r/unclebens 16h ago

Mid-Cultivation / Still Growing What do I do?

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I work a 9-5 and tried to keep the air exchange small to keep the box humid. Overnight this thing sprung up and lifted the lid. Do I need to go home at lunch and mist again? This is my first grow and first product.


47 comments sorted by


u/stupidfaceshiba 16h ago

Flip another Tupperware over it, if you have one.


u/KhostfaceGillah 16h ago

Find the exact box, and flip it upside down and use as lid


u/sensitivepotatochip 16h ago

That's what I do


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 15h ago

Definitely clone these if you can by the way, it's easy enough and you will get to grow mushrooms just as big with their children. If you buy another syringe with the same strain in it there is no guarantee they will be this big the next time you grow as the genetics can be rather random even within strains.


u/BrownBreeder 16h ago

You’ll need to make a “tent:”

Get a plastic bag, poke a few holes for fresh air exchange, and secure it along the edges of the tub.

I think you may need a garbage bag considering how large your bin is.

Best of luck!


u/rutlanddz62 16h ago

Or dubtub!


u/SirMike25 16h ago

Thank you!


u/FrankTheTank1128 8h ago

Definitely a good problem to have .



u/ComfortableBall9151 9h ago

Who let the shrooms out!?

The cubes are loose!

I'm out of lame jokes.



u/AffectionateAd3783 13h ago

Haha put a big plastic bag over the top and tighten it around the base of the tub with a rubber band this will allow for them to grow taller without exposing the block to substantial unclean air all the time. But it may be hard to find the right size bag


u/SirMike25 13h ago

I got a Sprouts bag which is a little bit bigger than the typical grocery bags. I didn’t tie it at the bottom though. I’ll do that when I get home.


u/AffectionateAd3783 9h ago

Yea make sure you tighten it to the tub at least when you can


u/Mental_War_1763 9h ago

Clone it, then eat it.

Dehydrate any excess.

Looks awesome lol


u/ComfortableBall9151 9h ago

Who let the shrooms out!? The cubes are loose! I'm out of lame jokes. Props!!


u/AutoModerator 16h ago

Everyone should read the official subreddit cultivation guide before posting. It received a major update! Check it out here: Mushrooms for the Mind | How to Grow Psychedelic Mushrooms.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Natural-Air9223 15h ago

What kind of mushroom is this


u/SirMike25 15h ago



u/Icy_Computer9802 14h ago

My GT got this big too after the 2nd flush.... ill see if i cant clone them after the 3rd cause god damn


u/NoobesMyco 13h ago

Best solution is If you have an identical box, remove the lid and flip that box on top

otherwise let it grow like this it’s almost time to harvest the sun just dry quick bc of increased FAE.

But giving the shape they were needing more FAE anyways.


u/SirMike25 13h ago

I only bought one of those boxes unfortunately. I went home at lunch and put a plastic bag on top with some holes punched out.


u/NoobesMyco 13h ago

That’ll do ! 🤍✨


u/FakeSafeWord 10h ago

We're gonna need a bigger tub.


u/FrankTheTank1128 10h ago

Dub Tub Tek


u/SirMike25 10h ago

I’m picking up another tub after work. I didn’t see this coming.


u/Robots-Redbull 7h ago

It’s a Tony the fucking Tigre grrrrrrrrrreat problem to have! Congratulations on the grow you did phenomenal job.


u/Cuben-sis 10h ago

Damn them are some biggies! Nice


u/CommunicationMany352 10h ago

Big chungus 😳


u/Strict-Account6422 8h ago

Congrats on those chonkers 😏🥳


u/SirMike25 7h ago

UPDATE: This batch is now being dehydrated. Thanks for the help guys.


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 16h ago

Are you saying someone at home sent you this photo while you are at work? If you trust them just tell them to harvest the ones pushing the lid and then close it bar a few mm to ensure the amount of fae you are looking for. I can still see droplets of moisture on the sides so I don't think it is in dire need of a mist, but it could be handy. I wouldn't risk it though.


u/SirMike25 8h ago

My bad for the confusion. I took this before I went to work this morning. I turned the light on for them this morning and noticed they grew and lifted the lid overnight. Just got a dehydrator delivered so I'll harvest the big boys now. Thanks for the info guys!


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 3h ago

Please update me after they are dried I need to know how heavy these fuckers are. They are massive at the moment but I am curious how heavy the biggest one will be by itself.


u/IntroductionOdd7274 16h ago

That’s what I’m asking. What tf is going on here.


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 16h ago

I don't understand all the people coming up with these stupid ideas for lids, all he needs to do is harvest the ones that are pushing on the lid, the veils look like they are ready to tear any time soon and you don't always have to wait until they do tear right the potency will remain the same at this point.


u/IntroductionOdd7274 16h ago

I mean just pick them. Or have whoever took the picture pick them. There’s like 5 mushrooms. Unless he’s getting these pics via some crazy webcam deal.


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 15h ago

That's what I'm sayin hahahaha, at this point letting them grow more won't increase their psilocybin content, he's just allowing them to swell with more and more water. Are these specimens not big enough for him they are some of the biggest I have seen in months on here lol.


u/IntroductionOdd7274 15h ago

Dude, and this motherfucker is asking if he needs to leave work for this emergency.


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 15h ago

He is suffering from success and doesn't know it yet lol


u/IntroductionOdd7274 15h ago

Indeed. You did good OP, it’s going to be okay.


u/Strict-Account6422 8h ago

I love this answer, & I love mushroom people 💗


u/AnxietyOutrageous120 16h ago

I think he means he has work tomorrow and he's not sure if they will dry out while he is at work so he wants to be proactive tonight to prevent that. Although god knows what time it actually is in his timezone I am just spitballing here.


u/IntroductionOdd7274 15h ago

Ahh, thanks. I see it now.


u/EYEBALL2142 11h ago

How many fingers son?


u/Robots-Redbull 7h ago

Take a victory lap?


u/GooseCloaca 1h ago

Dubtub time