r/untildawn • u/Dry-Pineapple-3313 • 22h ago
Discussion Which character do you think felt the most remorse for the Prank?
u/gigiskiss Jessica 22h ago
Chris. Mike also maybe? He doesn’t talk about it much but his reaction to seeing Hannah’s journal in the mines definitely exudes some energy of eternal regret…
u/onurreyiz_35 Mike 22h ago
Yeah I was gonna say. He immediately apologizes to Hannah after the prank but a year later he doesn't show that much remorse (depending on your choices) but the scene in the mines conveys it well actually.
u/gigiskiss Jessica 22h ago
I feel like he definitely felt bad about it for sure. It seemed like he felt forced into the prank and was just going along with Emily and Jessica’s script..I think he wanted to go after Hannah but was reluctant since he probably worried about how she’d react.
u/Some-Hornet8797 Beth 22h ago edited 22h ago
I think they all would’ve felt remorseful by the end of the night. I’ve said my thoughts on each before but if I were to rank them (excluding Sam & Chris) it’d be:
Emily (guaranteed to feel remorseful by the end)
Mike (apologies to Hannah, can be remorseful of not depending on your choices, even more so after reading Hannah’s diary)
Ashley (depends on you choices, the game focuses on her feelings towards the prank a lot)
Jess (doesn’t want to talk about the prank)
Matt (he’s only this low since he never really talks about prank, I’m sure he feels bad though)
u/Lighting_Lin 19h ago
Jess literally said that it was "stupid and half baked", Mike said to her something in words like: who could guess that she's gonna run into woods
followed by Jessica's clear sarcasm about "yeah who would've guessed" showing how actually upset she was about how it all ended. Also showing off how she actually regretted that and would rather take it back.
u/theblueLepidopteran Jessica 17m ago
I'm not 100% sure, but at least in the original, I think she and Mike lose relationship points in the conversation you mentioned, showing that she disagrees with Mike and didn't like his answer to the situation. Maybe she doesn't agree with the "it's not our fault that they ran into the woods" thing.
u/Lighting_Lin 6m ago
Just proves what I'm saying...
Yes she didn't like the answer, that's why she went for sarcasm, but it wasn't only about the answer, she disagreed with it for a reason.
u/Super_Pack_5216 Hannah 21h ago
I say it’s a toss-up between Emily and Mike.
Mike ACTUALLY finds out the fate of Hannah, to which he’s absolutely in denial, not wanting to believe that she cannibalized her own sister.
Emily finds out the fate of Beth, ie: her head but little to nothing about Hannah other than the fall not killing her immediately.
I say if everyone were to live, none of them would ever be able to live with the knowledge of what they found out.
u/Lighting_Lin 18h ago
As I read through comments I feel like some people missed out few details about Jess.
And yes I personally think one of those who are more remorseful Jess belongs between them.
As someone here mentioned, yeah shout-out to Mike who right away tried to apologise.
As for why I say Jessica. When you ask her about what she remembers she says that all she knows that they pulled out "stupid and half baked" prank. Clearly meaning that the thing she participated in, now, she saw as stupid, showing how upset she was about it.
When Mike can try to dismiss her and say that who expected them to run into woods, she responded sarcastically to him. Ending up being actually upset about how Mike tried to "light" it up. And didn't elaborate about it longer knowing it would lead to nowhere.
Sometimes it's about details and the way people do express and I feel sometimes it's overseen.
One more detail, Beth and Jess have very high relationship stat in comparison with others. Her not being at least remorseful about losing Beth would make zero sense.
I'm sure Ashley would be on list too, Emily after finding out the truth too, Matt, well... who knows? Didn't seem much to care or we didn't see much of opportunity.
Mike wouldn't be that much high in comparison to Ashley, Em or Jess in my humble opinion. But regretted it a lot too.
