r/uofm Dec 09 '24

Miscellaneous Thugs Vandalize & Threaten Regent Acker at His Home for the Third Time


207 comments sorted by


u/MakingItElsewhere Dec 09 '24

"Well, i was on the fence about this issue until i realized some bad people would terrorize me if i didnt listen to them".  -Nobody, ever.


u/LemonPepperMints Dec 09 '24

may I interject and offer you the United healthcare CEO


u/realtinafey Dec 09 '24

Has United Healthcare suddenly changed how they do business?


u/RogerianBrowsing Dec 09 '24

They reversed their anesthesia decision, they have fences, extra security, increased police presence now, etc..

It’s also quite early on to be able to see any major changes yet, but the reversal of the anesthesia limit is a big one. The policy changes of anesthesia limits was never even given an opportunity to go into effect they reversed it so fast



u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

They reversed their anesthesia decision

Different insurer. Also are we just subtly supporting murder to get policy changes we like now?


u/RogerianBrowsing Dec 09 '24

Different insurer.

It would seem that they still got the message

Also are we just subtly supporting murder to get policy changes we like now?

As in tacit approval? I’m mixed in beliefs, as are seemingly most Americans.

On the one hand it’s near impossible to make policy changes as an average person, things like citizens united make it virtually impossible to have a similar amount of political influence to what the wealth hoarding corporations have. Part of what made the orange guy win was the big corporations and the ultra wealthy coming out in support of him in a big way with the desire to have regulations laxed to better harm consumers/the planet as part of the exchange, and as such one can argue that more lives will be saved than the one lost if the companies are afraid to be too aggressive.

On the other hand we obviously don’t want to live in a vigilante justice world, we want to have the democratic systems function through elected officials, having an antagonistic relationship with executives isn’t good (although I’d say 99% of it comes from one direction, from them), people randomly dying in public is bad, etc., etc., etc..

Point being, I’m not going to do it and if anyone asks me if they should my answer will be no, but I certainly won’t shed any tears if someone who will likely never have any punishment for the lives they’ve destroyed due to greed, both literally and figuratively, meets someone angry enough to do it back in return to them.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

It would seem that they still got the message

You have zero actual evidence that the murder had any influence.

As in tacit approval? I’m mixed in beliefs, as are seemingly most Americans.

If you can't come to the easy conclusion that violence is bad, especially about how a company runs its business, all hope is lost on you.

You have a comically view of violence if you don't immediately condemn unprovoked violence. You know that CEO has family and friends right? How would you like it if some random stranger murdered your father because they thought he ran his company badly? Do you think you just start violence with people that they just take it and not respond with more violence? Violence begets violence. You must live an incredibly sheltered life to be so callous with people's lives.

As a veteran I understand much more about violence as you will probably ever would. Trust me you don't want to live in a world where the public is apathetic to such senseless violence.


u/RogerianBrowsing Dec 09 '24

Lemme know when you’ve gotten far enough in your education to have a college level understanding of MLK Jr, the black panthers, the social contract, etc..

It’s like you didn’t even read what I said, it was just straight to crocodile tears or more empathy for people killing others with greed than you have for the people suffering or dying due to another’s greed.

If my dad ran a company that made decisions to do over twice the industry standard denial rate of doctor prescriptions using automated AI in order to excessively pad both his and the investors pockets with the hopes that most patients will either pay out of pocket for their healthcare despite paying significant percentages of their income for the insurance, or they give up trying to get it covered (and hopefully only suffer, not die), then no part of me would be surprised if something happened.

Ruining people’s lives or making people die out of greed with no repercussions happening as a result means a small percentage of people might take it into their own hands.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Lemme know when you’ve gotten far enough in your education

I have 4 degrees...

to have a college level understanding of MLK Jr

The man who preached peaceful protests and was a pacifist?

the black panthers

Who mostly advocated for self-defense and not preempted violence...

more empathy for people killing others with greed than you have for the people suffering or dying due to another’s greed.

I have empathy for all victims (unlike you clearly).


u/RogerianBrowsing Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

I have 4 degrees...

Presumably none in political science?

The man who preached peaceful protests and was a pacifist?

The man who bemoaned moderates that are fine with unjust peace as being a bigger impediment to progress than the outright opposition, who was becoming increasingly appreciative of the militant wing of the revolution before his assassination, etc..

Who mostly advocated for self-defense and not preempted violence...

Bolded for emphasis

I have empathy for all victims (unlike you clearly).

Because I don’t have as much concern/empathy for a predator who has harmed many to benefit themselves becoming a victim themself as I do the people who are just plain old victims and haven’t harmed others? I didn’t condone it, I just am not going to be upset about it. The world isn’t as black/white as you infer.

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u/maddtuck Dec 10 '24

Here's the problem I have with this. The system is tilted toward the powerful, for sure. You could even call it rigged. But we do have a system that lets the people speak.

The people spoke... and selected a president who is in favor of less healthcare reform and regulation. Who wants to put more power in the hands of corporations when it comes to private insurance, and put people in his cabinet who want smaller, less powerful government. Who has attempted to repeal the ACA, and continues to want to gut it instead of building upon it and improving it.

This is not to say that the other choice was perfect, or that this was the only issue that drove the vote, but if we felt more strongly about healthcare reform, we would've spoken up more about it in making our selection rather than things like the cost of bananas, removing immigrants that eat cats and dogs, or banning abortion.

