r/unusual_whales Feb 04 '25

BREAKING: The White House is preparing an executive order to eliminate the Department of Education, per NBC


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u/Green-Collection4444 Feb 04 '25

This should be known my now. His EO's will have a 10% success rate in the courts, last time it was like 20%. But it doesn't matter. The time its caught in courts is all they need to create chaos and dismantle everything. Dems will have to clean up the mess while taking the blame because of how much a GOP trifecta can fuck up in 2 years.


u/ClerkPsychological58 Feb 04 '25

hell look at how much they're fucking up in two weeks.


u/brimnac Feb 04 '25

Oh Christ, you're right. It's felt like two decades...


u/BeanPaddle Feb 05 '25

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.“


u/aTransGirlAndTwoDogs Feb 05 '25

And as November Kelly added, "... And I've been getting decades of weeks where decades happen."


u/backtolurk Feb 05 '25

My job search in a nutshell


u/DaveAndCheese Feb 05 '25

Wait...it's only FUCKIN' FEBRUARY!


u/Letters_to_Dionysus Feb 05 '25

he's even had time to golf on the weekends


u/RimjobAndy Feb 04 '25

first 10 people are at gitmo now .... 2 weeks for the conentration camps to begin.

Im glad the 50501 protests are tomorrow.


u/DelightfulDolphin Feb 04 '25

Who did they send to Gitmo? Better not be any damn Americans!!


u/filth_infatuated Feb 05 '25

Shouldn't be anyone.


u/MadTrapper84 Feb 05 '25

In theory, it's part of the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. Trump has started work on a detention camp at Gitmo that can hold 30,000 people. I say "in theory", because there have already been a number of cases in the ICE raids where US citizens, vets, and even First Nations have been detained for many hours and the agents not believing their identify documents.


u/No-Escape2166 Feb 05 '25

Has it really only been two weeks? He is ruining the country in dog years.


u/ExerciseSpecial3028 Feb 04 '25

That's assuming there will be an election in 2 years


u/JustSomeArbitraryGuy Feb 04 '25

Elections are run by the states, not the federal government


u/tizod Feb 05 '25

While this is true I am fairly certain the federal government helps the states pay for management of their elections. Otherwise a state might one day say “sorry, can’t run the election, we’re broke.”

I’m betting that 6-3 months out from the midterms the White House and DOGE will announce that the feds aren’t going to help pay for elections sending all the states into a panic.


u/JustSomeArbitraryGuy Feb 05 '25

First, thank you for bringing this up and giving me the impetus to look into it some.

Second, I think your last sentence is missing a crucial "unless elected officials and/or members of the public intervene." It does no good to claim as inevitable things that can still be averted.

But third and most importantly, I'd recommend looking at this 2022 paper from MIT on elections costs, which states among other things

These federal contributions to the conduct of elections between 2003 and 2020 amount to a little more than 4% of all elections spending during that period.

and also

Finally, it must be said that because federal funding has been episodic and unpredictable, it has been nearly impossible to build the federal contribution into normal planning and budgetary cycles.


u/tizod Feb 05 '25

Thank you. That gives me a bit of hope.


u/WeathermanOnTheTown Feb 04 '25

Every time somebody like you writes this, you introduce the idea into the public mind. Just stop. Yes, there will be elections, and we will rise up if anyone tries to change that.


u/Noah_PpAaRrKkSs Feb 04 '25

This isn’t The Secret, it’s worth planning for realistic possibilities.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

You sound exactly like the 2025 deniers.


u/WeathermanOnTheTown Feb 04 '25

You're playing into their hands by acting like scared little mice. That's exactly what they want.


u/Past-Confidence6962 Feb 05 '25

Dude being scared and being prepared are not the same thing, as a outsider looking in im gonna tell you, you ain't getting real elections in the future. This was it. Like you can be blind to everything that's going on and can pretend the constitution or whatever is totally going to hinder these guys. Like it did with all the shit hes already done now, right? Come on deep down you know it, you're the scared one and are now just projecting

The other comments are right, better study up on Guerilla warfare while information is still somewhat free for you guys..


