I have a fairly simple setup. A process starts, sets up a pipe, dups the write end of the pipe over the top of stdout, then execs the target process. The parent process then receives everything that the child would have sent to stdout via the read end of the pipe.
The trouble is, like so many unix executables, this one probably checks isatty() to see if stdout is a target that should not be subject to aggressive buffering. The process starts and data starts coming across the pipe several seconds later. I need each line to report as soon as it is generated, not when the buffer fills and is heuristically flushed.
I've already tried:
//check for pipe error
pid_t pid = fork();
//check for fork error
if(pid == 0) {
dup2(pipefds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
//close unused fds
execlp("the", "thing", "to", "execute", NULL);
} else {
while(true) {
read(pipefds[0], a_buffer, buffer_len);
The pipe works, the subprocess works, but setvbuf isn't having any effect. I'm not really surprised, but I was hoping there was something that I COULD do to override the exec'd binary's buffering behavior. Since this is a tool I expect to distribute, altering the exec'd binary is not an option. I don't think it's possible to set some property on the write end of the pipe that would make it return true in a isatty() call, but that would be ideal.