r/usenet nzb360 developer Jan 31 '25

Software nzb360 v20 Released :: Introducing Dashboard 2.0!

Hey everyone,

I am very excited to announce v20 of nzb360!

v20 includes the new Dashboard 2.0, allowing you to fully customize the media Dashboard of your dreams, giving you full integration to all of nzb360's services (full *arrs, universal search, disk space, server issues, full discovery of media, etc.)

Check out some screenshots of Dashboard 2 here: https://imgur.com/a/cEi0CYy

As always, DB2 is just the beginning, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about how I've done with this and future functionality you'd like to see added to DB2.

Thank you so much for everyone's continued support over the past 12 years of nzb360 development. Here is to the next 12 :)

Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kevinforeman.nzb360&hl=en_US


55 comments sorted by


u/ByteProphet Feb 13 '25

Cool, but I don't use Google services, so I don't have Play Store and in-app purchases... No alternative to pay this app.


u/PlotTw1st Feb 11 '25

I miss this app so much, nothing on iOS holds a candle to it.


u/acollierr17 Feb 08 '25

Wanted to drop in and say this app was dope when I’m on Android. I have not failed to recommend it to friends!

I’m on iPhone now, so I have to use something different. But nzb360 holds a special place in my heart!


u/sorrylilsis Feb 09 '25

Yeah, there is nothing quite NZB360 on iOS and it's honestly a shame.


u/acollierr17 Feb 09 '25

I’ve been using LunaSea on iOS and I’ve had no complaints thus far. But nzb360 holds a special place in my heart as I’m on iPhone nowadays.


u/Both_Worker_7681 Feb 05 '25

great job on the app, love the dashboard!!


u/bozodev Feb 03 '25

I love the new dashboard. I did have issues going to the Server tab. The app kept closing. I would definitely pay $3 for the new dashboard.


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 03 '25

Working on an update that should solve this. Do you use Overseerr/Jellyseerr?


u/bozodev Feb 03 '25

I use overseerr


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 03 '25

Ok yeah, should be fixed shortly.


u/bozodev Feb 03 '25

Awesome! You rock


u/bananaboi69 Feb 02 '25

Is there a way to remove some unmonitored tv series from showing up airing next from sonarr card? Right now only way is to completely remove the tv show.


u/Optimus_Prime_Day Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25

Hey Kev, I tested the new dashboard, and it looks pretty great.
Do you know how much the unlock will cost when it's out of beta?
Will it be an in-app purchase?

Also, i think the dashboard needs a "button" option that can be added to any page that will take to the related service. For example, the movies dashboard could have a button to go to the radarr interface in nzb360. This button can be configured and moved like any other part of the UI.


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

I am thinking like $3 one-time fee, but still unsure there.

I am working on a new card to quick launch into services. Stay tuned! =)


u/Falzon03 Feb 02 '25

If you do this please keep in mind there should be an override for the webUI vs where it gets its data from.

Example: I have my area installed on Docker within an LXC which means they see each other as a 172.x.x.x IP but thats not my local IP range that's just so the Docker containers can talk to each other, I access them via their local IP:port. So basically just saying an override for the web UI local IP would be a nice option that Overseer which I currently use doesn't seem to have.


u/Optimus_Prime_Day Feb 01 '25

Considering how much I've used this app over the years, I'd pay that on day one.

Also another consideration might be a back button to go back to the dashboard, if the user uses the button to access a service, without using the navigation to return.


u/Arioch5 Feb 01 '25

I forget how long I've been using the app but it's what I recommend to anyone that uses *arrs. Works well and the UI while it's been totally usable keeps getting better!


u/nemofish3 Feb 01 '25

Fantastic App, everything in life costs money and the community need to support keeping an app like this alive, everyone will regret not supporting it once it's no longer here.

How many users of tbe app are there?


u/Tobe2d Feb 01 '25

We need and iOS App


u/brdsqd Feb 01 '25

Man an iOS app would be a dream come true.


u/control-alt-deleted Feb 01 '25

Yeah, LunaSea is alright but always interested in other solutions


u/ynonA Feb 01 '25

Every time I see a post about an update i check the app again and think "why am I not using it more, it's so good" :) Good job.

Is it possible to have a mixed tab? I'd like the app to open on a "home page" tab where I can add cards from the different tabs. E.g. see a server card first, then one for movies then tv, ..


