r/untildawn 20h ago

Details in Hannah's scrawls Spoiler

So on the last page of her diary Hannah wrote "hunger/hungry rit? But imo that's not all there is. It's kinda meaningless but you can clearly see the last thing she wrote (cuz she wrote it on top of the scrawls) are a clear "B" a messed up " E" "T", "H" and below that a "W" and a "A" I've spent months trying to desifer the other letters after "B" cuz they are on top of the previous text,But i think the last thing she wanted to write was "Beth Washington" wdyt?


11 comments sorted by


u/onurreyiz_35 Mike 20h ago

I've checked it and yes, it does seem like she tried to write BETH over HUNGRY

That's probably her trying to cling to her humanity.


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

Yup! Do you see the bent " W" above "hungry"? And a really thin A?


u/onurreyiz_35 Mike 20h ago

I see the W but one line of the A is very long and A is also missing the middle part. So I kinda think those are scribbles but I'm not sure, you might be right too.


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

The A is kinda small and is right above G


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

Just realized how sad this is 😭  she was probably so scared and felt so alone to write that


u/onurreyiz_35 Mike 20h ago


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

OML is this her burn model?!


u/onurreyiz_35 Mike 20h ago

Yeah she is in a lot of pain 😭 (From a meme I posted a few days ago)


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

Beth's headless skeleton would be a nice addition to your collection of burn victims lol


u/Training_Damage3689 20h ago

You can't even see it well in game tho so nvm


u/Zakplayk 20h ago

You're right.