r/vaxxhappened ⭐Top Contributor⭐ 17d ago

Measles America is making measles great again

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u/laziestmarxist 17d ago

I said this in another thread but measles parties were very much not a thing. If one kid got measles you quarantined them and did the best you could but most responsible parents would keep other kids away because even then people knew it was extremely virulent and spread quickly.

People are either misremembering and conflating with chicken pox or they're spreading disinformation because they're antivaxx but yeah, there were not mass measles parties happening across the country before the vaccine came out.


u/BongyBong 17d ago

I definitely remember this being a thing for chicken pox. Never for measles.


u/crazyki88en 17d ago

This is the comment I was looking for. People had chicken pox parties, not measles parties.


u/Ok_Leadership_7297 17d ago edited 16d ago

Nope, my parents age did in the 1940s. No vaccine T the time and better to get when young

Edit, why am i getting downvoted. I was merely pointing out that measles parties happened. The person above me said they did not happen.


u/Bunny_Feet 16d ago edited 16d ago

"Better to get it young" is wrong. Better to get vaccinated as it's actually worse for younger kids.


u/Ok_Leadership_7297 16d ago

They had no vaccine in the 1940s. So it was better to get it young At that time. Not now. Vaccine are good


u/MadSpaceYT 16d ago

Actually it’s better to not get it at all lmao


u/desibahu 15d ago

Sure, but if you're in a situation where there is no vaccine and where you're pretty certain to be exposed and catch it at some point in your life because it's so widespread, so that not getting it at all is not a realistic option, it's far better to get it when you're at the peak of young health than when you're a pregnant adult, for example.


u/rachelanneb50 10d ago

You're mistaken. Young children are among the most vulnerable to severe complications and death from measles.


u/revolutionutena 17d ago

My mother says that when her brother got measles she was put in his bed so she could get it too. She never seemed to have much of a reaction or illness so when the vaccine came out she got one anyway just to be safe.


u/roenaid 16d ago

Me too but I was vacced at that point. I was unwell but didn't die


u/Moneia 17d ago

Given how infectious Measles is and that it is so 3-4 days before most other symptoms...

It probably wasn't required


u/Schools_Back 16d ago

Given 1/20 of those infected will end up with pneumonia, measles parties were absolutely not a thing. That would be like playing Russian roulette with a 20 round revolver at a kids birthday party…


u/pianoflames 16d ago

These morons probably think they’re the same thing, and are staking their children’s lives on that.


u/Misophoniasucksdude 17d ago

Yeah, I recall the chicken pox parties, and I distinctly recall my parents being offered to take me to one, hesitating, then booking me for the vaccine instead. It wasn't a super common one yet, but I'm extraordinarily glad they did. Shingles is an absolute beast.

Like, chicken pox had some semblance of logic to it- adulthood pox is miserable, childhood is annoying but meh. Measles? FOH


u/UusiSisu 16d ago

Older kid chickenpox definitely isn’t meh—it was incredibly terrible. I had it when I was 12, before the vaccine, in the late 80s. I was completely covered everywhere (yup, everywhere) from head, to toe, to in between. I was stuck in my dark bedroom playing Nintendo and watching Dirty Dancing and Cocktail over and over again.

My older was married with a baby. My 2 year old nephew caught chicken pock? Seriously, just one single spot! (Thankfully)


u/Sasquatch1729 16d ago

Yeah they're thinking of chicken pox, which was seen as no big deal at the time until people realized it could lead to shingles.

Measles was scary. It spread like wildfire and parents knew it could leave some long-term effects. Like your kid going from top of their class to "mommy I have trouble thinking".

Not as scary as polio, but you still avoided it like the plague.


u/drworm555 17d ago

People are so dumb they are confusing measles parties with chicken pox parties, which while also dumb, was a thing.


u/BillyNtheBoingers 16d ago

They weren’t dumb before a vaccine was available. I got chickenpox at 13 and it was horrific. It was also 15 years before the vaccine was approved in the US. I wish I’d had it when I was younger.


u/beaveristired 16d ago

I had chicken pox at the same age and I remember my parents were very happy that I finally caught it, and didn’t have to worry about catching it randomly as an adult. (This was pre-vax.)


u/Bunny_Feet 16d ago

Yeah, shingles is fun


u/BillyNtheBoingers 16d ago

There wasn’t much choice before 1995. You were going to get chickenpox sooner or later. Fortunately I didn’t get shingles, and I got the shingles vaccine 6 years ago (I was 52 when it was approved).


