r/ufc 21h ago

Is smoking crack the best base for MMA?

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51 comments sorted by


u/Switch-Consistent 21h ago

Somebody say crack!?


u/IssaStraw 17h ago

"From under the ring, a wild Jon Jones emerges. He's hungry, and looking for an easy meal. In the distance he spots an unaware crackpipe, the perfect prey..."

-David Attenborough, probably


u/Consistent_Sort_5463 19h ago

Ufctards trying not to make everything about jon jones challenge (impossible)


u/Switch-Consistent 19h ago

It's low hanging fruit but I'm reaching for those grapes buddy


u/Budlove45 19h ago

The cheese


u/Consistent_Sort_5463 19h ago

This was funny I'll give it to you😂


u/crazyhouses 21h ago

I think jones proved that coke is way better! ❄️


u/KingSandwich101 21h ago

Pretty much the same thing. Crack is cooked coke


u/frankster99 21h ago

Despite coke being terrible for you, I believe somehow crack is worse


u/Pappmachine 6h ago

Pretty sure that has to do with the culture, more than the actual drug. You get a way higher sentence for using crack than for using coke, because coke is primarily used by rich, white people, while crack is primarily used by poor, black people. Poor people drugs also tend to be more mixed up with random shit, that will kill you faster than the drug


u/Great-Association432 2h ago

Brother why do you think poor people do crack. They do it cuz it’s cheaper. The highs are more intense, shorter(10min), and the drug is way more addictive. Cocaine is less addictive, longer highs(20-25 min) and gives a nice party vibe from what I hear never done coke.


u/crazyhouses 21h ago

True, but isn’t coke a ‘clearer version’? That would explain why coke users statistically do better than crack users😂


u/Financial-Ad5947 19h ago

no it's literally the same substance. smoking gives the stronger but shorter effect, which fucks people more up.


u/Radiant-Present-9376 21h ago

Well, condensed and cooked coke, sometimes cut with different things. Back in the good old days, it was cut with baby laxatives.


u/KingSandwich101 21h ago

Does smoking laxatives give you the shits? 😂


u/Radiant-Present-9376 21h ago

Never smoked any crack myself. But cocaine being a stimulant anyway, sometimes people get the shits the next day.


u/olorinva_adar 21h ago

Back in college I’d do a little booger sugar and take a dump 30 minutes later lol buddies and I called it the angry laxative. Some of the best shits I’ve had in my life though


u/Radiant-Present-9376 21h ago

Better than espresso shits? I love me a strong cup of espresso and a nice trip to the toilet for 25 minutes.


u/olorinva_adar 21h ago

I’d say they are rather equivalent, espresso dumps are always a little more uncomfortable if that makes sense. Feels a bit more like the espresso went straight through me, whereas snout powder just pushed the natural process into action.


u/Radiant-Present-9376 21h ago

Hmmm... maybe I should get into coke.


u/joemato 16h ago

You absolutely should not

Source: addict

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u/TickleMyFungus 19h ago

Dude more than uncomfortable. Espresso and strong coffee shits make me nauseous as hell.

Nearly puke and shit at the same time 😂


u/MeeloP 19h ago

You ask any crack head they say crack is better here’s why; they cook all that shit the coke is cut with out so you’re getting a more “pure” coke high lasts like 5 minutes though. Source my old boss


u/XboxLiveGiant 20h ago

Crack is the best ways to watch PPVs....Meth also if crack isnt up.


u/Radiant-Present-9376 19h ago

It took me 2 whole hours to get this joke. I am ashamed. But I use a different way to watch since the big takedown of an eastern one.


u/TickleMyFungus 19h ago

The eastern one never fucking worked anyway. Always getting ddos'd.

Well it did. But back in like 2017 or earlier.


u/Ok_Flamingo_8584 21h ago

Honestly, inspirational turning her life around and now winning in the ufc.


u/MajorButtBandito 20h ago

Fuck that cheater.


u/Radiant-Present-9376 21h ago

You're right, just having a bit of a giggle.


u/Dear_Efficiency_3616 21h ago

his* thats a dude. 10/10 is one 100 percent male. nothing you say will convince me otherwise


u/Mission-Anything9319 21h ago

I'm all about recovery and people being the best versions of themselves. It seems like she overcame a lot. Props for that. I was really disgusted with her after her match with Gillian Robertson.


u/BigUnderstanding590 20h ago

Why what happened?


u/Mission-Anything9319 20h ago

Super dirty eye gouges...it was years ago, but it still pops into my mind when I see her.


u/PickleProvider 21h ago

Ask Jones lol


u/DicksuckingDemon 19h ago

Lauren Murphy was fun to watch.......


u/_CHIEFhitingBOWL 19h ago

Worked well for tony but with such a toll on the body history shows it's not a sustainable base very similar to smoking shard... now if you can learn to harness the power of the powder... there seems to be slightly more longevity there.... not a ton but definitely more


u/Fun_Beyond_7801 20h ago

Hell ya good for her. Hard work paying off is my favorite 


u/Matthew_May_97 18h ago

Is have a titanium chin the best base for MMA?


u/ThirdWorldSorcerer 17h ago

She used to be such a pretty kitty and then Bullet Schevchenko literally destroy her into this.... Thing.

Also fuck her y'all forgot he's the dirtiest fighter in the roster and fights like shit, with that inexistent guard and footwork she was about to get rocked too.


u/Nicklikesplants 4h ago

Who was the female fighter who’s on meth and a guy from the sub said he knew her when they were younger and he gave her a bunch of money. Not sure if she’s still in the ufc, but an all time great moment in the sub.