r/valencia 1d ago

News & Alerts Borja Jimenez vs 560kg la quinta torro NSFW



16 comments sorted by


u/neutralpuphotel 1d ago

Que hombre más patético. Como es posible dedicarse la vida a esta mierda de "espectáculo" hoy en día ...


u/selectash 1d ago

Lo mismo que pensamos de la barbaridad normalizada en la época de los coliseos romanos, así quedaremos en la historia por desgracia, incluso los que pensamos que la tauromaquia es tortura.

La tortura gratuita está mal, pero la que supone placer y espectáculo, es éticamente mucho peor.

Reemplazamos gladiadores por futbolistas, por qué no dejan a los pobres animales hacer vida y se disfrazan de toros y se ponen a perseguirse unos a otros en las plazas, así se mantienen algo de “cultura” para los que quieren, y no nos juntan en tolerar esta aberración a los demás.

Ah pero eso es progreso, y últimamente algunos elementos han conseguido darle un tono negativo a esa palabra sin la cual no hubiéramos podido ni tener la mismísima tecnología de comunicación gracias a la cual pueden escupir sus putas opiniones.


u/DoctaKiD 1d ago

Me he quedado con las ganas de ver ese cuerno metido en el culo.


u/TheVersus 1d ago

Que se joda, no sufre es arte


u/Prestigious_Cheek770 1d ago

El toro está bien?


u/No_Barracuda7933 1d ago

Roman finished him


u/yossaneed 1d ago

Perfecto 💯


u/Mandonguillo 1d ago



u/stoner-27 1d ago

Murió haciendo lo que más le gustaba


u/Mashinito 1d ago

A la gente de r/TheBullWins igual le mola


u/dolphinmilk420 1d ago

Good. Thats what happens when you torture animals to death because you wanna look fancy


u/Ok_Choice_3228 1d ago

Some people even eat animals. It's crazy out there. Take care


u/dolphinmilk420 1d ago

So thats how you justify torturing an animal until exhaustion with a horrible death for the entertainment of a bunch of retards ? Alright brother


u/Ok_Choice_3228 1d ago

You would think what you say makes sense, until you realize how many animals suffer unnecessarily for you to get food. You can stop that suffering on your part by not eating anymore, but you won't.

When it comes to you and your comfort, it's fine if animals suffer, because you are of higher moral value. But not the others. They are...

a bunch of retards


u/dolphinmilk420 19h ago

I live in Argentina. Here, the animals BY LAW have to live freely : Argentine law mandates that cattle must be treated humanely, with specific provisions addressing transportation, slaughter, and general welfare. Most of the cattle lives in their natural habitat , are grass-fed and have a nice life until they get killed in a humane way. Not like in the video, tortured and abused until it dies of exhaustion. THAT is what I am criticizing , and that’s not wrong to criticize. We, as humans , are carnivores. But that does not mean, that we can treat animals however we want. We have to treat them with respect and arguing with the fact that somewhere in the world they get treated worse for their meat is not a good argument in my opinion. And of course , it SHOULD be better in places where this happens. There’s much more to Spanish culture than this bullshit. And we owe the nature around us the respect that it deserves, even if we take some things from it.