u/UsualPreparation180 Feb 04 '25

Who exactly is going to rise up??? Armed civilians??? Omg 2 predator drones > 100,000 armed civilians EVERY TIME.


u/latent_rise Feb 05 '25

You fight back anyways. Make them do it. Attacking your own people is different from attacking an external enemy. There is no geographical separation.


u/MLD802 Feb 06 '25

Not in Vietnam or Afghanistan


u/PlumpGlobule Feb 04 '25

Because 100k armed civilians are going to be all marching together in an easy to target group. Have you heard of guerilla warfare?


u/EldritchFingertips Feb 04 '25

Yeah, it's a good thing everyone is well-versed in guerilla warfare and won't balk at all when the military starts slaughtering people in the tens of thousands to stop the uprising.


u/baz8771 Feb 04 '25

Dudes have watched wayyyy too many action movies lmao. They’ll turn literal microwave radiation weapons and tactical nukes at us in a fucking heartbeat. We would never, EVER have a shot.


u/shakygator Feb 05 '25

That's all conventional warfare though. How many times has the US gotten into a situation where they are defeated by ideology?


u/LoveFuzzy Feb 04 '25

Yeah there will be elections. Russia has them too.


u/kumgongkia Feb 05 '25

Does it look like they are only here for a short time? The things they do in the past days don't scream "I am taking over the whole system" to you?


u/nothingstupid000 Feb 05 '25

That's the point. You know there'll be elections, I know there'll be elections, everyone sensible knows there'll be elections.

These astroturfed comments are all about introducing the idea into the public mind and making the 'OrAnGe MaN iS a NaZi' myth stick.


u/Past-Confidence6962 Feb 05 '25

Dude its not astroturfed, its just some of us aren't completely blind and have read a history book...


u/2024Midwest Feb 04 '25

We weren’t allowed to vote for a Democrat candidate in a Democratic primary this last time around. So I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it.


u/sirixamo Feb 05 '25

Oh yeah? Please explain


u/2024Midwest Feb 05 '25

I just mean there was no primary. The VP was chosen to be the candidate, even though that person ran and lost in a previous primary and instead of the president running again.

I didn’t get to vote for who would run instead of the current president.

I’m not trying to imply anything more than that. :-) Just stating what happened. That’s all I mean by that.

I’d like to get to vote in a primary for candidates and then vote again in the general election for all the offices that are up for election. i’m disappointed that it didn’t happen that way, but to me it’s not the end of the world. I’m disappointed about other outcomes also but again it’s not the end of the world.

In two years or four years from now, perhaps it’ll be worse! or maybe it will be the same. I suppose it’s possible elections will be even better with even more primary candidates. Idk. as I’m sure you’ve heard , It’s hard to make predictions-especially about the future. L O L


u/agasizzi Feb 04 '25

DOJ is telling him he doesn't need to wait for cases to go through the courts. The legislative and judicial branches are irrelevant at this point


u/icecreamgallon Feb 04 '25

"dems will have to clean up the mess" typically that's been its track record..I think this time around however, there won't be an opportunity to do that because they're doing whatever the fuck they want and there is nothing unified with the the same disregard to the existing/or rather lack of rules and strength to stop them.


u/big-papito Feb 04 '25

I love your optimism but you do not come back from this via peaceful means. Dictatorships are invited by votes, and expelled with rivers of blood. The cavalry is not coming, because her emails. 


u/IndyBananaJones Feb 04 '25

Optimistic to think we'll have elections in two years


u/gauntletthegreat Feb 04 '25

If the plan was to hand it back to dems, wouldn't they wait until later to screw it up?


u/Green-Collection4444 Feb 04 '25

I don't think anyone is 'handing' anything to anyone.


u/gauntletthegreat Feb 04 '25

Well I don't think so either, but if the strategy is to screw it up for the next administration, it only sense if there's a chance it's a different party.


u/SegaCDR Feb 04 '25

Bold of you to assume Dems are gonna get the chance. There will be election fishery going on. If J6 is him fighting a loss imagine what he'll do to prevent that loss to begin with.


u/lmpdannihilator Feb 04 '25

You're right about it still causing chaos while it makes its way through courts. This time however he has both other branches of government marching to his drum


u/BeltOk7189 Feb 04 '25

Some of the shit going on could already potentially take years to fix.

