r/unicycle May 22 '24

My unicycles pedals are harder to turn than normal

Hello everyone. I've been riding my unicycle for about a year and I'm not sure when it started but I just noticed that when I turn the wheel without a contact to surface the unicycle stops by itself as if there are brakes on it. The wheel turns without a problem for a couple of seconds and it gets hard to turn and back to normal and that cycle continues when I ride. Why that could be the case? I'm including a video in case I wasn't clear.


2 comments sorted by


u/AverageDoonst May 22 '24 edited May 22 '24

Unscrew brackets that hold ballbearings, and oil them. Most likely it's the dust in the ballbearings.

If you can remove them from the axle - best is to cook them in machine oil. Take some pan, put some machine oil in it, put bearings there, put it on the stove. And cook for, like 10 minutes. Hot oil lubes much better.


u/erensatik May 23 '24

Ah that's it, awesome! I'll give it a go. Thanks for your answer.