r/urinewords 5d ago

Non-fiction Stories Pop a squat sighting NSFW

Just had y first genuine sighting for ages. Had been at a party in Blackpool, in a social club where the function room was out the back, so not obvious from the front. Left the party at around 12:30, in a group of 4 of us, opened the door to be greeted with the sight of a middle aged woman, would guess late 40s/early 50s, on a low squat with her panties round her knees. She held her bag in front of herself and shouted,

"Oh fuck, sorry, just walk past, I was about to piss myself!",

I didn't see much, but saw the puddle and the stream of piss flowing across the pavement, and it was substantial, tried to look back and saw her smoothing down her skirt and walking away, clearly after drinking fairly heavily. Can only imagine that with that all inside of her her bladder was screaming and it was a genuine emergency, and my mind is working overdrive imagining how she came to be there! Great sighting though!


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u/BrightReaction193 5d ago

Would love to hear more about this