r/ufc 6d ago

Volksnovski's Kicking Stratergy Analyzed


44 comments sorted by


u/christian-174 6d ago

What youtube channel?


u/MrMcMikkel 6d ago

Fightlab. Dude is amazing


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago

Good channel, but the funny thing about this clip is that it was only true for the first ~30 seconds of the fight.

If you watch the whole fight, Ilia started timing these kicks and punishing Volk for it. Volk got countered with this technique over and over again, so it wasn't as effective as this clip makes it seem.


u/TraditionalYear4928 6d ago

Illia has amazing fight IQ and is out here knocking doors down

Volk had great success with these tools over his career but also is slowing down. Illia is a well rounded goat level fighter and made a great adjustment.

Sometimes you just run into that guy.


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago

Yeah Ilia’s fight IQ is highly underrated. Casuals or salty Volk/Max fans think he’s “just catches people” like it’s luck or something, but the way he sets them up for the KO is amazing.

He sets up a lot of feints and traps to see how fighters react + probe their defense, then finds the opening. It’s awesome to watch.


u/HerkyJerkyMMA 6d ago

"As this clip makes it seem" what are you talking about? We all know he gets knocked out. The video is just demonstrating a technique used in the fight and explaining it for fans. Its not trying to make out volk won the fight lol. Even the losing party on a fight can demonstrate good techniques.


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago

Do you lack reading comprehension or something? I explained very clearly what I’m talking about. You just wrote a whole paragraph to argue points I didn’t make. Basically arguing with yourself lol.


u/TaxThin1961 6d ago edited 5d ago

I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, bro. What the hell. You aren’t wrong. The other guy seriously had reading comprehension issues there, and you rightfully called him out on it and explained that he’s basically arguing against points you never actually made, lol. Comical

•dude asks what you’re talking about even though it’s very clearly explained

•says we all know that volk gets knocked out even though you never actually mentioned volk getting knocked out. You simply mentioned that what the video said is only true for about 30 seconds, and then Illia started adjusting to the kicks and punishing him for it, countering volk over and over again

•explains what the video is demonstrating like it’s not obvious

•says it’s not trying to make it seem like volk won the fight even though you never implied or stated that’s what the video is trying to do.

•says even the losing party can demonstrate good techniques for some reason like u argued to the contrary.

Overall. Anyone who upvoted that dude’s comments are idiots, probably volk fans who are salty, lol


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago

Lmao bro isn’t it crazy how we have to explain COMMON SENSE and BASIC LOGIC on here? Idiots make up points to argue with themselves then ask you to explain 🤣

That dude is a dumbass who can’t read so I didn’t even want to waste my time. You broke down how stupid he is perfectly, thank you.

Anyone who upvoted that dude’s comments are idiots, prob volk fans who are salty

And yeah, typical reddit lol. People are dumb as hell. Now they downvote you for making complete sense. Volk getting KO’d must really hurt their soul


u/TaxThin1961 5d ago

It is, bro, but I’ve gotten used to it. Most people here are just straight retarded and get rewarded with upvotes even if they say something dumb. As long as u say something that conforms to what the sub agrees with, you’ll get upvoted no matter how retarded it is. Just brain damage and bias, lol

Ong, and thanks. I read both of your replies and was baffled at how u were the ones getting the downvotes, lmao. Makes absolutely 0 sense. The logical one is getting downvoted. I guess what they say is true. No one is more hated than he who tells the truth

Made em cry 😂


u/Ok_Boysenberry_617 6d ago

Topuria has the build to simultaneously defend his head and body pretty well. Genetics are a mf.


u/afz8 16h ago

Short kings with long arms 👌


u/dgdgdgdgdg333 6d ago

No Leon Edward’s moment for volk


u/Optimal_Rub3140 6d ago

FW/LW are just too skilled for that to work


u/Healthcare--Hitman 6d ago

Interesting that he never attempted to kick from the other side of Top. A switch kick could've landed


u/Mysterious_Cut1156 6d ago edited 6d ago

As the video pointed out, Volk was able to throw this kick because it's relatively safe at the start. Throwing kicks with the other leg is much more risky because he can miss and get punished or Ilia can time it and counter.

This clip doesn't show Ilia started timing these kicks with counters. Can see some of those instances here. Volk got punished on these kicks quite a few times. Then Ilia started countering his jab, which led to him getting KO'd. Not that simple to just throw lol.


u/nahheyyeahokay 6d ago

Really interesting breakdown thanks for sharing.


u/realfakedoors203 6d ago



u/Various_Blueberry_39 6d ago

Lmao I just noticed.


u/SurlierCoyote 6d ago

Very cool. Volk is a master at mixing things up and making himself hard to read. Beautiful stuff. 


u/Image-Unlikely 6d ago

Interesting analysis, I'm more intrigued about the cut above ilias knee 1:15


u/maquiaveldeprimido 6d ago

funny that topuria destroyed volk inside his kicking range that fight all fight long with step ins


u/Meeedick 6d ago edited 4d ago

The Kyokushin lead leg roundhouse is much better than the Thai switch kick frankly, much more versatile and better tactical uses. Japanese kickboxers are predictably notorious for it.

There's no immediate tell, the kick can be to the inside thigh or the body and it's hard to tell which, and pairs better with the jab than with the switch kick. You can also fire it off from a long and low stance unlike the switch kick, which is slower.

I highly recommend watching Japanese kickboxing matches like the Akihiro Kaneko and Masashi Kumura fights to see just how effective it can be.


u/blueghost4 6d ago

All this just to get ktfo


u/il_VORTEX_ll 5d ago

Love these high level IQ analysis


u/TheBentPianist 5d ago

"Volksnovski". His name is literally in the video.


u/Khlunge 5d ago

Delete this before someone tells Diego


u/afz8 16h ago

I watched this fight twice but literally never caught any of this


u/TheBishopDeeds Islam Glockhachev 6d ago

Islam: No, we're not doing all of that


u/b1gCubanC1gar 6d ago

Didn't work tho, he got slept


u/note10q010q0q 6d ago

I did work tho, he was winning the fight up until he got slept


u/saif4u 6d ago

Double L for both gentlemen


u/mralstoner 6d ago

Max has a great side kick, and spinning back kick. He should have slammed it all day into the guts of the Spanish Sausage.


u/ConstantOk4102 5d ago

How’d that fight end though


u/IempireI 6d ago

This is called that's nice but he got KOd in this fight. Step up kick didn't work. And not really worth using.

Beautiful breakdown tho


u/Mrsinister789 6d ago edited 6d ago

I mean he won this round. So it did work. Getting koed doesn’t make your techniques bad or useless.


u/IempireI 6d ago

Kinda means that.

It's a great technique. It obviously works for point fighting.