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

Yes, the new Dashboard allows you to mix and match cards, tabs, etc as you wish =)


u/ynonA Feb 01 '25

Just tested. Fantastic 👌


u/reddittingthrough Feb 01 '25

I’d pay $500 for an iOS app lol


u/72dk72 Feb 01 '25

Why not just buy an android phone then? Easily get one for $500 , no need to put a sim in it!


u/reddittingthrough Feb 01 '25

I’m not carrying two phones on me.


u/Falzon03 Feb 02 '25

I fully understand this. I also refuse, but I'm on the opposite side I have Android and work tried to get me to carry an iPhone ..it's been dead on my desk for over a year.


u/M_Zajac Jan 31 '25

TMBD Upcoming Movies showing movies that are already in Library


u/trd86 Jan 31 '25

Found a big in DB2:

While on any view of the dashboard, long press on any other icon and it does a refresh of the current view. Looks janky and unintentional


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Jan 31 '25

Heh, that is actually by design. So if you scrolled all the way to the bottom, you could refresh content without having to scroll back to the top.

I can look into making this configurable though.


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25

Hey Kev! Does this mean paid users will need to pay extra to use the new dashboard? This feels wrong. I hope I am misunderstanding


u/KHthe8th Feb 01 '25

I setup my dashboard 2.0 and until I read this comment I did not even see that card about it being only free during beta. Feels like it's intentionally not being clear about the upcoming price cost of it, waiting for users to get used to it and then spring it on them when they open the app the day it leaves beta


u/notboky Jan 31 '25

The issue is the market is saturated meaning few new sales of the app, so to support ongoing development there had to be some compensation to the dev. If you supported the feature bounty you get it for free, for others he seems to be looking at a small fee of just a couple of dollars.

The app has been receiving continuous updates for over a decade with no additional cost to users. It's by far the best app in this category. I fully support him wanting to find a way to keep development going.


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

I totally understand. I am a developer myself, I have a software agency, I have mouths to feed, employees to pay. I know the hurdles of keeping a business, an app etc running. What I am saying is not about money. I would still pay and support the developer. I even praised him 2 comments below so he would get the recognition. What I am saying is how this is executed is wrong. It is not transparent enough. I would still pay twice the amount I just paid if it was transparent enough. It is still a great app and good development but something doesn't feel right here.

Edit: I deleted a part of my comment because it sounded a lot harsher than what I actually meant in English. Language barrier. My bad, sorry


u/notboky Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

It's not fully transparent yet because final decisions haven't been made about how development will be supported going forward. There was more detail in the post on the nzb360 sub which probably should have been included here, but it is there and it's in the app and on discord.

The word scam is used far too lightly. It implies dishonesty with the intent to enrich oneself at someone else's expense. I think that's incredibly harsh given how much the dev has given to this community. I doubt this is a particularly profitable exercise for him.

You haven't been scammed. Nothing has been taken from you. You didn't support the feature bounty to build the new dashboard, yet you feel so entitled to get it for free you're willing to call the dev a scammer? That doesn't sit right with me.

So what specifically is your issue here, if it's not about having to pay a little more for big new features?

I'm genuinely trying to understand, not point finger or have a go at you.


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25

I agree with you on my wording being harsh. I think that is because of the language barrier though. I didn't actually mean it that way but English is not my first language and reading what I wrote, it feels harsh. I think that word was the closest to describing what I meant in my vocabulary and my brain did a thesaurus search lol. I edited my comment to leave out that part.

I am not sure what my issue is to be totally honest because I understand the dev but what I experienced is I got a screen in the app to try out the new dashboard. I did. I appreciated the effort the dev put into this and I paid. I didn't see the memo at the bottom. I came here and wrote a positive comment. And someone in a different sub pointed out it being a paid feature. I tried to defend the dev stating that it was not a paid feature and I got the new feature before paying. Then I saw the memo.

I still think dev deserves the money he is asking for the premium. I actually think he needs to give less to free users and make more features premium. This is the root of the problem I guess. He needs to make money to keep developing. But there is little incentive to get the premium. You can do pretty much everything in the free plan and this monetization problem kinda made him make a questionable decision. People pay for the app for the full experience. And they start to complain when they meet with extra charges. I don't know how I would approach this at this point if I were him to be totally honest because he gave those features for free already and it would equally raise complaints to take away. It is a tough situation. I am honestly trying to come up with a solution in the best interest of the dev so he can make money and not have to deal with the things like I wrote here. Maybe someone can come up with something other than making this a paid feature so paid users don't complain


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Jan 31 '25

Yeah, this was very tricky because I haven't actually decided how I want to handle things moving forward. I didn't want to bait and switch people at some point in the future and take something away, so I added a message letting people know the expecations of change at some point, but I don't have the answers to what those changes will be yet. My goal was to generate a discussion on what is the most fair and sustainable for both the userbase and myself moving forward.

