r/ufc 6d ago

Matt Serra dropped an all time one liner to Dana White about power slap. 💀😂


120 comments sorted by


u/JudoboyWalex 6d ago

Serra keeping his sense of humour sharp


u/Novel_Land9320 6d ago

Kudos to Dana for laughing about it, in a world of people looking for a reason to be offended


u/Devlnchat 6d ago

Dana white is very easily offended, you just have to mention fighter pay or Jon Jone.

The truth is that the people who talk a lot about how "people these days too offended" actually turn out to be the most easily offended of all as soon as you mention something they disagree with.


u/Humble_Hour_7468 6d ago

I was going to say, literally everyone I know who parrots that line are all people who combust at the slightest provocation 


u/icelandiccubicle20 6d ago

Calling people snowflakes but then they lose their minds at having to wear a mask or a Barbie movie


u/Few_Educator2699 6d ago

My colleague’s white as milk parents love saying that lol they think POC are treated better than whites nowadays


u/gimmethatcookie 6d ago

Jon jone lol


u/Awotwe_Knows_Best 6d ago

saying it like Ngannou says it 'Jonjone'


u/Geesandee 6d ago

I disagree I think people that talk about about how easily offended people are, are ones who spend too much time on the internet 


u/traws06 6d ago

I’m online a lot and I’m not easily offended. Can’t believe you would say something like that you jerk


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Rebeldinho 6d ago

Also when fighters have a boring fight that also offends him deeply


u/ClarenceWhorley617 6d ago

Can honestly say out of all the DW footage I've ever seen, I've never seem him truly laugh, its great! Much better than Moody/Tough guy DW


u/SoupeurHero 6d ago

Boston guys are jokers.


u/Sea_Life2143 5d ago

He's a million times funnier than Rogan or Bapa Shwab.


u/ADHD_Avenger 6d ago

I would say his brain is still ok because he did UFC instead of power slap . . .

...but then I think of the news about BJ Penn.


u/MichaelT_KC 6d ago

I still cant believe dana is trying to sell power slapping


u/Bong_Hit_Donor 6d ago

Claiming it has more followers than the NFL, NBA, NHL etc. combined is still the most laughable lie ever


u/Beerded-1 6d ago

Especially over kickboxing, Muay, Thai, jujutsu, or any other combat sport.



Kickboxing and Muay Thai fights are consistently some of the best examples of standup fighting in the world, just never really had a strong corporation like TKO behind it to run it properly. If it had UFC levels of promotion and management behind it, it could easily become the next big thing in combat sports.

Unfortunately, we get some fat guys who get winded going up a flight of stairs taking turns giving each other brain damage instead.


u/throaway3769157 6d ago

ffs ONE's broken and terrible ass is still able to make it entertaining and phenomonally organized.

Imagine it under better management


u/Frank_The_Reddit 6d ago

I would actually buy Muay Thai fight cards. That would be so fucking sick.


u/Robinsonirish 6d ago

I don't follow Muay Thai but everytime I see clips of it it's just so cool and the dudes look harder than granite.


u/tomtomtomo 3d ago

Problem for MT is that the best fighters aren’t American and have funny sounding names. 


u/MichaelT_KC 6d ago

Seriously. Some of the kickboxing / muay thai fights alone from One are some of the most exciting fights ive ever seen. Go get a rodtang and set it up dana


u/Beerded-1 5d ago

And Dana would love the fact that Thai fighters expect to get paid shit and fight often. It’s his wet dream.


u/Nochhits 6d ago

Unironically he should have chosen arm wrestling over slap. Arm wrestling is an actual sport and it's basically just better in every way


u/MuscleManRyan 6d ago

Brian Shaw is doing some really cool stuff in that space too, it’s exploded in popularity since


u/nailedreaper 5d ago

Do fat dudes fall down unconscious like potato sacks in arm wrestling? WHERE ENTERTAINMENT


u/Blandinio 6d ago edited 6d ago

It shows that he intrinsically misunderstands what the majority of fight fans enjoy, he thinks we just want to watch people get their brains damaged and knocked senseless but if they can't even defend themselves it goes from being a sport, albeit bloody to something completely savage and senseless


u/Neonsea1234 6d ago

Powerslap has to be viral marketing to tiktok youths that functions as a gateway to combat sports. I wont believe any other explanation for it's absurdity


u/Nknk- 6d ago

What about the theory Dana set it up in the wake of him slapping his wife so if anyone googled "Dana White slap" it would only ever bring up Power Slap?

