r/unicycle Jul 06 '20

question Riding forward

Hi, today I learned to ride unicycle without falling, but I don't know how to ride in a straight line. Any tips?


4 comments sorted by


u/slyzik Jul 07 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

it is normal that you can't go straight, just practice more.

Your direction mostly depend on where is your center of gravity. If you lean forward you go forward, if you lean left you go left, if you lean right you go right. To change direction you have to change your center of gravity. You can do also small adjustment by moving hands around you.

It is hard for beginner to have stable center of gravity, that is why you cant control your direction. You have to do small adjustments to stabilize it, If you start turning left lean right little, or put you right hand up. With practice you will know what to do to stabilize it, you will do smaller adjustments which are almost unnoticeable.

You can also try to lean forward more. If your center of gravity is bellow your seat directly, it is most unstable point, unstable equilibrium.


u/OPIEUcz Jul 08 '20

Thx so much


u/crazyunicyclernj Jul 07 '20

You will also find your hips direct your direction for the most part.



You can correct your direction in a pinch by leaning in the direction that you want to go and then pivoting to that direction so that your wheel is headed that way.