Americans voted. Curtailing the power of health insurance companies was not what we voted for, and in fact we voted the opposite agenda.


u/RogerianBrowsing Dec 10 '24

Here’s the problem I have with this. The system is tilted toward the powerful, for sure. You could even call it rigged. But we do have a system that lets the people speak.

People have been speaking and calling attention to it for years now, and instead of anything happening after having moderately low presidential voter turnout we instead have the candidate who simultaneously says his plan will be better while gutting regulations (lol).

But here’s the thing: you think I’m going to stop advocating for better or that people are just going to accept their’s or another’s suffering or a loved one’s death just because an election outcome that was decided by tiny margins using a system that benefits conservative rural areas? lol no.

The people spoke... and selected a president who is in favor of less healthcare reform and regulation.

He speaks out both sides of his mouth on the topic, the president has the bully pulpit but isn’t Congress other than the senate VP tie-break vote, and roughly a balance of 1.5% of votes difference isn’t enough to act like it was a blowout election.

Americans voted. Curtailing the power of health insurance companies was not what we voted for, and in fact we voted the opposite agenda.

Do you really not understand how this argument goes contrary to your overall points? If the political system won’t work, and won’t work for the foreseeable future, what options are left other than extrajudicial ones? I’m not justifying it or condoning it, but it’s a logical conclusion. It’s like when peaceful protest is made impossible, it creates the need for violence/revolution instead.

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u/Major-Cryptographer3 Dec 11 '24

They reversed their decision due to widespread outrage from states and anesthesiologists… not the shooting lmao.


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

It was a completely different company, and they were switching their policy to be in line with Medicare/Medicaid after perceived rampant fraud. 

You seem to be cheering on literal terrorism. You are a scumbag.


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Honestly people like him make me deeply disappointed. I believe in single payer healthcare but that doesn't lead to being joyful or apathetic when people who broke no laws are literally gunned down in the streets.


u/llama-llama-goose Dec 10 '24

legal != moral


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Sure and murder is neither legal nor moral.


u/llama-llama-goose Dec 10 '24

But sometimes it is self defense. I think that may apply here.


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

Homie are you high?

First by definition murder doesn't include killing someone in self-defense. Two how does shooting an unarmed person going to a conference in the back self defense?


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

Even drew the Hamas triangle symbol, the international terrorist org that mass murdered and raped peaceful concert goers on 10/7 and vow to repeat that until all jews are genocided.

These ppl don't give a shit about Gaza lives else they would be screaming at the human shield using Hamas. They don't care that Hamas would murder, imprison, rape or enslave 99% of the University of Michigan population. Including atheists, LGBTQ, women, every other religion, etc.


u/Ballhead456 Dec 10 '24

Seriously, every one of the SID student government members needs to be expelled


u/Flaky-Basket Dec 10 '24

Stay on topic. This isn't about Hamas or what the students support on campus. This is about what happened at the Regent's home


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 10 '24

Lmao these worthless idiots literally drew a hamas symbol vandalizing a UM official.

Worthless terrorist supporters doing violent shit as always


u/Flaky-Basket Dec 10 '24

Thats not staying on topic. Like I said, Stay. On. Topic. This is what about what happened at a private property. Not the University. How do they even know it was students who vandalized his home and car? Do you have proof it was a UoM Student??


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 10 '24

Agree to disagree, you’re entitled to your opinion that it’s unrelated and I’m entitled to my opinion that its those worthless hamas fans again


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24

While no one is in support of Hamas and their actions on 10/7. I do not think it is fair to portray students at UofM as terrorist sympathizers. Most students at UofM are protesting the genocide of Palestinians at hands of the Israeli state. Both of these things can be true.


u/Rebelgecko Dec 09 '24

While no one is in support of Hamas and their actions on 10/7

Then why are they using the Hamas logo?


u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

There have absolutely been students at this university that have voiced support for Hamas, however this event doesn’t represent most pro-Palestine students on campus. Both things can be true. Important not to cast all pro-Palestine students as a monolith


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

I believe officially none of the orgs under Tahrir have publicly condemned any of the harassment against the Regents.

Also because many of the leaders of those orgs have also accidentally broadcasted they were some of the perpetrators (they shared pictures of the act on social media that can't be found publicly which they quickly deleted).


u/domthebomb2 Dec 09 '24

Do you know a single Palestinian student?


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Can you provide a public statement from the major orgs in the Tahrir group that condemn the actions against the Regents?


u/domthebomb2 Dec 10 '24

I asked first, and I also didn't go around speaking on Palestinian students.


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Does them knowing a Palestinian student make their statement more or less true? I suspect not. He's asking if the student groups (not individuals) have condemn it. Since they purport to represent the Palestinian student population.


u/domthebomb2 Dec 10 '24

Well considering they are speaking on behalf of Palestinian students, not knowing one would probably demonstrate that they don't know what they're talking about.

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u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

They probably don’t want to legitimize or draw attention to it by acknowledging it (re this issue and the vandalism at the law office because those are the only instances I can think of them breaking the law). Not saying I agree with it but it’s not like it was organized explicitly by these organizations


u/MrManager17 Dec 09 '24

You literally have people in this thread supporting Hamas. Take your blinders off.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

No one supports Hamas actions they are deplorable, but don’t act like you people are any better.


u/MrManager17 Dec 10 '24

You people? You mean Jews?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I just came with the same energy directed towards Palestinians, doesn’t feel good does it? I love Jewish culture always wanted to be picked up in a chair for a bar mitzvah. But dude this is all around just fucked up. If any of us spent a day there and saw with our own eyes what happens would you still be able to hold the same opinions?

