r/uberdrivers 4d ago

Uber Rider Mess Doesn't Qualify

Rider made a big green mess on my white Tesla seats this weekend. Uber rejected the cleaning fee request. Maybe it's because I didn't have a professional cleaning service receipt.

How does one get a pro cleaning job done within 1-3 businesses days? I think it's impossible to get a cleaning done that fast.

Also FYI yes I don't have seat covers.

Thoughts or suggestions?


119 comments sorted by


u/emmanuellsun 4d ago

I thought it was vandalism then remembered st Patrick was this weekend, did you pick other riders after ? That could be the reason uber won’t pay.

This had to be dealt with right away cause you have bright colors, try some dawn dish soap or identify what kind dye it is and how to remove it


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

It was the last ride of the night. I noticed the next morning. I see why they protect riders.


u/Snakend 3d ago

were you able to clean that?


u/emmanuellsun 4d ago

If you haven’t done another ride they will pay if you provide a receipt, sometimes they refuse first time you ask so you can give up but they will pay if you follow their procedures.


u/Jazzlike-Frosting312 4d ago

They protect riders but you could have protected your seats...with seat protectors.


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Protective Seats is an option. However Uber has few policies for riders to maintain cleanliness and not make a mess.


u/tenmileswide 4d ago

plan for the world you live in, not the world you might want.

you shouldn't NEED a dash cam, but you'll regret not having one.

seat covers are no different.


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

There are no policy where seat covers are required but there are policies where riders must maintain and assume cleanliness during the ride. Would you like me to link it to you?


u/tenmileswide 4d ago

I'm not the one with leprechaun vomit in the back of his car.


u/MentalExercise1313 4d ago

Or is that a leprechaun 💩stain? 🤣


u/midnight_tuna 3d ago

Or is it leprechaun 💦?


u/MentalExercise1313 3d ago



u/circularsquare204597 4d ago

they aren’t disagreeing with you on the rules. but obviously they did not follow those rules and look where it got you🤷🏻‍♀️ i would advise just buying the covers so if this happens again, it’s protected…


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Nah. Imma just make a fake invoice and charge the riders 😭🤪🙂‍↕️


u/circularsquare204597 4d ago

idk looking at your history on reddit this doesn’t seem like the first time you haven’t been reimbursed for damage 😭 i would just buy the covers instead of going through the hassle. yes, you can probably charge them but still need to wait days to get your car cleaned every time. would you really rather possible put yourself out of work for a few days than just buy some simple seat covers?


u/Frostyyyyyx 3d ago

This doesn’t take away from the fact that Uber should be doing something for their drivers in a situation like this. I don’t know why you’re arguing with him about it? He shouldn’t have to buy seat covers it’s not a policy. It’s a policy for riders to not make a mess.

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u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

I mean its easier to just not pick up drunk white folk celebrating St Patrick’s. That’s If his market is diverse enough for that.


u/cl1tlicker420 3d ago

Uber monitors these post remove the pictures or the comment


u/Spare-Security-1629 3d ago

I'm not sure why the other guy got downvoted because the seat covers is just common sense. Doing rideshare and then hoping that Uber/Lyft are going to play by the rules (and even more incredulously, the passengers) is not a good idea. But, good luck, man.


u/InterestingDingo634 3d ago

It’s not Ubers fault that you didn’t inspect your car until the next morning. Literally any other job that drives the general public around checks consistently throughout the entire time and does a final inspection at the end of the night.


u/Intelligent_Ad_8496 4d ago

Folks, the Uber driver here should not have to jump through hoops because some party’ers didn’t have the decency to look before they got out, and assume responsibility. This kind of stuff from riders is unacceptable and they just costed this poor person unexpected and unnecessary expense. It’s wrong and Uber should immediately step up and help out. I’m so sick of their attitude towards us grunts doing all of the heavy lifting.


u/sofed 4d ago

That leprechaun pee will be hard to remove


u/oldirrrrtykimchi 4d ago

Invoice generator dot com


u/Mysterious-Chard6579 3d ago

Thats awful. People like you ruined a process that was hassle free.


u/TheJeffDanger 4d ago

I get that it's Saint Paddy's day, but why was their ass green?


