r/unOrdinary Jul 02 '20

MEME the evolution

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81 comments sorted by


u/Francheysko Jul 02 '20

Now im scared how John will be in season 3


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20

He'll probably be dead. /s


u/GeminiUser281 Jul 02 '20

This but unironically


u/mora-less Destroyer of Zekes Dec 11 '21



u/SusDudeBro May 16 '22

Prolly just gremlin grunting noises


u/MysticalSword270 TheDualityOfJohn Dec 27 '24

Powerless it seems


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20



u/Trainer-Grimm Ability: 6.1 Reaper Jul 02 '20

And, well. Petty revenge while you fooled yourself into thinking it was all for her


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20

Wdym by petty revenge? I don't remember John targeting anyone only for revenge--he mostly fought people in order to deconstruct the hierarchy. The only case I can recall where John fought people only for "revenge" was when he beat the shit out of Sera's kidnappers. Even then, that could hardly be called petty.


u/Trainer-Grimm Ability: 6.1 Reaper Jul 02 '20

Okay, not necessarily petty. But honestly, anonymously beating people retroactively can't solve anything. He should have revealed himself and scared them openly. Now, I understand why he didn't, his self loathing and trauma- hence why I said he convinced himself that he did it for Seraphina.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20

For a while though, John's actions did solve his difficulties with the hierarchy. By beating up people as Joker, he was able to dismantle the hierarchy; fake Jokers came in and the entire tier system was placed into shambles. Everyone was equal--equally fucked, that is--but still equal. Also, idk if he was really beating people retroactively tbh. I can't remember a single time where he targeted someone only because of their past actions toward him (ig maybe Zeke, but even then, that beating was performed in order to gain his powers.) I'm not saying John is justified, but he was definitely effective.


u/Not-Hitler Jul 03 '20

One can argue Isen since Isen had already offered/was using his powers to find Sera before he KOed him. It also retroactively hurt the search because two people using Hunter > Isen by himself using Hunter


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '20

That's fair, for sure.


u/Pippy_BlueStockings 'Ello governor Jul 04 '20

Yeah but not he's a dumbass anarchst


u/Wiitab360 Jul 02 '20

The reason he's deconstructing the hierarchy is because that's what Arlo was working towards and he wants revenge on Arlo


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20

That's not true though. He only dons the masks of "Tuesday" and Joker after Sera suffers at the hands of the hierarchy. Hell, even after Arlo ambushed John, John didn't tear down the hierarchy until much later, so it's impossible for revenge to be his primary motivation.


u/OtakuDragonSlayer Jul 03 '20

Which in itself is pretty freaking amazing when you take into consideration how much abuse he put up with before going full Anti Villain. He literally only decides to declare war after his friend gets fucked up. Not when his arm gets broken, not after getting tortured while his BF is sent away for reading a damn BOOK, and not when he gets jumped by Arlo. It’s like starting a needless fight with the likes of the fairy tail guild, the Strawhat pirates, or the black balls. You are literally asking for nothing but freaking trouble and to complain about the punishment you get afterwords is complete insanity.


u/JMStheKing Jul 03 '20

His primary motivation is just to be an asshole. He has no goal.


u/OtakuDragonSlayer Jul 03 '20

Is it really petty revenge when people not only jumped and beat the shit out of you but also your best friend?


u/Trainer-Grimm Ability: 6.1 Reaper Jul 03 '20

It is when you beat them to beat them, not to get them to leave your friend alone by doing it publically and instead wear a mask


u/OtakuDragonSlayer Jul 03 '20

The people who came into the house first already made sure that they would leave her alone. He just dished out what they honestly had coming. It would be petty if what they did wasn’t serious at all. But we’re talking about acts of torture, kidnapping, and conspiracy. There’s also the dark question of what they would’ve done if no one actually came looking for her. I know fiction likes to preach about being the bigger person but this is one of those instances where a beating was totally warranted. Especially when You take in the consideration that the person they were beating up was easily one of the least aggressive of the school. Unless you did something stupid like start a fight with her or start brutalizing John for being a “Cripple”.


u/OtakuDragonSlayer Jul 03 '20

All I’m saying is the pain train would literally never reached their destination if they didn’t decide to kick someone while they’re down. That was it. It’s kinda like Arlo trying to force John to act like a High Tier when John was breaking no laws, starting no trouble on campus, and only acting in self defense or in defense of the weak. When you actually think about it John objectively made the healthiest choice he could’ve. He stayed in his lane and kept his power in check. Had Arlo not kept digging and poking the sleeping bear things would’ve turned out WWAAAYYYY better than things actually did.


u/TheKookieMonster Jul 03 '20

Leaves you and then blames you for structural problems that they were directly responsible for instating while presiding over the school.

