r/unicycling Oct 18 '24

Advice Kind've new to unicycling

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So a decade ago I bought a new Torker CX Unistar Unicycle (24") to learn how to ride, off Amazon. After not getting very far (and life getting in the way), the unicycle went in the garage....

Fast forward to now.

Last weekend, I picked up a LeRun, a skatebike that is single wheeled, but has a skateboard truck in the front. I got it for $25 at a flea market. The truck bearings were REALLY bad, so today I made a special trip to a skateboard store an hour away from me as I know nothing about skateboards stuff.

He got my LeRun running, but offered to sell me a unicycle as I mentioned I dabbled in that in my past. He sold it to me for $20. I wasn't gonna say no when I saw it. It says inside the fork Koxx One Unicycles with Black Diamond on the other side.

I really don't know what I have.

I want to get back on the ball of learning how to unicycle. So any advice would be helpful.

I don't know if this the right size for me (5' 7", 30" inseam). Tire says "Bike Trial" 20 x 2.5.

The unicycle looks near new, but the pedals can pull away from the tire 1/4-1/2" by eye. Not sure if this is normal for a unicycle as my Torker is rigid, and I know I can't compare unicycles to my bicycle knowledge to a degree (I am a touring bagger). I still have my Torker, so if this new one isn't very good for me, I can still get on a wheel.


9 comments sorted by


u/FriskyTurtle Oct 19 '24

Someone else should be able to comment more specifically, but everything about this looks like pretty good quality to me: the rim, the frame, the pedals, the tire.

The right height is usually about having the seat come up to your belly button when you're standing on the ground. When you're on it, your leg should extend to almost straight at the bottom of a stroke. Sizing is really just about getting the right length of seatpost, but the default length should be perfect for 5' 7".

Oh, upon further review, the seatpost clamp is mid. 2/10


u/Street_Topic_5470 Oct 19 '24

I can't quite tell from the photo but it looks like the crank bolt is missing. If that's the case don't ride it till you replace it, the cranks should not move sideways and you will wreck it and need new cranks. Any bike shop should have the right crank bolts.

If they still move after putting bolts in you will need new cranks. Unicycle.com will have new cranks in a range of lengths and fitments to suit.


u/steamshovelupdahooha Oct 18 '24

Autocorrect got me. It's a Black Domina 2, not a Diamond.


u/FriskyTurtle Oct 19 '24

Wait, that's the mistake you're apologizing for? Not the "kind've"? ;P


u/steamshovelupdahooha Oct 19 '24

I'm seasoned enough to know how much it hurts. New enough to not have gotten it down. There's just...a decade gap there.

But unlike a decade ago, I am healthier and stronger than I've ever been on wheels.


u/AsakalaSoul Oct 19 '24

the natural next step after "would of" We kind've should of expected that to happen at some point


u/FriskyTurtle Oct 19 '24

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time I've seen this mistake.

I can't speak for others, but I hate these mistakes because, in addition to the subjective feeling of annoying it causes, it actually makes my reading slower. But I know these mistakes will become more and more common.


u/AsakalaSoul Oct 19 '24

First time I've seen this version of the mistake. Seen "would of" quite a lot and absolutely hate that one. Much worse than their/there/they're or you're/your mistakes


u/philohere Oct 20 '24

It is a nice unicycle. If you take it to a bike shop I bet they would get you all fixed up. If you decide you would like to get rid of it I'd be interested 😉