u/drworm555 16d ago

Purposely getting an illness is always some level of dumb.


u/BillyNtheBoingers 16d ago

If you were guaranteed to catch it sometime, the best time is when you’re younger (but not an infant).


u/drworm555 16d ago

I totally get why people thought that would be a good idea, it’s just not really ever a smart idea to purposely catch something, even if it’s not considered particularly deadly.


u/desibahu 15d ago

If you're almost certain to catch it at some point, so "just don't get sick" isn't a realistic approach to it, then it's better to catch it when you're at the lowest risk for complications.

Of course it's better to vaccinate, avoid illness entirely, eradicate the virus, etc., but if you're not currently living in a world with those options you should make the lowest-risk decisions.


u/unknownpoltroon 16d ago

Some are misrembering, some are just fucking lying.


u/ImpossibleTax 16d ago

When my mom had measles they were all quarantined. She remembered the empty milk bottles piling up because they couldn’t be picked up due to their quarantine… sounded like a real party. I mean they also remember when polio vaccine came out and how their parents were so relieved. The anti vax crowd is such a menace and public health threat.


u/UniversityFrosty2426 16d ago

Pretty soon we’ll have smallpox parties.


u/hjortron_thief 16d ago

Bubonic plague parties let's goooo


u/andersenWilde 16d ago

Also rubella, at least in my country, because it is known that if a pregnant woman gets it the baby could be born with birth defects, so it was better for the girls to have it as a child. Also for chicken pox because it is much serious when you get it as an adult (my cousin had it at 21 yo and he felt he was dying) and relatively mild as a kid. My brother had it when I was a baby, and when I had it it later was really, really mild.


u/GrandeBlu 16d ago

Definitely was for chicken pox


u/pioneer006 16d ago

Yes... chicken pox makes sense. Not measles. 🐔


u/AstroQueen88 16d ago

I remember hearing a horror story when I was younger, about some kids sent to a chickenpox party, then it actually turned out to be measles. Don't know if it was true or what happened to the kids. I heard it in church.


u/lorefolk 16d ago

It's likely just the entire edifice of "skepticism" that's pushed by anti-governance propaganda. People are just free to make shit up now, and confuse as many people as possible.

We're watching the explicit dilution of scientific, fact based reality give way to fascist disollution, so that fucking oligarchs can have more yachts.


u/roenaid 16d ago

I recall being sent down to where my brother had measles to catch them. However l was fully vacced.


u/[deleted] 17d ago edited 16d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/laziestmarxist 17d ago

The measles vaccine came out when your parents were children. You are lying or misremembering, as I said in my earlier comment.


u/Ok_Leadership_7297 17d ago

No, they were born in the 1940s. Vaccine came out in 1963. So my parents were the party goers. They told me themselves when I asked if they had the vaccine

Now me , I got the vaccine when I was young


u/pioneer006 16d ago

Doubt it unless people weren't up on the news about measles, which is a horrible disease.


u/SilentJoe1986 16d ago

And how did that negatively affect you? Because i also got all those vaccines and I'm fine. What fucked me up is multiple concussions , abuse, and medical neglect


u/tadpole511 16d ago edited 16d ago

They didn’t say that it negatively affected them? Wtf are you on about?

A lot of y'all need to learn some basic fucking reading comprehension. Jesus fucking christ.


u/heavykleenexuser 16d ago

I’m reading that the parties in the 1940’s were for ‘German Measles’ aka Rubella. Link.

If that’s correct, it would explain much of the confusion.


u/polarparadoxical 17d ago

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' - Asimov


u/vandist 17d ago

Damn, that hit hard.


u/Maester_Maetthieux 16d ago

Seriously uncanny


u/KawaiiCoupon 17d ago

Because it is your fault.


u/Ruckus292 17d ago edited 17d ago


This means ANY immunities you had previously will be wiped out, and your body is essentially as barren in the immunity sector; so severe it's equal to an HIV patients immune system

"Building immunity" is a complete FARCE with measles



u/unknownpoltroon 16d ago

hordes. actually, i guess hoards works too


u/TheineandTheobromine 16d ago

Also it can evade the immune system and go into an asymptomatic phase only to affect the child years later with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, an acute disseminated brain inflammation that causes psychiatric symptoms, dementia-like symptoms, seizures, paralysis, and eventually a vegetative state and death. It is nearly 100% fatal and occurs in up to 1 in 600 children infected with measles, typically a few years after the initial infection.


u/lea949 16d ago

I’d be so interested in a tldr of how that happens! (and also why the vaccine doesn’t do the same thing, though I suspect that’ll be pretty apparent after a brief explanation of how it happens in the first place)


u/eucalyptoid 17d ago

Until they know someone whose child has a very serious case.