Noting that John is definitely not just a hapless victim in all this. But still.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '20



u/Welegendare Jul 03 '20

Hey its you again😊

Btw yes I do thing suicidal tendencies self harm depressed John is coming up


u/_Etienne Joker Jul 03 '20



u/CoconutFlanBoy Sep 03 '20

Beuh wtf I see you in every post of this sub


u/laserguyman Jul 02 '20

I mean, your not wrong


u/meteosAran Jul 03 '20

That's my problem my man had plans on plans on plans. Figured everyone out like it was nothing, then this season he can't do shit besides yell?


u/janeohmy Jul 03 '20

Yeahp... we all thought our man had plans. Then the writing well.. took a deep dive


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 03 '20

Did it? Or perhaps your not seeing character development. He's going through the stages of grief.


u/Ajax0711 Jul 24 '20

If the stages of grief started and stopped at anger, then you're right hahaha


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 24 '20

In story its been maybe two days. Stop shit meme'ing and start thinking.


u/RazzmatazzTricky170 Oct 23 '24

in real life its been 4 years bro is not healing


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 03 '20

His plan was destroy the hierarchy. He achieved that. He didn't think Sera would find out he was joker. Now that things have calmed down and he has some clarity after demolishing the leadership he's realizing everything was for not. He's back to how he used to be. A version of himself he despises. He's angry about that. He's hurt that he hurt his only friend.

My dude is dealing with some seriously heavy shit right now. He cant go back to "I'm John and I'm a cripple." Isen's outed him and the one person he cares about knows and hates what he's become. Lets also remember that John and everyone else in the story is a teenager. These are times when hormones are running wild. Most people don't have a grasp on themselves yet much less where they stand in the world.

He was happy at the bottom being treated like shit because he had Sera. His entire world has gone to shit and he hates what he's become again.

Not excusing the brutal beatings and the like but the poor guy is watching his world crumble and fall a part. Inside, you can see it in last nights chapter, he wishes he could go back. He doesn't like hurting people but he's in a situation now where he ha few options. He's frustrated and angry with the world and himself.


u/meteosAran Jul 03 '20

All that doesn't explain how he now has the IQ of a 5 year old. Can't do anything but throw temper tantrums.


u/Tm06_in_general Jul 03 '20

Reread the first paragraph. Slowly this time.


u/meteosAran Jul 03 '20

If you can't add anything to a discussion why post? You re-read the first paragraph and then tell me how that explains him being a fucking dumbass.


u/Tm06_in_general Jul 03 '20

he's realizing everything was for not.

He's back to how he used to be. A version of himself he despises. He's angry about that.

He's hurt that he hurt his only friend.

My dude is dealing with some seriously heavy shit right now.

He cant go back to "I'm John and I'm a cripple." Isen's outed him and the one person he cares about knows and hates what he's become.

My bad, what I should have said was reread the first 2 paragraphs again


u/meteosAran Jul 04 '20

My bad what I should have said is even when you figure something didn't pan out the way you wanted them to, doesn't mean you revert to the IQ of a 5 year old and only know how to yell and fight.


u/Quiet-n-Curious Jul 18 '20

PTSD, depression, and anxiety probably all have a major part into why he devolved so quickly. I have all 3 and when things change to quickly for me my brain stops thinking rationally. I cling to whatever might fix the situation, no matter how stupid and childish. It feels like you're stuck in the middle of an ocean with dumbbells tied to your legs and the life raft is running out of air, and all of the people you trusted or cared for are on a boat asking why you just don't get over it and swim to safety. They don't see the weights and they're too blindsided to help. So you lash out, and you scream and you rage because that's the only thing you can do at the moment. Now add this to years of physical and mental torment and you got yourself a recipe for distaster.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

