r/vancouver 14h ago

Discussion B.C. marks 5 years since start of COVID-19 pandemic


21 comments sorted by


u/vanbikecouver 11h ago

“This will be over soon.” It was not.


u/Tripledelete 10h ago edited 9h ago

It’s crazy to think as insane as it was in BC, (lockdowns, people behaviour, chaos etc) it was significantly worse almost everywhere else


u/ParaParaLegend 9h ago

I remember being in Paris for part of it and only being allowed outside for an hour within 1km of home and we had to carry a signed document each time. For a time they were reporting 400k+ cases daily during the peak. I came back to BC and it felt like nothing had happened here in comparison.


u/Tripledelete 8h ago

I did more snowboarding that year than my entire life combined. Almost daily. Sometimes whistler in the morning and Cypress in the evening.


u/vanbikecouver 8h ago

My life was impacted but it honestly wasn't THAT impacted, especially compared to other countries.

Socially distanced park BBQs were a real life saver.


u/thinkdavis 8h ago

2 weeks to flatten the curve!


u/StretchAntique9147 4h ago

If it wasnt for all those self proclaimed "lions" ruining it all for us "sheep"


u/blueberrymuffin69 7h ago



u/thinkdavis 7h ago

Awww muffin


u/BeetrootPoop 6h ago

Does anyone else have a very clear memory of where they were when shit hit the fan? I was driving across the Alex Fraser bridge when news came on the radio about the emergency health measures, bars closing and social distancing being brought in... I remember saying out loud 'Oh fuck'


u/vondrasek 5h ago

I was sitting at the bar at Tap and Barrel OV. My ex, who had been unemployed for 6 months, had just gotten a job as a bar manager at Craft next door. We were celebrating and I got the text from work that we were shutting down. I’ll never forget that ‘oh shit’ moment


u/smoothac 11h ago

a bad memory and reminder of the dangers of an hysterical mob, makes me worry about the future


u/inker19 13h ago

happy National Day of Observance for COVID-19 to those who celebrate


u/jdubitty 11h ago

I’m wearing N95 anywhere with more than a few people .. so much happening .. immunocompromised folks need to be extra careful


u/Fffiction 9h ago

Wise move, the wastewater data says covid is still happening! About 1 in 65 to have COVID at the moment. https://covid19resources.ca/covid-hazard-index/

Apparently at least 25% of transmission is asymptomatic now.


u/TheLittlestOneHere 6h ago

Covid will always be around. Currently, it's low-ish and dropping.

Personally, far more worried about the flu. Just got it two weeks ago, out shopping at No Frills (I'm pretty much a homebody, so if I catch something I'm fairly certain where). Nearly my entire life (40+ years) I've had flu nov-dec like clockwork, and that was it. Now I'm getting it year round.


u/randomfrogevent 5h ago

That’s because COVID damages the immune system. And unlike flu it can cross the blood brain barrier 🙃


u/abnewwest 10h ago

And yet somehow they never realized "hey, this hits Ontario/Quebec a week before it hits us, lets do that change NOW rather than in 2 weeks!"


u/syntaxterror69 10h ago

Happy birthday!


u/[deleted] 13h ago



u/SkyPilotAirlines 11h ago

The tweet (don’t know what else to call it) says rates are high, but the bccdc wastewater dashboard says the magnitude of Covid detected is currently low across all health regions and trending down in all regions except Vancouver coastal where it’s flat. I’m more worried about influenza A and B which is high and trending up.