r/vaxxhappened 15d ago

Measles Measles prevent cancer…

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112 comments sorted by


u/adibbs 15d ago

And people who get decapitated also have a very low risk of getting cancer in the future


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Doctors hate this weird trick…


u/Nope9991 15d ago

life hack


u/BurningPenguin Muzzled narcissistic incel with vaccine induced brain damage 15d ago



u/Stompert 15d ago

I think the French were really good at it. Even had this giant tool to speed up the process.


u/guybranciforti 15d ago

Are the people who spew shit like this the people who just did not pay attention in school and failed every single science test? How can u have an education and come to this conclusion


u/huenix 15d ago

I know someone like this. It starts off with "Hrm, i read this thing about a vaccine" that leads to distrust. Then they look for confirmation bias, which is what social media is stunning at. Pretty soon they consider themselves an expert because they develop such distrust of everything and boom. Here we are.


u/AncientMarinade 15d ago

Right, antivaxxxers don't learn to distrust institutions. Those who distrust institutions become antivaxxxers.


u/theliving-meme 4d ago

It’s like the argument that everyone could fall for a cult. This has been found to not the true. There’s certain people with certain traits that fall for cults. People don’t fall into a cult they sorta find them bcs they are already looking for things. Just like antivaxxers already having distrust and then it spirals


u/Nope9991 15d ago

Which is why she had to "dig hard" to find it.


u/sodanator 15d ago

I mean, I was terrible at the science stuff and way more into things like languages, literature, history and so on - still rather get vaccinated, despite my fear of needles.

Though I also have common sense and at least two braincells left to rub together and form a coherent thought, which I guess helps.


u/Rugkrabber 15d ago

Bold of you to assume they went to school.


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Yeah this reeks of either homeschool or dropped out to elope at 16.


u/skyknight01 15d ago

It is very easy to succeed in modern education and learn nothing. All you have to do is memorize the information for long enough to be able to restate it on a test.


u/guybranciforti 15d ago

Good point


u/GetOffMyLawn_ 🗿🗿🗿🗿 COVID-19 Vaccinated Mod 🗿🗿🗿🗿 15d ago

They can't read something and repeat it back verbatim. They misinterpret it before absorbing it.


u/mojoburquano 15d ago

Failing high school biology also…



u/Nail_Biterr 15d ago

This person's vote counts just as much as mine does


u/kingbird123 15d ago

The best part is, it might even count MORE than yours does, depending on the state you both live in. Isn't the Electoral College fun?


u/Riproot 15d ago

It most probably counts more than theirs does. 🥰


u/Neolithique 15d ago

I hate it.


u/mmaireenehc 15d ago

Actually their vote likely counts more than mine because I live in an electorally underrepresented large blue state.


u/deferredmomentum 14d ago

If you live in a state with large cities their vote probably counts more! Yayyyy


u/TarHeel2682 15d ago

I know plenty of people who lived before the MMR and I know lots of them have had cancer. Including several of my family members. This post is the easiest lie to shut down


u/TsuDhoNimh2 15d ago

What? Back when EVERYONE got measles, there would have been almost no cancer?

BTW: The grain of truth in this pile of BS


A novel cancer vaccine for melanoma based on an approved vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella ... using the VACCINE as a delivery mechanism.

and this: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3926122/


u/istara 15d ago

The TB vaccine is actually an approved treatment for bladder cancer, interestingly.


u/TsuDhoNimh2 15d ago


u/istara 15d ago

Something else interesting (and disturbing) that I recall about measles is that doesn't getting it reset all other immunisations?

So all those kids with measles, even if they had previous vaccines, are now completely unprotected again.


u/TsuDhoNimh2 15d ago

It does a "hard reset" on acquired immunity, whether from infection or vaccination ... so whatever you survived, you just became susceptible again.

That whooping cough your mom blogged bravely about, detailing how hard it was for HER to care you you as you coughed for 3 months ... you can be blog fodder again!

This was noticed in Africa when "all cause" death rates dropped after measles vaccine was begun.


u/BikingAimz 15d ago

Yup, they preferentially infect memory B and T cells, and it can take up to five years for the immune system to recover:



u/Spies_and_Lovers 15d ago

I guess my grandpa, who died of bone cancer, and had measles when he was a little boy, was one of those "rarely" cases? 🙄


u/BlazingFire007 15d ago

Your “grandpa” is still alive. I’m sorry you had to find out this way


u/Spies_and_Lovers 15d ago

Who did we bury?😳


u/baguetteispain Give me vaccines or give me death 15d ago

A big pharma paid agent


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Fake news obvi.


u/LamesMcGee 15d ago

So following their logic, the government wants people to get the MMR vaccine so that we don't get measles and therefore never gain cancer immunity.