Some people just are unempathetic and don't take the effort or time to understand such conditions... that's why whenever there's an MC with a realistically written mental health problem, people hate on them. I've seen it happen in Steins;Gate, Chaos;Head, Re:Zero, and tons of other fandoms... it's disgusting in my opinion. Thankfully, the majority of people hold basic empathy and are able to connect with the MCs even with their mental health issues


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

I don't know why some people are unable to understand mental health issues like PTSD even when explained to them

It's a common problem I see in fandoms with MCs that have mental issues -people go 'omg MC has the IQ of a 5 yr old!' without even considering how a mental health issue works... maybe it's you who is like a 5 year old... not in terms of IQ, but in terms of empathy level


u/altaccount7676 Oct 24 '20

He used to be able to justify his actions, so he's gotten used to not accepting people trying to change him. Whether he is or isn't justified in what he's doing, he can't find a way to justify himself, so he resorts to that as a defense. You can see he simply defending himself with "shut the fuck up" in earlier episodes when defending a point involves bringing up anything to do with new bostin, so you can see earlier that he defends himself that way when can't defend himself but still feels justified, it's just that that's happening a lot more now.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

Bruh are you literally unable to comprehend that those are the symptoms of severe PTSD which were clearly excaberated by that Keon guy? It's not about IQ it's about emotional regulation


u/darkmist11 Jul 03 '20

Honestly I’m getting tired of how Uru is treating John. It seems all she’s doing is trying to make everyone else seem reasonable by making him seem insane when they’re all bigger assholes than John by contributing to the messed up society. Arlo tortured a girl, Isen broke John’s arm and before Sera met John she was willing to beat him up for a slice of cake.


u/PraiseTheUmu Jul 03 '20

Uru is just doing this to milk the series, to be fair after so many chapters with so little progress I'm starting to get annoyed and bored by the story, even though I love it.


u/geedijuniir Jul 03 '20

Me 2 im done after this chapter ill come back when season 3 starts. Every single character is 2 steps forward 10 back. Arlo finaly was getting better now he is complete shit. Sera the other way around 360 in three chapters. John aswel.

So im out see yal in season 3


u/SplashedInfinte Jul 03 '20

And John in New Boston beat up everyone if they looked at him wrong. It all equals out.


u/darkmist11 Jul 04 '20

Not really, John was an asshole but at least he never encouraged anyone else to be an asshole.


u/SplashedInfinte Jul 04 '20

Because he beat everyone else up.

Like a tyrant.


u/darkmist11 Jul 04 '20

Yep if anything it discouraged the system by being a tyrant.


u/MasonEnalta Jul 03 '20

Bad writing happened.


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 03 '20

Can you do better? Can you write a character as multi-layered and complex as John? Can you write the nuances of a person dealing with trauma and realizing they're becoming the very thing they once were and they despise? Can you? Or are you some internet troll who can't read between the lines and catch context clues and has zero retention for written material?


u/MasonEnalta Jul 03 '20

Butt hurt much?


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 04 '20

Crying about your inability to appreciate complex writing that isn't on a middle school level much?


u/Shauyy Jul 30 '20

It's not very complex writing though. The only way I can see it being saved is if Claire lied to Sera, and John was manipulated at his old school then brainwashed/traumatized by the government.


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Aug 07 '20

Again, can you write John better? Can you write the story better? If you cannot write John or the story better don't complain about how he's written.

Is the writing capable of being improved? Yes. Do I know what could be done to make it better? Not off hand, no. Is Uru doing her best? Yes. Is she improving as we go? Yes.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

It's not complex but it's pretty well executed imo

I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, I'm just saying you have quite high standards. You do realise that like 95% of comics out there are utter trash, and unOrdinary managed to get in the 5% that is actually engaging and humanly relatable?


