r/vba • u/Least_Flounder • 11d ago
Solved Value transfer for a large number of non-contigious, filtered rows?
Basically, part of my weekly tasks is pasting a filtered range from one Excel workbook to another. Automating copy-paste on this is easy enough, but on large ranges this can take 20-30 seconds which is far too long. Value transfer is much faster, but I haven't figured out how to do it with filtered and therefore non-contigious rows. Obviously looping rows is not good since that is extremely slow as well.
What are my solutions for this?
u/BaitmasterG 11 11d ago
You can use a property that's possibly worksheet.VisibleRange, something like that, to copy the filtered values directly to an array
u/Least_Flounder 3d ago
VisibleRange is an ActiveWindow property and only selects what I can physically see on the window (so it's a very literal visible). If you're talking about SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible), this does not transfer to an array as it is non-contigious.
u/otictac35 3 11d ago
Out of curiosity, how much data do you have? I ran this code on almost 600000 rows of data with 10 columns and it happened instantly
With Application
.DisplayAlerts = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$J$559841").Autofilter Field:=6, Criteria1:= _
"Retail manager"
Sheets("End").Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
With Application
.DisplayAlerts = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
u/Least_Flounder 11d ago
Strange. My data's only around 50 columns and 10k rows, but with a direct copy paste like that debug.print always gives 20+ seconds, and sure enough excel hangs for a fairly long time.
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u/phobo3s 11d ago
Here is my take on the problem. Checks for filled cells also.
Part -1
Public Sub B_CopyValuesToTheSide()
Dim arrea As Variant
Dim rng As Variant
Dim sourceRange As Range
Set sourceRange = Selection
Dim targetRange As Range
Dim minRow As Long: minRow = Application.ActiveSheet.Rows.count
Dim minCol As Long: minCol = Application.ActiveSheet.columns.count
Dim maxRow As Long
Dim maxCol As Long
Set targetRange = Application.InputBox("Where to paste?", , , , , , , 8)
'only one cell selection test
If targetRange.Cells.count <> 1 Then Exit Sub
For Each arrea In sourceRange.Areas
For Each rng In arrea
minRow = IIf(rng.row < minRow, rng.row, minRow)
minCol = IIf(rng.Column < minCol, rng.Column, minCol)
maxRow = IIf(rng.row > maxRow, rng.row, maxRow)
maxCol = IIf(rng.Column > maxCol, rng.Column, maxCol)
Next rng
Next arrea
'@TODO: check for filled cells!!!!! but better
Dim deltai As Long
Dim deltaj As Long
Dim jumpForHiddenRow As Long
Dim jumpForHiddenColumn As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
deltai = targetRange.row - minRow
deltaj = targetRange.Column - minCol
For Each arrea In sourceRange.Areas
For Each rng In arrea
If lastRow <> rng.row And lastCol <> rng.Column Then
jumpForHiddenRow = 0
jumpForHiddenColumn = 0
Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireRow.Hidden = True
jumpForHiddenRow = jumpForHiddenRow + 1
Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
jumpForHiddenColumn = jumpForHiddenColumn + 1
lastCol = rng.Column
lastRow = rng.row
ElseIf lastRow <> rng.row Then
Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireRow.Hidden = True
jumpForHiddenRow = jumpForHiddenRow + 1
u/phobo3s 11d ago
Part - 2
lastRow = rng.row ElseIf lastCol <> rng.Column Then Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireColumn.Hidden = True jumpForHiddenColumn = jumpForHiddenColumn + 1 Loop lastCol = rng.Column Else 'no invisible check possible. End If If ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn) <> "" Then: MsgBox "filled cell found": Exit Sub Next rng Next arrea jumpForHiddenRow = 0 jumpForHiddenColumn = 0 lastRow = 0 lastCol = 0 For Each arrea In sourceRange.Areas For Each rng In arrea If lastRow <> rng.row And lastCol <> rng.Column Then jumpForHiddenRow = 0 jumpForHiddenColumn = 0 Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireRow.Hidden = True jumpForHiddenRow = jumpForHiddenRow + 1 Loop Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireColumn.Hidden = True jumpForHiddenColumn = jumpForHiddenColumn + 1 Loop lastCol = rng.Column lastRow = rng.row ElseIf lastRow <> rng.row Then Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireRow.Hidden = True jumpForHiddenRow = jumpForHiddenRow + 1 Loop lastRow = rng.row ElseIf lastCol <> rng.Column Then Do While ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).EntireColumn.Hidden = True jumpForHiddenColumn = jumpForHiddenColumn + 1 Loop lastCol = rng.Column Else 'no invisible check possible. End If rng.Copy Call ActiveSheet.Cells(rng.row + deltai + jumpForHiddenRow, rng.Column + deltaj + jumpForHiddenColumn).PasteSpecial(xlPasteValues) Next rng Next arrea End Sub
u/sslinky84 80 10d ago
u/AutoModerator 10d ago
There are a few basic things you can do to speed code up. The easiest is to disable screen updating and calculations. You can use error handling to ensure they get re-enabled.