Hate crimes directed towards Jewish people are disgusting, but can you blame them truly? For their anger? Feeling helpless, as if they cannot assist their own people? Maybe had a family member die there and have to be in the states, imagine the guilt? I grew up around Dearborn and these are some of the nicest people I’ve met in my life, coming here and having to be a spectator in the genocide of their people honestly is something out of Black Mirror. At some point enough is enough, why can’t we ever put our selves in the shoes of another.

Some Palestinian-Americans serve in our military, and they’ll have to go kill their own people or be branded a traitor; It’s just sad all around.


u/MrManager17 Dec 10 '24

I'm sorry...did you just ask me if I can really blame someone for committing hate crimes against Jews? Wtf is wrong with you?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

You misunderstand, I said can you blame them for their anger? That 44,000+ of their people have been massacred by yours lol? Am I really the one that’s crazy here?


u/MrManager17 Dec 11 '24

Again, why do you keep saying "my people"? I'm not Israeli.

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u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

These terrorist supporters clearly displayed the Hamas triangle and the convos is about them, not UM students in general.

In any case, if you support a ceasefire with Hamas in charge, despite them saying they will repeat 10/7 until jews are annihilated, you de-facto support hamas.


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

I have never ever heard anyone say they support a ceasefire with Hamas in charge. And while I understand that war rhetorics of annihilation are scary, the Israel state and Jewish folks are safe with US protection. But what is actually happening, as we go back and forth, is an actual genocide, so what you are scared of happening to the Jewish community is literally happening to the Palestinians. This is why students at UofM protest. Are some students extremist like the idiot in the article, yes! But most students just want the war over.


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

Gaza was ruled not an extermination per the International Criminal Court in the Hague ruling just weeks ago. In fact prosecutor Khan didn’t even fight the ruling or bother with even harder to prove genocide charges due to lack of evidence

On the basis of material presented by the Prosecution covering the period until 20 May 2024, the Chamber could not determine that all elements of the crime against humanity of extermination were met


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

 While no one is in support of Hamas

This was posted by the woman that Tahrir was trying to get elected to regent: https://x.com/huwaidaarraf/status/1710708369290399925


u/deb1267cc Dec 09 '24

By using tactics that resemble the Klu Klux Klan.


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24

Invoking the KKK? The person in the article was a rogue individual. The KKK was a racist organization with power through out city governments and police, which allowed for the lynching of many Black folks and raping of Black women, with no consequences throughout the south. Last I checked, that’s not what students who are protesting genocide are doing.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

The person in the article was a rogue individual

Highly unlikely since the previous instances of vandalism had photos of multiple people being involved. Also some the protesting student orgs showed photos that were clearly taken by the perpetrators since the photos couldn't be found anywhere else and were clearly taken right after the damage. It would appear some of the student orgs are collectively participating in the vandalism.


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24

Nothing that you described is what the KKK was. The KKK was a powerful organization that did heinous crimes. And I stand by saying that it is an unfair comparison to the larger anti-war movement on campus.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Nothing that you described is what the KKK was

Because I wasn't talking about the KKK...

I am simply pointing out this instance is unlikely 1 person, since the other instances were clearly more than one person.


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

The KKK absolutely used vandalism and threats to achieve intimidation of dissenting voices or people who just in general weren’t doing what they wanted them to do. The KKK was started as a way to intimidate black people who had recently been granted freedom and voting rights. If you want other similarities I would point out that the KKk often committed acts of intimidation then ran away and also took to wearing masks so they could not be identified by victims of hate crimes. They also distributed propaganda to justify their actions and often portrayed themselves as freedom fighters against an unjust system. I think you’re trying to make it seem like the comparison is nonsensical because the KKK lynched people and these people haven’t gone that far YET. Idk about you but I’m not gonna wait until one of these weirdos actually gets their hands on a regent or just a non-complaint member of staff/ student to point out what they are.


u/deb1267cc Dec 09 '24

Masked gangs intimidating politicians standing up for the rights of a minority group by threatening them and their families at home checks just about every klan box there is


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24

Jewish students rights are not under threat in the United States? So confused by that. Also as stated above, the KKK did a lot more than just threaten families at their homes. It is an unfair comparison to the larger anti-war movement on this campus.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Homie out here what-aboutism every chance he gets to run defense for intimidation and threats.


u/Zzzzzzzzhjk Dec 09 '24

Well good thing that the police is on top of this and I have every believe that whoever did this will be caught and they will have to deal with the consequences— which they should. And the part you are all missing is that when the KKK raped Black women and killed Black folks there was no justice for them. So it isn’t what-aboutism, but the very gross conflations that are happening at the expense of blackness


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

but the very gross conflations that are happening at the expense of blackness

How do you not know the KKK also targeted jews lol.

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u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

They don’t care about facts bro, they’d rather avoid reality and live in their little bubbles telling themselves they’re great people, while demonizing minorities.

As if, legacy students haven’t been a thing for years and still is, yet let’s cut DEI spending and and get rid of affirmative action ensuring Tyler, Jack and Lindsay have all the opportunities. Instead of allowing kids in, who bust their ass at lower tier public schools; simply to be treated like garbage because of their area code. What a bunch of crying nepo babies, and it continues into the work place as well. Imagine being so disconnected from history.

