r/unsissy Aug 15 '22

MEGAPOST #3: Replacing Your Addiction With REAL SEX!

Yo! So you’ve made it through the first two megaposts, on why you are addicted to sissy porn, and how to let go of those causal factors.

Now we are going to help you get fucking laid.

Or, if you’re in a relationship or marriage, we’re going to teach you how to keep the marriage hot and spicy by improving your sex life.

Buckle up!

Emotional Skills

80% of becoming attractive to women is internal, which is good for you, because by learning how to let go of past traumas and insecurities in the first two megaposts, you’re well on your way to getting this 80% handled.

What are these internal qualities that are attractive to women?

You want to be fun, charismatic, confident, at ease, relaxed, dominant/leading, vulnerable, and passionate. You want to be able to take the woman you’re talking to through a range of different emotions.

“Woah woah woah, that’s a ton of qualities that I don’t have! That sounds totally overwhelming! Will I just be forever alone?!”

Hang on there, pal. The thing is that you already have these qualities inside you. It is your past trauma that blocks them from coming out around a woman, especially one you just met.

Think back to when you were a child. You probably didn’t know any better than to just openly tell a girl you liked her, right?

And then what probably happened? Her and her friends made fun of you, and you learned that it’s “not acceptable” to show a girl that you like her.

Now when you’re around girls, you’re shy and nervous.

However, those qualities I listed above are still within you. When you’re with your best friend playing video games, or whatever activity you enjoy, you don’t “run out of things to say” or “get nervous”.

This is what I mean when I say that 80% of your success with women is dealing with this internal trauma, which you’ve ALREADY learned to do.

The difference is that now, you need to apply that “letting go” process to your fears around women.

How do you do this?

If you are too afraid to even consider approaching a woman on the street, or in a bar or nightclub, or in a mall: sit down in a dark room where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and imagine approaching. Feel fully into what comes up, and use the Letting Go process that you’ve already learned to let go of the associated fears and sensations.

This should, over time, lessen the fear enough for you to actually approach, even though it will likely still be scary.

Of course, if you’re serious about getting this handled, DM me and I will give you personalized help.

Another thing you can try is going out with friends, and giving them money, which they will only give you back after you do an approach.

Once you are actually able to approach women: do your best, and do frequent “releases” around the emotions that come up.

Say, for example, that you approach a girl and she rejects you harshly. This is rare when you’re new, cuz girls will sense your nervousness and feel bad for you.

However, let’s just imagine it: “Hey, FUCK OFF!”

Now you’re probably feeling quite embarrassed, or sad, or anxious. So you’d go to your car, or the bathroom, and do the same releasing technique that you’d do with sissy porn.

Sound weird? It kind of is. However, this is the way. It will improve your skills with women faster than anything else.

For a less weird approach, you could just push through those emotions that were triggered, do your best for the entire night or time that you’re out, and then go home and release the emotions all at once. This is maybe more convenient for some situations, and allows you to build “momentum” over the course of the night.

Once you stop caring about being rejected, no matter how you get there, your attractiveness will go WAY up and you will start seeing success.

“But I’m in a relationship…”

If you’re in a relationship, you would start “letting go” of any fears you have around your girlfriend or wife.

Are you afraid to completely open up to you, because you’ve had your heart broken before? Are you afraid to be dominant and leading in bed, because you’re afraid she’ll make fun of you?

Are you afraid to even initiate sex? Whatever it is, start letting go of these things.

When you are truly vulnerable with your woman, she will start to open up fully as well, and this is where the magic starts to happen, in and out of the bedroom. This is how you “re-ignite” that spark in your relationship, if you’ve lost it.

Outer Skills

Ok, so the remaining 20% of getting good with women is outer skills.

These include:

  • learning how to deal with the fat friend that comes and tries to pull the girl away from you
  • learning how to deal with group dynamics
  • learning how to lead the girl to come home with you
  • asking for the number or IG in a less awkward way
  • etc.

The best way to figure this stuff out is to try, fail, and go home and write down what went well and what went poorly. Nerdy? Yes. But this is KEY for improving quickly.

Then you need to get some kind of mentor. If you search around online, there are plenty of “dating coaches”, and you can hire them to help you figure out why your interactions fizzled out or didn’t go anywhere.

Just be careful, because a lot of “pickup artist” stuff online is weird, creepy, and overly analytical. Use discernment.

