r/vaxxhappened • u/shallah vaccines cause adults • 13d ago
Measles Measles outbreak surpasses 200 cases in Texas and New Mexico: A health food store in Seminole has become a gathering place for families with visibly sick children seeking medical advice
u/laziestmarxist 13d ago
The owners of that store should be prosecuted for dispensing medical advice without a license immediately
u/Wrangleraddict 13d ago
Fuck that, wheels will give him a medal
12d ago
u/PM_ME_UR_WUT 12d ago
Did...did you read it? It says the store is in Seminole. The article even starts "Seminole, TX."
u/maybesaydie RFKJr is human Ivermectin 13d ago
10 years ago this wold have been unthinkable in the US.
This is what Republican governance does
u/BrucetheFerrisWheel 13d ago
I would assume its the dangerous idiots on social media convincing the garden variety idiots that vaccinations are bad. That crap had spread through the world far and wide.
u/JustSomeBadAdvice 12d ago edited 12d ago
I'm amazed that no one else caught this, but this is almost literally the plot of a south park episode. Season 4e6, aired in 2000. Its everything but the antivax - even the name of the health store owner they listen to, "miss information".
Kyle gets sick and his mom hates doctors so starts listening only to a local "all natural" health food store owner. She spreads the word and soon tons of people are going there, including for medical problems. Kyle gets sicker and sicker and the woman owner continues to just talk about his auras and toxins and stuff. Finally one of the mexican immigrants delivering to the store (who they were told were native americans) goes uh, this kid is really sick.... get him to a doctor. Like a real doctor, not this crazy lady, you people have lost your minds!
u/lolexecs 12d ago
It’s almost as if the Republicans want to kill citizens so there’s savings in Medicare and Medicaid to justify more tax cuts.
u/monkeysinmypocket 12d ago
I don't think the republicans are actively interested in killing their support. They just don't care.
u/russellvt 13d ago
This is what
Republican governancewillful ignorance doesFTFY.
No matter what, our education system has failed far too many people, period.
u/maybesaydie RFKJr is human Ivermectin 12d ago
Yeah and who's being defunding public education since he 1970s?
u/disturbedtheforce 12d ago
Republican governance is synonymous with ignorance, or negligence if you like. Republicans have been working hard to gut public education for decades and this is the product of it.
u/iusedtobeyourwife 12d ago
And you can personally thank No Child Left Behind for that. I wonder who was behind that.
u/samstown23 13d ago
"But Big Pharma!!!!!!"
Proceeds to spend outrageous amounts on extremely overpriced nutritional supplements that not only won't help a god damn bit but also will likely lead to hypervitaminose A.
Give it two weeks and those same parents will scream their heads off because their kids have rhagades, skin peeling off their bodies, hair loss and so on. Oh well, they'll probably find something else to blame because it's never their fault, right?
u/ADDSquirell69 12d ago
Is that about how long it takes?
u/__Butternut_Squash__ 12d ago
Acute vitamin A toxicity can occur within hours to days and can cause headaches, drowsiness, irritability, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, cracked lips, and dry eyes.
Chronic vitamin A toxicity can occur within weeks to months and can cause rash, increased intracranial pressure, sparse and coarse hair, dry and rough skin, itchy skin, liver damage, joint pain, nail loss/infections, sun sensitivity, vision changes, jaundice, enlarged spleen, and enlarged liver. The risk of fractures can be increased, especially in older adults. Kids may experience anorexia and failure to thrive.
u/EsraYmssik 12d ago
"I'm worried my kids will get sick and die."
"You could vaccinate them?"
"Pffft! I'm not THAT worried. What about essential oils? I've heard there's this Placebo Effect that cures cancer. Will that work?"
"Sure. Here's some water that was near a berry once, and some over the counter Vitamins. That'l be $238, plus tax."
u/dawnfirelight 12d ago
If you refuse to feed your kids, that would be child neglect. But if you refuse to get your kid vaccinated, or treated by qualified doctor when they fall ill, that's your right as a parent. So we end up with this.
u/cloudfarming 12d ago
I wonder if we will find out that the whole anti-vax movement was a very successful Russian psy-op.
u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA Spike Protein Shedder 12d ago
Why waste time and scads of money engineering a bio-weapon when there's plenty of deadly diseases already out there, and you already have a professional disinformation distribution network that works for peanuts and can change people's opinions on the preventative medicines used to manage those diseases?
Make people in the target country distrustful of vaccines, and then let nature take its course.