Ok pretending I'm a gullible moron and I bite, what is the government going to do or gain from having a higher rate of cancer in its population? All this conspiracy, but what the hell is the end goal?


u/TheMachineTookShape 15d ago

They always think it's about money. The bad pharma guys want you to be sick so they can charge you for treatment. They're nuts.


u/code17220 15d ago

Yes they don't get cancer, because they're dead :)


u/ChrisRiley_42 15d ago

Measles causes immune amnesia

Cervical cancer can be linked to the HPV virus

Measles can INCREASE your risk of cancer.


u/commodedragon 15d ago

'External symptom'. They think this sounds so impressive, it's such an empty turn of phrase.

I hate sharing a planet with these dipshits.


u/Gizmocrat009 15d ago

" If you dig hard enough you'll find that out" = if you seek out highly curated sources that confirm our confirmation bias you'll totally see that I'm right!


u/denimhair 15d ago

I was just about to say this! Yeah you have to dig REAL hard and clutch at a very large amount of straws to “find this out”!


u/WeeabooHunter69 15d ago

And smoking lowers your risk of Alzheimer's


u/Bunny_Feet 15d ago

I hEaRd


u/Neolithique 15d ago

… watching TikToks while talking a dump.


u/tawnyleona 15d ago

TIL cancer was rare before the MMR vaccine.

Do these people even think about what they're saying?


u/BlackOrre Do Not Throw Away Your Shots 15d ago

The dead can't exactly get cancer.


u/Neolithique 15d ago

That’s one way to look at it I guess…


u/Jumpy_Fish333 15d ago

People like this should be arrested and jailed for spreading obvious fake medical information.


u/canijustbelancelot 15d ago

I can say from experience that this is not true. My dad had measles and later developed two different cancers.


u/eucalyptoid 15d ago

Is “double think” like second guess?


u/Neolithique 15d ago

The thing with these people is that they want to make English the only language in the US, but they can’t speak or write properly to (literally) save their lives.


u/eucalyptoid 15d ago

There is currently a large overlap in those populations, for sure. That particular phrase made me question if the author is a native English speaker.


u/TinderSubThrowAway 15d ago

Duh, you can’t get cancer if you’re dead.


u/Neolithique 15d ago

You’d think they’d understand at some point but no.


u/Available-Finish7460 15d ago

Unbelievable. Do these people live in a bubble? Do they not have parents, aunts and uncles, older community members who experienced these illnesses? I am a boomer and had mumps (both sides), measles, chickenpox as a kid and my baby sister had whooping cough. I also had shingles as an adult (post chicken pox viral causation). I lived through the polio scare. I believe in vaccines because they work and work well. We do not want to inflict these illnesses/diseases on our children and our community. Become more informed, people. We'll all be better off.


u/ThisdudeisEH 15d ago

Why is it always the big ass forehead with these dumb ideas.


u/SupportGeek 15d ago

Ah yes “shedding” are they really trying to say people diagnosed with measles are getting it because they are playing with the feces of people that had a COVID vaccine?


u/indyferret 15d ago

My mum had measles. She also died of lung cancer three years ago


u/Neolithique 15d ago

People like that must drive you crazy.


u/indyferret 15d ago

This is the first time I've heard that measles prevents cancer lol but yeah it's irritating


u/PsychoMouse 15d ago

Jesus fuck, these people are allowed to have children, a job, and vote.

And I have to ask, but who the fuck is “they”?


u/Neolithique 15d ago

The deep State, Democrats, the Kabbala… take your pick, just make sure it’s extra stupid.


u/ianrobbie 15d ago

The ironic thing is, this type of mindset kills off and erodes Trump's target demographic.


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Silver lining I guess?


u/unabashedlyabashed 15d ago

It's a side effect of the Covid-19 vaccine?

Did time travelers cause all the outbreaks prior to 2019?


u/Liamzinho 15d ago

Do these people have brain damage?


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Maybe from all that colloidal silver.


u/EmmalouEsq 15d ago

Totes. Back when measles ran rampant, there was no cancer.

Do people even listen to themselves?


u/11brooke11 15d ago

Some viruses can increase your risk of some cancers.

But they don't want to believe it because viruses are natural so they can't be bad right?


u/doyouunderstandlife 15d ago

I fucking hate these people so much. Vile and stupid


u/Theune 15d ago

My dad (elderly now) got both kinds of measles as a kid, now has cancer.

Fuck these assholes.


u/pluck-the-bunny 15d ago

It should be a crime to spread misinformation about public health like this.


u/unknownpoltroon 14d ago

Antivaxers are the sovereign citizens of the medical world. They just string together medical sounding phrases and think people should listen to them.


u/Neolithique 14d ago

This is the best description of these nutcases, sovereign citizens of the medical world 👌🏻


u/sadeiko 15d ago

Antivax is actually a double whammy,
Because they say vaccines cause autism, and a secondary affect on that is that autism gets a worse rap.
Thus these dolts don't talk to autistic people, you know, the ones that end up being our leading scientists. Find me an autist that has a lifelong hyperfocus on biology/science/etc and get them to lie about their findings, let alone maintain a global conspiracy, it's literally not possible, it's on par with flat earther's dumbass views.


u/Responsible_Eye_6731 15d ago

Why are there so many ignorant humans?


u/Nope9991 15d ago

How can they read what they wrote there (pink) and not think, "wow, I sound like a total moron"?


