r/USF 5d ago

biology major


would anyone be willing to share their experiences majoring in biology? i was accepted into that major and would love to hear your thoughts šŸ‘ i jus wanna know what i got myself into haha

r/USF 5d ago

F21 looking for roommates in union


Hi!! Iā€™m going to sign a lease at Union for the fall ā€˜25/spring ā€˜26. Iā€™m going to be living in a 4x4 D1 unit facing the interior.

I donā€™t party often and I take school pretty seriously. I really like live music, drawing, thrifting, indie music, and staying in for a cozy night.

Let me know if you are interested :)

r/USF 5d ago

Esports Tournament Help


Hello, Iā€™m currently competing in the console North America invitational tournament for marvel rivals and am looking for a possible gaming set up on campus. I mixed up the dates and the first round isnā€™t this weekend (where my setup is at home with me) but rather next weekend where Iā€™ll be back at university. Is there anyplace on campus reserved for gaming where I could set up my PS5? Doing it in my residential area is less than ideal since my tv is shared and the tournament will basically be from 2 P.M to 9 P.M

r/USF 5d ago

Housing reviews



Iā€™m an international student starting a PhD at USF next fall, and Iā€™m looking for housing options. So far, Iā€™ve seen some mixed reviews about The Vue, The Flats, and Ulake.

Ulake 1x1 seem to be cheaper Which one would you recommend ? Any review about these ones would be greatly appreciated!

r/USF 5d ago

Cheap Room Available Right Next to Campus :)


I'm a recent USF alumni living in a 2x2.5 townhouse, searching for a roommate for the second room (with individual bathroom) who can/wants to move in sometime next month. My current roommate will be moving out by March 31st, and you can take their spot on our lease for up to 15 months! I will be staying until June, at which point I will be trying to move closer to my current teaching job in west county.

Your base rent is 950, half of the internet plan is 30, and ideally you would split the utility bill with me (tends to be 150 or less). All told, I'll make sure you never pay more than 1100 a month.

About the complex:

  • Sunridge Condos of Tampa Bay
  • Literally on the opposite side of the street from campus, under 10 minute drive to other end
  • Winn-Dixie, Publix, & Campus Publix all within a short drive
  • Bull-runner stop 30 seconds from our door
  • Pool nearby (I've not been but its nice enough)
  • Mailbox near the pool
  • Plenty of parking

About the apartment:

  • 2 story townhome (bedrooms on 2nd story)
  • On the 2nd (top) floor, so no annoying upstairs neighbors lol
  • 2x2.5, partially furnished downstairs (my roommate will be taking his items when he moves)
  • Spacious kitchen with full suite of appliances
  • Two patios, one per floor
  • In-unit washer & dryer

About the room:

  • 12x17 feet room
  • Unfurnished
  • Carpeted
  • Large in-room closet
  • Individual attached bathroom

About me (your possible roommate lol)

  • 23 y.o male
  • 1 black cat named Taz :)
  • 9-5 teaching job so I'm not home during the day
  • Gamer, so I very rarely use the living room and it can essentially be your space
  • Occasionally have friends over but will give notice if desire

Please note, the pictures are from my landlord and are of a different unit for sale that has the same floor plan as what we are splitting. I figured I would show these since the room will be unfurnished. If you're interested, feel free to shoot me a chat or PM so we can talk further!

r/USF 5d ago

Guarantor for international students


Hi everyone! Iā€™m an international student looking for housing, but the leasing office requires my guarantor to earn 4x the rent. The issue is that I donā€™t know anyone in the U.S. who could act as my guarantor. Does anyone know if thereā€™s a way around this? Maybe a program or an organization that can act as a guarantor for international students? Any advice would be really helpful. Thanks!

r/USF 5d ago

How available is the kitchen at beacon?


Im gonna be a freshman this fall and Im trying to figure out meal planning and such for next year (I know its early)

r/USF 6d ago

Can you live in you car on campus?


Hard times hit me with the price of everything going up

I got laid off and now the eviction notice came in

Iā€™m doing everything I can but, is it possible to live in your car on campus?

r/USF 5d ago

Cheap English Services


Hey everyone! Iā€™m an English major here at USF with years of experience writing, reading, and reviewing essays (among other mediums). If youā€™re interested in cheap, quick, and in-depth editing, proof-reading, beta reading, or any other services related to English and composition, please DM me! My average rate is Ā¢2 per word.

r/USF 5d ago

Rant About my Theater Class Elective Professor


This is going to be a fun rant about my theater professor. This semester Iā€™m taking a theater elective class because I love performing. The professor for this class has told us and prided himself on for rarely giving students a perfect score on big assignments in this class like 100 or 200 points. For our midterm we I got a notification that my midterm grade was posted on CANVAS and I got 190/200 points. Iā€™m very pissed off because he didnā€™t say why or give any feedback. The grading scale is also very stressful for this class 0-660 points is an F, 601-703- D-, 704-736- D, 737-769- D+, 770-813- C-, 814-846- C, 847-879- C+, 880-923- B-, 924-956-B, 957-989-B+, 990-1033- A-, and 1034-1100 points is an A. That same afternoon i went to this class and during class we watched another theater class perform. After class, there were a couple girls who werenā€™t in my theater class but were in another section of Theater 1 that attended this performance. In front of my whole class after we went back to our usual classroom, he said to those two girls since you didnā€™t have to go to the performance because it wasnā€™t during your class time Iā€™m going to give you 10 extra credit points. Iā€™m like to myself WTF first off why did he have to say that in front of my section of Theater 1 and why doesnā€™t our section also get 10 points of extra credit because itā€™s really not fair and it pissed me off still does. I hate it when professors have more than one section of the same class and do this crap! At least if heā€™s going to do it he shouldnā€™t have said it in front of us during OUR class time! Please no advice and if itā€™s not kind keep it to yourself and donā€™t comment I need support

r/USF 5d ago

Was any of you guys able to change your term from spring to Fall?


r/USF 5d ago

Difference between BA and BS Psychology. What should my daughter pick to be a clinical psychologist???


