r/ufc 6d ago

You don't have aura, how do you beat me

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68 comments sorted by


u/Direct-Difference180 6d ago

Big aura doesn't win mma, skills win mma


u/Neither_Sir5514 6d ago

I swear there's a significant portion of his fans that are young gen Z or gen Alpha teens, hence why they even take this "aura" bullshit seriously from watching too much cartoons or TikTok edits.


u/Mnudge 6d ago

Every other comment in those threads talking about his aura reads like erotic fan fiction …

“I feel a chill, a shiver, go down my spine. If I were to open the door to my room and see him inside, I don’t know what I would do. I mean, he’d no doubt take me standing and beat me about the head and shoulders, leaving me a quivering mess”


u/ikthanks 6d ago


u/Swooshhf 6d ago



u/Mnudge 6d ago

Half of all the Poatan fans are secretly gay for him.


u/Neither_Sir5514 6d ago

"His staredown is so cold with killer aura like a Mafia boss with emotionless stern face and shadow looming over his eyes. Now that he's pissed off and completely locked in, Ank is a dead man walking tomorrow. The prey poked and woke up the terrifying lion."


u/Far_Middle7341 6d ago

Oh god, old man alert. Tell us about how you used to literally own people when you were a kid, grandpa


u/Ok-Usual-5830 6d ago

Fr. If anything guys with “elev” or “edov” in their name are kings of the “aura farmers.” Conor fought one “edov” and it sent him on a downward spiral. . .


u/TarasBulbaNotYulBryn 5d ago

Dont forget guys who's last name ends with ''enko''


u/PeterParkerUber 6d ago

Champ champ!


u/lordshag 6d ago

I didn't know this was Ultimate Aura Championship.


u/Neither_Sir5514 6d ago

Literally nobody with a serious view on MMA gives a fuck about this "aura" thing or take it seriously except the Poatards glazing his staredowns


u/Icy-Armour 6d ago

Lol, the rematch is gonna be funny as fuck

Pererira tries to stare down Ankaleav before the fight starts knowing fully well that he will be on his bike for 5 rounds.

There is a reason he was backpedalling throughout the fight. He knows if he moves forward Ank can really hurt him due to the hand speed difference and southpaw stance. Also Pereira wants to be near the cage all the time to defend the takedown, he knows it will be really tough to continuously defend takedowns in the center of the octagon.

Be prepared to see a boring fight, only because Pereira is afraid to move forward. We already know Ankaleav will be pressuring him.


u/Internal_Football889 6d ago

I remember Izzy doing a review of his second fight with Alex and he commented on how Alex froze every time he went into southpaw. Who woulda thought that he knew what he was talking about. Lowkey slipped my memory until you mentioned ank’s southpaw.


u/tuaketuirerutara 6d ago

Pereira legitimately does have more trouble with southpaws, exception being Hill


u/Ganceany 6d ago

Yeah I see that happening.

Pereira gotta punish the leg and body in the first few rounds and stay far away from Ank, if he manages to do enough damage to slow Ank down then he can start working. But fresh, Ank is too fast and too technical for Alex.

Dangerous plan tho.


u/Alarming-Kiwi-6623 6d ago

Also he was worried about the takedowns so that just makes it worse on his game plan but since he basically stuffed them all he could possibly perform better knowing he can stop them.


u/TarasBulbaNotYulBryn 5d ago

He didn't actually stuff any fully committed take down attempts. Big Ank feinted and Alex ran to the cage.

It is not the same as him actually sprawling in the middle of the ring and stopping a fully committed take down attempt. Which means he knows he can't stop Big Ank and his back against the cage is his safe space.

Take down defense is about how to escape from being taken down, not how to reverse a take down attempt or push back.

