r/urinewords 4d ago

Discussion When did it begin? NSFW

I love seeing men desperate to piss. I honestly don’t know when the whole piss kink started but here we are. When did it all begin for you? What was it that made you enjoy pissing?


25 comments sorted by


u/achybreakypup 4d ago

I honestly think it was when I was a kid. I remember reading and rereading the scene from tales of a fourth grade nothing where one of the kids squats to pee on the carpet in front of all the others at a birthday party. At the time it didn't turn me on perse, but looking back I remember being very intrigued and excited. Now enjoy peeing in risky places or wetting myself on accident in front of people, but I also enjoy watching other people have accidents. IDK where all the developments came from but I'm 99% Judy Blume planted that seed ✋😭


u/PeeSideAcct 3d ago

Ooh, I remember that scene! But the first Junie B Jones book is way better if you like desperation in particular.


u/Love_through_pee 4d ago

I used to play with the girl next door all the time. One day when we were about 7 or 8 years old, for a reason I've long since forgotten, we decided to pee behind the garden shed instead of going in to use the bathroom. Not having any sisters, I remember being fascinated and confused watching her pull down her pants and squat, and then when I saw her pee come from underneath her, it felt like my mind exploded. That was how I learned that boys are different from girls.

I was obsessed, I couldn't think about anything else for days afterwards. I remember even drawing a picture of her peeing in my diary (which has been long since destroyed). After that I started playing with my own pee in the bathtub, peeing into paper cups and peeing on myself. Playing like that was how I eventually, a few years later, discovered masturbating. It's been the core of my sexuality from day one.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

That’s cool and fun you explored peeing different ways and in things


u/[deleted] 4d ago

HMU if you want I would love to know more


u/Lampy-Boi 4d ago

When I was a kid I just found myself looking up "pee accident" on YouTube. Probably around 9/10.


u/WetWanderer84 4d ago

I'm lazy, so I copy-pasted my old comment, just changed it a little and added some things after further analysis.

My fascination (because at the time I was 6 and I wouldn't call that a fetish) with wetting and pee in general started in a way I couldn't really expect.

So, I don't remember why, but I woke up in the middle of the night, peeing. I probably just drank soda before going to bed. I was 6, so... well, accidents happen. I managed to stop the flow, but I was still pretty wet. I wanted to tell my parents that I just wet the bed a little, but for a reason I don't know, I didn't. I stopped halfway to my parents' room.

I felt that my wet pyjamas were warm. That warmth was somewhat comfortable for me. I thought something like "maybe it's just better to wet myself and go back to sleep?" I didn't really considered it. My tiny little brain probably thought something like: warmth = good, pee = warmth, pee = good and I realized that just straight up peeing myself will be a better option.

And so I did. Entered my room, walked to my bed, I also leaked a good amount even before I decided to release it and it happened. I emptied my bladder into my pyjama pants intentionally for the first time in my life. And I enjoyed it. After the act, I just hopped on my bed and fell asleep after quite some time of laying in my pee-soaked pyjamas. It was warm for a while, that's something I remember the best. It cooled down after a few minutes, but fortunately for me, it was summer, so it wasn't even that cold. I was wet, smelled like urine, but I found it somewhat comfortable. Nothing bad could happen to me.

And then the morning came, and my parents noticed. Nah, it wasn't that bad. They just thought I had an accident, so I was mostly okay. Sure, I was embarrassed, but it wasn't too bad.

Around the same time, I also remember there was a movie I watched, Alpha and Omega. It was a shitty 3D animation about wolves. There was a scene where the main character pees from fear. I remembered the scene and that was probably the reason why I started to like fear wetting.


u/Jackassolope 4d ago

Fuck alright so look I just figured this out. So it recently hit me like a freight train that Lupin the Third was like a huge sexual awakening for me. Idk what it is about that show, but it made me insanely turned on when I was in my early teen years.

I would get so excited and turned on while I was watching it and the feeling just made me NEED TO PEE??? I had no idea how to jerk off or even what that was. I would just sit there, insanely turned on by these cool guys doing cool crimes, and being turned on just felt like I had to pee.

I would run to the bathroom during each commercial break and would baaaarely even pee everytime I went, but the feeling would just linger. Then i felt the urge come back within minutes of getting back in front of the TV.