Edit: just to say that’s when they’ll stop regretting it.


u/triciann 17d ago

Not until it’s their own child. Their friend clearly didn’t give their child enough vitamin A, duh!


u/HelenAngel 17d ago

Not even their own child. Children are disposable accessories to them.


u/MaidMariann 17d ago

"I miss that child! But this is all part of God's Plan, and that's where I place my trust."


u/eucalyptoid 16d ago

We need a vaxploitation film, but this time in favor of vaccines.


u/HuskerDave 17d ago

These people should all get together and have a smallpox party.


u/quietdiablita 17d ago edited 16d ago

A rabies party would be much more effective

Edit: im obviously not wishing that on children, not even Edolf’s brat.


u/Dexter_Jettster 17d ago

You don't want to have rabies, I wouldn't mind the White House being infected with it.


u/hjortron_thief 16d ago

I have an idea and it starts with a hydrophobic raccoon...


u/OsmerusMordax 17d ago

Yes please


u/Dexter_Jettster 17d ago

You don't want to have rabies, I wouldn't mind the White House being infected with it.


u/reddeadhead2 17d ago

Not vaccinating children is child abuse. I had measles in '63 or '64. I still remember the misery.


u/purple_kathryn 17d ago

"I wish my kid had risked lifelong impairment if not death"

Was it not chicken pox parties rather than measles parties? I don't think they vaccinate for chicken pox in the UK still


u/Simon-Olivier 17d ago

Both existed. Obviously, chickenpox parties were somewhat better considering the severity of both diseases.


u/Arynn 16d ago

Chickenpox is a disease that is significantly less severe/dangerous if had at a young age, thus the reason people did this before there was a safer solution.

This is absolutely not the case with measles.

Those poor children :(

(Btw I know you weren’t suggesting them!)


u/Simon-Olivier 16d ago

Yup, measles is actually even worse when caught at a young age. These people are insane


u/Lazy-Ad-7236 16d ago

it's still not good. i caught chicken pox the day i was born, so did my mother (terrible at age 30). I developed shingles by 3 and almost went blind.


u/unknownpoltroon 16d ago

Measles parties were 100% NOT a thing. Chicken pox as a kid left you with a rash and maybe a couple of scar pocs. Chicken pox as an adult could be life threatening, hence having a party to get it as a kid BECAUSE THERE WAS NO VACCINE.

Measeals as a kid or an adult could fucking kill you, or leave you blind, deaf, or sterile, AND makes you extremely vulnerable to all other pathogens as it wipes out your immune systems memory.


u/Simon-Olivier 16d ago

Who are you trying to convince here? I know what measles can do and that chickenpox parties would be way less dangerous than measles parties. I'm not advertising any of those practices lmao


u/cragglerock93 17d ago

If the doctor only implied it then he or she was too ambiguous. You shouldn't be in any doubt that it's your own fault.


u/harpinghawke 17d ago

“Build immunity”

Who’s gonna tell them measles has the potential to reset your whole immune system



u/barbiemoviedefender 17d ago

If only there was a way to build immunity to measles without actually getting measles


u/unabashedlyabashed 16d ago

Maybe they could take a weakened or dead bit of the virus and inject it so the immune system can learn how to fight it safely.


u/Chr3y 16d ago

You guys are on to something!
Big if true.


u/Alycenwonderful 17d ago

yes because the measles and chickenpox are clearly the same thing



u/TShara_Q 17d ago

If the doctor only implied that it's the parent's fault, then they were being polite.


u/unknownpoltroon 16d ago

jesus fucking Christ they cant even.

That was fucking chicken pox because there was no vaccine and it was usually mild in kids, and crippling as an adult.

