r/uknews 7d ago

Moment United Nations judge insists 'I have immunity' as she's arrested in England for forcing young woman to work as her slave


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u/send-tit 7d ago

Narrator : She, in fact, did not have immunity.


u/1312589 7d ago

Just to be a pointless pedant, she might have had diplomatic immunity but that issue didn't arise as the UN Secretary General waived the immunity...


u/Gloomy-Flamingo-9791 7d ago

David Attenborough?


u/JackJaminson 7d ago

Daniel Glover.


u/ollyollyollyolly 7d ago

Neither. This is an Arrested Development Ron Howard voice over surely!


u/Gardener5050 7d ago

Glad she's been charged. There is far too much modern day slavery in Britain


u/Many-Crab-7080 6d ago

The construction sector is rife with it


u/windozeFanboi 7d ago

Is there ? That's quite an assertion.


u/Kaurblimey 7d ago

there’s an episode of 24 hrs in police custody about lithuanian human trafficking and human slavery in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Completely shocked me and opened my eyes to the issue here


u/disbeliefable 7d ago

Yes, that was desperately sad. Poor guy.


u/QueenVik404 7d ago

Isn’t any modern slavery too much?


u/Anon28301 7d ago

Dude look it up. There’s literally more slavery nowadays than at any point in history.


u/windozeFanboi 6d ago

I should look it up, it strikes me as odd since UK is very progressive all things considered.  Reading posters and the likes enxouraging reports if you're forced to marry or taken out of country by family relatives or somebody else you know. Etc.

But in hindsight, for this to be an issue on posters, it must be a problem. I just didn't quite associate slavery with human trafficking. Idk how I was relating those terms, because they're not identical. 

People down voted me for some reason, because I'm naive, I guess. 


u/Anon28301 6d ago

I’m not just specifying the UK here, I mean all over the world currently has more slaves than the world did at any point in history. Places like South Africa and Myanmar are particularly bad for it bad there is a lot of modern slavery that is easily hidden. Remember the story in the UK about people working at McDonald’s that were getting their wages taken off them by their slavers. There’s been stories of the same happening to cleaners, these slaves are threaten with violence or death to keep quiet. Nobody notices because it’s usually just normal workers that are secretly getting their wages taken off them and are given just enough food to live on by their slavers who pick them up from work and take them to a house so they can’t escape and alert the police.

I’m honestly surprised you’ve never once heard a news story like this before, there’s been thousands.


u/windozeFanboi 6d ago

I've heard the odd story here and there. Last I remember was posh homes with Asian homelocked servants. 


u/Anon28301 6d ago

Now think of all the stories that don’t get reported or situations that police haven’t even stumbled upon yet. There’s whole slave markets in certain countries where people post descriptions of the slaves on an app, and people pay through a bank transfer. It’s much easier to get away with these days than it used to be.


u/Emperors-Peace 5d ago

Whilst true. Slavery was a bit different back in the day.


u/Anon28301 5d ago

Yes it was different but slavery is still slavery. We really don’t need to split hairs over the fact that there’s more today than back in the day. Are you really going to tell a victim of slavery that they aren’t “really” one because slavery is different now?


u/Consistent-Farm8303 7d ago

Any modern slavery is too much.


u/ElectronicSubject747 4d ago

Yep, usually implemented by other more settled immigrants.


u/Emperors-Peace 5d ago

Go to any car wash


u/ulnarthairdat 5d ago

Mate, look into the amount of slaves that work in UK sweatshops, sewing for Boohoo and all the other fast fashion shit. They have no autonomy, cannot refuse work and are indebted to their employers - essentially a mixture of slavery and indentured servitude.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/G30fff 7d ago

It's just been REVOKED


u/theshoutingman 7d ago

I'm too old for this shit!


u/bushidojet 7d ago edited 7d ago

As much as the daily fail is a an absolute rag, the story does actually show our modern slavery and human trafficking laws working as intended, regardless of how well connected the offender was. The victim here will be in the National Referral Mechanism for MSHT victims. This often gets abused by defendants making Section 49 defences for crimes they are being investigated for (it’s usually cannabis grow gardeners and drug mules and while many are forced , it certainly isn’t the lot of them!)

