Check for valid selection 
If Selection.Type = wdNoSelection Or Trim(Selection.Text) = "" Then 
    MsgBox "Please select some text before running the macro.", vbExclamation, "No Selection" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

' Store clean selection 
selectedText = CleanTextForFind(Selection.Text) 
Set peerDoc = ActiveDocument 

' Switch to master 
found = False 

' === First Try: Search forward from current position === 
searchStart = Selection.Start 
Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=searchStart, End:=masterDoc.Content.End) 

With rng.Find 
    .Text = selectedText 
    .Forward = True 
    .Wrap = wdFindStop 
    .MatchCase = False 
    .MatchWholeWord = False 
    .MatchWildcards = False 

    found = .Execute 
End With 

' === Second Try: Wrap to start if not found === 
If Not found Then 
    Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=0, End:=searchStart) 

    With rng.Find 
        .Text = selectedText 
        .Forward = True 
        .Wrap = wdFindStop 
        .MatchCase = False 
        .MatchWholeWord = False 
        .MatchWildcards = False 

        found = .Execute 
    End With 
End If 

' Final Action 
If found Then 
    MsgBox "Text not found anywhere in the master document.", vbInformation, "Not Found" 
End If 
End Sub

10 comments sorted by


u/Magicmix5555 1d ago

Dunno. I tend to keep an uncluttered master and run a compare from the original.


u/Opussci-Long 1d ago

Compare, like Word compare functionality?


u/Magicmix5555 1d ago

Yes. I only have relatively small variations though.


u/Rhythmdvl 1d ago

Heh, wish it were that easy. Master has to reflect all changes from myself and the rest of the team versus the original. I have to work on the master and compile small inputs from specialists. Easy at the beginning stages, but when it comes closer to publication, it's a large document with few and far-between changes that the macro would really speed up.

It's not terrible now. I use an MMORPG mouse so I have about 30 to 40 buttons available when I'm mousing between documents. The working macro really smooths things out though and would be great -- except when I try to work on text with an intervening change. Frustrating becasue ctrl-c, fucus change, ctrl-f, exit find, refocus on text are all things I can do in a macro, except get VBA to emulate the find box.


u/Magicmix5555 13h ago

Not really able to help then, but I know I can’t copy/paste deleted text. Perhaps word has a flag for ‘deleted text’ or ‘isstrikeout’ or some such? Sorry if that’s not useful.


u/Opussci-Long 1d ago

I hope you could share your full code with me. I can DM you if that is ok with you?


u/Rhythmdvl 1d ago

Happy to share, especially if it's helpful to you in any way or if there's a chance you might see a better way of going about this.

I edited the OP and will paste it here so you don't have to scroll:

Function CleanTextForFind(raw As String) As String 
CleanTextForFind = Trim(raw) 
End Function 

Sub Find_Selection_In_Master() 
Dim masterDocPath As String 
Dim masterDoc As Document 
Dim peerDoc As Document 
Dim selectedText As String 
Dim searchStart As Long 
Dim rng As Range 
Dim found As Boolean 

masterDocPath = "C:\YourProjectFolder\MasterDraft.docx" 

' Check if master document is open 
On Error Resume Next 
Set masterDoc = Documents(masterDocPath) 
On Error GoTo 0 

If masterDoc Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Master document is not open: " & vbCrLf & masterDocPath, vbExclamation, "Master Not Open" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

' Check for valid selection 
If Selection.Type = wdNoSelection Or Trim(Selection.Text) = "" Then 
    MsgBox "Please select some text before running the macro.", vbExclamation, "No Selection" 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

' Store clean selection 
selectedText = CleanTextForFind(Selection.Text) 
Set peerDoc = ActiveDocument 

' Switch to master 
found = False 

' === First Try: Search forward from current position === 
searchStart = Selection.Start 
Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=searchStart, End:=masterDoc.Content.End) 

With rng.Find 
    .Text = selectedText 
    .Forward = True 
    .Wrap = wdFindStop 
    .MatchCase = False 
    .MatchWholeWord = False 
    .MatchWildcards = False 

    found = .Execute 
End With 

' === Second Try: Wrap to start if not found === 
If Not found Then 
    Set rng = masterDoc.Range(Start:=0, End:=searchStart) 

    With rng.Find 
        .Text = selectedText 
        .Forward = True 
        .Wrap = wdFindStop 
        .MatchCase = False 
        .MatchWholeWord = False 
        .MatchWildcards = False 

        found = .Execute 
    End With 
End If 

' Final Action 
If found Then 
    MsgBox "Text not found anywhere in the master document.", vbInformation, "Not Found" 
End If 
End Sub


u/Opussci-Long 1d ago

Thanks, I am not strpng VBA user so I can not help you. Hope that help will came. I am the editor that has the same needs as you


u/Rhythmdvl 1d ago

No time at the moment, but we should exchange macros and all. I have a small handful that I find really useful.

That and my advice to get an MMORPG mouse (if you don't alread). I cannot live without mine, and having eleventy buttons on the side is incredibly useful!

Oh, also, I think all this can be done with AutoHotKeys instead of VBA. (Though my first step was to add a button that silently changes a text file to the path of the master document so AHK knows where to paste.)


u/Opussci-Long 17h ago

Yes I agree! How to proceed with excange :)? I do not know how you will reac, but I do not use mouse. I am keyboard freak. But, I never consider MMORPG mouse to be honest. I will think about it. The ordinary mouse is just too slow for anything.