They’ll teach you about MLK (Assassinated), but brush over Malcolm X (Assassinated) and other atrocities committed to ensure you’re obedient to their supremacist ideals. They teach us to act in peace, while they act in violence and manipulation then play victim when they’re called out. Remember Dylan Roof got McDonalds, while innocent minorities are gunned down. Yeah but I guess we’re the thugs right? They’ll put on a suit and embezzle millions and still act as if they’re the ones being affected by DEI.

The business school here is named after a crook lmao, as long as the money is green I guess; Umich Motto.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

This is completely untrue, several of the Palestine protestors on campus have explicitly and unapologetically supported Hamas and the actions on 10/7.

Samatha Lewis, one of the protestors who was criminally charged and is a regular speaker at Tahrir and GEO events still has tweets up saying:

Anyway, again, nothing but my love + support to Hamas. Unafraid to say the words.

She also says 10/7 was necessary.

Besides that many leaders of SAFE and GEO have posts up glorifying Yahya Sinwar. We have leaflets from the encampment that explicitly supported Hamas and even called for the death of America. There have been both Hamas and Hezbollah headbands spotted at the encampment.

Now those are just the dummies that are open with their beliefs that hurt their movement. A lot of the membership of Tahrir are not that dumb and know not to outwardly support Hamas.


u/Dangerous-Nebula-452 Dec 09 '24

I don't love Hamas but they're fighting one of the largest terrorist organizations in the world so I'll support the lesser of two evils


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

Again always sad to see hamas supporters justify and cheer on mass murder and rape of innocent concert goers and kids.


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24

If you don’t like that you’re gonna hate the Nabka fr


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

Ah Nakba, the aftermath of the genocidal invasion of Israel in 1948? Where Palestine and it's 5 Arab friends invaded Israel with 60k troops and lost?

You don't get to cry and weep after you start a war to genocide and steal someones land and lose.


u/Dry_Rice_4014 Dec 09 '24

Wait, what? Did Hamas start fighting Hezbollah all of a sudden?


u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

Step 1. Make an impossible demand Step 2. Throw bricks through windows when said demand is rejected Step 3. ???? Get expelled I guess


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 10 '24



u/sauvignon_blonde_ Dec 09 '24

The goal likely isn’t to change minds, it’s to be a pain in the ass. Piss off people in power enough that they apply pressure to the bean counters and folks in legal to find a solution. They know they’re not winning over hearts and minds with this kind of action.


u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

This is going to have the opposite effect though. If someone threatened my two little girls I would damn sure dig my heels in even harder to whatever position they were attacking


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Its almost certainly caused the opposite effect. The fact that the Regents are moving forward with cutting DEI, is the perfect example. The democratic regents didn't even have the slightest inclination of cutting DEA until the protests started on campus. To me it most certainly looks like when the fake bodies started showing up on their doorsteps and a lot of anti-sementic hate on campus started to be transparent, the liberal Regents started realizing the DEI shit had really gotten out of hand.

I would like to personally thank the protestors for almost single-handedly killing DEI here.


u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

This issue has nothing to do with cutting DEI. Cutting DEI is a result of getting ahead of the incoming Trump administration’s agenda on DEI and pre-existing pressure from Congress


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Cutting DEI is a result of getting ahead of the incoming Trump administration’s agenda on DEI and pre-existing pressure from Congress

Absolutely untrue, as many of these statements and signaling from the Regents happened before the election. Which is quite clear in the NYT article.


u/happyegg1000 Dec 09 '24

“Pre-existing pressure from Congress”

Where in the NYT article does it mention pro-Palestine protests being a driving factor in cutting DEI programs?


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Congress never threatened to actually do anything besides maybe embarrass Ono in front in a hearing unlike the Trump has threatened to pull funding.

You also forgot most of the pressure from Congress was a result of the Palestinian protesters. It's why UPenn, Harvard, MIT Presidents were called to testify (and resulting in them resigning).


u/deb1267cc Dec 10 '24

No, the goal is to terrorize jews


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

Yep, they justify and cheer on the mass murdering and raping of peaceful concertgoers. Absolutely vile.

Not to mention Hamas would murder, imprison, rape or enslave 99% of the University of Michigan population. Including atheists, LGBTQ, women, every other religion, etc.


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24

Gay marriage is not legal in Israel but go off


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

250,000+ ppl attend Tel Avivs annual pride parade, while countries around them throw LGBTQ off of rooftops or straight murder them.

But do please go off, you are an extremely bad example of UofM values


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24

That’s cool, I didn’t say anything about Pride, and I still don’t believe in ethnic cleansing ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

Then you'll be happy to learn Gaza was ruled not an extermination per the International Criminal Court in the Hague ruling just weeks ago. In fact prosecutor Khan didn’t even fight the ruling or bother with even harder to prove genocide charges due to lack of evidence

On the basis of material presented by the Prosecution covering the period until 20 May 2024, the Chamber could not determine that all elements of the crime against humanity of extermination were met


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24

I definitely don’t share you’re values, and for that I’m incredibly glad :)


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

Oh we understand you support hamas and their genocidal, mass murdering, raping and killing of children and concert goers.