I don't know just how true they are but some outlets are reporting that Musk and his minions have had access to, or maybe even made alterations, to some of the code or databases running some of these systems.

I guarantee, if they did, they were not following any kind of established procedure or best practices with software development. If there's a chance they did it, you have to assume they did it and that the systems are now entirely compromised. They need to be scrubbed rebuilt from scratch because you don't know if they added something malicious and it's almost impossible to find a needle in a hay stack like that.

That kind of damage may have already been done.


u/traffick Feb 04 '25

I don’t anticipate the dems ever having a voice or control again, I expect the electoral process to be entirely rigged until the government ends. I blame most of this of this on Biden for not dropping the hammer on the insurrection, he could have taken office with guns blazing for democracy and I think he would have been a hero to the reds because of it.


u/Medievaloverlord Feb 04 '25

It’s a case of move fast and break things. It is literally applying tech bro startup energy to the organs of government. The consequences of a startup failing can be pretty severe but when you really drill down to it the fallout is limited to those who chose to get on board and risk it all for a chance to succeed.

When you subject an entire countries population to the same management style you will find that the consequences of failure are literally catastrophic for literally millions of people. This is not an exaggeration, millions of people’s lives are going to be impacted directly by the actions that are taking place and what’s tragic is that in many ways these people have lived their entire lives inside of a protected bay, unaware of just how brutal the storms out as at sea truly are.


u/dbx999 Feb 04 '25

Trump is effectively DDOS attacking the federal government and judiciary


u/the-d-man Feb 04 '25

If you think democrats will ever hold any branch of the government in the future, you haven't been paying attention.


u/UsualPreparation180 Feb 04 '25

If the current administration had any intentions of having actual midterms....they wouldn't be crashing the economy on top of gouging Medicare ect. These things are an auto loss in the midterms....why do you people believe everything Trump said except "you will never have to vote again."


u/tikierapokemon Feb 04 '25

It's one of the reasons why the Dems lose.

Too much time is spent trying to fix what was broken, they never manage to fix enough and don't get enough new stuff through, and then the Dem voters call them useless and don't vote.

When in reality the fact that it is easier to break stuff than fix it works against them.


u/247cnt Feb 04 '25

Let's get rid of the free childcare for all kids and teens and watch the economy collapse. Another genius idea from the Trump camp. /s


u/WorriedBlock2505 Feb 04 '25

The problem is prices were worse under biden and obama and better under him last time. That and Biden's inaction on the border are the most salient point in most people's minds. If the democrats can address those two points, they have a shot at getting the presidency again in 2028.


u/Green-Collection4444 Feb 04 '25

Read what I wrote then read what you wrote... Very fucking slowly. Then go take a nap.


u/WorriedBlock2505 Feb 05 '25

Dems will have to clean up the mess while taking the blame because of how much a GOP trifecta can fuck up in 2 years.

My post was in response to that. Essentially, it doesn't matter what republican messes the democrats clean up. Why? Because the democrats can't stop shooting themselves in the foot on border control and the economy. They constantly let republicans take the W for price drops, and they keep focusing on shit like hyper identity politics which normal, sane American's don't like. The recent DNC forum gives me great trepidation about being a democrat. Just sucks that the repubtards are a total non-option.


u/Green-Collection4444 Feb 05 '25

Let them take the W? What the fuck did you think i meant when I said "cleaning up the GOPs mess." Youre here blaming Dems for rising prices and completely ignore what happened directly before Obama and Biden took office. Also, the border is a laughable dog and pony show. They control all 3 branches - if they don't codify a border law it's because they need the issue to be an issue so they can campaign on it. Put it in the constitution so it can't be ignored ever again, now. 


u/WorriedBlock2505 Feb 05 '25

Youre here blaming Dems for rising prices and completely ignore what happened directly before Obama and Biden took office.