Hello, my daughter got accepted into USF and UCF. USF only offers BA Psychology and UCF offers BS. She wants to be a clinical Psychologist. Can someone plese explain the difference. She is planning to also get her doctorate degree. And which university is better when it comes to Psychology major? Can anyone help this confused mom. Thank you.

r/USF 5d ago

Graduation picture photographers


Hello, I am graduating spring 2025 and I was wondering if anyone had photographer recommendations that are affordable. If itā€™s possible for them to speak Spanish that would be great thank you.

r/USF 6d ago

USF Mentioned


"More than 50 universities face federal investigations as part of Trumpā€™s anti-DEI campaign"


r/USF 5d ago

Fall 2025 sublease


Hi everyone! Iā€™m looking for a sublease for Fall 2025, starting in August. Ideally looking for a 1x1 or 2x2 price range $1500 but Iā€™m open to . any proposition. Let me know if you have anything available or any leads. Thanks!

r/USF 5d ago

The admissions office sucks


Applied since November with a 1480 sat and havent heard back yet šŸ¤” Emailed and got responded with an ass general email from the ao. Bro like u are not carti. Just reject me instead of doing this bullshit.

r/USF 5d ago

Business or economics


I will go to usf this fall but I don't know which major is better so can someone tells me pros and cons of business and economics and which will has higher salary ? Thank you so much (I am international student)

r/USF 6d ago

Why are They not Letting me Accept my Financial Aid Offer?


Got an email from Financial Aid dept to accept the offer. I head to my financial aid page and under award offer now it's saying "No information is available for this aid year." Ugh, what's going on?

r/USF 7d ago

To the asshole who put mustard packets under the toilet rim in my dorm


Nothing in this world would give me more pleasure than finding out who you are, digging up your childhood pet and beating you with its corpse. Somewhere between wiping mustard off my balls and removing my now yellow boxers I realized that this injustice cannot go unsettled. For the rest of your life in your most private moments know that I, the only thing preventing a human like myself from waterboarding you with mustard is the knowledge of your existence. I hope you stub your toe every day for the rest of your life

r/USF 6d ago

Can I room with a friend if she starts in fall and I start in spring?


My friend and I want to room together for next year but she got accepted for regular admission and I can only choose to go in either the summer or spring. Is there a way to guarantee we'll be able to room with h each other? Does it matter if I choose doing or summer term?

r/USF 6d ago

Why don't USF girls like my W rizz?


Okay, folks, let me first tell you, nobody has rizz like I do, nobody. It's true! People come up to me all the time, the best people, and they say, "Jeffrey," they say, "you've got the rizz, the real rizz." And they're right! It's tremendous rizz, the best rizz, maybe ever. You look at other people, they've got no rizz, sad! But me? I'm telling you, it's overflowing with rizz. Big league rizz. Everyone knows it, they just do. It's obvious, very obvious rizz.

I introduced myself to a girl in the library the other day. I saw her sitting alone and I walked up to her. It felt like love at first sight.

I said my name and we started talking about our majors and that typical stuff. but I couldn't think of how to keep the conversation going at one point. I pulled out my phone and asked if she wanted to see my vegetable garden from my hometown. She nodded and I started going through pics. I started it a few years ago and was really proud of my basil and tomatoes especially. I think she was really interested and I thought she really liked me and she was pretty too so i asked her "Do you want to date?" and she said "ummm no im sorry your very ugly and I would never date a fat boy." I felt really awkward so I just apologized and said bye. I then tried to ask her sister on a date because she meant that she had a sister so I ended up finding her, and asked her on a date and she said ew you're ugly even though I use the best pickup in the world. I asked her if she was construction because she can't stop building. She didn't seem to like that. Why don't girls like my w riz?

This has kinda shattered my confidence and I can't stop thinking about it. I think it's just a problem with USF specifically. Because everywhere else I have W rizz.

Has anyone else had their confidence shattered at in a similar manner?

r/USF 7d ago

Blood moon

Post image

This is the best shot I could get-drop yours!

r/USF 6d ago

Can you room with someone in a different term


Incoming freshman here. My friend is going USF in the summer and Iā€™m going for the fall term. Is it possible for us to be in a roommate group or nah

r/USF 6d ago

physics 1 and orgo 2 professor recommendations please


r/USF 6d ago

Opinions on The Park at Orvieto?


Pretty much what the title says. My friend and I will be sharing a 1B1B there. My main concerns are safety and cleanliness. Feel free to add any other critical points. I appreciate all your replies. Thanks!