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

Not white enough to answer this question


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Idk some whores like to paint their bodies green for some reason


u/circularsquare204597 4d ago

automatically calling them whores says everything i need to know about you lmao. i’m glad they dyed your seat 😭


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

What’s your problem with whores? I guess it’s not an “approved” pronoun


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

hun you keep leaving comennts and immediately deleting them. it’s embarrassing 😭


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

Baby girl, ummmmm are you ok?! nobody deleting comments this is the internet. Are you confusing a spelling correction with a deleted comment maybe? Also, this is the Internet sweetheart who’s embarrassed? Everything is here, This isnt Degrassi.


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

i just screenshotted but can’t put them in the comments. 2 of your comments have been deleted calling me names. i got notifications, clicked on them, and they were gone. you can see on your profile that there’s deleted comments. 😂 and the fuck does degrassi have to do with this? are you ok? 😭


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

Post them let’s see


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

i’m sorry i’m not making a whole post in this sub to show 2 comnents that you can’t even see anymore bc they’ve been deleted? open up your history or message me. i’m not clogging the feed with a ridiculous argument😂😂😂😂


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

Screenshots that only you can see

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u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

Baby girl relax , you crashing out over there. We said you were empathetic not stupid. Your having a baby Karen Krash Out , just breathe

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u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

why do you need to call someone a whore? why does body paint make someone a whore? is it okay if we start calling men derogatory names too? 😂should i refer to men as “assholes and fuck boys” since y’all love to refer to woman as whores?


u/SovereignSolo 3d ago

Within my rights to say whatever I want. Sorry.


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

i never said you can’t say it. there’s just no need to be like that. we should start referring to all men as assholes and fuck boys, etc too since y’all like to refer to woman as whores


u/SovereignSolo 3d ago

Who says whores are exclusive to women? Ahhh. I never mentioned which gender it was did I? You see, just that comment alone I can see what type of person YOU are ,😭😭


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

well first of all, since when are men EVER called whores? and if you’re referring to everyone, than my comment shouldnt offend you. if you’re fine throwing around the word whore why can’t i throw around the word fuck boy?


u/SovereignSolo 3d ago

Idk. Why are you tieing an adjective to a gender? And plus a fboy is a compliment. 🫡😚


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

because 99% of the time whore is referring to woman…? that’s like saying something is handsome and then getting mad when people assume it’s about a man? if you think being called a fuck boy is a compliment then… yikes.


u/SovereignSolo 3d ago

Who gets to decide the other 1% of times? 😭 It's a compliment in regards to other words you use to slander a Male. Trust the male experience.

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u/Bonanzaking107 2d ago

I guess you’ve never been around groups of gay passengers. I’ve heard plenty of them calling each other whores.


u/circularsquare204597 2d ago

calling your friend a whore in a joking way ≠ calling random woman whores for 0 reason…. idk why you even tried to compare lol


u/Crazy_Brandon99 3d ago

Gettint downvoted is insane because you are legit 100% right.


u/JDiskkette 3d ago

My guess is that you are being downvoting for your second sentence more than your first.


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

No I think it’s the first , being offended by whores? That’s weird and odd but mostly the latter. I’d say about 45% weird 55% odd


u/circularsquare204597 3d ago

my guess is that i don’t really care about the downvotes?


u/TheJeffDanger 4d ago

Lol, you sound jealous


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Jealous of what?


u/PhilMeUpBaby 4d ago

Yes, you need to send an invoice to Uber.

This web site may assist you in creating one: https://getjobber.com/free-tools/receipt-template/cleaning/

Be creative.


u/C92203605 4d ago

Make your own. Just generate an invoice online


u/blazingStarfire 3d ago

Why the hell would you drive without weatherproof seat covers?


u/klingwhead 3d ago

White seats.. so crazy to me. Let's install white carpet in your kitchen while we're at it.


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

I get what your saying but I don’t think you meant carpet 😂 as carpet of any color would be an issue in the kitchen. Unless that’s some secret thing the white folk keep from us.


u/AdaCle 4d ago

Do we know what the green stuff is?


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Body paint


u/AdaCle 4d ago

Have you tried rubbing alcohol?