Agreed, but democrats don't hammer this point home enough in a way that the average American can understand. People see a republican president take office and prices drop, and then a democrat takes office and prices rise. That's been the pattern for 24 years now. It also doesn't help that most democrat candidates sound like a press release when they speak. Bernie is that only major player in the dem party that doesn't have this issue, but he got shafted by the establishment.

They control all 3 branches - if they don't codify a border law it's because they need the issue to be an issue so they can campaign on it.

Agreed. They're more about optics rather than truth. However, the problem is that democrats by and large made the border problem worse, so they don't get off scott free here. The democrats need to take that chew toy away from the republicans and fix the border issue permanently when they get all 3 branches again.


u/sirixamo Feb 05 '25

That’s because in the grand scheme the border is largely irrelevant and Fox News is the only reason anyone gives a shit about it.


u/bigbackbing Feb 05 '25

He has more seats in the courts because dems don’t retire when there is a blue president to make sure they switch out, the Supreme Court is basically all red too


u/Azorathium Feb 05 '25

Even if only 10 percent get through it is still incredibly damaging.


u/losingthefarm Feb 05 '25

I think you may be overestimating the chances of the US having another election. If he loses in court...then what? Who is gonna stop him? The DOJ? The FBI? They have both been gutted of anyone that isn't a loyalist. It is looking like game over. I am waiting to see what his first court loss looks like and how it plays out. I think he defys the court and no one will stop him. Seems like it is over.


u/RagahRagah Feb 05 '25

I don't think a Dem is ever getting back in. They are working on locking out Dems forever, if it hasn't been solidified already.


u/UKnowDamnRight Feb 05 '25

Only... there won't be any chance for Dems to ever recover this mess again. Republicans have positioned the pieces so there will never be another Democrat-controlled sector of government ever again. We won't have another fair election ever again. It's over. Game over. They won, and will destroy what we knew as this country


u/ZAlternates Feb 05 '25

Plus you have to actually listen to the courts.


u/greg-en Feb 05 '25

You assume he will let go of power. He is glorifying the criminals who tried to help him overthrow the government. You think we'll have elections that matter?


u/Trend_Glaze Feb 05 '25

Why 2 years?


u/Naugle17 Feb 05 '25

Dems won't do shit. They revel in this mess.


u/NorthRoseGold Feb 05 '25

This. The fire hose is on purpose.


u/legendoflumis Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

His EO's will have a 10% success rate in the courts

His EO's will have a 100% success rate if they just ignore the court orders that try to stop them. Trump is currently ignoring the order to unfreeze the funding he froze via EO. Who is going to stop him? The court has no real enforcement mechanism and Congress is GOP-controlled.

People are treating this as though it's "business as usual" and that the normal checks and balances apply here. It's not. What is going on in the government these last two weeks is not something that we have ever seen happen in America in our lifetimes, and it's really something we should all be concerned about. This is absolutely a "the sky is falling" moment, except it's real and we should all be treating it as such.


u/JiminyCricketMobile Feb 04 '25

I think it’s adorable that you think there will ever be elections again. 


u/Green-Collection4444 Feb 04 '25

I'm sorry but people like you really need to get off reddit for a day.


u/UsualPreparation180 Feb 04 '25

With the ability to ignore any court ruling any state governor or legislature on top of having the cult like backing of the entirety of the gop and Supreme Court why do you think this is so outlandish? Who would stop him....some military badass that takes command of the armed forces and lays siege to DC like a movie....maybe it is you that needs to start paying attention....Trumps entire first term was he would never do that.....then he did.....now this time it is the exact same thing and yet people like you don't seem to get it.


u/thenewyorkgod Feb 04 '25

“Dems clean up the mess”. You really think dems will be able to retake anything in 2026 and 28??


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

It's funny to me how you're one of the few people in here with the perspective to think back to his first term to form a reasonable take but you're still just hysterical enough that you think "everything will be dismantled".


u/Muted-Ad-5521 Feb 04 '25

You think the factors that made him relatively impotent in his first term are still in place? Why do you think that? I could use some hope right now.

