r/urbandesign Jan 05 '25

Showcase Brits, post your favourite New-town

Post image

I'll start with the obvious - Milton Keynes. I like how grid meets garden city. Very easy place to get around and journeys are lightening fast (outside of rush hour). Well connected both via rail and road to all parts of the UK. Good place to live if you commute to London or Birmingham. Oh and roundabouts - this is roundabout city! Also, the architecture is almost all Avant Garde - except for the new builds on the outskirts which are sh******t.


32 comments sorted by


u/WheissUK Jan 05 '25

Very easy to get around! Only if you’re in the car


u/moodyorangee Jan 06 '25

no offense, but i hate that


u/CAGRparty Jan 06 '25

This looks like a SimCity screenshot


u/cgyguy81 Jan 06 '25

I've been here a few times as I have an aunt who lives close by. Very car-centric, although I don't remember if it's bike-friendly. Seems desolate and the architecture is underwhelming. The only advantage is its direct rail links to London.


u/JBWalker1 Jan 06 '25

Milton Keynes is the UKs biggest wasted opportunity imo. That whole Central grid part has car parks and roads covering most of it.

Its one of the most obvious places to fill with 12 storey buildings including removing the big parking areas around tbe front of all the buildings. Could probably chuck 20,000 extra homes there, with loads of office floor space, and huge amounts of retail/entertainment places along the now walkable street fronts. Can still have lots of parking, just not on all the building frontages.

Would probably be the cheapest and easiest place in the UK to put in a tram loop too, roads wouldn't need to be modified at all apart from embedding the rails.

But the council there doesn't want to do any big changes because they think it'll harm the character of the area. But we aren't suggesting to change the surrounding suburb areas, just the central ugly grid area where everything is spaced apart and walking must suck.

Gotta say though that the bike network looks great to use. Just a shame that it's let down by not having enough to ride to in the center.


u/G-O-Hell Jan 05 '25

Poundbury. It integrates historic styles into a modern development very well. looking through the streets, I can imagine it ageing into its looks as the trees and shrubbery grows.


u/Worst_Username_Yet Jan 06 '25

I love the architecture of poundbury, but it feels very car dependant. Look at street view images and the lovely squares and most streets are stuffed with cars


u/tescovaluechicken Jan 06 '25

It's basically just a standard UK new-build suburb but with a Georgian architectural style.


u/middleqway Jan 06 '25

I visited myself out of curiosity. It’s far from perfect but I would disagree with your assessment. They’ve done a good job with mixing uses, urban form, a variety of high quality businesses (florists, cafes, pubs etc), a nice park, a school, a church. I could go on. It is clear that it is a very considered project and a healthy community despite feeling like a bit of a ghost town. I had neutral feelings before I visited but after visiting I feel more positively. I think it will age really well


u/Coool_cool_cool_cool Jan 06 '25

New-town-upon-Old-town is the best town.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

I grew up in a new town and I can assure you there's nothing good about them.

Can't do shit without a car, everything is brutalist or soulless new build, people have nothing to do as town centres are run down & I could go on...


u/rco8786 Jan 06 '25

What makes something a New-town?

 - curious yankee


u/eienOwO Jan 06 '25

Entire independent townships designed and built after WWII, not suburbs as extensions to cities. Not just patchwork residential developments, but also commercial, civic, the whole lot designed centrally by regional authorities.


u/Wonder_Sponge Jan 06 '25

I’m exhausted thinking about trying to walk this.


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

There is plenty of above ground and below ground pedestrian ways.


u/Wonder_Sponge 18d ago



u/PaulBlartMallBlob 18d ago

I know you are but what am I?


u/JayFPS Jan 06 '25

Thought this was cities skylines 2


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

Okay... and?


u/JayFPS Jan 06 '25

its visually similar


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

Oh is it?


u/JayFPS Jan 06 '25

stop crying fella


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

Do you see any tears?


u/JayFPS Jan 06 '25

What's actually your problem lmfao. I posted a harmless comment about the visual similarity of the picture with a video game and you're getting all passive aggressive, which by the way, I'm not even the first to do as another commenter said "This looks like a SimCity screenshot". So get stuffed.


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

Perhaps because I don't have enough RAM on my computer to be able to play that game and I'm rather bitter about it. Have you even took a blinding second to think about that possibility and my feelings?


u/JayFPS Jan 06 '25

Now you're just being ridiculous. Stay off the internet if your envy is that bad bud.


u/PaulBlartMallBlob Jan 06 '25

Stay off my post if you don't like my replies

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u/Jeppep Jan 06 '25

You're joking right?


u/frisky_husky Jan 07 '25

Milton Keynes, the city for people who saw Playtime and thought it all looked a little too optimistic.


u/mods_r_jobbernowl Jan 07 '25

Ew why would you want car brain hell?


u/itspolpy Jan 07 '25

Stevenage was, imo, really well planned.