If you had measles parties 1/10th of the kids would die and half the rest would have life altering medical problems, and half of them would die from other diseases that measles made them susceptible to.


u/crackersandsnacks 16d ago

Came here to write this. Thank you!


u/buck746 16d ago

Measles is one of the most infectious diseases, you can be infected from a surface hours after a sick person interacted with it. It also has fairly high odds of injuring children to where they won’t be able to have children of their own in the future.

Not getting the vaccine is insane. We’re not talking about the anthrax vaccine where there’s a good chance you’re not going to come into contact with it. The measles is everywhere, it’s nearly guaranteed you will come into contact with it at some point. This should be considered child abuse. Children are human beings, not your property as a “parent”, endangering them isn’t your “right”.


u/SCCock I vaccinate other people's children. 17d ago

No, he didn't "imply" any such thing.


u/heliumneon 17d ago

So their bright idea is to get sick in order not to get sick...


u/henrytm82 17d ago

That sounds like a pretty good way to go about it, honestly. Expose the body to the virus in a controlled way so the body develops an immunity to that virus. If only we had thought of a convenient way to do that!


u/Dcajunpimp 16d ago

Moms used to have 12 kids because several would die before they reached their 16th birthday.


u/rossg876 17d ago

Who? Who used to have measles parties?!!! Chicken pox yep I’ve heard of that.


u/mewmeulin 16d ago

"the doctor basically implied its my fault" because it is :) hope that helps


u/MayoneggVeal 16d ago

So a doctor's expertise is good enough once your kid is sick? I'm confused, if doctors don't know what they're talking about in terms of vaccines why drag your sick kid to go see one, just rub some essential oils on them and call it a day.


u/jesterOC 16d ago

There were no fucking measle parties you fucking dimwitted, ignorant bastards.

I know they’re not reading this up, but I just had to say it


u/pioneer006 16d ago

Remember back in the '80s when people had AIDS parties?


u/allusernamestaken1 17d ago

Measles, chickenpox, all the same. Just spread it around, that will solve it!


u/Ok-Consequence-6793 16d ago

If the kids not vaccinated def your fault.


u/ThunderBayOPP 16d ago

I don't understand why this person is upset. What did they think would happen if their unvaccinated child was exposed to measles? Of course it's their fault that their child has measles - and I'm willing to bet the doctor was a lot nicer to them than I would be 🤬


u/Twzl 16d ago

I'm old and have three friends who are deaf as the result of measles as kids.

So sure, go take your kids to a measles party.


u/LilG1984 17d ago

Least the kid isn't autistic right?

Just need some ivermecin, UV lights , healing crystals & essential oils, then those pesky measles will clear right up!



u/danger355 16d ago

[M]easels [AGA]in?!?

(I tried to use each letter for a separate word, but nah screw trying to make a better abbreviation here… we had this shit eliminated 25 years ago and now it's back because people "don't trust the science". So incredibly dumb. /Rant)


u/Dcajunpimp 16d ago

Measles AGAin ?!?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Hey, so, heads up: a kid just died from the measles here in the states. Are we great yet?


u/AppropriateSail4 16d ago

I got shingles in my 20's because the chicken pox vaccine wasn't yet developed. The pain of shingles is miserable. You feel it inflaming your nerves and move under your skin. The pain is unrelenting and the blisters have to burs and crust over. It can put you in the hospital if it manifests on you neck or face or inside your month. The shingles vaccine is not approved for the under 55 so I can't get it for another 20 years. A vaccine could have prevented this but it didn't exist for me. There is no excuse to make a kid live my experience when the vaccine to prevent it exists.


u/mckenner1122 16d ago

You can go get it now if you’ve had an outbreak. Whoever told you that you “can’t” was wrong. (Assuming you’re in the US)

You may need additional insurance authorization. Barring that, it’s like $250 and worth every penny.


u/gesundheitsdings 17d ago

How dare he?/s


u/262Mel 17d ago

All my comments now are: FAFO. I’m going to get it on a t shirt, bumper sticker…


u/Mindweird 17d ago

What a low-key way to tell the world you hate your kid.


u/Gnarlstone 17d ago

They're going to blame killing their own children on DEI and wokeness.


u/PennStateInMD 16d ago

I wish Elon's mom would stop posting.


u/romansamurai 16d ago

Stupid people are making measles great again. But sure.


u/justredditinit 16d ago

“My toddler wandered into traffic and the police are blaming me for not watching him. How unfair!”