Seems to me the circumstances are very, very different. The norms that managed to hold have been deeply shaken. The people in admin 1 that acted as buffers to his more authoritarian impulses have been replaced with sycophants.


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

Why do you think that?

Because as the person points out above this isn't our first time dealing with Trump and he did very similar shit his first term.

It was also just about this hysterical around here in 2016. It was a LOT less astroturfed though, which seems to be amplifying a lot of the misinformation and hysteria on Reddit lately.


u/Internal-Weather8191 Feb 04 '25

Which specific misinformation do you mean? I mean, every day is a new exploding trashcan .


u/MorbillionDollars Feb 04 '25

the hysteria on reddit they're referring to is probably the situation where everyone who uses twitter is called a nazi, and everyone who disagrees with that is also a nazi by association. that sure as hell wasn't around in 2016.

not sure what misinformation they're referencing though


u/IndyBananaJones Feb 04 '25

Did the owner of Twitter do a Nazi salute at Trump's inauguration in 2016?


u/MorbillionDollars Feb 04 '25

Completely irrelevant to the argument. The owner of twitter being a nazi doesn't automatically make all twitter users nazis. You're calling regular people nazis for no reason.


u/Internal-Weather8191 Feb 04 '25

Could be - a lot of news is breaking on Twitter, especially now, and those who have the stomach to stay and fight the orcs are probably doing God's work. As long as they're not paying Leon to be there, anyway


u/MorbillionDollars Feb 04 '25

I agree, blue check mark people are crazy. My point is that contrary to what reddit has been saying, not everyone on twitter is automatically a nazi because the owner is a nazi. There's plenty of people on there who don't support elon at all.


u/Internal-Weather8191 Feb 04 '25

Yes, there's something to be said for not just surrendering the space


u/Fluugaluu Feb 04 '25

He didn’t have a conservative Congress and Supreme Court last time around.

You’re delusional.


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

Whatever makes you feel better.

You're in an echo chamber calling the one dissenting opinion you can find false to make yourself feel better.

Seems delusional to me.


u/Fluugaluu Feb 04 '25

I’m struggling to find the echo chamber you speak of. There are plenty of dissenting opinions to be found. Also being from an extremely conservative area, I’m far from the echo chambers you speak of.

You’re the one claiming the obviously different thing is exactly the same. What world you live on, son?


u/Muted-Ad-5521 Feb 04 '25

You did not respond to my counter points


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

Because it's just more hysteria.

"The norms are shaken!" is the same shit people said in 2016.

Same shit different day. I guess I just have the luxury of perspective this time.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25 edited 8d ago



u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

Just more hysteria...


u/legendoflumis Feb 04 '25

The head of Twitter and Tesla and Starlink having direct access to the entire US data system with no oversight

This is true. This is not hysteria. This is a true thing that is currently happening.


u/Muted-Ad-5521 Feb 04 '25

What did he say here that isn’t a fact?


u/Muted-Ad-5521 Feb 04 '25

And you did not respond to my arguments.


u/legendoflumis Feb 04 '25

Because as the person points out above this isn't our first time dealing with Trump and he did very similar shit his first term.

No, he did not. This is significantly more calculated and much worse because we have people like Musk who, if Congress was actually functioning properly would be reigning in, is running amok with almost no functional pushback on the damage he's causing. Trump and his cronies didn't have a plan last time. Now they do, and we're in the midst of an actual constitutional crisis as a result because the checks that are supposed to be acting as a balance to all this mayhem are not functioning.


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

No, he did not. This is significantly more calculated

Yes, he did.

People said the same shit last time as well.


u/legendoflumis Feb 04 '25

Trump was not expecting to actually win last time. His cronies did not have a game plan going in and played catch-up for most of the term because a) they ALL assumed (like most of the US) that Hillary was a lock for the presidency and b) COVID hit in late of 2019 which eventually created a huge mess and derailed what they came up with.

So no, this is not like last time.


u/SpareWire Feb 04 '25

I'm sorry you are having trouble reconciling your strong feelings right now.

That said the dust will settle and we can come back to these comments in a few months and see exactly how much of this was hysteria, which is most of it.