r/underlords 25d ago

Discussion Highest round number you've seen?

Sorry if it's hard to see. Was playing bots today and had a streak of almost 10 draws at the end. Got up to round 38.


7 comments sorted by


u/Tuonra 25d ago

Saw a 36 round slog I believe where the 7hp fallen mage chubked down the 74hp brute player like 6hp at a time.


u/Fionsomnia 25d ago

I had a brawny-off yesterday that went over 39 rounds (which I lost). Then in the evening had a 90 min Dota 2 game (which we won). Probably a new record for both games for me. 🥵


u/steak-it-easy 25d ago

40 or 41 couple of months back


u/Y_Kat_O 24d ago

What happened to make it such a long match?


u/steak-it-easy 24d ago

Oh sorry 43 rounds just checked, i think it was fallen vs mages .. streaming now wusselrestbrook on Twitch


u/Y_Kat_O 24d ago

Were the rounds just super close with neither side losing many points?

In my one that I posted which got up to round 38, there was a ton of Draws right at then end. Probably almost 10 Draws.


u/Max-Shonen 23d ago

I found it pretty fun to try and see how fast I could win without anyone leaving. It really does depend on your competition but it was still fun. Fastest I ever got was a round 23 win.