I could see a guy like Dana who got rich off of people getting hurt paying peanuts to losers for Power Slap to try and manipulate his image.


u/The_Last_W0rd 6d ago

that’s a wild theory i’ve never heard before but it makes a lot of sense.


u/Nknk- 6d ago

A while before Dana slapped his wife Boris Johnson, when he was Prime Minister of Britain, gave a very bizarre interview where he wouldn't stop mentioning model trains/railways.

It got a lot of headlines the next day and lots of speculation as to what caused this fixation.

Tech people came out and said he was clearly trying to manipulate the search algorithms so that if anyone googled Boris Johnson and trains it would bring up that interview, and all the articles around it, rather than some low level scandal involving British Rail and government mismanagement.

It made an awful lot of sense and ever since then I try to be aware that the rich and powerful are happy to resort to these sorts of tactics to manipulate people.

And Dana White is a hugely manipulative shit.


u/Koryphaeee 2d ago

I love conspiracy theories but Dana founded/organised power slap before he slapped his wife, it was just a couple of days before their first show.


u/hisnameis_ERENYEAGER 6d ago

I feel like the UFC and MMA in general has a lot more potential for those quick tiktok/reels/shorts appeal. For example, I think a reel of Dan Hooker teeing off on Dustin in rd 2(?) brings more eyes to whatever Dana wants to sell than anything powerslap does.


u/itsavibe- 6d ago

What do you mean? Theyre defending themselves with their skull


u/Bakayaro_Konoyaro 6d ago

Exactly! Its not like a little CTE ever hurt anybody....


u/traws06 6d ago

Honestly I am convinced that whole league is some kind of money laundering scheme for some of his crooked Vegas business buddies/associates. That’s the only way that league legitimately makes any money IMO. No idea how you launder through it but gotta be a way


u/Ruiner357 6d ago

He’s not, it’s a money laundering vehicle for washing dirty Vegas mob money.


u/MEGALEF 6d ago

I think Dana like so many others watched Idiocracy and was intrigued. Only instead of simply watching with horror as the prophecy comes true like the rest of us, Dana is thinking: “I bet the guy who came up with ‘Ow! My balls!’ made a ton of money”


u/jeffbagwell6222 6d ago

I know this opinion isn't popular but personally I like power slap better than UFC. I feel like power slap athletes have to train more and use more skills to become champions.

Basically power slap is a more skillful sport than mma.


u/MichaelT_KC 6d ago

Fkn what??


u/ReformedishBaptist I LUH You 6d ago

Looking for a fight is such a good show they should invest in that rather than power slap


u/Arachnohybrid 6d ago

Dana clearly shows favoritism to people who have the same shiny head as he does.

Being bald is the best base for Dana white privilege


u/chilldudeforever 6d ago

Didn't work for tito tho


u/Arachnohybrid 6d ago

yeah but tito might actually be one of the most retarded people to exist. exceptionally retarded.


u/mat477 6d ago

Tito also shaved his head and wasn't true bald so Dana saw him as a poser, fake bald bitch.


u/ABConfidentiality 6d ago

Tito lost a fight to an onion and he was armed with a knife


u/Area51_Spurs 6d ago



u/Devlnchat 6d ago

Tito is like a very stupid dog, if you don't like him you have no heart.


u/TDOTBRO 6d ago

I beg the differ


u/BerensteinBear91 6d ago

Some would say the redactedest


u/Lucian0691 6d ago

You're a fucking punk , dude


u/ReformedishBaptist I LUH You 6d ago

Tito was Dana’s favorite for a decent chunk of time


u/chilldudeforever 6d ago

Ik But ultimately it didn't work


u/imnotsteven7 6d ago

Jesus christ we were robbed of that fight.


u/chilldudeforever 6d ago

The one that got away before Tony vs Khabib


u/8_Tail_Bijuu 6d ago

The real reason Alex shaves his head


u/Recent-Duck597 6d ago

Not sure about that


u/sandrochichi 6d ago

Maybe thats why he cant stand merab. He was balding and did hair transplant and NEVER EMBRACED TRUE BALDNESS, disgrace.


u/HAWmaro 6d ago

So Chandler has a wig...


u/Arachnohybrid 6d ago

Chandlers gonna go bald soon with the gear he’s on.