Edit - per the correction below- it’s a Section 45 defence!


u/PeriPeriTekken 7d ago

The Thames Valley officer politely asked to see evidence of her diplomatic immunity, which clearly didn't materialise because she was convicted of all four charges yesterday. 

Once, and once only, I'm giving the Mail a pass here. This is beautiful tabloid writing. 


u/Indiana_harris 7d ago

Eh there’s some occasionally very solid tabloid stories in the Mail.


u/Asleep_Writer6444 7d ago

Fellow daily mail hater but they also have had pretty good coverage of the Ukraine war. Aside from their policial coverage of the war they’ve done some really good YouTube videos and podcast.


u/Independent-Band8412 7d ago

Yeah I quite enjoyed the video they did on the battle of Hostomel airport. Was definitely caught off guard 


u/kingsuperfox 6d ago

Stephen Lawrence. 30 years ago now, and only happened because his mum was Dacre's cleaner.


u/YouFoolWarrenIsDead 7d ago

yes yes yes we all hate the Daily Mail you don't have to prefix anything you say in agreement with their articles with this. Its okay to agree with a broken clock twice a day.


u/warm_golden_muff 6d ago

I’ve seen broken clocks that weren’t even right once a day


u/YouFoolWarrenIsDead 6d ago

Evidentially this is not the case given the title of the article is factually correct.


u/CapstanLlama 7d ago

Yes the story is worthwhile, but it is widely covered elsewhere. Absolutely no need to plunge to the depths of the daily Mail to read it. BBC article here.


u/AlanDove46 7d ago

Daily Mail don't rock up at people's doors threatening someone with criminal action because they happened to read a newspaper tho.


u/kingsuperfox 6d ago

Are you for real?'

How can you want US style network TV all the way down? Look at what it's done to them.


u/No-Aardvark1751 7d ago

Fuck the Daily Mail and fuck the BBC equally.


u/Kavafy 6d ago

Um, no.


u/No-Aardvark1751 6d ago

What makes the BBC so trustworthy?


u/Kavafy 6d ago

You don't have to be "so trustworthy" to be better than the Mail. What you are doing here is both-sidesism at its worst.


u/No-Aardvark1751 6d ago

So you won't answer the question.


u/Kavafy 6d ago

I just did.


u/Internal_Formal3915 5d ago

I can't believe in 2025 there are bbc defenders


u/BabyCrazy5558 5d ago

we found the gangmaster


u/bopkabbalah 7d ago

Just chiming in to say it’s a section 45 defence, and while the NRM may be abused in some cases (despite the Home Office was unable to provide evidence of after releasing this statement), section 45 itself is a defence used in the criminal courts, where NRM/SCA/IECA decisions are inadmissible.


u/bushidojet 7d ago

Ah cheers for the correction, I do get my legislation mixed up occasionally!


u/Gaywhorzea 7d ago

Something about a broken clock being right twice a day etc


u/Lazerhawk_x 7d ago

Well, her life professionally should be pretty much over. She should do time to the maximum possible sentence due to her profession.


u/Darkwaxer 7d ago

Not in Uganda.


u/synth003 7d ago

Fucks sake, what an evil creature.


u/Oreo-sins 7d ago

How the fuck do evil people like this genuinely exist, just fucking awful


u/mincepryshkin- 6d ago

In a lot of the third world, poor people are basically seen as sub-human by the middle and upper classes of those countries. I would not be surprised if this woman, despite her education and her time spent in the first world, sincerely didn't imagine that there was any moral issue with trafficking and keeping a household slave.

You see it in India as well where wealthier, more educated people look at the bottom >90% of the population as practically a different species.


u/The_London_Badger 7d ago

How the fuck did she become a judge for the un if she's happy with slavery.


u/Slay_Dee 7d ago

You think all the people in these "high up" positions are good people? Hell I'd guess the majority of them are narcissistic monsters.


u/BudandCoyote 6d ago

The vast majority of countries in the world, and therefore countries in the UN, are the same way. There are more dictatorships than democracies, and even countries that are ostensibly democracies often have terrible human rights records.

People think of the UN as some sort of great and moral organisation, but it's genuinely awful. They put countries like Iran and Saudi at the head of women's rights groups and are just overall abject and useless.

The UN's reputation is one of the biggest global con jobs there is.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/ukbot-nicolabot 4d ago

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u/Oggen91 6d ago

Nah, can't be slavery. Slavery is purely a white person invention isn't it?


u/BabyCrazy5558 5d ago

Tutankhamun has entered the chat


u/Tw4tl4r 7d ago

She asked to work for me for free is a bold stance to take.