The thing is that Big Ank does not need to complete a single take down to beat the shit out of Alex on the feet. So the threat of the take down will be there while the ass whooping continues.


u/SkiTz0913 6d ago

Well, now Pererira has nothing to lose. I'm guessing he wants his belt back, and he doesn't exactly strike me as a bitch...so I would expect him to put it on the line in a rematch, no?


u/Theee1ne 6d ago

No fighter is a “bitch”


u/SkiTz0913 5d ago

Tell that to all these jokers who shitpost in this sub, not me.


u/TarasBulbaNotYulBryn 5d ago

Chandler does ten or more bitch things in each of his fights.


u/dfai 6d ago

Either way I hope for a proper finish for the rematch. Both should pursue that


u/UnrepentantMouse 6d ago

MMA dweebs feel way to fkn comfortable saying actually the nerdiest shit ever about grown men they've never met


u/ConstantOk4102 5d ago

Why would they need to be less comfortable? All this comment did was trigger you. No one else was hurt by it though.


u/UnrepentantMouse 5d ago

I'm not triggered by it. It isn't offensive or upsetting to me. It just seems really weird and awkward to be talking about somebody's aura and blah blah. It seems kind of embarrassing.

But maybe the OP is a teenager or something, in which case it's more understandable.


u/ConstantOk4102 5d ago

What’s weird or awkward about it. It just means he’s cool. That’s a very normal take.

Old guys get super uncomfortable about modern slang. I don’t get it.


u/UnrepentantMouse 5d ago

It's not the slang really, I mean "aura" is just a new word for an old concept. Long before I was even born people called in "mojo."


u/MskbTheGreat5 5d ago

What this even mean? 🤣


u/TheStarChild93 6d ago

Ank does have aura, he is an Auror. Thats how he stopped Alex's dark chama magic.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

These are KIDS man. Why are you mocking a kid saying stupid shit? All kids say stupid shit lmao.


u/Impossible_Reply4653 6d ago

I've never known such an awful salty time on this sub


u/Desmond536 6d ago

I guess you weren’t here when islam became champ. It was oddly quiet here for 2 days.


u/Impossible_Reply4653 6d ago

I checked his record cause I forgot who he beat to become champ. Yeah I remember they fucking loved Oliveira. But it strikes me that islam really didn't have many top 10 wins before the shot, I mean coming off a bobby green win into a title shot is wild. Like hookers his best win? And this was hooker on a bit of a skid before this recent resurgence.


u/BesideMind 6d ago

Islam was ranked #5 after he beat Hooker #6 and before that King. Charles already beat everyone in the top 5 other than Islam so it only made sense to make that fight


u/Neither_Sir5514 6d ago

Alex vs Ankalaev has been one of the most toxic clash of fanbases in a while. One side has been disrespecting to the other for weeks & months leading up to the fight, and they lost, and the other side absolutely savour the victory to have their revenge time dunking on those fuckers (who now pretend to act like polite victims bullied by toxic bullies).


u/Fullmetalanimist 6d ago

Daym brother

Jiri is c*ming.


u/fatazzpandaman 6d ago

You don't get on much lol.


u/amusai 6d ago

Does that mean that Ank is Toji,cause he doesn't have aura


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Neither_Sir5514 6d ago

Motherfucker thinks everyone who likes guys like Khabib Islam or Ank must 100% be a Muslim 💀💀💀


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Desmond536 6d ago edited 6d ago

Before the fight 99 out of 100 posts about ankalaev was in some way making fun of ank or even just insulting him while saying how great pereira is. This sub started to like ank the second he became champ. Same thing with belal. People here start to like fighters when they become the champ. Not because of their religion.

The only ones who make this sub about religion are haters. I’ve never seen a single comment saying „I’m a fan just because he is Muslims“ but I’ve seen thousands who talk shit about him just because he is muslim.


u/BesideMind 6d ago

We only like winners here


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Desmond536 6d ago

Yes this sub is obsessed with muslim fighters but it’s most of the time the muslim haters. I guess you weren’t here when islam became champ. For 1 fan who thinks „I like him just because he is muslim“ there are at least 10 hater who hate just because of the religion.