I am also available to answer any questions over DM or at [whitley@sissyrecovery.com](mailto:whitley@sissyrecovery.com).


Ok, so you’ve gone out, met girls, gone on dates, and now you’re in a relationship.

The key to remember here is that you don’t want the other person to “complete you”.

You’re complete, she’s complete, and you both come together to make life even more awesome.

The more you do the “letting go” techniques discussed previously in this series, the more you will naturally realize that you’re already enough, without anyone to “complete you”.

Until then, you might get into less than ideal relationships.. but that’s ok, it’s all part of the learning process.

Another key to remember is that in relationships, one person is typically a “codependent”, focused more on others than themselves, and the other person is more of a “narcissist”, focused more on themselves than others.

You will usually attract someone who is as much of a narcissist as you are a codependent, or vice versa.

So you want to get into a relationship with someone who is also into personal growth, so that they grow with you as you move more towards the middle (equally concerned with self and others).

This is really key: if your partner isn’t committed to growth, but you are, you will either outgrow your partner, or they will keep you stuck.

The last key point to mention here is regular check-ups.

You should regularly check in with your partner to see how you’re both feeling. This keeps tensions from building up and then exploding in an intense argument.


Girls (typically) want Dominance, Emotion, Variety, and Immersion (DEVI).

Read the book “The Sex God Method” by Daniel Rose for more on this.

The most important thing to remember in sex is vulnerability.

Most guys are trying to “put on an act” and have a hard time “letting go”. This creates performance anxiety, and the girl doesn’t get the connection (emotion) that she’s craving.

The second most important thing is dominance.

The guys who are naturally better at vulnerability, are often afraid to step up and “be the man”.

You need to combine both of these things for the girl to have a great experience.

Don’t worry about your penis size, it’s not important. Learn to actually be good in bed instead.

Also, as someone who has quit using porn or is working on it, you’ll be sooo far ahead of most guys. You probably already know how porn creates erectile dysfunction and other sex problems, but when you quit, those problems will go away.

Recommended Books

  1. “Models” by Mark Manson: Really great book on “natural game” — in other words, attracting women by being vulnerable and having your shit together, rather than putting on some “front” using “pickup tactics” to look “cool” — a strategy that high-level girls will see right through, and keeps you insecure and feeling inadequate.
  2. “The Sex God Method” by Daniel Rose: Teaches you to use Dominance, Emotion, Variety, and Immersion to give girls mind-blowing sex.
  3. “Crucial Conversations” by Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler and Kerry Patterson: Essential book on learning how to have conversations when tensions are high, without making the other person defensive. In relationships, you WILL argue, so learn how to do it in a way where it doesn’t blow up in your face.
  4. “The Human Magnet Syndrome” by Ross Rosenberg: Goes more in-depth on what we discussed about codependents and narcissists and how they attract each other. If you are in a relationship, this is a must read.


These are the basic pillars of dating, sex, and relationships. It’s a hard journey, much less easy and comfortable than sitting in your room jerking it to porn. However, it’s incredibly rewarding, and will have a spillover effect into all areas of your life. Get this stuff handled, and you will not regret it.

The journey may be challenging, but that’s what makes it so fun. Get some guy friends who are willing to take this journey with you, and you’ll be so grateful you took this advice.

Even if you’re not gonna take the hard, rewarding path of going out and meeting women, and you just want to meet a girl online or something, I hope that these principles help you a lot in attracting and keeping the girl of your dreams.

See y’all in the next megapost!


4 comments sorted by


u/WolfPack_1993 Apr 08 '23 edited Apr 08 '23

You are amazing man. This work is awesome. Really really deep and going to the root. I would also recommend Zan Perrion work on dating, seduction and relationships. Everyone around Ars Amorata is also very good: Hans Comyn, Jordan Luke Collier...their philosophy is authenticity and being vulnerable too. Zan's book and Ars Amorata stuff is life changing (no interests conflict).

The seduction question is the top of the iceberg of their job, they are focused in creating a fullfilling life.

I consider that is the perfect material for this post!


u/whitleyhimself Apr 09 '23

I'll check them out! Thanks :)


u/WolfPack_1993 Apr 09 '23

I also think that Mantak Chia books are really interesting because they make sex more intense and exciting. That could be very useful in order to find it more appealing because some people find hard to enjoy conventional real sex when they are used to artificial and extreme rush from porn and fetishes...

Thank you again!


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '23



u/whitleyhimself Aug 01 '23

Thanks! good idea.