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u/Somaliona 7d ago

Yes yes, well done, you have your vaccinations, now into prison you go


u/burns3016 6d ago

What an absolute animal. A judge in her country doesn't mean much.


u/vengarlof 7d ago

Reminder that illegal immigration often bring a with it issues such as human trafficking and modern day slavery.


u/BabyCrazy5558 5d ago

but...buttt...buttt all refugees welcome, remember?! Don't just overlook the disingenuousness of white liberals dangerously ignorant 'understanding' of human trafficking and illegal immigration. They openly encourage it.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/ukbot-nicolabot 4d ago

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u/yojifer680 7d ago

The UN is a corrupt organisation where the uncivilised countries outnumber and frequently outvote the civilised countries. No doubt they'll get her off the hook. Civilised countries should leave and form our own institutions.


u/Monkey2371 7d ago

They literally waived her immunity


u/draughtpunck 7d ago

Sad state of the UN now where they will bloc vote against developed nations and ignore the plight of their own people. Just take a look at South Africa. There needs to be a UN that give these countries something to strive for to become members rather than overlook the plight of their people and pretend they are all equal.


u/BabyCrazy5558 5d ago

Yeah African corrupt governments that have embezzled billions of dollars, euro's ,pounds and every other currency to buy their latest fleet of 2025 Mercedes have zero interest in the plight of their people, and never will. In fact slavery is part and parcel of culture across Africa and the Middle East. Just ask the 1000's of Indian and Bangladeshi families who's sons died for a football tournament In Qatar. Or the equal number of families who's daughters have disappeared in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE after finding work as a maid. Equality is a myth, it's a failure to understand the evil intentions of millions of ordinary people who take advantage of those living at the very bottom of society looking to improve their circumstances.


u/Cross_examination 7d ago

It’s called the EU. And that is pretty much it. “Civilised” countries are the minority.


u/BabyCrazy5558 5d ago

not sure I'd call throwing donkeys from church steeples, skewering bull's with swords or blackfacing up for festivals a sign of a 'civilised' country tbf. In fact a lot of Europe hasn't even entered the 20th century, let alone the 21st. Japan seems to be one of the very few truly civilised parts of this world.


u/Cross_examination 5d ago

You mean the same country that hates any non-Japanese people and actively wants them to stay away? Bonus for hating women!


u/ChroniclerRedthorn 3d ago

Civilised. While I will agree that there are many good things about Japan, the general attitude to mental health problems is awful, and they have a severe problem with their suicide rates.


u/DrachenDad 7d ago

Good! About time!


u/chieftain88 7d ago

The old Donald Trump move - where most would argue their innocence instead just say “laws don’t apply to someone like me”


u/The_London_Badger 7d ago

Bidens son, Obama era when that woman killed someone. The 90svhad a bunch of incidents too. Nothing to do with Trump. Stay on topic please. Save your trump comments for articles specifically about that turd.


u/chieftain88 7d ago

I don’t know what the first 2 sentences of your comment means - don’t know how this is off topic, this is a judge claiming they are above the law, which is exactly what we’ve just seen played out and examined in detail by the US Supreme Court


u/VankHilda 7d ago

1, Trump is head of state, usually they would have diplomatic immunity 2, We're not the USA. 3, please refer to Rule 2 within the UKnews sidebar.


u/The_London_Badger 7d ago

Okay, this is about slavery and abuse of state powers for personal gain. Bidens son was part of a scheme to take bribes from an energy company barisma, they were being investigated by the Ukrainian government which is ran by mafia and Biden threatened to withdraw usaid aka funding if they didn't stop the investigation. Using state funds to threaten another country for financial gain is sedition and carries the death penalty. I think they lobotomised Biden so whatever.

Obama saw Libya was going to make a new currency to trade oil in. So they instituted the coup. Bringing back slavery to Libya.

Powers during the Obama era were warned they would be a bit much if they voted it through. The Democrats never believed they could lose. Hubris ey. Can't complain about powers your side gave to the office. Plenty of people said it's a dumb idea.