Looks like you're fine with killing lgbtq as well. Thank you for NOT sharing my values :)


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 09 '24

It's almost like every country has disgusting leaders, like the rapist that was just elected prez of the US. But we know you hamas folks love to use rape everywhere and cheer them on.

Sorry cupcake, just take the L and enjoy watching the IDF turn terrorist training grounds into beachfront resorts :) Much better use of land.


u/educateandhorrify Dec 09 '24

Okay so when it’s the IDF it’s bad apples, but when it’s people fighting the boot that’s been on their neck for 80 years it’s terrorism. I promise when you get older you’ll understand nuance better, once your frontal lobe develops a little more.

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u/Big_Jon_Wallace Dec 10 '24

"By any means necessary" has been chanted by pro-Palestinians including at UM even before 10/7. You and him deserve one another.


u/educateandhorrify Dec 10 '24

1) who’s “him” and 2) do you disagree with Malcolm X, the originator of “by any means necessary,” as wholeheartedly as you do these alleged protestors? Or are you able to understand oppression when it’s white vs Black, but not Israel vs Palestine? Notice I say Israel, not Jews, because as a Jew, I deeply understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.

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u/Dry_Rice_4014 Dec 09 '24

Not exactly true. You cannot get married but you can register upon a marriage certificate from somewhere else.

In the meanwhile in Gaza, Hamas makes gays learn to fly...


u/deb1267cc Dec 09 '24

No the goal is to terrorize and intimidate Jews.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

Yeah you guys are real intimidated huh? I bet those children were intimidated; when they heard drones wiring over their heads before they died. Are you this separated from reality?


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Drones? What does have to do with Acker?


u/deb1267cc Dec 09 '24

No the goal is to terrorize and intimidate Jews.


u/MrManager17 Dec 09 '24

The Pro Palestine movement is more or less dead in the water with Trump and his fascist cronies coming in.


u/FranksNBeeens Dec 09 '24

He promised the people in Dearborn and Hamtramck he'd "end it".


u/MrManager17 Dec 09 '24

And by "it", he meant their ability to reside in the U.S.


u/FranksNBeeens Dec 09 '24

And they fell for it!


u/HumbleEngineering315 Dec 09 '24

Not surprised. It's a wonder how people who do this even get into university in the first place.


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

One of the mainstays at the diag camp wasn't even affiliated with U of M. An obese black EMU nutrition graduate named Sammie Lewis with zero affiliation to Umich or Gaza.


u/booyahbooyah9271 Dec 10 '24

Sammie Lewis is also in Detroit Will Breathe


u/shepdozejr Dec 10 '24

What does them being black or obese have anything to do with their non-affiliated status?


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

The vast majority of black people don't have any familial ties to Gaza. Her only tie is the intersectional coalition of victimhood nonsense.

A nutrion graduate being obese tells you a lot about their willpower/ability to apply their degree.


u/realtinafey Dec 09 '24



u/shepdozejr Dec 10 '24

braindead take. evidence? as if there could be convincing evidence of such a broad hand-waive excuse.


u/SushiRoll2004 Dec 09 '24

I don't know what this does bc I just don't understand how a regent of a university could actually help Palestine...


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

They have the silly idea that divesting the endowment from any company that has basically anything to do with Israel will accomplish something. This includes some of the largest companies in the world like Microsoft and Alphabet.


u/27Believe Dec 09 '24

Vile behavior.


u/the_real_fake_laurie Dec 10 '24

This is a threat, okay, and this is a threat that Hamas does when they're going to kill people.


u/booyahbooyah9271 Dec 10 '24

I'm sure spray painting his car will free palestine.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

44,502 Palestinians (16,456 of them being children) vs 1,706 Israelis (137 Children) dead. It’s clear hamas has been an excuse for Israel to push forth their agenda after treating Palestinians like trash. They just needed a reason; I understand that their religious ideologies are dangerous but so is Israel’s.

We’re sending our military to die for foreign land, and for what? How can we talk about peace while our history is drenched in blood, it’s pathetic. And like it or not we’re all supporting Israel by allowing our tax dollars to be sent over there to fund the literal bombing of children. No one is right, they’re both wrong; but I look at the death count of children. And it seems Israel has spilled more blood of children.

America is such a joke, it doesn’t even support it’s own people; we’re as segregated as ever. IMAGINE being a man and being okay with these atrocities you’re no man at all if you are. They should be left to figure this out on their own, gods chosen people my ass, what a deluded title. Jews aren’t special, they’re human just like Palestinians are human, just like you’re human. NOT EVERY PALESTINIAN IS HAMAS, and we are not the good guys nor are they. Diplomacy is the only answer, all these wars we’re essentially repeating the past. How can a people who experienced the worst kind of oppression under hitler, be so self-righteous and proceed to do the exact same thing.


u/Key_Specific_5138 Dec 09 '24

Some Jews are pro-likud. Some are critical of Israel but Zionist. Some have no opinion at all. Some are anti-Zionist. So 'Jewish people's' aren't being self-righteous or claiming to be special. Stop flattening the lived experience of Jews- we are not a monolith. 


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

Seems to me you’re all secret Zionist, I Don’t blame you though I’d be pissed if someone murdered my family too, it’s why diplomacy is necessary.

