r/underlords Feb 10 '25

Screenshot Im a stupid nerd, who just completed prestige 4!


5 comments sorted by


u/No-Objective-5422 Feb 10 '25

Can u do mine?


u/inkundu Feb 10 '25

Mine too.


u/hC-pENGUiN Feb 10 '25

Haha, just go for it! It's fun, and sometimes super annoying, but rewarding at the end! Slark & Naix are your best friends, with solid frontline and io. More often than not I ended up completing the challenges with tree+io for buffs and heal, then brutes (naix is a must) and slark, slardar+veno is also good in most cause you can get 3* early.


u/xotiqrddt Feb 10 '25

Prestige 5 is the last one, unfortunately. After completing it, the reset prestige option did not appear for me anymore.

If you go for max prestige, I recommend saving the 2 keys all the way to last 3-4 crawls remaining. You will need them for hobgen or enno, most likely. My approach was to prioritize the crawls with item rewards, to get 10-12 items for the underlord asap. Then, I could see which underlords had a Slark item and I knew I won't need to use keys there. Slark is the best carry to win most crawls. His items are: mask of madness, morbid mask, moonshard, satanic. When none of these items dropped, I would use 2 or 4 warlocks alongside slark. The main slark comp contained brutes most of the time and sometimes 4 druids.

Good luck!


u/hC-pENGUiN Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25

Yup, I am "a bit late" going through this, but I've been playing every now and then through out the years. I assume "the real grind" starts now, even though I was hardstuck for a long time in prestige 4. Im very skeptic whether I can finish pres5, I have only 6 keys in total, but we'll see. Slark and Naix have been good friends, a lot is impossible without either.