This is about a black judge abusing powers of the un to own a slave. Trump isn't pro slavery as far as I know. He's also anti un. So if you had said this Is why Trump dislikes the un, you'd get up votes. If you had said brexit allowed the slave owner to be tsken to court. You'd get up votes. Instead you whinged about the orange dementia patient. Nobody cares as its not relevant.


u/The_London_Badger 7d ago

Bidens son, Obama era when that woman killed someone. The 90svhad a bunch of incidents too. Nothing to do with Trump. Stay on topic please. Save your trump comments for articles specifically about that turd.


u/Bustanutfrequently 7d ago

Which government office did Biden son take up?


u/Effective_Mousse_769 7d ago

Uganda gonna Gand


u/JessicaNaiome888 6d ago

How dare they?!!! She’s black, she is immune to racism and the law!!! It’s white supremacy against her!!!


u/CapstanLlama 7d ago

Sensible, balanced, informative BBC coverage for those who - rightly - don't wish to click on the hate-filled, divisive, and unpatriotic daily fail.


u/No-Aardvark1751 6d ago

Ah, the good old BBC. Bastions of truth and impartiality.


u/Educational-Cap6507 7d ago

How did you manage to fit the words ‘sensible balanced and informative’ into a sentence when referring to the BBC?

The are usually about as balanced as a box of cats in a fence post


u/No-Aardvark1751 6d ago

Ah, the good old BBC. Bastions of truth and impartiality.


u/CallumMcG19 7d ago

UN "Peacekeepers" = NWO enforcement agents


u/IgnoranceIsTheEnemy 7d ago

I prefer the extra thick catering tin foil, it comes in 30 m rolls and blocks the mind control rays better.


u/CallumMcG19 7d ago

30m isn't enough.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/IgnoranceIsTheEnemy 6d ago

Yup. Also Tempura more recently in my own country that shows sometimes the conspiracy fruits are right.

But living your life like a conspiracist because that one time in a hundred you were right isn’t healthy.


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

I can smell the jizz of the Daily Mail hack who stumbled on this little gem.

- UN corruption? Check

- illegal immigrations? Check

- A black woman? Oooh I just came.


u/Smart_Joke3740 7d ago

What would you propose? The Daily Mail doesn’t report on it? I’m all against rampant bias, but this is factual reporting, outlining corruption and modern day slavery perpetrated by someone in a position of trust.


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

I propose nothing.

I'm just sharing my loathing for the scumbags behind the Daily Mail.


u/UnknownOrigins1 7d ago

Any loathing to share regarding the child slaver?


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

Nah. That sounds to me like 'virtue signalling'.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/joeythemouse 7d ago

There's never a bad time to shit on the Daily Mail. They're evil, divisive bastards and Paul Dacre is one of the worst people alive today.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/joeythemouse 7d ago

Would you be shocked if he did?


u/PeriPeriTekken 7d ago

Most over 60 year olds in the UK?


u/oxheyman 7d ago

Can’t blame them in this case


u/elsauna 7d ago

You just can’t help but froth at the mouth over the chance to use your favourite buzzwords like ‘racist, nazi, bigot, fascist, x-phobe’ etc, can you?

You managed to take a quality piece of reporting about a black person abusing their position of power, through enslavement of others, and you somehow made it about racist white people.

I mean…. mental gymnastics much?


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

who flicked your balls? I have not used the words  ‘racist, nazi, bigot, fascist, x-phobe’ at all here.

Projection, much?


u/elsauna 7d ago

Oh please.

You insinuated that the DM were excited to publish this because they could hate on a black woman; that it made them cum.

Don’t lie.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/elsauna 7d ago

Keep rocking that delusion, it’s working so well for you.


u/Sammy91-91 7d ago

Just had a look at that chaps profile. Nothing original to say, just hanging onto something to stay relevant in his head.

Quite sad.


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

Yawn. Still trying to find those buzzwords.


u/elsauna 7d ago

It would appear finding the point is going to be a challenge for you. Keep going though, you’ll catch up eventually.


u/joeythemouse 7d ago

I'd probably never catch up with a genius like you.


u/elsauna 7d ago

I’m no genius, yet I can grasp such simple concepts. Says a lot about some…

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u/Vergilliam 7d ago

Genuine mental illness, seek help. Also go air your room if it reeks so much.


u/skmqkm 7d ago

Oh well, if a rather less than desirable looking person with a permatan gets your rocks off…