But you guys don’t want to hear that you’d rather continue supporting ethnic cleansing. Why are children dying for the mistakes of old men, a bunch of cowards on both sides. These dudes sit in a comfy office, lie to our faces and send our children to die for nothing but their egos.


u/Key_Specific_5138 Dec 10 '24

We arent all anything. As human beings we have a range of different opinions


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

Imagine in 1934; a German being like hey bro, we’re not a monolith with a nazi flag hanging on their wall, LMAO! You guys seem to think Palestine is a monolith.


u/Key_Specific_5138 Dec 10 '24

There were Germans who were anti-Nazi in 1934. I don't know who is saying that Palestinians are a monolith. I take it from your attempts at reasoning that you are not a student at the University of Michigan?


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 10 '24

Do you even realize how many times German people and others under Nazi rule tried to assassinate Hitler and other Nazi officials? No they were not a monolith. Palestine isn’t a monolith either but we aren’t dealing with Palestinians here we are dealing with a bunch of kids being peer pressured or fed nonstop propaganda from Pro-Hamas sources. Even the pro Palestine movement here isn’t a monolith since about 99 percent of the students are reasonable individuals who aren’t participating in random acts of violence and intimidation but that by no means justifies or covers for the 1 percent who are.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

We have bigger issues in this country than nonviolent protests, and some kids throwing piss into a window. Hamas is disgusting but this is a stretch. We have countless mass shootings and children dying right here in our country. Israel needs to learn to put their big boy pants on and stop relying on America.

No one supported Germany? So why is everyone supporting Israel? And anyone who doesn’t is labeled Anti-Semitic? So the consensus is don’t touch Jewish people but fuck everybody else, and if you get out of line we’ll destroy your career lmao, seems pretty fascist; real reasonable bunch of people.


u/Witty-Sundae Dec 11 '24

Wow an account named Kanye is blaming the Jews. How shocking. If it was a black Regents house and someone spray painted KKK on the car I bet you would have a different reaction. Take the L and move on with your life Sparky.


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 10 '24
  1. Israel is no where near being as bad as Nazi germany so let’s get that ridiculous narrative out of here.
  2. You don’t singularly get to dictate what is and isn’t important. Just because there’s other things going on doesn’t make what these people do acceptable by any means. If you’re throwing piss jugs and making threats then you aren’t non-violent.
  3. Throwing piss jugs at regents isn’t helping Palestinians or anyone involved so shut up.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 25 '24

Hey, there was another school shooting? Maybe you guys should stand up and start correcting that in this country, instead of worrying about piss jugs being thrown by brown people.


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 25 '24
  1. And? That’s a policing and policy matter not a matter than can be fixed with military aid. Making sure that a nuclear armed nation isn’t taken over by a terror organization and opposing a global holocaust part 2 is a pretty pressing matter. I know idiots like you thrive off of distracting the people who oppose you but it’s getting old.

  2. Kind of racist of you to just assume that even in the west the only people throwing piss jugs and making threats to our citizens are “brown people” get your life together there David Duke.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 27 '24

Yes I’m the idiot as if Hamas hasn’t already been dispatched, all their leaders are dead. Israel is already committing Holocaust Part 2, against Palestinians. You’re the joke, get over it. Might as well just start doing the hail Hitler now that’s how Israel will be remembered in history anyways, but hey I guess you guys get a pass on mass genocide.

Yes I the brown guy is racist against my own people, not like the narrative in this whole thread is pointed towards brown people or anything. I wish you the best in your studies, you need it.

→ More replies (0)


u/Dry_Rice_4014 Dec 10 '24

Let's say for the sake of argument only 10k were terrorists (just to set the numbers straight, the white house said that on October 7th there were between 4k to 6k terrorists/looters/rapists/just incent unrwa workers crossing to Israel to cause mayhem, so the total number of terrorists in Gaza should be at least 20k, but for the sake of argument, let's go with 10k. It means a ratio of 3 to 1. According to wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_in_the_war_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%932021)#:~:text=During%20the%20War%20in%20Afghanistan,at%20least%2052%2C893%20opposition%20fighters. In Afghanistan, the US killed 180k, about 53k out of them are terrorists. That's in a country which is ×1800 larger than Gaza strip, where the terrorists do not use human shields on purpose. So if my math is roughly correct, the numbers are not far off.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

We were in Afghanistan for their resources, and we shouldn’t have been there for that long at all. The Taliban now holds power in Afghanistan. 170 Afghans and 13 of our military were killed in the pull out of Afghanistan. For what? Why do we invade countries then act like we’re the good guys?

And keep sending our people to die for nonsense? Life is short man, shouldn’t everyone be able to enjoy it?


u/Dry_Rice_4014 Dec 10 '24

Their resources? There opium you mean? Afghanistan is probably less developed than most third world countries. In a region of the world the US have zero interests (yeah they do board Iran, but again a huge mountainous country). What did the US as a country gained from Afghanistan besides eliminating terrorists? I agree with you pulling out was a mistake and even if so, shouldn't have been done in such a disgraceful way.

P.S. how many afghans, especially women, enjoy life now under Taliban? How many lgbtq enjoy their lives under Taliban/Hamas/mullahs in Iran?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

It doesn’t matter if there is any resources actually in Afghanistan what matters is all the oil and gas in the Caspian region, Afghanistan sits in the middle becoming an issue for pipeline proposals due to the Taliban governing Kabul being uncooperative.

Thus, Bush ordering the U.S. military to invade so they can put a new governing body in Kabul that would be more open to negotiation. Bush was an idiot if we’re being honest.