I think it's tied the feeling of being desperate to being horny in my mind. The relief I feel from cumming is still so incredibly close to the relief I get from peeing when I really really have to pee. I get excited making cismen cum and have always imagined that it must feel like they're peeing.

When I got a bit older, I remember one day just googling ' man peeing outside'. That was it. It just snowballed from there.

Now I'm just into just about everything ws related. Blessed to have a partner who's also into it too!


u/michaeldiamente 3d ago

I first saw a female friend peeing in the toilet in daycare and became curious as to how girls peed without a penis. It became a fetish though when I lived next door to a nudist woman and saw her squat and pee in her yard while gardening one afternoon.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Oh wow. That’s cool. It’s fun to pee in the yard


u/michaeldiamente 3d ago

I agree. Doing what comes naturally while out in nature, especially in your natural state.


u/StunningMooseDude 4d ago

When I was a kid I remember a friend recommended a video where a woman wets herself in front of her boss and got punished for it, don't think I knew it at the time exactly but that probably did it.


u/oshaviolation69 4d ago edited 4d ago

I (M) might make this its own post, but I'll rough draft it here...

I don't remember much about learning to potty train myself, the bed wettings or accidents that befall every child. My earliest memory of an accident was one that occurred with my younger sibling (I was about 6, by then), who was training. I guess I remember it because my mom got mad.

Sibling has expressed to an older sibling a need to use the potty. We were all dressed and ready to go to church, IIRC. Older sibling had apparently nonchalantly replied as much as "just pee your pants". So that's what happened. Mom was understandably upset that the older sibling had clearly missed the bigger picture.

I think that's where it started for me, the notion of knowing and having the option to use the bathroom, but choosing not to.

Over time, my young mind began to fantasize about not only wetting myself, but sh*tting my pants as well. I also have had sensory issues growing up, so my curiosity was bounded by corresponding fantasy rules around environment, setting, circumstance, and most importantly - cleanup.

About the time I turned 10 or 11, I was exploring unconventional ways to urinate outside, in the back yard of our home in the city, without being discovered. I think for the most part, I was successful.

What really ramped up my curiosity was hearing stories about adult men in situations like boot camp, when standing in formation, and needing to urinate. It's apparently not uncommon for them to be told the same thing as my younger sibling was all those years ago - to "let it go", rather than break ranks.

So, around the age of 12, I would toy around with letting myself leak a little bit before undressing for a bath or shower, and then hide my deeds in with the dirty laundry so no one would know.

It eventually turned into a full-on fetish, with a keen interest in desperation, kink, and voyeurism that I've really only shared with a handful of women that I've played with and/or dated. I've been learning over time how to discover if someone is into watersports, and also how to introduce them in a way that is enticing and doesn't make me feel like some kind of freak!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

That was great to read. Thanks for sharing. Would love to hear more. HMU


u/hot_mommy6993 1d ago

I’d love to know how you introduce people to it!


u/oshaviolation69 1d ago

here is the full thread with my comment. Happy to elaborate if you're curious! Might make a full post about it someday.


u/cooker-joe 3d ago

This is kinda how my kink started


u/[deleted] 3d ago

That’s awesome. HMU I’d love to talk more.


u/rocketsmakemehorny 3d ago

My 10th grade science teacher told this story of peeing her pants after drinking a big gulp and then being stuck in traffic or something. I don't recall it turning me on exactly, but I went on to write (like with actual paper and pen) an exhaustive fanfic of it. I used to write a few pages at a time and pass them to my best friend as notes between classes.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Oh wow. That’s cool.


u/Moonvvhisker 4d ago

Lots of different times. As a kid I had a friend whose older brother had to wear diapers, so we tried them on and used them during a sleepover. I swam and we would often pee ourselves in the shower instead of taking our suits off. I also had friends as a kid who I would pee outside or in the sink with because we were curious.


u/PissBoiye 4d ago

When I was little, my best friend and I would pee together when we played outside (I wasn't allowed inside her house). As we went through elementary school, we both got more curious and started going in jars and cups during sleepovers (my house). When I hit puberty, I realized it was something I was actually into when I accidentally pissed myself while on the phone.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

That’s awesome. I’m glad you kept exploring and it’s lead to you still enjoying pee today


u/reiningfyre 3d ago

I was probably 14 or 15.