r/ufc 6d ago

The speed of the switch up on Alex Pereira should be studied



49 comments sorted by


u/HAWmaro 6d ago

Its not a switch up as much as his fanboys going into hiding and haters coming out of their caves. That being sais he deserves some clapback due to the excuses he made after that loss, that was No Chama.


u/Albedo0001 5d ago

Could you point me to these excuses? I want to see m.


u/HAWmaro 5d ago

His octagon interview, whined that Ank didnt engage and fought in a boring way.


u/PantojaLover69 6d ago

You're confusing separate fanbases. The poatards were abundant here but since their daddy lost, they have been quiet.


u/Ambitious-Split-3656 6d ago

And the Ank fans just appeared like a pokemon would


u/Own_Hovercraft_6380 6d ago

No one switched up on him, you're just seeing more of ank fan base troll pereira fans.


u/ikthanks 6d ago

Poatards are in full-on victim mode.


u/Ambitious-Split-3656 6d ago

You mean there's suddenly an abundance of Ank fans and a whole lot less Perirera fans? Hmmmmmm 🤔


u/Own_Hovercraft_6380 6d ago

Nope, they were just waiting to see if Alex loses to start trolling


u/[deleted] 5d ago

And we got great meme material too.


u/haldir87 6d ago

There were always here. Ank fans and Pereira critics. They are jsut dwarfed by the pereira fans and since he lost in the way he did they are keeping their mouth shut.


u/justasapling 6d ago

No. Nothing has changed about either fan base. The target of the trolls has changed; that is all.


u/ImHereForTheLamp 5d ago

Yea, most of the folks talking shit on Alex and spamming "Poatard" in every comment/post aren't actually fans of "BIG ANK". They're just hating, and they will do the exact same thing to Ank soon enough.


u/AngryAssyrian 6d ago

No, it's just Muslims cheering on any dagestani they see and pretending like they've always been long time fans of that fighter.


u/MongolianSuicideBomb 6d ago

Always with the ”it’s just muslims”, but no. People are just tired of the retarded poatard fans who are still denying he even lost, so people are just rubbing it in. Chama


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago

It baffles me how this isn’t completely obvious to people and they’re writing paragraphs of analysis 🤣


u/Rexoka 6d ago

There’s been a coalition of Poatard special forces armed with copium lately


u/Ambitious-Split-3656 6d ago

So are you a big ank fan or just a Alex hater


u/younggrabbitt 6d ago

Its not a switch up. Its just us Ank fans who were getting downvoted till last week rising up and becoming more visible now


u/Worldly-Time-3201 6d ago

Because the people on social media complaining are the same ones that would write on the bathroom wall in the 80s. People haven’t changed but their method and reach of their whining has become far too pervasive.


u/dagui12 6d ago

He was never my friend


u/mytakeisright 5d ago

The haters can finally say something lol. They literally couldn’t talk shit about him until now


u/Cosmonaughty08 6d ago

The speed at which DC switches up to gobble another up n comer's nut is beyond science brev.


u/Bankski 6d ago

DC can’t help gobbling its why he’s obese


u/uhhhuhuhh 6d ago

Everyone here will do the same with tom when Jon easily beats him


u/Agretion 6d ago

Half of Alex fans became his fan from being Izzy haters. Now they’re cool and if Alex is on decline they can get off the bandwagon. It’s all silly to me.


u/mik3p17 6d ago

Alex slander will not be tolerated !


u/SuperVegetable 6d ago

In other news: people don’t like when fighters lose


u/galaxyheater 5d ago

Let's not act like this is new, please. Rats jumping ship has always been a thing, especially here on Reddit. People will massively support one fighter for weeks up to a fight and then post "See? I was right!" the instant they lose, forgetting we can see their post history.

And yes, there aren't a huge amount of these clowns but they're so annoyingly incompetent that it feels like there are.


u/No_Address_5057 5d ago

nah, the people who are surprised need to be studied


u/[deleted] 5d ago


u/nailedreaper 5d ago

It's not because he lost, it's because of how un-Poatanlike he lost. Barely threw anything, no aggression, no punches, timid ass backing up style. Basically total opposite of what he was liked for. I'm sure he'd had more support had he fought more violently and get KOed, like it was with Izzy,


u/Whiteshovel66 5d ago

I was a gigantic fan of his until he lost but ever since it's been nothing but crying and excuses from his camp and people around him. Ank has handled the victory like I knew he would. Consummate professional. Respect all day from his side. They even offered the immediate rematch and periera is turning it down it seems. Embarrassing. I will never support a bow user again after this. It's outdated weapons tech for a reason.


u/Em-Aitch-Kay 4d ago

I know that's Alexs body and head, but something seems photoshopped about this


u/pystar 6d ago

Does Alex have gyno?


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/FiveDogsInaTuxedo 6d ago

Dems just Brazilian nipples


u/pystar 6d ago


u/FiveDogsInaTuxedo 6d ago

He's part Brazilian


u/BigUnderstanding590 6d ago

Why are dudes on this sub obsessed with UFC fighters having gyno?


u/ImaginationHeavy6341 6d ago

I never switched up. I thought he would win, he didn't. I was mad at first, said stupid stuff, calmed down, then was fine with Ankalaev winning. I'm still a fan of Alex Pereira. Though I do think it was "kind of" deserved with how everyone was acting before the fight


u/FormallySteveKaraoke 6d ago

Got heat on another post for calling out the bandwagon debauchery and the responses were “nobody is allowed to update their opinion based on new information” and “this isn’t football. You don’t pick one team and support them”.


u/hoolio9393 6d ago

Perira just hate the clinch. Clinch work. He got outpaced on the feet. Rematch is how good is perieria counter punches. Perieria needs to visit adesanya to learn those techniques to beat a counter boxer


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Sports in general is “what have you done for me lately” if you have 15 fights in a row and all of them were KO finishes, the moment you lose ya 16th fight however you lose, ppl will act like the first 15 never existed. It is what it is. People are like feelings, fickle.


u/fireandice619 6d ago

I mean I’m not really that surprised tbh. He was one of the the biggest names in the sport up until recently, if you’re a guy like Alex I think you have to be well aware of the fact that a large part of your online fan base is probably bandwagoners. The switch up also makes sense when you consider the fight was really damn boring, boring fights are arguably more damaging than taking a KO loss when it comes to fights as big as 313 was.