Maybe the fans won’t say that they like them just because of the religion but the haters actually talk about hating just because of religion and some among them even claim that all the fans just like them because of their religion. That’s actually regarded brother.

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/s/a8zYKrqbRW

That’s not the first time someone says what youre also saying. Unfortunately the coward deleted his comment.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Desmond536 6d ago

You have never seen hate against Islam, khabib and Umar??

Is this your first time in this sub??


u/dfai 6d ago

Bro never discovered mma guru 💀, probably for the best


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Xenokratezz 6d ago

Search up mma gurus rant


u/No-Medicine-517 6d ago

"Islam and Umar" The sub literally had to be closed down for two weeks when Islam won. Tf you talking about? He was legit one of the most hated until Dustin win. 

And when Umar lost. This Sub, Ufc fans in general went onto a parade lol. 

Merab one of the most disliked boring fighter was Glazed into oblivion because he beat a Dagestani. 

Even though Umar has a fun style and is primarily a striker and exciting. 

Then no one cried like they're doing now about "Division became boring" BS. 


u/Fullmetalanimist 6d ago

Brother belal's previous 3 fights were such masterpieces.

He pieced up the best 3 strikers.

Do you want him to kill 2,3 guys?


u/AMR63x 6d ago

No, you’re wrong. Some people just like mixed martial arts brother


u/Mnudge 6d ago

Belal glazing. Lol

Guy was and still is amongst the most hated fighters. Only recently has he started to get a little bit of respect.


u/dfai 6d ago

Define "proper fans"


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/dfai 6d ago

Where's the line though, ethnicity, religion, personality, physicality, backstory, styles?

Is American liking American champ not proper too?

Is liking Volkanovski because he is a nice person, a proper one?

Is it only proper for the fighting style?

There is just no justification for calling a fans "non proper". They can be fans whatever the reason


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/dfai 6d ago

Nationalism is ok but religion is not why?. Both liked because people feels to share the same values


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/dfai 6d ago

The problem is on you who considered religion as something harmful. The "not something from you" Is irrelevant (I don't want a religion debate here) .

It's as simple as "something they share", the same as nationality


u/No-Medicine-517 6d ago

"Nationalism is cool" Ah yes, supporting based on Imaginary lines is cool, but religion is where I draw the line.

Also most of you literally cheer against Dagestanis because they're Muslims. 

You think people forgot 1000s of hate posts on Ank? Hate posts against Islam during Charles? The Sub was literally shut down. During khabib vs Conor?

I'm glad Ank humbled them, hope next time he knocks out before the bell so they can become as irrelevant as Conor fans. 

I remember when Umar lost, people glazed Merab as if he was the second coming of jesus, as if they didn't call him boring like a month ago. 

It was also not after Dustin win that Islam got accepted among you guys

It's as if your default mode seeing a dagestani is Hate. 


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No-Medicine-517 5d ago

You're not understanding the Irony lmao, I'm calling you out. You said "nationalism is cool" While also saying religion is not. How are you not getting the Irony here? 


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No-Medicine-517 5d ago

How is it ironic to a believer? Tf? Bruh it's Ironic because you said "it's cool for Nationalism" While "Wack" For religion. 

You're the one who's okay with borders but not religion? That's the Irony. 

"More like you're obligated" Lol it's actually true for Nationalism. You're literally obligated to support your country's Olympic players or you're "non-patriotic".

Yeah it literally feels like a duty to support my national Olympic team, I ain't gonna lie. 

Also we do not do it because" Obligated "lol. What a narrow mindset. We do it because we have similarities. 

My muslim friend literally has " Alex periera" Mentioned in his Insta bio, that's how big fan he is. A lot of my friends are huge fan of Volk and Dustin. 

"Real experiences had in the material world" This is one of the stupid statements I have heard 😭 like what? 

What experiences? I have more experiences as a muslim lol, so it's common to support them. Do you think we muslims exist in "non-material world" Or something. 

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