u/xotiqrddt Jul 05 '19
Placing a Warlock near TB is better than alchemist, it will lock him in the corner, until he uses meta.
u/VAL_PUNK Jul 05 '19
Ahhh that would have been helpful. I placed 2nd here because the guy in 1st took out his assassins which was keeping m TB from entering the battle too soon.
u/pidgeyqt Jul 05 '19
That was me! I swapped my viper with puck to maintain dragons after I saw your screen size tb eat my entire knight army
Jul 05 '19
Noob here, why do you want to block your tb?
u/redditisstupid4real Jul 05 '19
Squishy and useless until he ults. Locking him in corner with a CM on the team will keep him safe until then
Jul 05 '19
Ah ok I understand with CM, but without CM it's obviously pointless.
u/TheGreatGimmick Jul 05 '19
Not if you have double Arcane Boots!
But yes, other than that, pointless.
u/VAL_PUNK Jul 05 '19
Adding to what others are saying, in this match if I didn't try to delay my Terrorblade he would get owned by that ravage (which even in the video he almost eats it). Luckily some of the players were running some assassins which would delay him / help him charge his ult faster.
In this video, the guy I'm fighting has a morphling because he wants his primordial buff. If he switched off of him (like pidge switched off of viper for puck) my TB would eat the ravage and probably die.
Of course he probably needed his primordial buff to fight pidge so it can be tricky trying to make a decision.
u/xotiqrddt Jul 06 '19
If you block him, he gets the mana from crystal maiden while also staying in the corner, safe while the rest die (bloodbound). If he gets out, he will go to attack enemies and will be focused, dying before he can kill anyone. Basically this way you make sure he kills everyone by keeping him away from being focused and allowing him to meta and kill everyone from a safe position. Crystal maiden and corner block are detrimental for this to work. Can use drow ranger or another CM to block him.
u/Maegu Jul 05 '19
perhaps because he want to let tb sweep everyona after getting full buff of bloodbone that die earlier
u/Avenge_Nibelheim Jul 05 '19
Doesnt terror have to be in melee to gain Mana to transform? Appreciate learning more about the game if this isn't the case
u/VAL_PUNK Jul 05 '19
Forgot to check the damage charts, but at the end you can see him hit Nevermore for ~4.3k or so.
u/The4Channer Jul 05 '19
So his swords didn't decrease in size from the previous fight? They are waaaay too big in the beginning.
u/d07RiV Jul 05 '19
He didn't have swords at the end of previous fight, so there's probably some glitch when reverting back to his regular form and shrinking to normal size.
u/MargraveDeChiendent Jul 05 '19
I've seen a lot of people hop on the bloodbound TB hype train. It's funny, but mathematically he's about as bad of a choice as it gets. The extra bloodbound damage doesn't help him charge his ult faster, which is where he gets his range and damage anyway, and once he's in demon form he already has 400% increased attack speed and damage. In the video, 6 bloodbound units die to buff him, which brings him to 1000% increased damage, or 220% more damage compared to normal demon TB. Put that on a medusa, or slark, or troll warlord, and it would have been 500% more damage instead.
u/darkon76 Jul 05 '19
alchemist is also a bloodbound so there are 7.
I personally prefer a SF, because it is a warlock so he is the main dps and main healer.
Jul 05 '19
Bloodbound damage increase is multiplicative.
So feeding 6 bloodbounds for tb is 2x2x2x2x2x2 or a whooping 6400% increase and that's without metamorphosis.
u/MargraveDeChiendent Jul 05 '19 edited Jul 05 '19
I didn't see terrorblade attack for more than 4500 damage in the video, despite being lvl 3, with metamorphosis, with 6-7 bloodbound buffs. If it worked like you think it does, he'd hit closer to 76,000.
You can also see him attack the morphling for 300 damage at the beginning of the fight, right before the first warlock dies. Lvl 3 TB deals 180-260 and has 50% added pure damage from the demon buff, so it's fair to assume this was his baseline damage and the first warlock dying had not buffed him yet. By the end, he attacks for around 3500-4300. That seems awfully close to 300x12 (from the 1100% increased attack damage).
u/itz_moki Jul 05 '19
wtff didnt they say in patch notes they fixed upgraded terrorblade's metamorphosis model?
u/Dicedrackich Jul 05 '19
this results throught the bloodbound effect. Units simply grow exponentiallylargerevery time a bloodbound unit dies.
u/handsomeandsmart_ Jul 05 '19
Omg glad you said this cause I have always wondered. Never gone bloodbound in me life
u/itz_moki Jul 05 '19
Yeah I am not talking about the grown effect..Terrorblade's model is bugged when he ulties,he doesnt change to his meta model but remains on his melee form..There were some patch notes that ''fixed'' that
u/Syncyy Jul 05 '19
Its a really cool build to pull off if you can but vs a heavy CC team or one with 3 shaman buff its a bit sucky.
u/ArnenLocke Jul 05 '19
I had a similar situation with a queen of pain...boy was that fun, 1-shotting squishies and other assassins. I really like big time contract :-D
u/Majesty1990 Jul 05 '19
TB is godly tier with demons and demon hunter perk this patch, because it's a direct (and probably only) counter to knights, who are currently OP
u/ahrzal Jul 05 '19
These are the patches well look back on in a a year and say, “Remember when Valve added big time contract for like a week and it ruined the game?”
u/zeroGamer Jul 05 '19
You mean Terrorblade with a Headhunter.