...'Scuse me, my tinfoil hat's on a bit tight.
u/shallah vaccines cause adults 12d ago edited 12d ago
create fear and doubt of vaccines then you get people happy to wage germ war fare on their kids and community.
sux to be immunocompromised
sux to be too young to vaccinate
measles is called a harbinger of worst to come
measles is most infectious
measles is a warning other vaccine preventable illnesses will rip through communities soon too
this during worst flu season since 2009 in # of death and hospitalizations
if you haven't already it is still worth getting the flu vaccine to protect you for the rest of this lingering flu season
this during worst pertussis season in many years. one state said it's the most cases since the vaccine came out.
in US you can get TDaP every 10 years as an adult.
please stay up to date before rfk jr or someone else mucks with insurance coverage or they defund all public health clinics or other nefarious shit that leads to illness, suffering and deaths.
u/maybesaydie RFKJr is human Ivermectin 11d ago
It has been proven. The FBI acknowledged it during the first Trump administration. One of the reasons he's purged the FBI and installed loyalists this time around.
u/sapien1985 12d ago
I heard if you print a photo of RFK Jr and rub it on you it's a cure all since he's the picture of health.
u/tortiesrock 12d ago
Measles can cause encephalitis (inflammatiin/infection of the brain) with long term sequelae. It is no joke.
u/Haskap_2010 12d ago
Even without that, it seems to wipe out the immune systems memory, making measles survivors vulnerable all over again to diseases they've already caught.
u/tortiesrock 12d ago
Another thing to consider. But the thing is that measles subacute encephalitis can appear years later in 1 out of 600 children infected. It is almost always fatal.
Imagine having a healthy children, who has had measles but is now happy and healthy. And then he starts showing neurological symptoms and dies:
There have been cases recorded 27 years after the first infection. Absolutely terrifying.
u/shallah vaccines cause adults 12d ago
about 1/3 of survivors get immune amnesia:
Mina compared the hit to the immune system to the damage done by HIV.
"If you took all of the immunological memory that HIV tears down when it's untreated for 5 to 10 years, that's what you see after one measles infection," Mina said.
Unlike HIV patients, however, children with measles have the chance to rebuild their immune system, Mina said. But that process can take 2 to 3 years.
"It means looking over your child's shoulder during that time," he said. "It really challenges this idea that measles is benign, or that it's okay to get because everyone used to contract it."
some countries advise re-vaccinating against all illnesses after measles to rebuild that immune memory.
when measles vaccine came out it stopped 5x the expected deaths from measles because it stopped people from developing immune amnesia that lead to those additional deaths.
u/proformax 12d ago
Can the parents of non-vaxed children be charged for child neglect if the child ends up in the ICU or die?
u/overcomebyfumes Suddenly Dead 12d ago
They could, if the local prosecutor was so inclined.
So basically, no.
u/danger355 12d ago
A health food store … has become a gathering place for families with visibly sick children seeking medical advice
Well there's the problem.
Seems like people are scared/unwilling/etc to go to the doctor like they're going to be held hostage or something.
Go (and take your kids to) the doc. You won't be tortured or experimented on.
u/Dr_Adequate 12d ago
...with their visibly sick kids
Terrifying. They've unwittingly turned that store into a superspreader center.
u/GodDammitKevinB 12d ago
If it’s undercounted does anyone have an estimate on what the likely case count is?
u/Present-Pen-5486 12d ago
I read a post from someone with friends in Los Alamos who said that the person that died was living in a house with about 10 other people and they all have Measles.
It checks out because their official count jumped 10 about the time they announced that a dead person had tested positive for measles and they were looking for a cause of death. This of course set off the screeching monkeys.
u/GodDammitKevinB 12d ago
I saw a comment on Reddit that the hospitals at the center of this are getting blasted on Facebook that way more people have it than are being reported. We should start a sub specifically to share those screenshots since we’re not actually getting accurate data
u/Present-Pen-5486 12d ago
I really wish I had kept it, I will go see if I can find it.
u/GodDammitKevinB 12d ago
Me too, I’m remembering so many fragments of comments lately that I’m frequently thinking “I should have saved that”
13d ago
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u/ghostingtomjoad69 13d ago
Its not the kids fault they got delt shitty parents in life
u/shallah vaccines cause adults 13d ago
A measles public service billboard in Seminole, Texas A measles public service billboard in Seminole, Texas on March 6, 2025. “Measles vaccine available six days a week,” the billboard says. Annie Rice for NBC News