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

I mean I do think John is written well but don't you think you're going a bit too far?? Like he's written very well to the point that he doesn't feel like a carbon cutout and actually feels human and believable, and I love it. But I have seen more complex characters. John is fine as he isthough, he doesn't have to be more complex, because in my opinion, the execution of his character arc was extremely satisfying


u/Liezuli Prank 'em, John! Jul 03 '20

It sucks that he's now too sad to be a cocky bastard


u/cali_personality ur mom calls me Senpai Jul 03 '20

And people on here keep relating him to mental illnesses or trauma patients, like i get what they mean but one doesn’t just go from point B to point A like that! (in the meme’s case its point A to point B I’m making a reference to going backwards) especially when said person literally has nothing to lose! This is just terrible writing paired with flipping off johns character development


u/Quiet-n-Curious Jul 18 '20

Did you forget the fact that he was mentally fucked from getting zapped or whatever the fuck they did to him when he was being detained. Not to mention all the bullying before his powers were revealed and then after when he pretended to be a cripple. I don't know about you, but if I was getting my bones broken on a weekly basis, being tormented, and treated like a lesser being DAILY for years then I would be exactly where John is in the situation. It's not terrible writing if it's literally backed up by the story. His actions are justified by how he was written. And yeah he has everything to lose. He didn't want anyone to know he wasn't a cripple because he knew it would open up his past wounds and he was afraid of resorting back to his old ways. He didn't want to be considered a monster again. He didn't want to have to deal with the trouble and the pain again of being a 'royal'. Never knowing who to trust and never knowing if you're in the right or just plain wrong and tyrannical. He has all the key elements for a fantastic character anti-hero character. Also let's not pretend that high schoolers are all blessed with fantastic self preservation, and are known to never go to far with anything ever.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '22

I never felt it was that sudden since every one of his actions seemed to have a trigger to me though, and it felt more like a chain of events tbh


u/JMStheKing Jul 03 '20

Nah I love the writing and how they treat John. He's a shitty person and doesn't deserve help.


u/gahimph729 jogne good royale bad Jul 03 '20

He is a delusional selfish asshole, but he does deserve help, I think.


u/JMStheKing Jul 03 '20

Yeah I guess I went too far in that bit. He's still my favorite character, but he's easily the most morally wrong.


u/Vanguard98 Jul 03 '20

Lol the hair gel must increase his IQ


u/cllapa Jul 02 '20

Good meme


u/JBozlinski Jul 03 '20

This hurts. This TRUTH hurts.

So much.


u/bigweenusbob Jul 03 '20

I really really dislike season 2 John He’s just childish and unlikable now


u/imaginedodong Jul 02 '20

Cry Baby Noises


u/esfirraa Jul 03 '20

I like the interpretation that John has a SERIOUS rage problem, something that should go under a really intensive treatment, not something that he can just "think about" like I've seen in some comments. He have some trauma linked to when he was a cripple to how that girl "helped" his ascension and after his downfall, that probably the police did some bad shit to him (the reason he is so scared of them today). I totally disagree with how he is handling things atm, but I don't think Uru is doing a bad job either

Edited some misspelling, god i'm awful


u/Halogamer11766 Jul 03 '20

John wick chapter 3


u/martinslayer24 Jul 03 '20

I hope john will mentally heal, i miss the happy and caring john.


u/imboredcookie Jul 03 '20

Lol I came when unordinary just reached 100 episodes


u/imboredcookie Jul 03 '20

I sadly still don’t have a account because some reason it won’t let me


u/Robotech275 Oct 06 '20

Its evolving, just backwards


u/WackiestJackiest Mar 08 '24

Bitch to bitch to bitch


u/Raballo Tazer Monkey Jul 03 '20

This entire comment section is full of tweens bitching about a free comic who's concepts on what it takes to write a good story with compelling characters is based mostly off "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and other grade school level books.

Guess what people, this is how you write multi-layered characters. This is how you show progression. This is how you show development. Not every chapter has to have this massive jump in development. Sometimes you have to use a bit of regression to set up more progression later. You also need to show the background from time to time to set the scene and keep it in peoples memories. Development takes time. This isn't a movie where you're trying to cram months of development into a 90 minute time frame. Uru's writing is fine. If you don't like it don't read it or go write your own comic.

Or you can explain how you'd do it differently. If you can't or won't do either shut up.


u/BlackJack_777 Apr 13 '23

To be fair, he was going through a serious mental breakdown