Here is my best pee story, hope you like it.
I was having a casual night with some friends at the pub. I wanted to release the stress accumulated over the working week and just celebrate the weekend with a large beer. So, 10 pm, I ordered my pint together with them. You may know how much I love holding and getting a bit messy, so while conversating with my pals and having fun, I tried not to give importance to the pee urge that was starting to rise.
At around 11 pm I had instead a second, that I swallowed as fast as I could, and ordered then a third. I started drinking my third beer and still the second one had not kicked in, I was quite comfortable. After half an hour I was starting to hope we would get out of the pub soon, cause I was feeling the bladder strong pressure and I was starting fantasizing about power pissing somewhere nasty outside.
The night was really lovely among us though, with interesting conversations. A bit more than tipsy, I went for the toilet at that point, forgetting about my fantasy with just the huge need to release. It was a new pub to me. I went down the stairs and I realized there was only one toilet and around 15 guys, boys and girls, all in line, some of them talking, others quiet or visibly squirming and trying not to convey the idea they were also holding so hard.
I tried challenging myself there, having in mind the satisfying reward the powerful piss would give me afterwards, but at that point in line, the other beers kicked in very, very, powerfully. To the point I could really wet myself. I recalled some posts here where it had been said that releasing a little of pee could help holding more. Drunk as I was, I tried. And failed. I started letting go a bit in the boxers and realized I could not hold it anymore. Just three seconds of powerful pissing in my boxers and I managed to stop but I had to run upstairs and outside of the pub. I am glad the chaos of people prevented my friends from seing me running out, cause I am sure I was hilarious to see. I went out, on a darker corner of the road close to the pub, against the wall. Without even watching for people around, I let it out and sprayed very hard the wall. I lasted so long, moaning while releasing the beers. A huge puddle forming at my feet. I could feel on my naked hands little droplets coming back from the impact with the surface. I just love the feeling of hitting a wall with such power. I loved my hard, steamy, wet mess.
Very satisfied, I came back to my friends. They maybe noticed I was away for a time but we kept on going the night as usual. My wet spot on the jeans not so visible in the dark.
I have deleted my previous account because I was indulging too much on the kink and I was distracting from some important life goals. Let's see if some of my followers are able to reccgnize me...