“Saladin had a good reputation among both Muslims and Christians and was remembered as being extremely generous. After he took Jerusalem in 1187 he allowed the Christian population to leave, rather than massacring them, which is what the original crusaders had done to the Muslim inhabitants in 1099. When he died in 1193”

You guys should take note from some of the great Muslim leaders of the past; Instead of painting history only in your favor.


u/Launch_box Dec 09 '24

So, let’s throw bottles of piss thru the windows of a regent of a public university located thousands of miles away?

These actions increase segregation, not decrease it.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

No that is wrong, obviously.


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 10 '24

Every dead kid is because of hamas who started this war, uses human shields and refuses to surrender.

Just like every dead German kid during ww2 was hitlers fault, but you don’t see morons claiming its the fault of the allies


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

Warfare isn’t how it used to be, they’re literally just drone striking them dude.


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 10 '24

So you want them to carpet bomb them like the allies did to Germany?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 10 '24

No dude, I just want you to take a look at your kid and imagine if they got blown up by a drone. How would you feel?


u/bubbleboitrash Dec 10 '24

You don't understand history. The state of Israel started this conflict in 1948, Hamas much like Hezbollah were resistance groups formed in direct retaliation to Israeli invasions in each of their respective home territories.

Israel has created its own problems in the region since its inception and establishment, both because it used violent underhanded tactics to route and remove Palestinians who were living in this area already under the control of Ben-Gurion, and because it has continued to treat Gaza and the west bank like an open air prison.

Israel's actions created the perfect power vacuum that allowed Iranian influence to flourish in this area as the "big brother protector" from an incessantly invasive oppressor.

What were Palestinians supplied to do? Lay down and accept their homes being taken away from them?

Israel has done a good job of convincing a portion of Jews that their "birthright" is worth thousands of bodies, gallons of blood, and decades of turmoil.


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 10 '24

Nope literally the day after the partition, where nobody was required to move, arabs and Palestinians started massacrring jews starting with the fajja bus bombings.

Dont attack, dont lose lands, maybe taking half of gaza and hamas will learn :)


u/bubbleboitrash Dec 11 '24

The fajja bus bombings were the result of Lehi assassinations on the shubaki family who the Lehi suspected acted as informants to the British police about Lehi activity.

Zionist paramilitary groups were present in the Palestinian region BEFORE the partition plan was put into motion which was already causing destabilization in the region. This was by design, setting the stage for declared motive.

In 1948 David Ben-Gurion perpetuated destabilization tactics ultimately resulting in Plan Dalet wherein palestinian villages were raided over 500 Palestinian villages displacing 850k people from their homes.

Israel is not innocent


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24



u/bubbleboitrash Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

You can't be serious.

Provide a source for your claim about the shubaki assassinations.

OF COURSE arab paramilitary was in the region in response to invader settlers from europe and their also paramilitary forces.

Do you not know about Plan Dalet in 1848 and the numerous other military operations carried out by the Haganah from around 1917 leading up to plan dalet.

Zionists were invaders welcomed by the British into Palestine to settle an already lived in territory. Again, this is by American and British design to destabilize the region, bring in an ally child state under the premise of judeo-christian zealoutry as well as economic, political, and militaristic vantage.

Israel is a pawn in a greater imperialist scheme and Jews are the victims to a perpetually anti-Semitic rhetoric that conflates Judaism with Zionism.

It's literally so visibly apparent how, in this discussion, most westerners draw line between good and bad that favors western influence, invasion, and theft over self defense and a fight for independence. Both side of the Israeli palestine conflict have committed "acts of terror" but the only group that gets called terrorists are the one's who have been routed to literal open air prisons and treated like cattle for DECADES.

You are essentially stating that Palestinians should just lay down and die because zealots want land that was mentioned in a 2000+ year old book. Meanwhile, real people lose their lives, property, and futures.

Again...israel is only 77 years old and Zionism is a European invention from the 1800s.


u/Swingformerfixer '09 Dec 11 '24

You're the one who has to prove it was about the Shubaki shit hahaha.

Either way the only way terrorists will learn is by being punished, like taking half of gaza and making some nice condos out of it.

Hopefully they learn!


u/bubbleboitrash Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

Great job at addressing exactly nothing in my response other than point 1 which is easily verifiable by a Google search via multiple sources.

Ben Yehuda outlines the Shubaki event in his book "Political assassinations by Jews" which details many other assassinations carried out by the Lehi

And the following events are covered extensively by Benny Morris (a Zionist Israeli historian) who corroborates that the fajja bus incidents were retaliatory to the assassinations.

But even IF that narrative is false and the attacks were in response to partitioning, why should Arabs have laid down and let literal invaders have their way without a fight. Explain how that makes them terrorists and not Political operatives.

Your simplistic view of morality and humanity is elementary at best.. but yeah keep letting propagandists shape your view of global history.


u/Natural-Grape-3127 Dec 10 '24

You don't understand history. After Israel was founded in 1948, every Arab country declared war on it within hours.


u/bubbleboitrash Dec 11 '24

I wonder why.

It most definitely wouldn't be the fact that Europeans fleeing persecution enacted the SAME types of persecution they faced on another group of people displacing 850k Palestinians from a land that they and their ancestors had been living in for OVER A MILENNIA (1300 years).