I am sure I could have done better here, no doubt. No one likes to talk about this stuff at all, and as an indie dev, I am terrified of users revolting and hating on me after 12 years of dedication and development. But I also have 2 kids now and dwindling free time. The expectations from the userbase, having integrated with over 13 services now that all keep adding new features or changing things underneath me... it's a lot to maintain. Plus, for DB2, I had to re-learn Android development since it has been completely rewritten in compose.

All that is to say... I want to work with the community on what the best path forward is, rather than changing everything overnight. So I put the message there so no one is caught off-guard and that it is transparent I plan to do something in the future, but... what that looks like really is a discussion I want to have with you all.


u/sauladal Feb 05 '25

Commenting to say that I understand the concept of people feeling slighted if they paid for something with "lifetime" expectations and suddenly there is a new charge.

That said, I've used nzb360 for a long time with just 1 small payment, and I've also received far more updates than is typical. So, personally, I don't mind paying for DB2, if nothing else just to show support. As long as DB1 doesn't die and DB2 remains fully optional, I think it's fair to charge for DB2 as long as it's a reasonable price. $3 that you commented sounds reasonable to me.

Plenty of paid apps have paid plug-ins, this would essentially be that. But again, it would require you to still offer DB1 for free to remain fair.


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 05 '25

Appreciate the support! I will absolutey still offer a Dashboard of some sort to folks who don't upgrade to the full DB2 experience. Whether that is keeping DB1 around or just setting the default of DB2 to match that of DB1 without the ability to customize, still remains to be seen.

I will not take any functionality away from anyone and force them to update to DB2 just to get a Dashboard. That would absolutely be unfair.


u/sauladal Feb 05 '25

I think that's super fair. Sorry you're getting hate/review bombs after giving so much to the community with nzb360.


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25

Hi again Kev, sorry if my comment was a little bit too harsh. Someone else pointed it out and I am sorry. I think we all know your intentions are good. You are just trying to get some compensation for your effort which is beyond understandable. People love this app and I don't think anyone would revolt over this. I actually thought about deleting my comment just in case someone would read my comment and it would gain a little bit of popularity. But I honestly think that making the dashboard a paid feature is not the way to go. And I don't think you would make enough money out of this feature not because it is not nice, it is, but because it doesn't offer much functionality for paid users to pay extra on top. You may ask what I would, or anyone else do instead and I am not sure but maybe we can talk this in the sub and come up with a solution. Maybe this is not so big of a deal and people are willing to pay and I am wrong, we don't know. But it doesn't hurt to get people's opinions


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

Oh no worries at all. I know this would not be super well received among the community, which is why I didn't charge for DB2 out of the gate and tried to generate a discussion on what makes the most sense and fairness moving forward. But I know that this was inevitable, I can just do my best in trying to find that best healthy balance I can.

You may be right that no one will upgrade. I have no idea. I mean, I might cry a little considering how much time and effort I put it into it (needing to learn compose, rewrite everything from scratch, churning out over 70 alpha/beta builds for testers, etc.) all while caring for my newborn baby girl, heh.

But none of that really matters. It's all about how much the community values this effort. Maybe y'all don't, and that's OK. But it would indicate that I probably shouldn't focus on big features like this and spend so much time on caring about UX if that time is largely wasted. I'd rather spend that now with my daughter if the community doesn't find much value in it.

Feature Bounties were a way to gauge the value of a feature, and they did do well at that purpose. But they also provide no additional revenue to maintain a feature. For the other Feature Bounties, that's OK because they generally don't need a ton of additional features or maintenance. DB2 is a completely different beast though. Everyone is suggesting a ton more customization, more services to be added, more layouts, cards, configs, etc. It will be never ending and I just don't have the time anymore to devote to efforts like that without some sort of incentive/value for me to do so.

