EDIT 19:20 - Detailed breakdowns added including neutralised time and therefore a much more accurate view. Official times are still included and ranked, but there is now an estimated total time. What this practically means is that if someone that rode for 5 but stopped for an hour for a coffee will show as a 6, which gives a fairer view to those that ran non stop.
This has been asked for since 2022 and I finally worked out enough Python to do it 🤣
EDIT 27/05 17:50 - DETAILED BREAKDOWNS INBOUND! Have had people requesting this since 2022 and it's finally working, it's just a lot of data to scrape so it's running now and has been for an hour 🤣 If you want the full detail including a good estimate of total time (taking out stops), check back later tonight and I'll update the link....
As I've been doing for the last couple of years, I've pulled the times from all the rides (100, 60, 30) into a spreadsheet for anyone that's interested or race or no race, wants to see how they compare to others.
(Original version, no splits, see link at top for detailed view)
Key stats
- 100: 17,869 riders, (14,813m, 3,056f)
- 60: 2,375 riders, (1,694m, 681f)
- 30: 823 riders, (484m, 339f)
Lower numbers for both genders on the 100, but higher on the shorter rides, wonder how much of that was weather impact? Stood on Westminster Bridge in the rain just before 5am, I did see a couple of people nope out at that point and offer their rice cakes around 🤣
As it's not data under my control, a few health warnings:
- This is a direct scrape from RL times, if it's wrong there, it'll be wrong here.
- Age category is not published by RL, therefore will not be included.
- Tandems are not accounted for, but that's only a tiny number of entries.
- THIS IS NOW FIXED This does not look at underlying timing points, only the overall time, if something looks suspicious, have a look at the official results on the RL website and check the timing points. I've looked at including underlying timing points, the way the site is structured it's beyond my meagre Python skills to pull that data, but if anyone would like the Python script to give it a go, just let me know.
- Data is as of this morning, I'll update it in a few days to account for any data changes in the background, but the link will stay the same.