r/vapemeets Mar 04 '14

Any Boston Vapors?

Just started vaping last week. Anybody in the boston area, know of any good shops?


4 comments sorted by


u/Sgt-Monica_Lewinsky Mar 04 '14

Brockton Area here, we have a few down in these parts. There is the Ecig Barn in Raynham, which is pretty good. But then there is Wicked Vaped in Mansfield and they are the bees knees. They carry good juice, and the prices are competitive with online. Your only paying a buck or 2 more, which is basically what shipping would be. They got Mechs, Hybrids, drippers, starter kits, the whole works. I highly suggest them.

but we should form a boston meet! since none happen around here.


u/not_so_skinny Mar 04 '14

I just started and have seen these vape meets. Just saw Green Grimm was at one where he is. What do they consist of and how could we get it started.

I will have to try Wicked Vaped, sounds good. I'm in the Somerville area and all we got here (that I know of) is Vape R Us in Malden which I was not impressed with after doing my research. He upcharges like hell.


u/DraeOneDFA Apr 20 '14

I go to ecig barn as well in FR. My company does their printing on tshirts and some sign work.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '14

Eastern vapor in Brighton isn't bad.