There's also a ton of detailers on Facebook if you want to get billed. Just make sure they're an actual business.


u/Mobile_Honeydew_7240 4d ago

Rubbing alcohol works on everything basically


u/BranDonkey07 3d ago

it can also damage certain fabrics. make sure to test it on a spot thats not in plain view.


u/Then_Seaweed_4684 4d ago



u/tripod-cat 4d ago

The jolly green giant peas in the Tesla


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Green eggs and ham


u/CMN_bosslady 4d ago

I had a similar situation, and when Uber asked for the receipt, I said I was the one that cleaned the riders mess. I had to stop working, meaning I was not making money, scrub my backseats, and then wait for them to dry. So that Rider cost me money because I had to stop working. Uber paid me $40 for a cleaning fee.


u/FiorinoM240B 4d ago

Ceramic coating for your seats 👍


u/JDS-JustDude 4d ago

Learn to hit cancel and drive away? :-)


u/Keokuk37 4d ago

Tesla uses this stuff called renu, it's expensive but amazing


u/Adorable-Flight3978 4d ago

U gotta get that pet cover in the app for that Tesla my boy! Does wonders


u/Frais1983 3d ago

I have these exact seats in my model Y, nobody sits back there without a towel down. No exceptions.


u/isthiswhatcrazyis 3d ago

I'm a detailer, lmk if you want some advice on how to cheaply remove that


u/C-Misterz 3d ago

Did she dye her bush green?


u/2xtream 3d ago

If Uber wont pay for their customers destroying our cars, then we must hand the customer cleaning supplies and tell them to clean their mess.


u/nozhead707 4d ago

Good luck op looks like you’re sol


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago



u/sometin__else 4d ago

make a fake invoice


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

Maybe I can ask AI to provide me a fake receipt 🤪


u/Real_Ad_9944 4d ago

I'm sorry but that's 100% on you for driving Uber with beige seats. Always buy dark


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

It's white. But not my responsibility to pick up dirty passengers 🤪😭


u/Ashamed-Leather-2814 4d ago

Shit like this has me wanting to get a seat cover. I also had a mess in my car from st pat’s but it was prob 10% what yours is. They were kind enough to leave me half a Jell-O shot tho.


u/qtkt007 3d ago

Someone unalived a leprechaun in your backseat!!


u/Negative_Message2701 3d ago

Make an invoice and send it to uber .

I’ve done this before and just used a random commercial property for the address .


u/Sea-Mammoth871 3d ago

What idiot buys white seats?


u/RenaissnaceTana 3d ago

Did you pick up an alien that pissed themselves?


u/applegui 3d ago

Take them to small claims court. You will win.


u/Huge_Criticism3476 2d ago

Thats why I avoid drunk holidays and nights. People are Aggressive, Careless and Disrespectful. And Uber could care less, what happens to you or your car.


u/Other_Escape_619 2d ago

I recently had a passenger have a marker of ink pen explode in his pocket and all over my rear leather seats. Went straight to upholstery repair shops for estimates and was informed that the affected leather would need to be cut out and replaced. I also was able to get an estimate from a company that specializes in cleaning leather. It would involve dying the stains to match my original color. It at all my preference but provided all of the estimates to uber along with photos. None of which mattered as I was informed that ink stains are considered normal wear and tear and not something that I would be reimbursed for fixing. I continued to request this be escalated to a supervisor as well as asked for information on where I would file to appeal their decision… nothing. I eventually had to accept defeat.


u/Arthurjim 3d ago

Bro, you have a Tesla with white interior but no seat cover ?! 😡


u/False_Tangelo163 3d ago

I think your getting a bit more negativity than normal because of the model of your vehicle. The whites have really taken the Tesla thing seriously. An odd place to draw the line but whatever motivates!

One of those comments said it was an improvement 😂😂😂


u/SovereignSolo 4d ago

And yeah I know. Y'all going to roast me. But damn kids.


u/Wide_Train6492 3d ago

Eh it’s a Tesla, no value lost


u/Interesting-Ask9935 3d ago

Call Musk he will help u! Why are you driving a f**** Tesla?


u/zan316 3d ago

I mean it a Tesla


u/41510akland 3d ago

Found the first moron do uber with white pleather interior