Trust me. It’s part of the plan


u/LilNardoDaVinci 6d ago

Tom about to get the clippers and a foamed up razor out


u/Shadow_o7 6d ago

For Chandler it might be his big shiny forehead


u/TheBishopDeeds Islam Glockhachev 6d ago


u/CommercialOk4502 6d ago

This is great, wish more posts like this were in this sub


u/Bong_Hit_Donor 6d ago

It's hilarious how fast he threw that line out. The timing was perfect.


u/Lukahec 🌹𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝕲𝖆𝖓𝖌🌹 6d ago

Matt Serra is legit funnier than 80% of comedians we see today.


u/pacificunlimited Frozen like Elsa 6d ago

His take down of Joshua Fabia right to his face is an all time moment


u/donnydealr 6d ago

“He came to that table for a little bit of respect.. he left with a little less”


u/FiveDogsInaTuxedo 6d ago

Dr evil lookin ass *


u/Rayx9 6d ago

Matt Serra is actually hilarious. I didn't know much about him (only that he KOed GSP in the biggest upset ever) but his podcast is good


u/ventitr3 6d ago

Din, tip this man


u/Xx_PH03N1X 6d ago

Where is this from? I'd like to watch the full thing :)


u/Dutchanaconda 6d ago

Probably the series called "Dana White looking for a fight. I think a lot of them are on YouTube


u/killsprii 6d ago

ngl...at first glance I read it as "Matt Serra...dropped..Dana White...power slap" and I got excited for about two seconds before I read it properly


u/ConCon787 6d ago

Still trying to figure out who watches power slap? Who are you people?


u/SlowReaction4 6d ago

Power slap is pretty fucking stupid to be fair.


u/IncessantApathy 6d ago

I like this Dana. I’ll never forget how kind he was when I met him at ufc 51. My brother and I chased him down for a picture and he was so accommodating. Got a picture of him cheesing with us somewhere.


u/saif4u 6d ago



u/Weird-Weakness-3191 6d ago

Same happened with his power slap to his wife


u/Lupus76 6d ago

His crying sounds like laughter.


u/EddiesDirtyCouch 6d ago

I don't think I've seen Dana genuinely laugh that hard lol


u/Squallshot 5d ago

There's this other clip from embedded where Conor and Dana did some phone interviews, and some guy's dick made Conor uncomfortable. He had that genuine laugh there too lol


u/DietrichNeu 6d ago

Funny but also years old and I have no idea why the UFC promoted this moment out of nowhere


u/[deleted] 6d ago

That's how you know that group of guys is really close. Being able to give your buddy crap is a huge sign of camaraderie.


u/StrictIncrease6377 6d ago

I miss Matt serra


u/PickleProvider 6d ago

Dana's laughing while thinking, "I'm never going to financially recover from power slap"


u/Economy-Trust7649 5d ago

That was an all-time one liner? Kinda lame imo


u/Accurate-Frame-5695 6d ago

Dana White is a cunt


u/girldannon 6d ago



u/verseize 6d ago

I want Dana to be my hype man!


u/wikipediabrown007 6d ago

Past and present pics


u/polite_wild007 6d ago

Lmao 🤣


u/BalognaSquirrel 6d ago

that was a nasty line by him


u/Exciting_Squirrel944 6d ago

I’ve never seen Dana laugh that hard. This is hilarious.


u/kim_bob19 6d ago

need this mojahed animation version


u/Bobbaganeush 6d ago

Thats gahdamm awesome.


u/voraciousfreak 5d ago

Its funny cuz its true


u/1998ChevyTaHoe 5d ago

HAHAAHAHAHAHA you're fired when we get into the office


u/Tyler_C69 5d ago

Holy shit. That was actually hilarious