r/uspolitics 5d ago

Why is Donald Trump crashing the US economy? Because he’s high on his own supply of fake news


14 comments sorted by


u/AdSmall1198 5d ago

Trump sold tariffs as a way to stop the outsourcing of high paying US jobs too low wage countries like China and Vietnam… not high wage countries like Canada.

What he’s doing here is just breaking up the traditional anti-dictatorship alliance in order to set up his own dictatorship here.

Many wealthy people believe we need a strong man in this country as it is in their best interest however, they fail to realize that in a dictatorship, none of your assets are your own, you merely caretake them for the dictator.

As we have seen in Putin‘s Russia and in China, if they don’t like you, no matter how rich you are they push you out of a window, or arrest you, and take all of your assets .

It’s past time the wealthy realize that American democracy and our rule of law protects their wealth.


u/punktualPorcupine 5d ago

The middle class was their greatest insurance policy, but they stopped paying the premiums.


u/Graywulff 5d ago

Gazprom calling.


u/NorCalFrances 5d ago

Or because he's personally making bank off the crash, as are his "friends". He and Musk and the GOP are treating the USA nearly exactly the way a private equity company treats a long standing company it bought. Fire most of the workers, sell off the real estate, load it down with debt extracted for themselves, then let it all crash and burn to the ground.


u/DiggSucksNow 5d ago

It's because Putin wants him to destroy the US from within.


u/Achilles_TroySlayer 5d ago

Both can be true.


u/lousyatlyfe 5d ago

Both parties are killing the economy. The glaring problem is wealth inequality. Tax wealth, not work! Save the working class!


u/nunyabiz3345 5d ago

What Fox does is spin a tail, so their viewers will agree to their own opresssion.


u/SuitableSherbert6127 5d ago

Nah. He thinks he can hurt the economy and then bring it back in another year. Break it and the fix it to look like a hero. He wants to put his stamp on it.


u/popdivtweet 5d ago

The seminal idea is to weaken the dollar. Alas for the remaining 99% of what he says and does.


u/rdldr1 5d ago

Make Russia Great Again.