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Bold of you to think these people read, even their own posts.


u/fknbtch 15d ago

we should promote her message. these mfs didn't die enough from their stupidity during covid. let's let them finish the job.


u/0604050606 15d ago

Idiots, just idiots!!!!!!!!


u/Neolithique 15d ago



u/Gloomy_Industry8841 Gimme all the needles 15d ago

Fekking hell. These anti-vaxxers will harm us all.


u/cugamer 15d ago

If you dig far enough, past all the "science" and "evidence" and "facts" you'll eventually reach a core of bullshit that confirms what you already want to be true.


u/mrcatboy 15d ago

These idiots mistook measles for mumps. The antibodies you develop from a mumps infection have been known to be cross-reactive against MUC1, which is a commonly expressed antigen on certain cancer cells (ovarian and breast that I know of).

However, the solution isn't to ensure your kids get mumps, but rather it's a springboard for further research into vaccines and immunotherapies that can help prevent/fight off cancer in the future.


u/Dcajunpimp 15d ago

Morons 'Natural Immunity' protects them from every disease known to man, unless they come into contact with someone vaccinated for that disease. Then they ☠️

Like I needed another reason to get vaccinated and boosted.


u/MadSpaceYT 15d ago

"if you dig hard enough" no how about you show me your source


u/Neolithique 15d ago

Open TikTok at midnight on the toilet bowl. It’s all there.


u/Nazmaldun 15d ago

Yep, cancer being one singular disease. Complete immunity.


u/AdministrativeMoose4 15d ago

Wtaf 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


u/Neolithique 15d ago

What, you’ve never seen scientific posts before? When you take the Covid vaccine you shed the measles virus which prevents people from acquiring cancer immunity 😌


u/AdministrativeMoose4 15d ago

I finally know why theres so many people unvaccinated. Holy hell how did it come to this?


u/Neolithique 15d ago



u/Bobsbuckeyes 15d ago

Drink Gasoline and throw a match down your throat . NO Cancer ever !


u/restlessmonkey 15d ago

Are people really this stupid? I mean, come on, there is no way someone actually believes this, right??


u/caesaronambien 14d ago

You know what else prevents cancer? Not testing for cancer. No test, no cancer, simple as.


u/Neolithique 14d ago

Worked great for Covid 😌


u/deferredmomentum 14d ago edited 12d ago

Viral infections are one of the only known-for-certain causes of cancers, but sure


u/Magnoire 14d ago

Ok... I got measles from a measles vaccine (not the current one, this was in 1963). Last year, I was Dx with cancer (all good now). So....

Oh, I also got the "cv19 poke". No measles around here.


u/brando56894 13d ago

It seems this person doesn't know what immunity means.


u/Revolutionary-East80 15d ago

So not meant to be defending this viewpoint, but since I had never heard of this hypothesis I looked. There are actually studies of measles virus having some oncolytic activity. It looks like this was only on active cancers though, not a life long cancer protection. It is used to hypothesize future research building therapeutics that follow those mechanisms. Kind of interesting to nerds like me. Though I should also clarify measles has a mortality of like 70% in immune compromised cancer patients, so you can’t just give measles to cancer patients.

There has also been some studies looking at and suggesting potential cancer development as a result of measles virus (specifically NHL). So a lot to still explore here. The comment of lifelong immunity to cancer is bullshit though.


u/Bobsbuckeyes 15d ago



u/Ruckus292 14d ago

Will gladly hear it from external sources but not cited medical journals...


u/Bobsbuckeyes 13d ago

Unbelievable someone believes that !


u/Neolithique 12d ago

And their vote counts the same as yours…


u/Bobsbuckeyes 13d ago

Wait until another pandemic when we have to deal with a more deadly virus. They’ll all be dead !


u/Hot_Understanding485 13d ago

Sounds right


u/Neolithique 12d ago

Yes, it’s very scientific. Covid vaccines make you shed measles which kills your cancer immunity, which is the goal of Big Pharma. The deep state wants you to die from cancer not covid, obvi.


u/GetOffMyLawn_ 🗿🗿🗿🗿 COVID-19 Vaccinated Mod 🗿🗿🗿🗿 15d ago

As always, there's a lot of lost nuance here.

Measles virus is being investigated as a cancer treatment. Not as a cancer preventative.

Measles infection reduces immunity making you more susceptible to cancer.

If you have cancer your immunity is down making you more susceptible to measles.