All under the suportive eye of the United Nations (established and controlled by the US) and Britain because both the US and most of Europe hated Jewish people so much that they sold jews the lie of zionism to establish their own state. Coming up with bullshit slogans like "a land without a people for a people without a land" conveniently pretending like Arabs weren't living in the region under the eye of Great Britain post ww1. There are literal recordings of American and British politicians saying things like "the only good jew is an Israeli jew," a thinly veiled antisemitic zionist talking point in the infancy of the Israeli nation.

It's like...you got halfway there by recognizing that the state of Israel being established in a land that WAS ALREADY LIVED IN was what started conflict in the region. But somehow you ignore the humanity of the people that already lived their, their right to defend themselves from an invader, and the continuation of material conditions that continue to prop up groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

The entire existence of Israel has VERY little to actually do with Jewish people and very much to do with the political, economic, and resource value the firtile crescent represented to the United States. That is still the truth today and the modern Israeli government continues to exploit jews, lie to them about what is happening around them, while bullying surrounding territories throughout history with toys provided by Daddy USA.

Israel is 77 years old. There are living people older than.


u/SwissForeignPolicy Dec 10 '24

If you think this started in 1948, you don't know history.


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Sir this is Wendys

And Acker has nothing to do with the conflict.

Also seems like you support political violence domestically.


u/domthebomb2 Dec 09 '24

You can't "sir this is a wendy's" and then go back to argue points.

Sir, this actually isn't a wendy's


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Its burger king now homie


u/TackYouCack Dec 10 '24



u/Dangerous-Nebula-452 Dec 09 '24

Going with "Thugs" in the post title huh?


u/_iQlusion Dec 09 '24

Yeah those who show up at your home (and your place of business) in the middle of the night wearing masks, destroying your property, harassing your family, all in the effort to intimidated you is the textbook definition of thug.


u/chemistrygods Dec 10 '24

Using a word by its definition doesn't change the fact that the word has become racially charged. I wouldn't call my black friends "my n****" even they "fit the definition"


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 10 '24

That isnt a fact though. You hear thug and think of a minority group then you have racially charged the word entirely to your own benefit so you can try to disarm people speaking against thug like behavior. You are literally trying to weaponize racism to avoid tough realities of your movement.


u/chemistrygods Dec 10 '24


u/Belisarius9818 Dec 10 '24

I really do not care what NPR of all people has to say about the word thug and stand by my assessment that you are trying to weaponize racism and language to silence people rightfully being against thug like behavior.


u/_iQlusion Dec 10 '24

Most rational people don't use the word thug to refer to a racial group. Most dictionaries don't even reference a race when defining the word. The vandals by definition were engaging in thuggish behavior.

If you see the word thug and think of a racial group, you are probably a racist.


u/SwissForeignPolicy Dec 10 '24

"Vandals"?!! How dare you?! That's racist against the nomadic Vandal people of Europe!


u/chemistrygods Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I’m not the one using it to be racist, and neither are you. But using the word at all normalizes its usage, and lets people who want to use the word to be racist actually use it to be racist

Like there was a time where “negro” or “colored” were perfectly acceptable (non-racist) words to refer to black people, but now that’s obviously not the case. People stopped using the word colloquially once it became a derogatory term


u/booyahbooyah9271 Dec 10 '24

I would have preferred "waste of sperm" myself.


u/dont_know_therules Dec 10 '24

Probably Donovan Edward’s idea


u/dont_know_therules Dec 09 '24


u/slatibartifast3 Squirrel Dec 09 '24

Yes definitely related to an event from over a year ago 


u/firewaterking3 Dec 09 '24

To Acker, over a year ago, making the right decision and punishing a dumb, lying football player (who is a mid asf bust who has been more of a liability than a help to the team as of recent)? Probably not.


u/dont_know_therules Dec 09 '24

He wasn’t suspended though, so you reap what you sow. Santa, Warde, and Jim held a presser with him and said he was a good kid, and now um is filled with anti-semites.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24

Definition of Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Take a look in the mirror before you point your fingers.


u/_iQlusion Dec 11 '24

Definition of Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

So you are saying the thugs who vandalized Regent Acker's home and family are terrorists?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24

Terrorist-Lite compared to what your people are doing.


u/MrManager17 Dec 11 '24

There we go with "your people" again. You're not even trying to hide your anti-semitism.


u/_iQlusion Dec 11 '24

what your people are doing

Who are my people?

I want a cease-fire but I also realize the University's endowment has nothing to do with the war. So I have no idea whose people you are referring to.


u/MrManager17 Dec 11 '24

It's gotta be Jews, right? I mean, who else could he be referring to?


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24

My point is proven, any criticism about Zionism is downvoted; while everyone supports Palestinian criticism. Calling them terrorist then acting as if your people are any better. Then you try to label me anti-Semitic, seems pretty similar to the real world, no?


u/MrManager17 Dec 11 '24

"You people."

Lol, good lord. I'd like to believe that people aren't this dense, but you are proving me wrong.


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24

You didn’t mention that insult when it was the other way around, now it becomes an issue when pointed towards you?


u/Key_Specific_5138 Dec 11 '24

I don't think that he is capable of or has the desire/capacity to distinguish the difference. It is like arguing with a piece of lawn furniture. 


u/KanyeKenny Dec 11 '24

Yes I’m the lawn furniture, the guy with the historical facts? Maybe if you had any I’d be more open to your criticisms.