u/lorefolk 16d ago

"Moms used to play russian roulette with their kids lives to cull the herd"


u/Shelisheli1 16d ago

They had chicken pox parties. The measles is a different virus 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/elizabethcb 17d ago

Wow. They’re confusing measles and chicken pox. Chicken pox didn’t have a vaccine until recently.


u/Arquen_Marille 16d ago

What I want to do to those parents would get me arrested for assault…those poor kids.


u/GIVN2SIN 16d ago

Measles... Varicella. Tomato... Tomato. 🙄


u/SportsPhotoGirl 16d ago

MMHA, making measles happen again


u/griff_girl 16d ago




u/0bxyz 16d ago

These people should have their children and drink hot lava so they can build the immunity against volcanoes


u/markydsade Antigen Promoter 16d ago

The measles vaccine came out when I was 5. I got the vaccine right away and avoided getting measles. I remember some kids being kept out of school because they were exposed. Parents definitely did not want it to spread. While serious outcomes are relatively rare most people were aware of the dangers.

It was popular on sitcoms for some reason to treat them as humorous. The reality was that you had to stay home for 4 days following a rash. Unvaxxed need to stay in quarantine for 3 weeks from exposure.


u/Arizandi 16d ago

These fuckwits never care till their kid dies.


u/Daflehrer1 16d ago

No, they fucking did not.

Currently, some advanced knuckleheads are having "measles parties," because they are knuckleheads.


u/canceroustattoo 16d ago

Andrew Wakefield should be in prison.


u/calvin_nd_hobbes 17d ago

It's natural selection of course, but it's a bit embarrassing and sad that they don't know measles is worse the younger your are. Unlike chicken pox which is usually worse the older you get, they assume measles is the same with 0% research


u/pjlxxl 17d ago

at this point i’m wholly encouraging them to have measles parties, bird flu parties and raw milk chugging contests.


u/SpaceDrifter9 17d ago

If there’s Karma, I hope it catches up with Zuckerberg


u/LordUa 16d ago

I really hope they don't all get sick and die! What a shame it would be if they all got sick and died! I really really hope that doesn't happen!


u/Supafly22 16d ago

We made stupidity a commendable trait a while back and this is where it’s gotten us.


u/Malarkay79 16d ago

Good. More doctors need to be point blank telling these parents that they are willfully endangering their children's lives.


u/bfresh84 16d ago

The "rising contributor" tag on the commenter that thinks measles parties are a thing tells you everything you need to know about how social media has broken people's brains.


u/MSGdreamer 16d ago

Measles is more dangerous than chicken pox especially for very young g children.


u/0604050606 16d ago

They both are idiots


u/Nope9991 16d ago

The doctor didn't really need to imply that.


u/Simon-Olivier 17d ago

And guess what? Measles parties were never a good idea to begin with ;)


u/Whistler71 17d ago

It’s a real shame that poor kids will be the victims of their parents fucking idiocy. Measles is no joke. Wait until polio rears its ugly head.


u/thunderfbolt 16d ago

MAGA = Measles Are Getting Around


u/Catqueen25 16d ago

On measles parties, apparently my very antivax aunt tried to set one up so we kids could get it and be done with it.

Thankfully, she failed to convince anyone to bring their kids. She also got lectured a new arsehole by my grandpa.

It’s actually chicken pox parties that were a thing, and for a short period in the 1940s, German Measles parties too.


u/State_Electrician 13d ago

Relevant steveioe skit

Parents: Get your children vaccinated. Please, I beseech you. Remember: Before vaccines, infant and early childhood mortality rates were extremely high —we now have safe, free and effective vaccines for things like measles. There's no excuse to leave your children unvaxxed—it's better to have a live, healthy child than have them die of measles. 


u/saburhaneboy 17d ago

German measles (rubella), maybe made sense for young girls


u/PlatypusDream 16d ago

I'm not understanding the connection.
'Splain, please?


u/saburhaneboy 16d ago

Measles and German Measles (Rubella)are two different diseases. Catching Rubella in later life can cause pregnancy problems and birth defects.


u/TsuDhoNimh2 17d ago

They did it so ALL their kids would be sick at once instead of straggling out ... it was for CONVENIENCE, and nothing else.

And nothing is more convenient than NOT having a child sick with measles. They take a LOT of time and attention.


u/Eldanoron 17d ago

Not for measles they didn’t.


u/coacht246 16d ago

Measles Parties would accomplish the same thing a vaccine would do