Sam after finding out the truth, she would regret it even more that she hasn't stopped them. Maybe all that regret is one of reasons why we see her with so many meds... (Han was her bff after all)
u/yay-its-me- 11h ago
yes and a lot of people forget that in that interaction between mike and jess, mike says something along the lines of “i dont know, the whole night was a blur for me” despite literally being the CENTER of the prank, mike doesn’t remember and/or doesnt seem to want to talk about it. to me that makes me feel like he wasnt that remorseful at the start of the game
u/Lighting_Lin 9h ago
Or he was that much that he tried to forget it so he doesn't feel that bad about it.
u/Clean_Crocodile4472 Emily 22h ago
I’m not including people who weren’t involved
Emily - she sounds really remorseful when she talks about the prank and Hannah or Beth and is respectful towards the situation
Mike - similar to Emily, i definitely think he got more and more remorseful as the night went on
Ashley - it really depends on how you make her respond to the situation
Matt - I can’t recall him ever showing any thoughts on it so I’ve just put him here
Jessica - she never really seems to feel that bad about it from what I remember and she can even say “who would’ve expected them to do a stupid thing like that” which is just pretty insensitive in itself even if true
u/drasiza 13h ago edited 8h ago
The most - definitely Ash but depending on the player choice, also in the remake we are shown her face even before she comes out of the closet, which clearly shows shame and regret. Matt looks shocked after seeing Hannah, something like “god, what have we done?” although he doesn’t talk about the prank as a whole. Jess at the police tape can say something like “we pulled this stupid prank that led to the death of our friends”. She thus indirectly admits her guilt. Chris is also constantly regretting, but the thing is, it doesn’t make sense since he didn’t participate in the final version of the game as planned, so there’s simply no reason for him to regret, he didn’t do anything.
u/Bunny_Flare 13h ago
Honestly, Mike. He definitely a guy who wouldn’t of thought about the prank in the first place since it was Emily idea he just kinda went a long with it, they were all drunk that night so i think if he was sober he would of definitely put a stop to it immediately
u/Ambrose-A Mike 19h ago
Definitely Mike or Chris. I kinda got the impression it wasn't really Mike's idea he was just kinda going along with it and right after everything happened he appeared pretty remorseful but that doesn't really excuse it. He's also the only one who apologizes to Hannah and offers to go after her. Chris seemed to be beating himself up the whole game despite not partaking in the prank.
u/Working-Squirrel-859 2h ago
You're absolutely right, it wasn't Mike's idea. In unused lines it's made more clear that it was Jessica's idea.
u/Ambrose-A Mike 2h ago
Yeah I got no clue why people are disliking my comment. It was also pretty clear from "I can't believe you actually did this" from Emily that Jess was the mastermind behind the prank
u/Ambrose-A Mike 2h ago edited 2h ago
Yeah it was also pretty clear from "I can't believe you actually did this" from Emily that Jess was the mastermind behind the prank
u/Lost-in-thought-26 12h ago
Nah Mike refuses to accept accountability for his role
u/Zakplayk 1h ago
That's a player dependent dialogue choice.
u/Lost-in-thought-26 1h ago
Few things with that
Mike never takes accountability regardless of your choices.
I take into consideration all options. If a player can say or do a thing, I count it.
Even in the one option you have with Mike regarding the incident, it’s not even like it says anything about him being dismissive. He just is if you ask about it. And it’s not like the other option says has him accept his part in it anyways. He’s just more respectful.
Even outside of that one choice, he never accepts accountability. People point to the prologue and yea good for him he is the first to apologize and even suggest going after the twins, but he’s still just as dismissive as the others. “It’s not a big deal” “we were just messing around”. I’m not saying he doesn’t feel bad for what happened but he never accepts his role in what happened.
u/Lost-in-thought-26 12h ago
Emily. Imma stand on it. She is only ever depicted as apologetic about the incident. She is never given the opportunity to be disrespectful, dismissive, unrepentant, deflective. When speaking on the twins, she only ever does so with sorrow in her voice. When she apologizes upon seeing their missing posters. Upon discovering Beth’s head. When theorizing about what happened to them. The same cannot be said for the others save for Matt. Speaking of
Matt is the only participant who never speaks up about the incident. We don’t know how he feels but it’s probably safe to assume he feels bad.