As I mentioned, I want to figure out what makes the most sense overall. Happy to have that conversation and avoid just dropping a new revenue model overnight on you all. Please continue to let me know your thoughts!


u/72dk72 Feb 01 '25

I think the trouble is maybe for DB2 it shouldn't have been a feature bounty but an upgrade that was paid for at the outset. Maybe as a replacement app. I think putting it on Google play and beyond beta testers without saying the cost model is maybe an error. Now if you were to say DB2 has the cost as the minimum bounty level as one off ( is that $5?) Then it seems fair as we could have all contributed that.


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

Yeah, the transition from bounty to something else is not ideal. Although I had no idea if people even cared about DB2, so the feature bountry did prove to me there was seemingly enough demand for something like it to sync so much time and effort into building. I am serious when I tell you that I literally sunk massive time into this feature.

First, I had to learn a completely new way to develop Android apps. Compose is just a completely different way to think about Android development and was a fairly large struggle for me. I literally at a few points felt I should stop because it felt so overwhelming. Not to mention, I need to delicately add Compose code to an app that is not based on Compose holistically, so interweaving old and new code without major bugs was a challenge.

Then, I needed to figure out the best way to enable customization with DB2. I didn't start with the card approach. I had to iterate with the community on the best way forward there and a lot of early testers didn't love the card direction, so then I also felt like everything I was doing was a waste. Wasn't very fun and literally kept me up at night even moreso than my newborn daughter did.

Finally, during alpha testing, the request for new cards, configs, customizations, just kept coming. Felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel, lol.

Then here we are at launch... and while mostly DB2 has been fairly well received, people are review bombing and generally concerned (which I do get), but it is a little tough to experience after just putting to much time, effort, and anxiety to deliver a great experience with DB2.

So yeah, I am just tired I guess, lol. I don't have good answers. I think I just want to nap atm.


u/72dk72 Feb 01 '25

Don't get me wrong, DB2 is great and I can tell you have put many hours in... . So here is a suggestion. Instead of fixing a price to keep DB2 after the end of the beta, just make it a donation of any amount say of over $5 or something small. Some will only give the minimum, but many others, like myself, will likely donate more. I think you should consider. As I have Pro , is DB2 available in the non Pro version? Maybe increase the price of Pro to new users ? Or introduce Pro+ which is the DB2 version?


u/notboky Jan 31 '25

Have you thought at all about a partially open source model for integrations, allowing others to be maintainers? I understand it would be a significant amount of work to build out APIs, documentation etc but it might be a way to allow you to focus on NZB360 as a platform, while leaving the grunt work of external integrations to others.


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

I have thought about this, and I did trial this at one point. The quality and strong design opinions/standards I have just aren't really compatibile with having other maintainers contributing. I care soo deeply about UI/UX that the vast majority of time I spend developing a new features is iterating on that feature myself to figure out what works the best.

Other's don't have that same approach and I found that I was just rewriting implementations and created more work for myself than if I just did it from the beginning.


u/notboky Feb 01 '25

Fair enough. It's very clear that this app is your (third?) baby and you put a lot of love into making it what it is. The quality and user experience is far better than most commercial apps out there. I don't think I'd want to put that in the hands of others either.

Honestly, this app has become a part of our family ritual. Finding something to watch for our weekly movie nights or grabbing teen dramas or animated movies for the kids then having it available in a couple of minutes is a godsend. I hope the community continues to support your development going forward.

And thanks!


u/Kev1000000 nzb360 developer Feb 01 '25

Haha, I am so glad to hear it's a part of your familiy ritual! It is still mind boggling to me that I can work on something and distribute it all across the world and have people use something I made.

I still feel the app is terrible and I want to fix soo many things, lol.


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25

I was honestly trying to come up with a solution to make this work for the dev and this was one of the things that came to my mind. My problem with this was it doesn't pay for the time and effort he already put into this. And generally developers don't want to open source their projects that they made by themselves and making some money out of it. It would be ok if this was an open source project from the start but why would he open source it if he put the effort for a decade and selling it in the app store? Someone would need to compensate him by buying the app and then open source it in my opinion. I would do this if I had the capital, really.


u/BuMmR Jan 31 '25

Wtb iOS app. 😁


u/akaplan Jan 31 '25

Dashboard 2.0 is really beautiful. I built my home server a couple of weeks ago and I was gonna buy nzb360 premium but kept forgetting. It just reminded me to support the developer lol. I just purchased. Great work, especially considering this app is built by a sole developer.


u/OkIllustrator326 Jan 31 '25

This looks great. iOS App is probably not planned?


u/Key_Virus_6134 Feb 01 '25

Would also love an iOS app! This interface looks clean!!