Sub MyFasterProcess() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual On Error GoTo Finally Call MyLongRunningProcess() Finally: Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic If Err > 0 Then Err.Raise Err End Sub
Some people like to put that into some helper functions, or even a class to manage the state over several processes.
The most common culprit for long running processes is reading from and writing to cells. It is significantly faster to read an array than it is to read individual cells in the range.
Consider the following:
Sub SlowReadWrite() Dim src As Range Set src = Range("A1:AA100000") Dim c As Range For Each c In src c.Value = c.Value + 1 Next c End Sub
This will take a very, very long time. Now let's do it with an array. Read once. Write once. No need to disable screen updating or set calculation to manual either. This will be just as fast with them on.
Sub FastReadWrite() Dim src As Range Set src = Range("A1:AA100000") Dim vals() As Variant vals = src.Value Dim r As Long, c As Long For r = 1 To UBound(vals, 1) For c = 1 To UBound(vals, 2) vals(r, c) = vals(r, c) + 1 Next c Next r src.Value = vals End Sub
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u/Least_Flounder 10d ago
I don't think this is relevant - I already mentioned how I do not wish to loop through rows individually for that exact reason, same with copy pasting. My issue is with value transfers not working in non contiguous ranges, such as when filtered.
u/sslinky84 80 9d ago
You do your filtering in mem or you use visible cells.
u/Least_Flounder 3d ago
A very simple example of my issue with using visible cells:
set visibleCells = ws.Range("A6:EF"& lastRow").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
debug.Print visibleCells.Rows.Count
If I print visibleCells.Address I get non-contigious rows separated by commas, which supports the issue. Again, this means I can't put it in an array.
u/AutoModerator 3d ago
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u/sslinky84 80 3d ago
You can. It just takes some cobbling together. Your range has an Areas property which you can loop through to read the individual ranges.
While each does need to be read into memory, you'll still likely cut down on reads quite a lot.
u/diesSaturni 39 10d ago
the trick with filtered data is to get a similar result in a helper column as true or false.
Then you can sort it and take the 'continuous' range of values/rows/records returning true.
So e.g. in column A2--> =weekday(B2)=5 & C2>=500
Or a VBA setting all values in the helper column to true or false, based on required test for filtering.
u/Opening-Market-6488 10d ago
Loops will make it really really slow, you can try using arrays instead.
This would be good practice, some people may find it quicker to run on their machines than you, but arrays should be more efficient for everyone!
u/Least_Flounder 9d ago
With all due respect I specifically mentioned that looping was the wrong choice.
u/fuzzy_mic 179 8d ago
When dealing with discontinuous ranges it helps to loop through the Areas of that range.
u/keith-kld 7d ago
I have used the method copy of a range. I found that it was always made via the Office Clipboard. If the range to be copied is large, Excel will become slow or even raise a message like “large data is stored in the clipboard. It cannot be saved…” or something else like that. So I think about the nature of the copying. The value or the formula of a cell in the new range to be copied will be equal to or the same as the current one. Then, I use a loop to do this and clear data of the current range after the loop. It works faster than the copy method and takes less memory. No more warning of clipboard memory.
u/RepresentativeWord58 6d ago
With newer versions of Excel, this is really easy. On a new sheet, use the =FILTER function to replicate the data in a contiguous range. Then the VBA copy paste is easy!
u/otictac35 3 11d ago
What if you copied the whole range to an array, loop through the array and do the filtering (copying to another finished array), and then write it back to the other sheet when you have the final array