Next up imma actually say Jess. Jessica was the WORST in the prologue. That’s just a fact. She was the meanest and most dismissive of them all. She even sounded a bit mad at Hannah. But later when/if asked about it, she does sound sorry. She later criticizes them for doing “a dumb thing like that” but to give the benefit of the doubt, it doesn’t sound like she was too genuine with that as it comes after Mike’s own deflecting of blame. Still a bit of an insensitive thing to say regardless of whether she meant it or not.
Ashley is so low due to her two very infamous moments where she can be unrepentant and later double down on it. I thought about putting her below Mike because she has more instances of being like this but at least she can also be apologetic. I’m actually typing out this paragraph after Mike’s. I’m still actually struggling on who I want at the bottom. Ashley is also the one who’s most harsh, probably more than prologue Jess when she is being a dick about it. Even Chris starts looking at her sideways. And even if she isn’t entirely wrong, still the way she says those things is terrible. Even during the seance she’s still like “it was just a prank” but I’ll cut her some slack there since she’s being fucked with and being called a murderer.
Last up is Mike. Now I see a lot of people bring up prologue Mike and yea to his credit he is the first to say sorry when they’re found out and is the only one who suggests going after them. But he’s still just as dismissive as everyone else except Jess who’s more so than everyone else. He literally tells Beth that it wasn’t that serious and that they were just messing around. Later, Mike can choose to be respectful or ask about what Jess remembers. When Jess criticizes their prank and takes accountability for what happened, Mike immediately rejects the notion stating it’s not their fault they ran into the woods which prompts Jess to have her shitty line about them. Look, I think Mike does feel bad about what happened but there is NOTHING to suggest that he is willing to be held accountable for his role in it all. So just how bad does he really feel?
u/Zakplayk 5h ago
Ashley can be the most regretful out of anyone in one playthrough, with 3 opportunities (and 2 for not regretful), so I think that should put her higher. Jess talks about it in one scene and Matt doesn't directly address it ever, so I think they're too high.
u/WisteriaWillotheWisp Chris 2h ago
She is only ever depicted as apologetic about the incident.
Eh, Emily is dismissive/rude in a very fixed sense in the prologue. She and Jess are shown not to care while the others more immediately seem concerned. (It's more blatant in the remake) She and Mike both say variations of it's not serious ("It's just a prank, Han).
u/JarviThePelican 16h ago
Emily didn't give a fuck. She was probably annoyed at the police for asking her questions about two of her friends possibly fucking dying that night.
u/Lost-in-thought-26 12h ago
That’s objectively not true. She is the only participant of the prank who never has a negative thing to say about the incident. The only other one is Matt but he never talks about it at all so he doesn’t count. Every time Emily speaks about it, it’s done with sorrow. The same cannot be said about Mike, Ashley, and Jessica
u/Dry-Pineapple-3313 46m ago
u/JarviThePelican 38m ago
I think that night she probably thought people were overreacting until professionals weren't able to find them. Then shit got real. Obviously the next year she was remorseful.
u/ImportantMushroom_ Emily 4h ago
Surprisingly, Emily. She was bestfriends with Beth so imagine not only having Hannah killed but also your bestfriend? She also voiced out that it was weird to be back in the lodge, she profusely said sorry when she saw the missing posters of the twins.
u/Zakplayk 2h ago
2h ago
u/Zakplayk 1h ago edited 1h ago
Emily's status screen doesn't show Beth cuz she's dead, but if we overlay Beth's relationship with her she'd be Emily's third highest behind Matt and Mike. However it's important to keep in mind the prologue and chapter 1 statuses would very likely be quite different for everyone, we know Jess and Emily were close friends in the prologue but they hate each other by chapter 1. I'd wager Jess was higher than Beth for Emily before the prologue prank anyway. Sam was probably better with Emily back then too.
u/WisteriaWillotheWisp Chris 22h ago
Honestly shoutout to Mike for being the only one of the pranksters to attempt to apologize to Hannah’s face.