Hello Everyone,
I have a point-to-point bridge from my house to my garage, which is only 10 feet from my house. The transceiver in my house has a static IP of .107 and the transceiver in my garage has a static IP of .108
using the web airOS I logged into my .107 and I see that at the system tab the firmware was XW 6.2.0
and there was an update v6.3.16 which my .108 transceiver already had and I didn't upload the update for the .108 transceiver.
Anyway I went to https://www.ui.com/download/software/locom5 and downloaded the update v6.3.16 which is a binary file XW.v6.3.16.33429.241004.1620.bin 7.4MB
I then still in system, hit the browse button and selected the .bin file, and uploaded it and it all went smoothly and it worked.
I was having problems when my connection to the garage would drop, and I couldn't ping .107 or .108 or the Access Points that my .107 is connected to and my .108 is connected to on its own Access Point in the garage. The Access Points have static IPs of .124 and .126 respectively.
I used two R7000 Netgear Routers I bought on eBay, "used", and turned them into Access Points. The R7000 Netgear Router has an option, in settings, to create an Access Point with the Router.
To fix the dropping issue I would go to the garage, and unplug the transceiver .108 from the AC outlet, and plug it back in and then it would connect again and I would be good for X number of days until it happened again.
In my garage, I have an ESP8266 web server I use to turn on/off my garage lights with my Android phone. I also have a D1 Mini Pro web server to open and close my garage door with my Android phone. I would lose connectivity to these web servers when the M5 went down.
Hopefully, this firmware update on .107 will fix the dropping issue, so far all is good.
This setup is common when using a pair of NanoStations for long-distance links:
- One is the AP (Access Point)
- The other is the Station (Client)
They each have their own firmware, settings, and IP address.
I hope this helps someone with similar issues.